Yu XinYue

Chapter 14: Chapter 8 Part 2

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Yu Xinyue was standing in front of a tall gate, where there were a lot of people talking. Looking at the Teleportation Hall, she realized that it was not the people in this world who looked good, but only the cultivators who looked good. Those mortals looked ordinary, while practitioners were like idols and actors. They look so good looking.


Looking at their dazzling appearance, she felt that the cultivation was not bad. If only she could cultivate.

‘Aye~ it's a pity I don't know how. Maybe I should join a certain sect, learn how to cultivate, and then return to my original world?’


While she was thinking, she suddenly felt someone pushing her from behind.


"Go away! How dare a mortal like you stand in our way?" A sharp voice came from behind.


'What the hell? Who is pushing her?’


Yu Xinyue stabilized her body and turned around. A group of girls in green robes stood there proudly. Everyone held a long sword and looked at her with disdain and contempt in their eyes.


"What are you looking at? Be careful I gouged your eyes!" A girl with ordinary facial features glared at her and said


Before she could say anything, a slender hand had already grabbed the girl's arm, and a girl's delicate voice came from behind. "Junior sister, don't be rude."


"Senior sister, you are too polite, she is just a mortal." The girl said in a buttery tone.


‘What the heck is happening? Why am I suddenly lost in this conversation?’


Yu Xinyue looked at those girls talking back and forth while pointing at her.


‘Are they complimenting themselves by using me?’ She was confused. 


‘They pushed me, and now they say I should thank their senior sister for kindly forgiving me? Hello?’


Before she could understand how their brains worked, the person called Senior Sister walked up to her, looked at her with disdain, and said softly, "Little girl, don't stand in the middle of the road. Time. Not all cultivators were as understanding as the disciples of Pure Heart Sect.”


After they said a few words, the girls did not apologize and walked directly into the teleportation hall. 


‘They even reprimand her while praising themselves ah! Heavens! Did those girls forget to cultivate their brains while cultivating their qi?’


Yu Xinyue was dumbfounded. In her twenty something years of life, she never met these kinds of unreasonable people. Taking a deep breath, she tried to control her anger. She was really speechless. 


‘Pure Heart Sect. I'll remember this name and next time I meet them, I'll piss them off until they vomit blood. So angry! '


She walked into the Teleportation Hall with a dark face. Inside, Yu Xinyue saw many circular blue portals scattered across a large open space. There is a round gate made of silver and iron around the cyan gate, with ancient characters written on it, and the ground below the cyan gate is engraved with patterns.


She went to the counter and asked a man behind the counter, "Greetings, sir. How much do I have to pay if I want to use the warp?"


Hearing her asking about the Warp, the man was at a loss. What is that?


"Greetings, miss. I'm sorry, I'm not sure about the 'warp' you're asking about." The man said.


Yu Xinyue pointed to the blue portal and said, "That's it."


The man suddenly realized and said with a smile: "Ah, what Miss means is the teleportation portal. The farthest place is five silver taels, and the nearest place is one silver tael. This is a map of the location of the portal. Which city does Miss want to go to?" While explaining, he opened the scroll made of animal skins.


She looked at the map and asked, "Which city is the closest to the Cultivation Sect?"


"If the young lady wants to join a sect for cultivators, Dragon City, the capital of the Cloud Dragon Empire, will have a test to recruit disciples. The Blue Cloud Sect will start recruiting disciples next week. The Azure Dragon sect will start recruiting disciples in Great Dong City on the same day." The man explained.


"Erm, can you tell me more about the Blue Cloud Sect and the Azure Dragon Sect?" She asked with a smile.


The man glanced at her strangely and said, "It seems that the young lady came from a desolate area. No one in the Ruhuan Continent does not know about these two sects. The Azure Dragon Sect is the top sect in this continent. In the way of swordsmanship, the Azure Dragon Sect is the head of the righteous sect. The Blue Cloud Sect is the second in this Ruhuan Continent. Their focus is on spells, so they are the best in terms of spells.”


Yu Xinyue nodded after listening to the man's explanation. Since her motoric and physical strength are not good, it is better to practice spells instead of swords. Not to mention that Sword is a melee class, and Spell is a ranged magic class based on the MMORPG she previously played with her sisters.


After making the decision, she said, "Then I'll go to Dragon City."


The man nodded and said: "From Green Hill Village to Dragon City is the farthest direction. So it is five taels of silver."


