???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 3: Chapter 2: One heck of a long Friday

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When I finally regain consciousness, my thoughts are racing with recent events. I can hear the distinct sound of loud police sirens, moving closer...and closer......almost here.

A quick look outside and I can see that it has stopped raining, and finally...the police are here!

Looking around, trying to see if Mr Potter needs help, I notice that something's not entirely right. 
Everything seems so.....big? What the heck is going on here? Am I having a stroke? A migraine attack?

I feel tiny! Everything is so unrealistically big. Memories of Violet telling me about stroke symptoms flash through my mind. I might just exactly have that...a stroke. Or was it a seizure? I don't know anymore, I have something! I instinctively touch my head and check if I see blood on my fingers...but find nothing.

The cash register now looks huge!

Again I look out of the window and then see two police officers running towards us. Mr Potter is yelling at them, motioning and telling them that it's safe now. 

The two officers enter the shop and shout "Police! Do not move!" One of them stays with Mr Potter, while the other checks for any more uninvited guests.

While two ambulances are approaching the store, stopping near the entrance, Mr Potter is telling one officer what had happened and points at the deceased robber on the floor. 

The other officer shouts "all clear!" from further back in the shop.

The police officer near the entrance then motions the paramedics to enter the shop. Only moments later are they guiding Mr Potter to an ambulance. 

Another paramedic checks the robber, and confirms he's dead. Yeah....thought as much.

The first police officer, a man, bends down and says "what the bloody heck has happened here? Hey Diane! Call Forensics. This guy has one huge hole in his chest."

He tells the paramedic to leave the body untouched for a forensics team to investigate. This is a crime scene after all. At that same moment, I hear the other officer, a woman, calling dispatch.

"Here! I'm here!" I keep shouting, but why don't they help me? I'm obviously having a stroke here!

While one ambulance leaves, a paramedic walks my way. Finally someone has noticed me!
He walks this way, but doesn't say a word...until he motions the female police officer, Diane, to walk our way.

"What happened here?" The paramedic, who seems to be more than simply confused, asks her.

"That's....odd. Just a bunch of clothes. I guess forensics will have their work cut out for them tonight." Diane replies with a genuinely confused expression.

I'm in shock. What does she mean, "a bunch of clothes?" And why don't they see me? I'm standing right here! 

Suddenly some kind of black shadow moves behind my back. What the heck was that? Am I going insane? I turn around, but don't see anything. Must have imagined it.

I try to walk....and the surroundings change as I would expect from the perspective of a tiny person. Then it dawns on me. There's no other explanation...I really am this tiny!

Without stopping to wonder whether I'm simply going crazy, I see the female police officer bending over towards me while the paramedic is leaving the shop. I try to hide behind the other side of the cash register.

Again I see those black shadows behind me. No.....are they......attached to me? You've got to be kidding me! I AM going crazy!

To make matters worse, I only now noticed that I'm naked. My god, please please help. Not only am I naked....I'm a woman!  

Ouch! Did I just cry out in pain for standing on my own tail? My god! It's really attached to me: a long, thin, black tail with a tip that resembles a trident is lying on the floor...eh..counter.

While I'm panicking, my hands are scanning my body to figure out if my eyes are telling the truth.
They sure do!  And my nails.....long, dark, more like claws. My long black, glossy hairs are in my way, forcing me to use one hand to keep them away from my eyes.

Okay.....it's official now...I'm going crazy!! 

My racing thoughts are interrupted when the police officer finds me. Oops, I totally forgot about her.

"Huh...what is that thing? Is that a....doll?" Diane says to nobody in particular.

I'm frozen....not knowing what to do. Not understanding what's going on. I'm in total panic and feel my heart beating like it has never before.

She moves closer to me and I can see her studying my body. My god, her face is huge! I can even smell her perfume now, she's THAT close. I think I can completely fit in her right hand, the one she's using to point at me.

My brain seems to have rebooted and I run to the other side of the register.

"Ah!! What? What the heck was that?" She sounds startled. She probably didn't expect me to move.

