???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 18: Chapter 17: A day on the wild side of life

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Another two days have passed. Rose and I have just returned from the Guild where we learned that the rescue team has made surprisingly good progress and are finally nearing our position, but it will take them a bit more time before they are actually here.

Today Rose will start practicing wind magic with Meira, but I'm not really interested in watching the show. So instead, I will be visiting Fern. 

I'm now standing right outside the Elven village, ready to visit Fern. 

"Yukio! Are you ready for some adventure?" I shout into the sky. There's nobody here at the moment, so nobody should complain.


"Morning, Daisy. Of course I am! Huh, Rose and Odin not joining you today?"

"Nah, they're busy. Anyway, I don't know if you heard what happened to me recently?"

"Yep, your memories are my memories. You want to go and visit Fern?"

"Wow, so.....like....all of my memories?"

"Ha ha ha....no, only your recent events you subconsciously want to share. Nothing private, trust me. Don't ask me how that works, but it does."

I'm not blushing at the moment...nope...not at all. I thought about acting like a three year old and hugging that plushie.

"Okay then, Yukio. Do you mind if I hitch a ride? I'm feeling kinda lazy today."

"Nope, just hop on. I know where to go."

"Huh? How do you even know that? Even I don't know that!"

"Simple, I'm a spirit animal, I can sense mana that way."  He points with his paw in...about the right direction, I guess. "And I can tell they are fairies. But not much more detail than that."

"Wow....you're really amazing, Yukio."

"Ha ha ha. You are easily impressed, Daisy. You have seen nothing yet. I can even help you in battle, should you somehow get drawn into one."

"Eh...okay, Rose already told me about that. But I'm not planning any battles.....I'm supposed to be a Princess, remember?"

"I know. But even Princesses can have dangerous battles. Throwing pillows, not knowing what dress to choose, that sort of stuff."

"Hey! I'm not that kind of Princess, and you know it! How about I un-summon you and live my life without you?!"

"Oh c'mon. Odin was right about you. You are way too serious. Can't you tell I was just joking? I'm your spirit animal, I'm supposed to be on your side. You know? Best friends and stuff?"

"Well....I already have a best friend. And I still haven't decided about you, so for now you are a good friend. And if you promise to stop making me feel incompetent, like Rose does all the time, we might even become great friends."

"Okay, okay, I surrender, your majesty. What? <sigh> "

My super awesome death glare told him that I was serious. Not...funny.

"And you, my dear friend Yukio, also need to learn how to deal with me. I was just teasing you, as good friends do. So don't worry, you and I will have plenty of time to explore all the places where we'll end up. But now, my dear cutie foxy woxy....."

"Eh....okay, I think I deserved that. Alright, hold on tight, Daisy. I need the exercise so I'm going all out this time."

Truer words have never been spoken as Yukio here ran through the forest at near impossible speeds. There were times I was sure he would hit a tree, but nothing.....yet..
One thing is certain, he is much faster than I am. Even while flying. I'll have to remember that. It's just a pity that our time together is limited. But if I remember correctly, the more we meet, the longer he can stay next time.


After only a few minutes more, we arrived at Fern's village. I still have to ask them how they call it, if it even has a name.

Yukio stops and lies down to let me easily hop off his back and onto the forest floor.

"Daisy, I'm afraid that our time's up for now. Keep summoning me, we'll have more time together every day. And running drains your mana faster than when I'm just sitting."

I pet him near his nose area and whisper in his left ear "thank you my dear friend. You already are one of my best friends. Go ahead and rest. We'll meet again soon."

"Thank you Daisy. Until next time."


And Yukio is gone again.

I walk towards the edge of the forest and see the meadow again. Above me are the homes of these fairies, but I have yet to find a single one on the forest floor. Should I just go up? Nah....might be impolite.

I keep looking around, but still can't find a single soul. Ah! There, in the meadow, something's moving. I fly toward that area and indeed see a few fairies moving about. I land next to them and they look at me in confusion, they don't recognize me obviously.

"Good morning everyone, sorry for intruding. I'm Daisy."

"Ohh! Daisy! Nice to see you. Fern told us all about you yesterday. She's over there, washing our clothes. No no, don't mind us! We can meet later!"

"Oh, thank you very much. Until later, then. See ya!" 

I wave them goodbye, and they return the gesture. My god, these people are so nice! It's as if I have known them forever.

