???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Counter strike

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Demons of all types are surrounding us while we are waiting in the Palace Gardens, hoping to be evacuated. Flying bat-like demons, walking demons, even terrifying spider-like creatures are killing many fairies while we wait. Their sharp fangs are very visible and all of them have glowing red eyes, adding to their terror. 

They walk through the streets as humans walk between ant hills. There's no way we Fairies can survive this kind of assault. No bloody way.


Rose and I just look at each other and nod, exactly knowing what the other is thinking. This is it....time for us to protect our friends. My family. Our family. Time to fight back. All or nothing.

We take a few deep breaths to gather the required courage and then walk a few steps towards the fence and take aim at whatever isn't looking like a fairy....using all defensive skills available to us.

Daisy: "Purification!"   I immediately hear many demons scream around us. I guess these are low-level demons, who cannot withstand my upgraded purification skill.

Rose: "Runic typhoon!"  Gale force winds in the form of bright green energy particles suddenly sweep through the capital, but only demons are affected, the wind just passes through anything else. Many more cries are heard. The sight is impressive, demons are literally blown away and many are shred to pieces.

Perhaps we have a fighting chance! But we need more...much more to fight these things off!

Rose and I look at each other and give a thumbs up. We both call our spirit animals.
Yukio and Odin appear at once and already know what to do, they jump over the fence, being larger than a fairy and start attacking those huge demon bodies. Again many demons cry out in pain and vanish into thin air when they are killed. Unfortunately our two friends vanish as well, considering our current mana is not enough to sustain them for longer periods of time.

Daisy: "Frostbite!"  Many little multi-colored angry pixies are attacking the demons, killing dozens of them before disappearing in the night sky.

Rose: "Alright demons. It's time.....for a....Tornado!" A giant tornado suddenly forms from nowhere. 
Again bright green energy particles show the outlines of the tornado and even the wind is visible with those particles in it. It's quite the spectacle to feel these strong winds and see a huge tunnel heading up far up into the endless night sky. And again, just like a vacuum cleaner, this only affects demons....we see many being taken away and shred to pieces.  

Both Rose and I ignore the many "level up" popups we get. With each message, our skills become stronger and stronger. We can even see the effects the next time we call for the skills.

Finally we see other lights in the capital. The mages have arrived! Our defense teams are now in position to kill those demons. 



After fighting for about an hour, things suddenly became quiet. Very quiet. We were lucky that most demons headed for the mages, probably drawn to their high usage of mana. Otherwise we wouldn't be standing here anymore.

Father approaches us, looking to the streets near the Palace, then asks "is it....over?"

"Father, stand back. I don't think so...."     and I jinxed it again. Me and my big mouth.

It seems that this fight is not over yet. We are dead tired from spending so much mana and are trying to recover. I'm able to do so by absorbing some flowers in the gardens and sharing some of that mana with Rose like I already did a few times tonight. For now...we're good again. Ready for more action. But I can't keep this up forever as we'll be running out of flowers soon. 


Remember those big demons we just fought? They are only big because we fairies are tiny in comparison. But guess what's currently approaching us? It's big....really, really, reaaaally freakin' big.

We can already see shadows of it in the distance and it's walking exactly this way.








Something big is slowly walking this way. Each step feels like a magnitude 3 quake, shaking everything and everybody nearby.

The silhouette of a giant demon slowly emerges from the darkness. I see it deliberately stepping on homes, causing many little lights to appear. People are dying! Many, many, oh so many people.

All around me I see devastation....and I only noticed that now. Much of what we used to call "the capital" is gone. Just...gone. Destroyed, flattened, wiped out. Seems like we were easy targets, small beings overrun by these huge creatures.

Rose and I are terrified when we see the giant demon nearing us, all of its features now fully visible to us. It is dark as coal, has huge dark wings and just like the other demons also has big red glowing eyes. Two dark gray horns are attached to the sides of its head. It doesn't wear any clothing but seems to have some kind of exoskeleton....just like a big bug.

When we finally come to our senses, we see it looking directly at us....no...at me?

