You,Under My Name

Chapter 94: 94

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Li luoran walked out of the bedroom with a complicated mood -

standing outside Lu Wanyue's door and looking through the crack of the door, she saw Lu Wanyue sitting on the edge of the bed with tears on her face, while Lu Shaochen sat beside her, his right hand touching her shaking shoulder.

"Brother, I can't imagine that all this has come so fast. You know that mother hates Li luoran so much, and that mother will never accept her in her life. After she breaks up with you once, you are afraid, and can't wait to tie her to you with marriage. Brother, you are so stupid. Li luoran only recognizes you so that she can play hard to get, When you and her brother split up in the hospital, you were cheated Lu Wanyue said bitterly while wiping her tears.

What's so special?!

Is there a more blatant frame up?

At that time, Li luoran had an impulse to rush in and confront Lu Wanyue.

However, Lu Shaochen opened his mouth faintly, "I know Ranran. If she is such a deep-seated woman, I can't choose her. I'm not allowed to speak ill of her in front of me in the future, or I'll be angry. Do you understand?"

Li luoran's heart was filled with warmth, and his right hand, which was trying to open the door, was slowly retracted.

"Brother! Is this still you? Brother... " Lu Wanyue's crying is more painful,

"for so many years, since I have memory, you have always spoiled me and used me, and everything is obedient to me. No matter how much trouble I caused outside, you never blame me, you will only settle for me without asking the reason, no matter what I want, no matter how expensive I want, as long as you can afford it, you will try every means to satisfy me You know, brother, I don't like to make trouble outside. Most of the time, I deliberately make trouble. What I like is the feeling that you spoil me and protect me after I make trouble! But now

"Brother, Jiang Xiaojing has beaten me like this. Just because Jiang Xiaojing is Li luoran's friend, you make me swallow my anger and force me not to be embarrassed with Jiang Xiaojing any more. Now that I only say a bad word about Li luoran, you speak to me in a black face. Brother, are you still Lu Shaochen who holds me like a treasure? Why are you so bad? Is it just because Lilo dyed that fox spirit? "

Li luoran's face changed with surprise.

It is not only because Lu Shaochen dotes on Lu Wanyue, but also because of Jiang Xiaojing.

She always thought that Jiang Xiaojing could save herself from danger because she gave Lu Wanyue the album. She didn't realize until she heard Lu Wanyue's words that it was Lu Shaochen.

She remembered that Lu Shaochen had kept a secret from her every time he paid for her. If she hadn't discovered it by chance, maybe she would never know.

"Mildly, how could you say that? Remember, you will always be my favorite sister. Even if I marry Ranran, I will still spoil you and protect you as before. I will only allow you to bully others and never allow anyone to bully you, eh? " Lu Shaochen is patient and gentle.

"I don't want it! I don't want it! Wu... " Lu Wanyue threw herself into Lu Shaochen's arms and began to cry like a child,

"brother, Wuwu I want you to spoil only one girl in your life. I don't want any other women to share your love with me. Brother, I want you to divorce that fox spirit. I want you to never meet that fox spirit. You must promise me, brother... "

"Brother, promise me, brother!"

"Wu Wu Wu..."

While crying, he shook Lu Shaochen's body.

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows are locked, but he sighs in his heart.

Perhaps it was because of his doting on her that she became so arrogant and unreasonable.

When Lu Wanyue's crying stopped, Lu Shaochen pushed her away from her arms. "Ranran is sleeping. Don't wake her up. You should go to bed earlier."

Get up and go.

"Lu Shaochen is not allowed to stay with her, I'll go to see you!" Lu Wanyue's voice was hoarse due to excessive out of control.

Lu Shaochen could not help but stop, "mildly, you are already an adult, how can you say such a child's words? Blame me. In the past, you and I didn't avoid each other, which made us forget the difference between men and women. From now on, I will try my best to keep a distance with you. Good night ~ "

I will take a new step to leave.

"You stop!"

With this cry, Lu Wanyue quickly walked behind Lu Shaochen, holding Lu Shaochen's arm with both hands,

"brother, I don't want you to go, you don't want to go to her, you stay!"

Li luoran outside the door couldn't help taking a breath.

No wonder she didn't see Lu Wanyue's leg hurt. It was only at this moment that she realized that Lu Wanyue's leg wasn't hurt. She had been acting before.

Lu Shaochen was also shocked, "graceful, your leg..."

