???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 22: Chapter 21: Until we meet again

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I don't know how I ended up in bed, but at least I slept peacefully. No nightmares, just a blissful uneventful sleep. That is until someone suddenly opened the curtains, letting in plenty of sunlight.

"Ugh......<yawn>"  Yep, I'm finally awake. More or less.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Rose said with a big smile. 

But Finch's kiss on my forehead really woke me up. "Good morning, Daisy."

"Oh, eh....good morning you...both." I'm not blushing, nope, too early for that.

When I see another guard looking inside for a moment, I instinctively pull the sheets around me.
I guess they finally relieved Flax, huh? Yeah, I forgot about them.


Usually around this time we take it slowly and bathe whenever we feel like it. But there's no reason to go to the guild anymore, we're back in the Palace. No Elves to greet, no Fern to help with the laundry. Just being a lazy Princess today, yep, that's today's goal.

"Dai...sy.......are you there?" River pulled me out of my daydream.

Suffice to say that I hugged her immediately. Due to yesterday's events we didn't have the time for that and Fleur took care of most things for me.

"Oh, you little one! I was so worried when you two disappeared!"


After catching up with River, she insisted that because we are in the Royal Palace, we also needed to take a royal bath. I guess Fleur didn't tell her we had one yesterday already? But no, River was relentless....so we bathed....again. But not before I squeezed the life out of Olive, who suspiciously smelled....different....somehow. Those two are at it again, always competing in one way or the other.

After breakfast with my family, I joined Violet in one of our living rooms. Yes, apparently we have more of those. Well, we had more actually...  Some of the rooms in the Palace have been damaged in the attack, so this room is now basically promoted to an all-in-one living room. The members of the Royal Family eat here, talk here and relax here. Just like normal families do. And I have to tell you....it feels good.

But before I could catch up with Violet, she embraced me, tears in her eyes. I don't really feel that emotional right now, but seeing someone cry put on the tap for me too.

Olive arranged for tea and that reminded me to apologize for destroying Violet's teacup, something I read in the journal yesterday evening. But she said not to worry about it and that she was simply happy that her sister was still in one piece.

The more we talked, the more I felt connected to her. She's just like Violet from Earth. Equally kind, just a bit more difficult words in her speech, if you know what I mean. She's the next Queen alright. But that's nice for her. 

For some reason Violet was interested to see my stats, so we reviewed them together. The nest building skill was a bit embarrassing though, but I guess she didn't mind.

At this point Rose, Finch and my parents joined us for more tea after having inspected the damage to the Palace in daylight. This time I managed to hold in the tears when I told them that I would be missing them all, because Rose reminded me that we were just a teleport away.

"Rose, what about you? Will you join our Clan? My goddess, I can't even believe I just said that. But anyway, what about it? The offer is genuine." I put my hand on her shoulder to emphasize her being welcome.

Rose gently shook her head. "I'm sorry Daisy, but no. I'm more of a city fairy. Your parents have offered me to take Azalea's place as their Healer. I mean, I'm still far from graduating, but I happily accepted!"

Suffice to say that I hugged her and we both jumped from joy as two good friends do. I'm so happy for her!

After our little dance of joy I whisper to her "just...just promise to see me often, okay?"

"I promise, Daisy! And I will bring you here often too, okay?"

My parents are smiling at us and Finch seems itchy to get out of his formal attire, but I see him smile that wonderful smile. A smile which tells me that all will be fine soon.

Hours pass quickly and evening is about to arrive. Time for us to return to the Elves first, then to Fern and her Clan. I hug everyone here more than once. Including Fleur, River and Olive.

"I'm sorry guys, but we have to go. I love you all. Oh, and father, please tell headmaster Berry about me. That I won't be returning?"

"Of course, Daisy. Like we would forget that." Father simply remarks, earning him a pinch in his arm by mom. That made me smile again.

I guess the Royal Family has changed a bit. They...are not as formal anymore. Things have brought us closer together. I just wish I could remember more...

Rose pulls me out of another daydream "Daisy! My teleport skill! Its level is maxed! You don't need to share your mana anymore!"