It shouts with a deep roaring deafening male sounding voice and points at me. "There! There you are! I have finally found you, you traitor! Releasing your wretched mana everywhere. Didn't think we would find out about your blessings or making it snow everywhere, did you? HA!  First in the Ennore region, and now here! How DARE you violate the contract and dishonor your Demon Lord? The one who has granted your ancestors peace? Know this, tiny fairy! The contract with your ancestors has hereby been nullified.....and I'm your executioner. Prepare to be wiped from existence......ALL OF YOU."

Ehhh......okay? This one is trouble, the message is clear. But in the end they are all the same, he's just a big, big bully. "Hey! Who the heck are you even supposed to be?"

The demon ignores me and prepares for an attack, I see dark purple mana particles swirling around him.

Mother grabs my arm, but I shout at her. "No mother! Trust me. Now go! No time. GO GO GO!"

They don't even complain, my parents and Violet....they....just run away. They know they'll just be in our way. Good for them. I then heard Violet's voice moving further away from us "..noooo.....Daisy......." 


I quickly focus on the demon again. I don't have the time to be distracted.

He channels all energy into his legs and stamps with his big foot to unleash a quake I never hoped to experience. All of us lose our balance. But Rose and I are standing up again in no time. We see a crater near his feet. This thing is powerful alright.

It shouts again.  "Ha ha ha. See those extinguished lives? Those deaths are on you. You traitor. Enough fun...now DIE!"

"No way! I'm no traitor! Who the heck are you even supposed to be?" He didn't answer my question earlier, or did he? Jerk. 

"Who? I am your LAST nightmare! That's all you need to know!"

Okay, this dude is crazy. I really, honestly don't know why I did this, but I just blurted out "ho ho ho sure you are. And don't you forget...I'm Santa Claus!" It must be the adrenaline in my system.

"Ha ha ha.....it was nice knowing who I killed. Prepare to die.... miss Claus." Huh? Idiot!

He fires a bright red bolt of energy towards us, but thank god missed. The trees behind us however.....they're gone for good.

I look at Rose and she immediately understands. We call our spirit animals again, but the demon already understands and simply grabs them out of thin air and kills them while they squeak in pain.

Focus, Daisy..not now. They are spirit animals. They'll be back. What else? I need to think.
"Rose, fire everything you got!"  Yes, lame, but I can't think of anything else.....THINK THINK THINK. I need time.

She nods and starts using her skills, but he simply deflects everything she throws at him. Not even a scratch on him. He seems to enjoy playing with us as he seems to be invincible. He just laughs away every attack. He takes position closer to us and looks directly down at us. My god, it's like fighting a skyscraper!


And then....oh my god...nooo!....suddenly two bright red laser beams leave his eyes and graze me.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!"  I'm yelling from pain in my back. My wings! He.....he burned them off!
"Waaaaaaaaaa!  Please make it stop.....help me! Please...it hurts so much! Waaaaaaaaa!" 
I lie on the ground and keep rolling from pain until Rose uses a bit of healing energy to at least make the pain stop. But I'm not healed at all.

"Wha ha ha ha. Such a tiny fairy. You're no match for me! I'm going to enjoy burning your tiny fingers away. One at a time. Then you toes and legs. Finally I'll have my revenge. You filthy fairy. Your kind shall never bother us again!"

Rose can't fight anymore. Not only is her mana depleted, she can't even continue to heal me at the moment. My leg hurts as well, but I only registered now why they do. Oh no...no.no.no.......my left leg.......it's gone! But I'm not bleeding! I can barely hold on, remain conscious by the incredible amount of pain I'm feeling right now.

While our mages finally approach this demon to assist us, Rose drags me to safety between trees in the Palace Garden. It worked while the demon was distracted. It's currently firing lasers at our mages, and again we see many lights......our people dying.


There is only one thing left to do. The only remaining skill. The ultimate skill. I quickly charge my mana reserves with Flower Power and transfer it to Rose. Then I recharge my reserves again. At this point I doubt that any flowers remain available for me, but it's enough.

I gather all remaining strength and try to speak while ignoring the incredible pain in my body.

"Daisy....please don't die..." Rose is crying and I hear despair in her voice. 
Her tears are falling on my face while in her arms, sitting on the grass.

"ROSE! Focus! I restored your mana. OUCH, crap! Listen! I want you to......LISTEN!"  Rose nods, but continues to cry. 

