You,Under My Name

Chapter 88: 88

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Li luoran lightly looked at Lu Wanyue in the wheelchair, "you are not looking for the mirror in a roundabout way. The purpose is nothing but to threaten me. Tell me, what do you want me to do before you are willing to let her go?"

"I want my brother to give up on you." Lu Wanyue made no secret,

"although you said that you broke up with my brother, he still thinks about you. My mother and I don't want to see you and him disconnected. You know what to do."

Sure enough, everything is as Li luoran expected

Since she met Lu Wanyue for the first time, Lu Wanyue has always been hostile to her. Li luoran feels that Lu Wanyue's hatred for her is even deeper than that of an Jiaren.

Li luoran said with a sarcastic smile, "I heard that your leg injury is very serious. Maybe you can't stand up all your life. Miss Lu has paid a heavy price for breaking up Lu Shaochen and me."

Lu Wanyue sneered and said nothing.


A photo album was left on Bai Qingwan's leg by Li luoran, "let go of the mirror, this photo album belongs to you."


Lu Wanyue turned her lips with disdain at first. However, when she opened the album and saw the photos in it, her eyes turned into ecstasy,

"ha ha, Li luoran, I said that if you have a mother, you must have a daughter. There is blood flowing in your bones. Gu lianyue is a big whore, you are a little whore, and you are just as licentious as her."

Li luoran's eyes hurt.

This album is the most shameful stain in her life. Even though she decided to give it to Lu Wanyue, she expected to be sarcastic by Lu Wanyue. However, when this moment really came, her heart was still stabbed.

Those photos should have been hidden forever and never seen by a fourth person in my life

"I'm here to make a deal with you, not to tear with you. If you don't clean your mouth, I'll be rude to you." Covering up all his emotions, Li luoran was indifferent on the surface,

"as long as you say one word, you will tell me whether you want to do the deal or not."

"Do it! Of course! It's a deal Lu Wanyue slapped the album.

Li luoran breathes a sigh of relief, but looks at Lu Wanyue and refuses to go.

Lu Wanyue, of course, knows what Li luoran is waiting for. She is so anxious that she takes out her mobile phone and makes a phone call, "Lawyer Zhang, I decided not to pursue Jiang Xiaojing's responsibility and let the little shrew go..."

Within a minute of Lu Wanyue's call, uncle Jiang sent a text message to Liluo dye saying that the mirror had been released.

Li luoran just let go of his heart, and no longer wanted to stay in front of Lu Wanyue for a second, turned and left.

"Do you know why Jiang Xiaojing fought against me?" Lu Wanyue's voice came from behind.

Li luoran kept on walking and never looked back.

Lu Wanyue said, "because I insulted you in front of her, just like I just scolded you."

It seems that Li luoran's steps can't go out any more after he has been cursed.

"Ha ha, you guys are so strange. I went to Jiang Xiaojing's fashion shop after a lot of hard work. I made sarcastic remarks about the clothes she designed. I just wanted to make her hit me. But although the little shrew was unforgiving, she was very restrained. No matter how I scolded her, she would not do it. However, when I began to scold you, she stood up At that moment, I lost control. I just scolded you for saying "little fox spirit." then she glared round her eyes, stabbed me in the face with her finger and threatened me to shut up. When I scolded you for the second sentence, she blew her hair and slapped me. I'll continue to scold you. She's like crazy and pounces on me. How stupid

Li luoran's figure on the ground clearly shakes, her lips tremble, but she finds that she can't say a word with indignation.

"As for you, I thought you would be smarter than Jiang Xiaojing. As a result, you are just as stupid as her. She just lost her mind for you. You can stay away from her life and death, but you know that I'm trying to trap her for you, and you still give me the evidence that is so unfavorable to you. What's the sisterhood? I think you are a pair of mindless idiots

Looking through the wonderful photos, Lu Wanyue's voice became more ironic.

Li luoran never said a word again.


She and people like Lu Wanyue will never have a common language.

In the eyes of people like Lu Wanyue, only those who live for themselves are smart people, and those who pay for the people they care about are fools!

What's more, from now on, she and the Lu family will never meet again. Let Lu Wanyue say whatever she likes

Li luoran rushed out of the ward.

The moment she closed the door and stood at the door, the scene of parting with Lu Shaochen outside the ward suddenly hit her heart. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her heart. She quickened her pace and ran away in a hurry.

About to walk to the elevator door, the elevator door opened and Lu Shaochen came out.