I simply smile at her...she's happy. I bet that the goddess gave her a little bonus, one that is very welcome.

Mom hugs me again. "Sweetie, I can't believe you are going away again. Making a nest..."

I look at Violet. "Eeeeh???...Violet!!!  Anyway...mom, we'll be back...often! Rose here has finally learned how to properly teleport."

Rose's smile instantly vanishes "heeeyyy!!"

But she knows I'm just teasing.

It's time. The sun is setting. Time for us to go and leave for a new adventure. Boy, I'm going to miss these people. Not the Palace, no. Just the people.

And just when Rose starts chanting the teleport spell, mom quickly puts my favorite fox plushie in my arms. The last thing I see is her smile and a wink....then....FLASH....and we're standing on the table in the Elder's meeting tent. Or a hut. Or building. Whatever you want to call this contraption. But we're at the right place, that's what counts! Back in the Elven village.

"Well done, Rose. We're actually still alive." I gave her a thumbs up, just a bit of teasing while I still can.

"Duh, thanks Daisy." 

Oh, I have to get used to this again. I guess we startled the Elves by causing a FLASH. And sure enough the Matriarch walks inside with a big smile. "Oh! It's you! Hello little ones. You have returned!"

I bow to her while she takes position right in front of us on the floor, briefly looking at the plushie I'm holding. A second later Meira enters this place as well and also sits near us. It's a pity we can't hug, we fairies simply wouldn't survive. "Hi everyone!"

"Hi Meira! Sorry we had to leave like that last time." I wave at her.

"Don't worry and welcome back. I'm glad you're safe and sound. But...what's the occasion?"

Oh, right, they don't even know yet!

"That....is a very good question..." the Matriarch replies while glancing at Meira. Indicating that she was actually already talking with me.

Meira just backs off a bit to show she won't intervene in the conversation, but she's still smiling. I give her a wink. We're good, all's fine. 

"Matriarch. To answer your question. This is important information." My expression is now serious, as far as fairies even can look serious.

"Alright, then please share. I'm all ears."

This made me giggle. Yep, she really is all ears, being an Elf. But I can't tell her that. Lucky for me she didn't mind me giggling.

"I bring you the following news. The Demon Lord has been defeated. And.."

"WHAT! That is no news! That is A MIRACLE!"  The Matriarch runs outside and shouts "The Demon Lord is GONE! He's gone!"

Suffice to say that we shrugged and had to wait for the Matriarch to return. And finally she did.

"I apologize, little one. No, let me properly call you by name. We are friends. And friends don't use titles. Daisy, and your friends, from now on, please call me Meriel."

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Okay... "Alright, Meriel. There is more news. Our country was attacked by demons and the damage is massive. We have lost many lives. But at the end.....the goddess herself removed the curse from our people in a blinding light. There are no demonic fairies anymore, anywhere. None!"

"My goddess in heaven! This is wonderful! But...I see there's even more news?"

"Yes, Meriel. The goddess has allowed all fairies to stay in their cities if they so choose. But also requested that as many fairies as possible will journey back into nature and....do their natural thing. Heal forests, live close to other races, you know? Just like in the old days?"

"No! Amazing! Finally! That I was allowed to witness this moment in history! We're FREE!"

And again she runs outside, shouting "FREE! We're free!!  The Light has returned! Our forest will be healed!"

Well, all such phrases came from her lips.

And again we had to wait for her to return. 
"Daisy, forgive my festive mood. We will have a celebration. Of course everyone is invited!"

"Thank you, Meriel. But I'm going home with Finch. I have so many people to greet and things to discuss. You see, fairies will start living basically next door to your village in a year or two."

"Really? But which fairies?"

"Meriel, you're looking at them!"

"Eh.....but.....there are only three of you? Oh, and I don't think we have met. Sorry, I didn't realize." 

Finch bows to her. "Don't worry about that. I am Finch, Meriel. I live in a Clan not too far away from this village. Nice to meet you."

"Oh ho! Then you are most welcome here! It's so nice to meet you! But Daisy....only three?"