Then I fly towards a few bushes near their homes. Long branches are used to dry their wet clothes. Pretty smart. 

"Eh....hello? I don't think we have met before?" Fern says when she sees me landing next to her.

"Hi Fern, actually we have. I'm Daisy!"

"Daisy! My goddess, you....look at you! All grown up!" She embraces me, but her cold, wet hands from doing the laundry startle me.

"Eek......eh sorry."

"Oh, sorry, that was not my intention. How are you? Do you have time to talk?"

"I'm fine, and of course I have time. I'm here to see you after all. You know, saying how sorry I am and such."

She looks confused at me.

"Sorry? For what? For being a little girl? It happens to all of us. I hadn't realized that you simply experienced a mana overload, but well.....that's in the past."

"Still, you helped me when I needed help...so...thank you Fern. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Repay me? Well.....why don't you just stay with us? Goddess knows we are short on hands here."

"Stay here? But I'm a stranger! I mean....it's not that I want to sound ungrateful, it's just....why?"

"Oh Daisy, don't you see?" She wipes her hands on her apron. "Why did you even return if you didn't actually care? You are here....and not just because you wanted to see me."

"Eh.....I don't know. Well, I really do like this place. I can't explain it, but still....I actually really just wanted to say hi."

"Alright, fair enough. You are still young, perhaps you just need time. Anyway, can you help me carry these clothes up there?" She points towards a home in the treetops.

"Sure, my pleasure."

Fern smiles at me in a very strange way. Like she wanted to say "see? That's what I meant." 
But I don't get it. Am I really that dense?

"Daisy? Are you ready?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I guess I was daydreaming again."

"Ha ha ha.....that's a good sign. We always say the best dreams happen in daylight."

"Ha ha, yeah....I am a master at daydreaming. Anyway, just lead the way."

I follow Fern to the treetops and hop inside a door, just after her. 
We both put our folded clothes on a table and we're back on the forest floor not even a minute later.

"Ouch!" A loud male voice shouts from behind me. I turn around and see a fairy rubbing his head. 
He must have hit that branch over there a moment ago, leaves are still falling down from it.

"Ha ha ha! Finch! That tree has been around for some time, you know!"

"Ha.......ha.......ha......you're so funny, Fern. Eh....who's eh...." Finch is pointing at me, but in a polite way.

"She's a guest, Finch."

Finch walks over to me and bows in a very polite manner, making a gesture with his right arm.
But that's not what surprises me....he's a fox-kin fairy too!  "Hi there, I'm Finch. Nice to meet you."

But unlike me, he has brown-reddish hair and a ditto tail. Oh..and that tail is swaying happily. Ahh, mine is as well...

"Eh...hello?" Finch said.

Oh my god, I forgot to introduce myself. A blush quickly forms on my cheeks.
"Oh...sorry...daydreaming again. I'm Daisy. Finch, nice to meet you too!" 
I curtsied.

Why, why the heck did I even do that? It must be one of my personal skills at work, I swear!

Finch smiles and says  "you are a fox-kin, just like I am. White suits you."

My blush just went into full red-overdrive. "Eh.hehhe.he.....thank you....eh...Finch."
My goddess...help! I can't even speak properly anymore.

I turn to Fern and see her smiling, no grinning.
"Okay you two. It's time to gather some flowers, I hope you don't mind, Daisy. As I said, we could use an extra pair of hands."

"Huh? No! Not at all. It's just......I don't have any experience in these matters. But I'll try."

Fern gives me a thumbs up. I'm happy that they know these kinds of gestures.
"That's the spirit! See! You fit right in. We can still chat, so don't worry about that."

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Fern and Finch showed me how to pick flowers....big ones. Can you imagine having to learn how to pick these flowers, a human hand could pick without even thinking? Well, it's fun at least! This doesn't even feel like working. Maybe I'm really supposed to be a fairy...this feels very....natural to me.

"Daisy?" Finch carefully says.

"Huh? What? Ah. I must.....have...been.."

"Daydreaming again....yeah....thought as much. I said......"  But he was interrupted. 


For some reason I acted on autopilot and lifted off into the sky, heading straight for the person who was yelling for help. Only moments later I saw a male fairy being followed by two demons. How did I know that? Because I saw their stats.