While the giant demon uses his hand to rip away a piece of the Palace, trying to find our hiding spot, I shout at Rose. Not a very smart thing to do, making it hear me, but blame it on the pain.

"I want you to teleport me into that thing's mouth, do you hear me?"

"What? No I can't.." 

But I interrupted her. "If you are my BEST friend, you WILL do that. I order you to do that. I BEG you." 



She nods and shouts while crying non-stop  "TELEPORT Daisy to its mouth."  FLASH

And indeed, I'm definitely in its mouth. It inhales through its mouth, almost making me vomit from the smell in here and I can occasionally look outside through the teeth. This is it. Endgame. Game over. Check mate. Time to go out with style. I shout with all my remaining strength "May the goddess give me LAST HOPE!"  


[ Rose's perspective ]

My goddess, what have I done? She'll die! 

Only moments later I see a bright white light from inside the demon's mouth. A light brighter than a thousand suns is blinding the whole country, making it seem like daylight everywhere. 

The demon is shouting "Noooo!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." 

Then the light disappears, just like the demon. It's simply gone.


There! Up in the sky. A little light remains where Daisy was only moments ago. I hear the others run towards me. They must have realized that the giant demon has been defeated!

Another spell seems to have started. But it's not one of mine. A bright pink, beautiful semi-transparent flower with open petals envelops that point of light, taking what's left of Daisy into it. The petals close slowly and the flower slowly moves down from up in the sky to street level. 

We run towards it and the petals slowly open to show Daisy lying there, motionlessly. The flower then vanishes into thin air.

"Healer! Get me a Healer now!" Daisy's father shouts.

Finch is the first to take her into his arms, very gently. He's crying, not saying a single word. Not even her name. Daisy's body is lifeless. Her arms, leg and head are hanging down, only moved by gravity. No life remains in her. 

Then, suddenly, the whole country is blinded by the brightest light anyone has ever witnessed before. Even brighter than what I had just witnessed when Daisy...<sniff> died. 

It's probably midnight, but everyone is blinded, shielding their eyes from the light. It's almost tangible, warm, permeating everything.

A loud voice is then heard.....but it's a loving voice...the voice of our goddess Ahena.

"My fairies. You have been freed from your curse. No longer shall any of you be called demonic. Be free my little ones. All demons have been removed from your country. Welcome to the land of Light! Rejoice!"

Then the light slowly vanished. And it became quiet again. Very quiet. And very dark.


I follow Daisy's parents and Finch into an army tent right outside the Palace gates, trying to have her healed. But no matter what they try, Daisy won't heal nor regain consciousness.

I see some fairies staring into infinity...probably checking out their new stats.

Fairies everywhere are shouting and celebrating. "We have won! We are free! Long live the Royal Family. Honor to the goddess!"

But the celebrating fairies go quiet when they suddenly see Princess Daisy in Finch's arms.

We follow the family back to the Palace. Why, I wonder? There's nobody there? Daisy's father then says to us "I hope our Healer is still there. She's our last hope."  I heard his voice...filled with sadness. He has been crying.

A few minutes later we arrived back at the Palace. The place is dark, all lights are out, but nobody seems to care. The King uses his arms to clear the table from all trinkets and motions Finch to put her there.

Then Azalea walks over to us, as if she just knew we were waiting here for her help. But that doesn't matter, we simply need her help.

She uses her hands to feel her condition, and tries a healing spell, but Azalea shakes her head.
"I'm afraid she won't make it through the night."

At this point everyone just lost control. We're crying, not caring who or what we are.

But Azalea keeps speaking as if she were reading a science journal, devoid of any emotion. Why does she have to rub it in? We already know she'll die! "Her mana is depleted beyond repair. She gave everything she had in one single burst. A sacrifice. I wonder what skill she used."

The King looks at her, with disgust, tears in his eyes. "My goddess, woman, how can you say something like that? I have always tolerated you and your talk. But don't you have a shred of decency in you? Leave us!"

Azalea simply leaves the Palace without saying another word.

At this point I start pouring every bit of mana into healing her. It's useless, but I just have to try.



[ Daisy's perspective ] 




I'm suddenly in the winter wonderland again. And this time the goddess is smiling at me. Good, no more bad news?

"No, sweetie. Not this time."

Oh, I forgot, she can read my mind. "Eh...goddess Ahena....did it work?"