Diane looks at all sides of the register until she finds me, with my back against it. Trying to hide, but failing miserably.

"What the heck are you? A robot? Hey, are you a robot? Can you speak?"

I look at her and our eyes meet. 

She keeps trying to speak to me. "Hey Siri. Nope. Hey Google. Nope."

Her colleague, the other officer walks closer to us and asks "Diane, are you alright? Who are you talking to?" I guess he's questioning her sanity.

"Nothing, Dan. It's just a scary looking dolly some kid left."

"What? Stop playing already, Diane. Focus! Someone was killed here tonight. This is real and for adults...leave that thing for the kids."

She rolls her eyes while Dan walks away and then notices that I'm no longer in the same spot.  
She however finds me quickly again and says "I won't harm you, I promise. Just....don't move, please."

I'm still thinking about the scary and doll parts, when I finally feel brave enough to talk to her.
But I'm unable to voice any words. It seems that I can only gesture for now.

"Hey, can you speak?"  Diane asks.

I nod, but move a bit further away, trying to find an escape route, but there's no way for me to go.

"Are you some sort of robot?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"Hey, Diane, move it already!" Dan shouts, from further away, but Diane just keeps looking at me. 

"Are you dangerous? Will you hurt me?" She carefully asks.

I shake my head in denial again. 

She whispers "alright, come here. I promise nobody will harm you, okay? I'm a police officer, please trust me."

But again I simply shake my head. 

Dan decides to check what's keeping Diane from doing her job. He says "Hey...what's that? Ewww..what kid would want to have such a hideous toy?"

"I don't know, Dan. But I think it is alive."  

"My god, Diane. Aren't you too old to play with dolls? That's just some fancy toy a kid left. They dig that kind of stuff nowadays. Now move it already, officer. Sheesh. Take it with you and check it at the station. Just....just do your job." 

Dan leaves us again. 

Diane gives me what appears to be a handkerchief and says "here, try to keep yourself warm, you must be freezing."

I nod and then cover myself as if I received a warm blanket. It's better, much better. I guess I really was freezing, but didn't notice.

"See? Feeling much better, aren't you?" Diane says.

I nod carefully.

"Tell me,  did you witness what happened here?"

I nod again. 

"Okay...thought as much. Good, that makes you a witness, and it means you will have to come with us."

I nod and carefully leave the relative safety of the cash register and walk towards her.

She smiles and motions me to step onto her hand, and that's exactly what I do. 

Diane whispers while giving me a friendly smile "don't worry little one, I don't know yet what you are...but I promise that nobody will hurt you."


She walks outside, carefully carrying me in her open hand.

I inhale deeply as soon as we're outside. The smell of freshly fallen rain is still in my nose when she walks towards the police car. She opens the rear door and gently lets me hop onto the seat.
The interior of the car feels like a spacious apartment to me, I guess I really am that tiny now.

Diane asks "I almost forgot to ask. Are you hurt? Do you need medical help?"

I shake my head and can finally speak again "no, I'm just scared and confused." 

"Sorry, did you say something?" She looks surprised that I am capable of speech after all.

She moves her ear closer to me and I repeat my answer. I guess I need to speak louder this time.
"I'm not hurt. I think. I'm the cashier. I pushed the emergency button. Officer, please tell me. What happened to me? Why is everything so big? Am I going crazy?"

Suddenly I realized that my voice is different as well. Even while speaking loudly, almost shouting, it sounds high pitched...definitely female.

"Oh! We were wondering where you went. We don't know what's going on exactly, but trust me. We WILL get to the bottom of this. Just stay calm and hide for now. There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for whatever happened here. And to you. Even though this case is already abnormal to say the least....Hey, are you an alien perhaps?"

I shake my head again "Of course not, officer!"

"Oh. Okay. Just checking. So you really are human?"

I nod. "Of course I am human. I think. I don't know anymore." 
Tears start falling from my weary eyes. I'm holding my hands before my face, feeling completely lost. 
"I don't know what is going on! Please help me!"