At the moment of seeing his tall figure, Li luoran's heart seemed to be gripped by a cruel hand, and his feet seemed to be attracted like a magnet meeting an iron block. He unconsciously wanted to get close to him.However, thinking of the cruel reality, she finally restrained herself, took a deep breath, lowered her head, and plunged into the stairs in a panic.

When Lu Shaochen passed the stairway, he only saw a thin figure disappear in a hurry.

His face was in a trance -

he had hallucinations again.

Since Li luoran broke up with him, he would see her whenever and wherever he was. Whenever he thought of her, any woman in his field of vision seemed to turn into her


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Lu Shaochen went to the ward.

The two bodyguards at the door bowed together,

"Mr. Lu is coming!"

"Mr. Lu..."

In the ward, Lu Wanyue, who was standing in front of the French window, quickly returned to her wheelchair after hearing the sound.

The door was pushed open.

Lu Shaochen walked into the ward, but his eyes did not stay on Lu Wanyue. Instead, he looked around, as if looking for something.

"Well! Brother, you know how to come to see me! "

Lu Wanyue's coquettish voice draws his attention back to reality.

Must be his illusion again?

Knowing that Li luoran couldn't come to the hospital, why did she not only have the illusion of seeing her figure, but also naively think that her unique fragrance remained in the air?

"I have something to discuss with you." Lu Shaochen squatted in front of the wheelchair and put his big hand on Lu Wanyue's shoulder,

"I just got the news from Chu Xingchen that the woman who hurt you is Ranran's good friend."

As if she had no idea before, Lu Wanyue showed a look of shock, "is that right? What a coincidence? "

"Well!" Lu Shaochen sighed,

"so, tactful, can only hurt you, I will inform the release people, you also want to promise me that in the future will never investigate Jiang Xiaojing's responsibility."

Even though Lu Wanyue and Li luoran had already agreed everything, when Lu Shaochen said this, Lu Wanyue's heart was as painful as being gouged out by the point of a knife.

"You said that you would never let me be bullied by anyone; you said that even if I make trouble outside, I would only be allowed to beat others and would never tolerate anyone to attack me Jiang Xiaojing beat me black and blue. The doctor said that my legs are useless and I can't stand up any more... " Lu Wanyue's voice trembled. She didn't know how she insisted on saying this.

Lu Shao's eyes are full of love and remorse, and he can't hide it,

"so I can only hurt you. You don't know how important Jiang Xiaojing is to Ranran. If we can't get along with Jiang Xiaojing, it means we can't get along with Ranran, Ranran..."

"Ranran! I'll know your dye! " Lu Wanyue angrily interrupts Lu Shaochen,

"you only have your Ranran in your heart. What do you want my sister to do?" Tears fell out of control.

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are deeply locked. Even though he loves his sister, his eyes are still firm.

Lu Wanyue had already burst into tears, "brother, what's the use of even if you care about her? Did you forget that she broke up with you in front of us? After she made a decision with you, you fell into a pool of blood in a hurry. She didn't even look back. She was so merciless to you. What's the use of your unilateral efforts for her? "

Remembering the fact that Li luoran had broken up with him, Lu Shaochen looked miserable,

"politely, remember that no matter how my mother objected, Ranran will always be my wife and your sister-in-law."

Lu Wanyue's face was as white as lightning.

Lu Shaochen gently pinched her chin comfortingly, "obedience, the matter between you and Jiang Xiaojing is over. As for your leg, I'll ask all the doctors all over the world to help you cure it. Remember, henceforth, the friends who are infected are your friends. It's not allowed to have trouble with every one of her friends."

Lu Wanyue was in despair.

Lu Shaochen stood up and left.

"Li luoran just came to see me." Lu Wanyue didn't know how she made her voice.

Lu Shaochen's eyes did not show any surprise before she stopped.

Isn't that his illusion?

She did come!

Looking at his joyful appearance, Lu Wanyue's eyes became more resentful. "This is what she left me. How good is your Ranran? Let's see for ourselves!"


The massive album smashed into Lu Shaochen's chest.

Lu Shaochen opens it.

The moment the clear picture came into his vision, the surprise in his eyes faded and turned into a sinister


Li luoran walked out of the hospital.

The first thing is to call Jiang Xiaojing.

"Ranran, I just heard my father say that you rescued me. I was just about to call you. Didn't you do anything stupid?"

Jiang Xiaojing's voice is full and powerful. Li luoran is more relaxed. She smiles like nothing. "Don't worry, who am I? How can I do stupid things?""You told me last night that Lu Wanyue hated you. She couldn't give up. Did you negotiate with her? What did you give her? " It's obvious that I'm not at ease over there.

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