"Did it work...she said? Daisy! Yes! It worked."  The goddess then rushes over to me and gives me a hug.

Then she stands back, smiling proudly. Okay, what's this about?

"You don't understand? Mmmm.....let me tell you this way.  For fighting the Demon Lord....and surviving such a calamity......be healed." 

"Huh?" But I was already healed? I look at my...wings...check. And I'm standing on two legs, so...check.

"Ha ha, no den....Daisy. You are here with me in the Spirit Realm. But let's not go that way. I just healed your...eh....real body. When you wake up, you will be fine again."

"Oh....great, thanks. Wait....was that a Demon Lord?"

"Ha ha ha.....you are too much. No, dear. THE Demon Lord. You and your team helped to remove darkness from these lands. And your sacrifice must be rewarded. So healing you is the least you deserve. But I'm afraid we have to end this meeting now. Your friends are waiting for you to wake up. I'll see you soon.  Oh...and don't tell them that I healed you....I'm not supposed to....you know...shhhh..." She puts a finger on her lips. 

I smile and nod. Whatever.


"Ahhh!! She's waking up!" I hear my mother shout.

"Shhhh!! Quiet!" father demands.

I open my eyes and see my family. Rose and Finch are family now too at this point, I don't care how, they just are. My body feels fine, I guess they think that they healed me. Let them think that.

Rose helps me up and only moments later am I being hugged by all family members.
Well, Finch and I kissed, but let's not dwell.

Then it dawns on me. "Huh? Mom, dad, Violet. You are no longer demonic fairies?"
They are now all fox-kin, it must run in the family after all.

Father then puts my head onto his shoulder, patting my back, tears in his eyes. "Yes, honey. It seems it was the Demon Lord himself you vanquished. You and your friends lifted our curse! We are free again. Free to do what we fairies do."

At some point mother feels that she should speak her mind. She wipes away her tears, happy tears. But then... "Thank you all for your invaluable help. But DAISY! What were you thinking? Getting into that mouth? And you Rose, putting her there!"

"Sorry..."  Both Rose and I say at the same time.


For the one billionth time we are blinded by powers from beyond. A goddess is standing before us. It's quiet again. So I break the ice.

"Hi goddess Ahena."

"Hi, Daisy. Long time no see."  She winks at me. Yeah, she just healed me, but okay, I get it.

The goddess then looked at my mother, who seemed a bit uncomfortable. "Allow me to explain, Blossom. I ordered them here. And Daisy did her duty as a Princess...unlike your ancestors...she did call for me. And for that sacrifice, the Curse of Darkness has been lifted. Not just on her....but on all of these lands. You are now true fairies, blessed, just like your ancestors were."

She then looks at each of us, but mostly at my parents. "It is your duty to care for nature like your ancestors did. While you are still allowed to.....you don't have to live in cities like the other races anymore. Encourage your young ones again to travel through the lands and live in small Clans, just like in days long gone."


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Bingo, another blinding experience. Her sister appeared. I guess I'll introduce her as well.

"Hi goddess Tholena, welcome to the Palace."

"Thank you for the introduction, little one. And well said Ahena. And Daisy......well done, girl!!!"

I smile and bow to them. "Thank you goddess, both of you."

"Daisy, have you already decided which of us goddesses shall be your preferred contact? It's rather unusual to have blessings from two goddesses, you know? (winks)."

"Eh.....I actually like you both...Can't you, like share or something?"

Both goddesses smile, and Tholena replies: "of course. Consider it done. But as for you, little one, your days at the Palace are numbered."

"Eh...am I being punished?" I don't get it. I thought they were happy a moment ago?

"Punished? No no no. While we shall allow the fairies to have their cities....YOU shall be destined to start a new clan."

"Eh...I don't....understand?"

"Rose...as a history buff....care to elaborate?"

"Ehehehe, yes, my goddess. Fairies should assist nature, that is their natural way of life. Don't follow the Demon Lord. Don't build cities, but start a family in nature, close to other races. Fairies help people and nature. And in return people help fairies, like helping to create furniture or metal things. A symbiotic relationship I think it's called."

"Very nice, well said, Rose," Ahena said. She even gave Rose a thumbs up.

