???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 19: Chapter 18: They’re here!

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The next day, early in the morning as usual, we visited the guild again. Either time has started ticking faster, or weeks are going by as if they were mere days.

Due to some kind of "transmission issues," the message we received from the rescue team was delayed. Accounting for that delay, it seems that they should arrive here any day now. 

The rest of the morning is spent with Fern and her people, who taught Rose and myself many aspects of life inside a small fairy Clan.

For some reason Finch was always near me, happy to show how things worked. Rose seemed to understand so she kept close to Fern. 

After an honest day's work, Rose decided that it was time to return to Meira. She can't absorb flowers, so she simply has to eat. I suggested she eat a berry or two, but I guess she just wanted to leave for some reason, so we said our goodbyes. I promised to see her in the morning as usual.


After nightfall the fairies of this Clan joined around a campfire. People are chatting happily and are discussing their days around the village. Finch is sitting next to me, telling me about his hobby...fishing. They don't even eat fish, and he doesn't harm them, so it's just a hobby.
When I want to ask him how he manages to do that, being a small fairy and all, Fern walks by and she's smiling bigtime...making me frown for a second. Is she up to something?

But then Finch distracts me. "Daisy........won't.....won't you just stay with us?"

Ahh....so that's what's going on. Luckily they can't see me blush very well at night.
"With them....or with you...?" I make sure to smile kindly, to show him that I'm listening to what his true intentions are.

"Eh.......okay....with.me....."  He returns the smile. 

I look at his swaying tail for a moment and see his ears twitch. So cute. "Is there something you want to tell me, Finch?"

"I think you already know...Daisy."

"Mmmm.....and..what if I want to hear it?" Now I'm just teasing. But the smile is real.

He then startles me by putting a blanket around me. But the thought's nice! He doesn't speak after that for a few minutes, just keeps smiling. We both look up at the starry night sky. Many more stars than I could possibly have seen on Earth. The fire is crackling, releasing many sparks. God, it's so peaceful here!

But then Finch takes me back to reality again. "I like you."

I stop looking at the sky and just look him into the eyes, smiling. "I like you too."

"I like you a lot, Daisy."

"Ditto, Finch. But I'm supposed to be a Princess...far away from here."

"But not at the moment, you're not. Can't you just stay, just the way you are now?"

"I honestly...I don't know.....but what if I could?" I look up into the sky, only now noticing what appears to be this world's moon rising low on the horizon.

"I would....<blush> ....fall in love with you."

I look at his lips, then his eyes while blushing uncontrollably. "I would as well."

Both our tails are swaying vividly, in the same rhythm, making me giggle.

Yukio, who I have summoned earlier to help him stay longer every day, is making some noises behind us. 

I turn around and ask him. "Yukio.....what's wrong?"

Yukio approaches us and says kindly "we foxes don't need all this talking. Why don't you kiss already?"

Finch looks surprised at Yukio, then at me. "Wow, he's pretty direct, isn't he? But he's right. So...you don't not-like me?"

"Huh? Hahaha. No, Finch....I like you." I give him a peck on the cheek.

"What was that for?" He asks. 

C'mon....don't you get it? "Don't ask, silly."

"Then...how about a real kiss?"

I smile and say "I thought you never asked!"

We kissed. Big time. Fireworks were going off everywhere.....in my mind.

Only now did we notice the silence all around us and the ladies saying "awwww........" making us blush from embarrassment.

After retiring to bed, for me a guest house I guess, I took some time to meditate. God, this place is so great! I'm in such a happy mood that I won't be able to sleep, I just know it. Finally things seem to go my way.

But then...FLASH.

I'm standing in a snowy landscape on a hill. In the distance I can see homes with lit candles, radiating a warm light into the surrounding snow. This might have been the perfect location to take a photo for a christmas card. However, the usually smiling lady in front of me is dead serious. It's goddess Ahena.

"Daisy, finally we can speak. I have news."

"Oh...seems like bad news?" I'm already prepared for the worst.

"Yes, dear. Demons are on the move. They are about to attack Betrana. The Palace won't be safe either."

I cover my mouth with my right hand, showing how terrified I am. My parents. My people!

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"Easy now, Daisy. Word got out that you and Rose chose the side of Light. If I'm not mistaken, the demons are out for revenge. You don't have much time. Go to the guild and warn your parents. My sister and I will watch over you." FLASH.


I'm back, sitting on my bed in a treehouse. And gone is all the happiness, replaced by anger and fear. Within minutes I had Fern's attention and told her what had happened.