Two Razorhogs (lv.59) are following the fairy. I don't have the time to identify him, as I have already arrived.

"Hey, you two! Let him go!" I shout from a safe distance.

"Oohhhh! Look at that! A level 2 snow fairy. I'm sooooo scared!" 

"Ha ha ha....yeah I'm pissing in my pants. Oh wait..., duh, I forgot to put them on this morning."

"Ha ha ha.....you're cool dude. But that fairy is goin down. Now DIE you vermin!" 

Both Razorhogs are focusing on me now, allowing the other fairy to escape. The hogs have sharp teeth, hence the name Razorhogs. Otherwise they just resemble wild boars, just...bigger. But I didn't expect them to shoot beams of lightning my way. Thank god they missed! Okay, want to play a game? My turn!

I taunt them "hey sweeties, I think you'll love this one.... Pushing Daisies!
And suddenly the flowers near these two disgusting creatures grew spikes and thorns and the hogs were screaming from pain, but only for a moment. They simply jumped to the side, out of range of the flowers. But now, they're pissed, like really pissed off.

I need to keep moving, a moving target is not so easy to hit. At least now my isekai novel interests can be put to good use! This time they sent me a bolt of energy, which singed my clothes and burned my left arm.

"Ouch! You bastards!" I look at my arm and see blisters, but nothing life threatening. It just hurts.

Okay, my turn. This idiot forgot to become invisible! I quickly turned invisible and changed my position. Lucky for me they are now shooting at random directions.  "Purification!" The whole area lights up and the Razorhogs are crying out in pain. Good for them.

Then I notice that they seem to be up to something, working together to find me, so I quickly fly away at high speed and find another spot. After a minute they appear to have lost interest, but I don't buy it. Never ever trust a demon! That's what dad always says. Huh? He does? Shit, focus!

"Frostbite!" By using this skill, I have summoned ice pixies. Little balls of spirit light in different colors, highly energetic. And they already know what to do. They fly towards the hogs and start attacking them like bees in a swarm.

"Ouch! Ah!"  Both hogs are crying out in pain.

My god, how much can these two endure? Do I even have any mana left? Yes! That skill is still available.

I approach the beasts and let my only remaining skill do the job. "Starlight!"
A beam of energy leaves my palms and impacts both creatures who cry out in pain...and then they simply turn into smoke and....vanish.


"My god...they're gone! Finally."  I sit down in the grass and take a few deep breaths. "Ouch!" Right...they hit me. Crap, my healing skill is grayed out.

"Daisy!" I hear Finch shouting this way.

I disable my invisibility skill and say "Finch! I'm alright! The demons are gone!" I shout back. 

At this point I just fall backwards and enjoy the feeling of a victory....almost lost there.
Then it hit me...stupid! I still have the mana absorption skill.

"Flower power!" And immediately I feel strength returning to my body. I was feeling hungry and tired, but I'm fine again now. I can't say the same of the flowers directly next to me. All of them are withering. No choice I guess. Seems only fair. File a complaint if you want.

The healing skill is now available again. Does it even work on myself? "Healing!

And yep.....gone is my battle injury. But my dress, if you even can call it that, is ruined beyond repair.
Let's just say that a huge part of the dress has disappeared.......revealing more of my chest than I want.

So the only thing I can do is shout "Finch, wait!" But it's too late...he's already here...in visual range....and......too late.

"Oh....sorry...eh...."  He immediately turned around.

Ferns approaches us as well and tries to follow Finch's gaze away from me, but of course there isn't anything interesting that way. He's just allowing me to have some privacy.

Fern lands next to me. "Oh? Oooooh! Finch, go back for now, will you?"

"Okay. Shout if you need me!"

"Of course. Now go!" Fern shakes her head.

And Finch leaves us without even peeking once. He seems like a nice guy. Huh? What am I thinking?
And there comes the blush again.

"Are you...alright? Daisy?"  She looks at Finch leaving, then at me. "He's quite a nice guy. But Daisy, are you alright? Not hurt?"

"Nah, I'm fine. They hit me, but I managed to defeat them. Then I used the healing skill on myself."

"Yeah, we noticed. We flew up there and saw the whole thing. My goddess....weren't you even afraid to fight those?"

"Are you kidding me? I was terrified! But for some reason I acted on instinct. At least I think that's what happened. Anyway, I'm fine. But what about the one they were following?"