"Don't worry, Daisy. And I know you understand deep down in there." She points at my heart. "That's what Fern tried to tell you. Are you still having doubts? Some fairies like to live in cities while others are....wild...like you and Finch.

And yes, before you ask, that Class suits you perfectly. I might have had something to do with that...  Anyway, you met those wild fairies earlier, remember? You have much more in common with them than these, let's call them city fairies. It is in your core...your DNA as you called that on your Earth. And from now on....literally as well.

You need nature around you, adventure. To explore the lands, not live in a Palace. So let me make the decision for you. Daisy, you are not a city fairy. You will start a new village, a new Clan of your own. Just like in the old times.

And where? It shall be near those Elves you love so much. I noticed they were fond of you as well. So it seems like a match made in heaven hahaha."

I bow to her "yes, goddess!!!" Sounds perfect to me!

My parents reply to the goddess "we will do as you ask. Our young ones shall venture out into the lands and care for nature once more. Starting this very day."

Goddess Ahena continues. "Judgement still needs to be passed. King and Queen, for following the Demon Lord, even though you had no other choice....carrying the burden of your ancestors, you shall be called such no more. From today on, your daughter Violet shall inherit the throne and title of Queen."

My parents reply "yes, my goddess."

Goddess Ahena continues. "Good. And Violet, dear?"


"Find yourself a husband, dear."

Mother then can't contain herself "see, Violet? Told you!"

Violet simply replies with "mooomm!!!"

Goddess Ahena looks at me again with a smile. "Daisy, dear. I see questions burning in your eyes."


"Ha ha....yes?"

"When should I...eh....you know?"

"Start your Clan?

I nod.

"In time, my dear, in time. Ask Rose to take you and Finch back tomorrow before nightfall. Until then...enjoy being with your family.

But at nightfall, your new adventure shall begin. First learn from Fern and her people, and when you are ready in a year or two....find yourself a comfy place near the Elves. You will be accompanied by others from Fern's people, so you will be set right from the beginning."

"Yes, goddess!" 

She simply smiles. She just fixed a difficult situation for me. How to tell my parents that I don't even want to be a Princess...so...thanks!  Eh.....did she....yep, just read my mind. She winked at me.

Both goddesses wish everyone well. "Oh...and Daisy....see you soon." FLASH.



We are alone again. It took a minute before our eyes got used to the darkness again, because...no lights in here, remember?

Violet walks over to me and says "why did she......wait....you two...?"

"Ehh, yes, Violet, mom, dad and Rose... I am in love with Finch." 

Mother says "awww......so you really were serious. We shall support you, right Herb? RIGHT?"

"Eh, yes dear!"

At this point I remove my necklace and give it to my mother.

"Daisy....why? It was a gift for your 14th birthday?" Mother looked at the necklace in her hand.

"Thank you, but I'm no longer a Princess, mother. Please keep this with you."

Mother starts to cry. It seems to run in the family.

I give her a big hug. "Why cry, mom? Be happy for me. For us. My memories of how to be a Princess are gone anyway. I'm free, don't you see? Just like I've always wanted to be. And I found love, and kind people. Those fairies, and yet another Clan are living pretty close to the Elves, so I won't be alone. Ever."

Rose joins in and says "and I will teleport you back and forth as many times as you want!"

I hugged her as well. "I'm counting on you, Rose! You are my best friend! Proven over and over again."

Rose simply cries, but those are happy tears. I know, because I have the same.

Father takes a deep breath. "Things went so fast. It must have been difficult for you, Daisy."

"Difficult, yes. But rewarding!"


Mom whispers "..are you sure...about him....you know....wild and such..."

I return the whisper "definitely.. ...I guess I'm wild too..."

Finch feels left out and hugs me, then we kiss. Not caring about the company.......until father..."ahem.."

I look at him "..father?"

"You are too young, Daisy. You will not marry before your 18th birthday. Not before, you understand?"

I suddenly remember the guildmaster and his grin. Let's try some of his tactics on father. "Okay father, but only on one condition."

He frowns...didn't expect that reply, now did he?  "Name it!"

"All of you will come to my village and be there when I get married!"

Father smiles and says "it's a deal!"

Mom rolled her eyes. "Okay okay. Now stop it you two. Violet, we have much to discuss."