I don't have to tell you that Finch was more than happy to accompany me to the guild. "I don't want you to be traveling at night through these woods. It's too dangerous."

Can't argue with that, now can I?

Finch and I ride on Yukio to the guild, a place Finch has never before visited. Thank god for Yukio's night vision, because I would have hit multiple trees by now.

After finding Karra on duty she seems surprised that we stopped by for a nightly visit.
"Hi Daisy! Oh....two wild fairies." She was snickering. I guess the clothes make us look "wild?" Don't ask.

"Sorry, Karra, but we don't have time for pleasantries now. This is an emergency. The goddess told me that my country is about to be attacked. Please, can you send a message?"
Karra understood and immediately helped us.


After sending the message home, I finally calmed down and had some time for pleasantries.  
According to the latest letter from the rescue team, they had arrived in a village near this guild, so they are only hours away from us now.

"Karra, you guys really have branches everywhere, don't you?" I'm truly impressed.

She looks at me and then starts laughing. "Ha ha ha...no, Daisy. They just sent a courier here."

I facepalmed. Again. Should have known. Why use the guild when you can walk this way. Stupid me..stupid.

The moment we left the guild, we noticed something strange moving this way. 
Fairy-sized beings on weird creatures resembling ducks were definitely approaching the guild. 

"Finch....I think they are my people."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you." Finch said after putting his hand on my back. 

I gave him a quick kiss and flew towards the rescue team. And yes, they are demonic fairies!
Right in front of them I land and greet them. 
"Hi there, everyone. I guess you are the rescue team my parents sent? I'm Princess Daisy!"

The leader signaled the others to halt.
"You...are Princess Daisy? You sure have changed. But that doesn't matter. Yes, we are the rescue team. Do you mind if we rest for the night? We can leave at dawn if you wish."

"Of course, you've had quite the journey getting here. Take your time, my friends. You have no idea how happy I am to see you." And right after saying that I got some mixed feelings. Am I really happy?

After the other rescue team members introduced themselves to me, I introduced them to Finch while making sure not to blush too much. The weary team then follows me back to the guild, leaving their dangerously quacking ducks outside.

We again had to wait a while before someone opened the door for us, but we finally managed to get inside. Being tiny sure does have its disadvantages.

And once Karra saw us again, this time accompanied by more fairies, she raised her eyebrows at the sight. Five scary looking demonic fairies accompanied by two less threatening looking fairies.
Everyone just lands on the reception desk, forming a line like sparrows on power lines. 
I can't imagine how Karra must feel at the moment.

"Karra...this is the rescue team for Rose and me, they have finally arrived!"

"Oh! Hello everyone. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Frosthaven, it must have been a long journey." Karra's voice was kind and welcoming and her tail was swaying just like it always does.

"Yes, ma'am and thank you. We would love a meal and a nice bath if you would be so kind."

Karra excused herself and immediately ran next door, no longer suffering from any respiratory issues. She returned a few minutes later with a disappointed expression. She bowed to us and said "the innkeeper refuses to welcome demonic fairies. I humbly apologize. The guildmaster will be notified in the morning and they will be reprimanded. The guild never refuses people."

I just stare at her. Didn't the guildmaster promise me perfect service, or something like that?
Karra noticed me staring, no, glaring, but chose not to speak to show her respect.

Then I realized that it's not her fault, so I returned to being a polite fairy. 
"Eh...Karra...now what do we do? Where do they stay?"

"They can stay with my people. No problem?" Finch suggested.

That earned him a quick kiss from me. "Thanks, Finch. Ah...Karra? Can you please arrange some food for them at least? We don't need much, our tummies are tiny too."

"But of course, Daisy." Karra giggled at my remark.


While my rescue team at least had the opportunity to finally eat in a more civilized way, I sent another message back home. This time informing my parents that the team had arrived safely and that we would most likely depart for home in the morning.

I joined the rescue team at the fairy-sized dinner table, which in reality is nothing more than a clean storage box placed upside down. But nobody's complaining. We're just tiny, that means we have to adapt.

After another hour had passed, we arrived back in the village where Fern waited for us. She must have expected our arrival much sooner, worried sick, but smiling to see us arrive back safely.

My friends were offered a bath under the stars, heated by one of the fairies with the fire skill. The hot spring is just too dangerous at night, assuming that they even have one for men.
Let's not tell them that they usually do the laundry in that "bath." Yep, there must be a way to clean the...eh...bath that I don't yet know of.

By the time everyone was bathed and freshly clothed, it was already halfway through the night and I had fallen asleep against Finch's shoulder numerous times, but he never once complained about that.

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