"Nope, for now...just two. Just Finch and I. You see.....we're in love." I take Finch's hand and say "and the goddess herself requested that we start a new Clan near you. But it will take some time, maybe a year or two. Of course we will start helping nature in your area immediately!"

"Aww.....love....okay, I see. Not wanting to sound ungrateful to our goddess, but still....only two then?"

"No no no. It's just a Clan for two at the moment. We haven't even found a nice spot to start building our nests yet. Goddess....I can't believe I even said that."  

Rose snickered and Meira giggled. Yeah....well, why do I even care. I'm FREEEEEEEEEE!

"Anyway, more fairies will follow soon. And Rose...she's still looking for someone, so she can't join. .....but don't worry, fairies are magical beings...as are our children. There will be little ones soon....  but not yet. I need to get married first...next year or so..."

I look at Rose and see her blushing furiously. Yep, that's what you get for laughing at me.

But I didn't realize I would be the next one to blush, when Finch said "...looking forward to that....my love."

I look at him with a surprised expression, then smile again. "I bet you are...honey."  KISS  "So am I."

After saying our goodbyes for today, the three of us started scanning for a nice place to settle down. Don't ask me why, it's like having an itch...you just have to scratch...eh....look.
And when there was no longer any daylight remaining, Finch and I started glowing like fireflies.
I'm glowing in a bright green color and finch in blue. And sure enough, we could see more than enough. Not very far into the forest, but still good enough. Rose just enjoyed the show.

"Hi there!" Someone down on the forest floor said.

I look down and see the fox I healed so long ago. "Hey! How are you doing? Been awhile!"

"Sure has. Are you looking for a new den?" The fox said, his tail swaying.

"Eh....actually yes. But we call it.....whatever. A new den, yes. But we like to live in the treetops."

"Of course, I know. I think I just have the right spot. Would you follow me?"

"My pleasure! Please show us the way."

While we followed the fox, Rose said. "Daisy, what did you just say? You were barking and whining all the time." 

"Eh...I don't know Rose. I just talked to the fox in plain English."

"English? Is that what you call fox language? Amazing."

I wanted to correct her, but whatever. Or, should I? She will most likely tell her uncle in school that we just spoke English. Ah, what the heck. Let them.

After following the fox for only a few minutes, so we're actually not more than five minutes of fairy flight away from the Elves, the fox suddenly stops.

Rose and I look at each other...even with only a bit of ambient light, we can see where we have arrived.

Rose says "this is it! The vision from when we met the deer in the forest. Eh, I mean goddess Ahena!"

And right when she said that, it started snowing. But the sudden ray of light coming down from the heavens, illuminating the sparkling snow, confirmed it. The goddess....this really is the place! Our new home!

"We're home. This will be our place." But neither Rose nor I said this....Finch did!

I jumped to him and embraced him with all my might, then I simply kissed him. "Yes, Finch, I agree. This is it. This will be our new home!"

"Eh...where's the fox?" Rose asked.

"I asked him to guide you here. Welcome home, little ones." A voice from way up told us. That was definitely goddess Ahena!

I shout up as loud as I can "thank you! It's absolutely perfect! I love this place!" 

I might have heard a giggle, but I'm not really sure. But the light slowly extinguished, leaving us alone in the dark again.

"Rose, I think this is goodbye for now. Tell mom and dad what happened here, okay?"

"Ugh...I hate goodbyes."

"Okay, in that case.....don't be a stranger and visit us soon, okay?"

Rose didn't reply, she just hugged me for over a minute. Then she whispered "I promise."
And FLASH, she was gone, blinding us again for a moment. Goddess, she really needs to stop doing that right in front of us.


I'm still holding the plushie and realize that Finch and I are alone now, both glowing in the dark. We know where we are....we're...home. But for now, we need to head back to Fern. We can't possibly sleep under the stars...can we?

Nah, we'll go to Fern's. But just know.....that nobody would mind if we actually slept here. And do you know what that means? I kiss Finch and scream on the inside:  WE'RE FREEEEEEEE!

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