"My legs are fine. Although Jiang Xiaojing threw me to the ground, what I suffered was only skin injury. I gave the doctor money to make him lie to you that I would never stand up. The purpose was to force you to revenge Jiang Xiaojing. I knew that Li luoran would beg me..." His trembling hands clung to Lu Shaochen's arm. Lu Wanyue's eyes were full of tears,"Brother, I hate Li luoran. I hate that woman for taking away the favor you should have given me. I hate her for letting you ignore me for her sake. Brother, I do all this because of my love for you!"

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were deeply locked, and his tall figure turned his back to her,

"graceful, why do you bother like this? I said that I will still love you. It's the same whether I have dye or not. "

"How clear do I have to say before you can understand that, brother Shaochen, my love for you is the love between men and women, the love between lovers!"

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Lu Shaochen's figure trembled.

His body trembled violently.

Lu Wanyue hugged Lu Shaochen tightly behind him. "Brother, you always treat me as your own sister. If I don't tell you, you will never know my love for you. Brother, I love you. No other man can replace you in my heart. I love you. Besides me, I don't allow other women to be your wife."

Lu Shaochen's eyebrows were locked and his voice trembled. "Mildly, what's the matter with you? Why is it so unusual today? "

"I'm not abnormal. I've always been like this. It's just that you always regard my feelings for you as family affection and never really understand my heart." The tearful woman was so excited that she hugged Lu Shaochen's arms and trembled violently,

"Shaochen, do you know how sad I was when you and Li luoran were in the bedroom on the other side of the wall? I lie on the wall, listening to your voice, imagining the picture of you and Li luoran in love. I want to run to interrupt you. I'm so jealous, I hate. Why isn't the woman with you me? Wu... "

Listening to these words, Li luoran could not tell what he was feeling.

Lu Shaochen's face was abrupt and deep,

"tactful, you are too much!"

He tried to break Lu Wanyue's hands around his waist. However, Lu Wanyue tried her best to hold him tightly, but he couldn't do it for a moment.

The more Lu Shaochen wanted to leave, the tighter Lu Wanyue held him, the more excited he was, "no! I'm not, I'm not, Li luoran is also a woman, I'm also a woman, I have all she has, she can sleep with you, I can sleep with you, she can give birth to children for you, I can give birth to children for you... "


Lu Shaochen's voice has turned into a low roar,

"never mention this again. In my eyes, you will always be my sister!"

Forced to open Lu Wanyue's hand, eyes dark, stride to the door.

Lu Wanyue stamped her feet and said, "don't forget that Li luoran's predecessors are just two. She doesn't know how many other men have slept with her. At least I'm still here. Lu Shaochen, if you don't sleep with me, you'd rather sleep with that dirty woman who has been crossed by thousands of people?"


Screams cut through the silent night.

Because Lu Shaochen has slapped her in the face.

"Good! Lu Shaochen, you beat me for that dirty woman. I hate you. I'll never see you again! "

In the past, Lu Shaochen always spoiled her and used to her. Even if she did some things too much, Lu Shaochen at most scolded her, but he was reluctant to say anything too heavy.

He was beaten by Lu Shaochen for the first time.

Or in the face

Hit so hard

She was so sad, hopeless and disheartened that she couldn't even put on her clothes and ran out of the door without looking back.

Pushing the door open, I saw Li luoran, who was stunned outside. He stepped slightly, and his tears were full of bitterness. "Li luoran, are you satisfied now? Sooner or later, my family will be ruined by you

Li luoran didn't have time to say anything. Lu Wanyue ran to the door of the living room.

"Hello..." Li luoran reaches out to hold her, but she pushes her away.

Li Wanyue's back was so irritated that she had not been pushed out of the wall.


The heavy anti-theft door was thrown heavily, and the sound of going down the stairs came from outside. In the twinkling of an eye, everything was calm. Li luoran leaned back on the cold wall, and looked at the direction of landing and leaving gracefully, but he couldn't recover for a long time.

"Did you hear that?" Lu Shaochen did not know when he came to her.

She looked at him apologetically, "sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, and I should hold her, so late, she dressed like this out, I don't know if there will be an accident."

"I know her. She won't go far. In Jiangcheng, people always hide from her. She won't have an accident. Let her go out and have a rest." Lu Shaochen stood with her back against the wall. He looked up at the gorgeous ceiling. The sadness and remorse in his eyes made others feel desolate.


Li luoran sighed in his heart and took his arm lightly. "Don't be sad. I think she misunderstood her feelings for you for a moment. Family affection and love are different."

"Is it?" Lu Shaochen laughed helplessly,"I adopted her. I didn't have a blood relationship with her mother."

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