Father agrees "Yes, we need to rebuild the city. And help people. And....so much more."

When I finally have a moment alone with Violet I whisper  "eh how...eh....do we....eh...get....children?"

Violet laughs, then looks serious again. She whispers "wait.....are you....no...you are serious! 
It's simple, or so I've been told. When we love each other, we can merge our souls for a moment. At that point we are a single being for a minute or so. Then our little ones simply come into existence. 
It's like sharing your innermost secrets and feelings. Becoming one for a moment. Feeling each other's love....mmmmm...looking forward to that. It's quite enjoyable...so I've heard."

I simply shake my head. Is she joking with me? This world sure is weird, let me tell you that!

Then it's time for mom to intervene. She must have seen our many yawns by now. "Okay kids, time for...." 
But she was interrupted by loud noises near the entrance. Our staff! They're returning!


Mom practically pushed us upstairs, not even considering once that Finch perhaps should sleep somewhere else. While loud noises from chatting people and doors opening and closing can be heard, we are walking into my bedroom. Then the lights suddenly go on to full brightness. Seems like a maid must have switched the magic back on, or something like that. But oh my, this is really bright!

The two beds are still here as if time had stood still. This is where it all began. The place where Rose and I were attacked. I pointed Finch to the other bed and Rose immediately understood my plans. Yep, she will sleep in my, too wide for anyone, Princessy bed. 
The bedding has been replaced and the room just looks like nothing had ever happened here. Even my fox plushie is sitting at its rightful place, next to my pillow.

Back when the Demon Lord destroyed a part of the Palace, he must have luckily missed this part.

I open the curtains slowly, wanting to open the balcony doors, but am startled when someone looks back at me.


Rose and Finch rush over to me, but soon understand that all's fine. It's just a guard. Father must have placed them there. 

I open the balcony doors and the guard says "I'm sorry for startling you, Princess. These are the King's orders."

"Eh....it's okay...just...unexpected. Tell me....are YOU okay? Did you stand guard here even when the Palace was attacked?"

"Yes, Princess. That's my duty." 

I shook my head, is this guy insane? "Guard, what's your name?" 

"It's Flax, Princess."

"Flax, huh? Alright." I walk over to the balcony's edge and see that they made some kind of crude tower with a ladder for the guards to use and stand on. Not pretty by any means. But this guy has deserved some rest, don't you think?

I whistle with two fingers, very loud of course, and see a few guards looking this way.
"Hey, guards. Yeah, you guys. Flax's shift has ended here for now. Can you send someone else up?"

"Eh...Princess.." Flax tries to reason with me.

"Don't...just don't. You are not indispensable. Now get down there and relax. You have earned your right to stay with the Palace. If someone even thinks about complaining, send them to me, okay?"

"Yes, Princess! Thank you, Princess!" 


Rose then asks "Daisy, why did you do that? Won't you get in trouble?"

"Huh? Are you kidding me? This is my last night in the Palace anyway. And....I just wanted some privacy to spend some time on the balcony....with my friends." I looked at Rose, then at the bedroom...hoping she could take the hint.

"Oh? Ooooooohhhh. That reminds me, Daisy. I need to pee, see you later." 

I just smiled at her, she knows..she knows. God, she's a good friend.

Finch stands next to me and puts his warm arm around me and says "Daisy, are you sure you want to give up....all of this?"

I look up at him, seeing him gaze into the distance. "Yes, Finch, in a heartbeat. If it means that you and I can be together. Besides, I never was one for Princess stuff. Just the idea that I have to live here, with people around me telling me what I can't or shouldn't do. Finch, I have to be free. Let's be free together."

He stealthily moves behind me and puts his arms around my tummy and puts his head on my shoulder. "I love you, Daisy. Since the moment we first met."

"Yes, I remember that, you hit your head."

"<cough> that..that was just an accident."

"He he he...I bet it was. But I love you too, Finch."

The both of us stared at the starry sky one more time, only then realizing that Flax hadn't even been relieved by his colleagues. Oops....my bad. Well, it doesn't matter anymore, just....play along...nothing happened at all.

"Good night, Flax."

"Good night, Princess."

We walked back inside and I closed the balcony doors, not even bothering with the locks. Didn't work last time, so not even going to bother now.