"Oh? Old man Barley? He's fine, thanks to you. I think you just made another friend."

"Thank god he's fine." I sighed.

I stand up, trying to pull on my dress but soon realize that it's a lost cause. 
"Fern, why didn't you guys help to fight those demons?"

"Please Daisy, don't judge us for that. It's already hard for us to admit. We're just fairies. Whenever there's danger, we return to treetops for shelter. But what you did.....while amazing....it's just not our way."

"Then...he would have died?"

"Yes, Daisy, that's just nature's way. Only the strong can survive. We have learned that violence only promotes violence. But after seeing you in action...we might need to reconsider. You are just one fairy and you defeated two demons in close combat."

"Well, I was lucky for the most part. But if you guys work together, even ten demons won't stand a chance! Your Clan also wouldn't have to miss out on any helping hands anymore."

"Perhaps, Daisy. Would you show our young ones how to use those skills?"

"Sure. I'll be here for a while. It's actually quite simple. And trust me when I say that I didn't even practice. This was just....instinct."

"Very well, Daisy." Fern keeps staring at what's left of my dress.

"Fern, I can't walk around like this. Do you think you can help me fix my dress?" I kept pulling on it, but it really is a lost cause.

"You call that a dress? Eh....I'm sorry. That must have been your favorite?"

"Are you kidding me? This is what the Elves made for us. I guess they gave us some doll clothes. Not that I mind, because those Elves are super nice to us. But doll clothes are exactly that...doll clothes and they aren't really made for fairies."

"I see. Then how about you join me for a bath? I can bring a real dress for you."

"Yes, I'd appreciate that." I nodded. I mean, I can't walk around like this, so everything else is better, right?

Fern nods understandingly. "So, you will join me?"

"For what?"

"My goddess, Daisy. Really? For a bath." Fern looked back into the forest.

"You mean....outside?"

"Of course it's outside. But I promise it's not cold. You'll love it. And it's just for women, so don't worry."

"Eh...I don't know." Bathing outside......sheesh....I don't know about that...

Fern grimaces. "Don't tell me....you don't bathe?"

"Huh? Of course we do! But just...in a little box..." I said that last part whispering.

"I didn't hear. Where?"

"IN A LITTLE BOX, okay?"  I crossed my arms, but I didn't pout at all!

Fern laughs loudly: "hahahah! Thought you said that. Now wait a second here and let me get a dress for you."

While Fern left to get a dress for me, I received another popup. "Skills upgraded."

"Great!....But which ones?" I took a minute to check my new stats. And boy, did they change. Wait...what did Clan mean exactly again?


Name:  Daisy Wildcreek
Age: 16
Gender: female 

Race: Northern Fairy (blessed) (lv.3)
Type: Snow
Class: Guardian of the Wild

Clan membership: Freesia 
Titles: Princess of Betrana
Blessings: Tholena (Goddess of all Elves), Ahena (Goddess of all Fairies)
Dark/Light affiliation:  +1450   Current affiliation: Light

Racial skills
-let it snow (call for gentle snow)  (lv.2) 
-North Pole: instantly freeze a wide area (lv.2)
-liftoff (ability to fly)  (lv.3)

Personal skills
-diplomacy (lv.1)
-etiquette (lv.1)
-dancing (lv.1)

Skills (Blessings):
-healing (lv.2) 
-divine healing (lv.2) (heal by invoking the name of your goddess)
-purity of mind: (lv.1) (meet your goddess in meditation)
-starlight (lv.2) (fire a deadly beam from your hands)
-fairy juju (invisibility)  (lv.2) 
-fluffy (call your spirit animal)  (lv.2)  
-purification - wide area. Removes negative stats, also great against demons. (lv.3)
-Last Hope - releases all remaining mana in a single fairy-normous devastating strike (lv.1)
-Pushing Daisies: flowers will release spikes to hurt your opponent
-Daisy chain: share mana with others

Class skills:
-nest building
-poison resistance
-Hallowed Ancestor's Light: (glow-in-the-dark) 
-fairy dust: encourage flowers to bloom
-flower power: retrieve mana and sustenance from flowers
-Way of the fairy: communicate with nature
-enhanced snow skills: 
Frostbite: (summon ice spirit pixies: 1 minute)
Frost blanket: cover plants with a gentle layer of frost to prevent damage in winter

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