Yu Xinyue took out a lump of silver and put it in front of the man. She didn't know how much five taels of silver were, so she only took out one big piece of silver. If it's not enough, she can take out another lump.


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The man looked at the piece of silver with a look of astonishment. It was the first time he had seen such a piece of unprocessed silver. Usually, those silvers that circulate among the public are finished products processed by the government. The logo of the country producing the currency is printed on the bottom.


Seeing that the man didn't take the piece of silver, she asked, "Is it not enough?"


The man came back to his senses and said, "Enough. This... piece... weighs half a catty. But we only accept money from the government. This kind of unprocessed silver... we cannot accept it."


"Really? But, I only have this piece of silver, can I pay with something else?" Yu Xinyue said.


"This..." The man looked at her with a puzzled expression. But when he saw her hopeful eyes, he couldn't refuse her.


"By the way, what does Miss have equivalent to five taels of silver?" The man sighed. He will pay like he buys from the lady.


Yu Xinyue's eyes lit up, she put the piece of silver back to her space, and then took out the hen before and showed it to the man. "How about this hen? This hen is big enough to lay eggs every day."


The man was startled, took a few steps back, and created a wider distance from her. Or to be more precise, it was from the FireBird demon beast.


"Miss, this firebird is a demon beast ah! Very dangerous and ferocious!" The man said in a higher tone, panic could be heard in his voice.


"Eh? This hen is very obedient." Yu Xinyue said while stroking the FireBird's feathers.


“How about it’s eggs?” She asked.


"E.. eggs? Does this FireBird lay eggs?" The man asked.


"Yeah! Wait, I'll show you." She took out a bamboo basket from her space, put the firebird in it, and said, "Little hen, lay eggs for this Sir. Hurry up."


Firebird glanced at the man with some annoyance, and then looked at Yu Xinyue with pitiful eyes. "Come on, lay the eggs." She urged the Firebird when she saw that it was doing nothing.


With resigned expressions, the firebird crowed before its face turned red and eyes bulging.




Crowing sound could be heard clearly before eggs after eggs coming out from the firebird. Seeing this scene, the man's eyes widened in disbelief.


‘This.. Is this Miss a beast tamer? How come this firebird which at the Qi Gathering stage level 5 obey her orders obediently?’


After laying a basket of eggs, the firebird let out a long, tired sigh before jumping into her arms and closing its eyes to rest. Yu Xinyue was overjoyed and said while stroking its feathers tenderly, “Thank you for your hard work, little hen.”


After that, she put the firebird in her space to let it rest. Looking at the man, she said while pushing the bamboo basket, "Sir, is this enough?" The man nodded blankly.


Yu Xinyue waited for that man’s next word. Since that man didn't speak, she asked, “Then, can I use the teleportation portal now?”


The man came back to his senses, handed her a jade token, and said, "Yes, yes. Miss just needs to take this jade token and walk into a teleportation portal. Please remember to hold it tightly. If Miss loses it when inside the portal, Teleportation Hall will not bear any responsibility.”


"Okay, thank you sir." She took the jade token and went to the queue to wait for her turn.


The man looked at the bamboo basket full of the Firebird’s eggs. He needs to personally deliver the Firebird’s eggs to the Azure Dragon Sect. With these eggs, the strength of their sects will increase faster.


Yu Xinyue didn't know that her "ordinary" egg was regarded as a treasure and walked into the portal. This is her first experience using the portal. So excited!


Stepping into the blue portal, her ears buzzed and her vision blurred. Her body felt weightless, her mind was spinning. She held the jade token tightly, resisting the urge to vomit. Using a teleportation portal was the same as a hangover feeling after a crazy drinking night ah.


Before she could vomit, Yu Xinyue had already reached her direction. With wobble steps, she walked out from the blue portal with a pale face.


Urghh.. urfff..


She kept burping while walking into the gate. At the door, a guard was collecting jade tokens. She handed over the jade token and walked out of the Dragon City’s Teleportation Hall.


Walking out of the Teleportation Hall, Yu Xinyue squinted her eyes, and the bright sunlight shone on her face. Covering her eyes with her palm, she slowly opened her eyes and saw a bustling city in front of her. When she saw the scene in front of her, a majestic soundtrack suddenly appeared in her mind. Her lips curled up.


‘Long Cheng, here I am.’


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