"Hey, Daisy....come here!" Rose said.

"Eh....Rose...I actually want to go to bed. I'm.......what's that?"

Rose shows me a rather sizable brown envelope, containing something big and heavy. The envelope carries our school's crest. I take it into my hands and carefully open it, its wax seal was already broken by my parents I guess.

A letter in the envelope says "Your Majesties, with great sorrow I took notice of Daisy and Rose's disappearance. If I learn anything about their whereabouts, I shall immediately contact you. For now, I thought you might appreciate having Daisy's journal returned to you. We will keep their belongings safe, but I imagine that you have more important matters to attend to at the moment. Please contact me if there is anything I can do to help. Headmaster Berry."

I'm speechless, as is Rose. I look at her and blink a few times. My journal? 

I take the book in my hands, titled "Daisy's journal." Okay, NOW I'm interested.
She smiles when she sees that I'm about to read it. I sit down on the bed and both my friends sit next to me. 

I open the book and read a handwritten message on the cover. Well, duh, everything's handwritten in this world. I guess. Whatever.
"To my darling daughter for your 14th birthday. I hope writing your thoughts in this will help you get over your nightmares. May your dreams be sweet for ever more. Mommy."

Rose looks at me and I say "okaaaaay....I thought that happened when I was like 5 or so...."
She just rubbed my back for a moment, indicating she felt sorry for me. Well, I can't even remember, so it's not my problem anymore. Am I really going to read this? I flip through the journal and recognize my own handwriting. It's in plain English and I even seem to have almost finished the journal. Only a few more blank pages remain.

Then a letter slips out to the floor. It must have been hidden somewhere in the journal.

I open it and the three of us read it. I'm a bit surprised that Finch can read, but perhaps that's just a skill for all I know. Not going to care anymore....just be grateful for being alive.

"Dear Princess Daisy. It's a privilege to welcome Royalty to the Duskhaven institute of magics. 
As promised to your parents, we will ensure your safety with us at all times. 

Please don't share your title with anyone, not even your roommate Miss Rose, who happens to be my niece. Please, also don't share that fact. I'm sure that you two will be best friends soon. Should you need anything, please know that my door is always open for you. Headmaster Berry."

I look at Rose. "He's your.....uncle?"

She nods. "Sorry, forgot that you forgot."

I smile and shake my head. "And I'm sorry I couldn't tell you that I was a Princess."

I quickly read the last page of the journal out loud, because my eyelids are about to shut forcefully.

"Dear journal. 

Ah....this is one of those days. I think I just flunk history. Well, at least those nightmares have finally ended. Rose must have heard me toss and turn many times, but she hasn't even asked me once. I guess she really is my best friend now."

"Awww..."   Rose gives me a hug.

Great, now my eyes are becoming teary again. But I have to read the rest. 


"Living in a Palace has been nice, and I hope mom and dad won't read this....but I don't like being a Princess. Everyone is nice to you, even though you know it's just fake. But look at Rose, she doesn't know...and she even teases me. Called me dense again today. I pretend to hate it, but it's actually so refreshing to hear someone speak their mind.

When I see my parents next holiday I'll have to tell them somehow. Sure, those dresses are nice, but having River bathe me? No, that has to stop. I never realized how it feels to be so free I guess is the word. Yeah. Free. Free to do what you want whenever you want. I'll entrust you this, dear journal, I'm NOT looking forward to those etiquette lessons. It's all fake, hollow, meaningless. Or perhaps it's just not for me.
I hope they'll at least allow a hobby or let me do some kind of work where I can actually DO something for a change. My goddess, Violet will one day be the next Queen, but what about me? I bet mom wants me to marry someone rich. I can't even stand the thought. Oh goddess, please have mercy and help me find true love. Oh, that reminds me. I need to apologize to Violet for destroying her favorite teacup. She must have realized by now. I just....couldn't face her....I hope she can forgi--"

This is where the page stops and black streaks can be seen. A bit of the page is ripped away and a few stains resembling dried blood confirm that this is when something bad must have happened. I guess this is the part where the assassin did its thing. This part triggered for me the release of many still held emotions.

Rose and Finch see me cry bigtime and both are consoling me until I fall asleep against Finch's shoulder, blissfully unaware that my also crying sister was witness to this in the room next to us.

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