"I promise! Sorry, I can't pat you on the back, nor give you a hug. I know you could use one right now, but I would probably squeeze you to death. So, please hang in there, alright? Oh, and I'm Diane."

Yeah, I already figured that out.

I nod. "Yes. And I'm Noah. Noah Wilson."

"Noah? Pretty unusual name for a girl, isn't it?"  

I guess she's trying to make small talk to help me relax. It's not working.
"But..but....I...I'm a man? I mean.. I was. But....am I really a girl now?"

"Eh.......you sure looked like one to me? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah...no.....I don't understand anything anymore."

"Say, do you have a family we can call or something? Maybe parents?"

I nod "Just my sister. My parents passed away."

"Aww...sorry about that...."
I ignored that and wanted to give her the address but Dan, the other officer, interrupted us.

"Hey, Diane, move it!" Dan shouts while approaching the car.

Diane then tells me "Sorry, Noah. We need to wait for the forensics team. Will you be alright for now?"

"Yes, officer. Eh. Diane."

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She smiles, closes the door and leaves me be for a while. 


I guess I'll simply have to wait here. Even if I want to leave the car, there is no way I can open the doors myself. The door handle is not much smaller than I am tall.  

Only a few minutes of waiting and I start feeling bored already. I take a deep breath and release it all in one fast exhale. This is one crazy night alright. And to make matters worse, only now do I see a single white police Forensic Services van stop close to the shop's entrance. They're late.

The recent activity of police cars, ambulances and now a forensics team have drawn the attention of some of the locals. More and more cars are stopping further away, people on bikes too.

I'm trying to keep myself from being seen, but then realize that these windows have a privacy coating, so I think I'm safe for now. 

Things are slowly getting more interesting here. Another police car approaches the gas station, briefly activating its sirens to motivate people to stay back and make room. Luckily nobody's making a fuss and the crowd, for that's what it is now, is politely keeping a distance. I see many flashes from cell phones, something a police officer doesn't seem to appreciate. It takes a few moments, but the flashes end rather quickly. 

Oh, that's right! That drenched customer, the one who was filling up his car earlier....he's speaking to another police officer now. Of course! He still has to pay.... Wait, why am I concerned with that at this point? I'm sure he'll tell the police that he hasn't paid for his gas yet. 


Here I am..sitting in the back of a huge police car. No, that's not right. It's not huge, I'm simply tiny.
But the result is the same nonetheless. 

Being bored for a while has calmed my nerves to the point I can think more clearly again. What am I supposed to do now? What will happen if anyone sees me like this? No, more importantly, how did I end up like this...and how do I return to my prior form?

So many questions, but nobody can answer them. Diane seems nice though, so I think I'll be safe for now. 

I look at my body and confirm that the name Noah doesn't really apply anymore. Violet, I guess you were right after all, "just wish and you just might become a magical girl." I somehow doubt that she was serious about that. But the result is the same...I even have a tail and wings.

Speaking of wings. Do they....work? I try to concentrate on them and actually feel their presence now. 
They feel "real" somehow. Okay, let's test them and see what happens. 

I tried to flap my wings once and...."ouch!!!".....I hit the car's roof. Just once was enough to make me launch like a missile and impact the roof, resulting in a nice headache. 

After scratching the newly formed bump on my head for a minute, I feel adventurous enough to give it a second try. This time I slowly move them and I gently start hovering, higher and higher. 

For a few minutes I keep practicing landing and takeoffs, until I can hover properly. At that point I noticed the car's rear view mirror. I can't possibly fly towards it, the front windows are ordinary windows, so I'll be seen. Not a pleasant thought. But what I can see from back here, is weird beyond words. Words to describe what I'm seeing....simply do not exist.

For a lack of better words, an uncommon type of fairy is looking back at me in the mirror. She's barely able to hold on to the handkerchief but still manages. Her long, black hair, and nails give the impression that this is a hybrid creature. Something like a fairy and a troll accidentally got thrown in the laundry machine and I'm the end result of that little mishap.

Just look at those wings...eww......they are dark as coal. Two smaller ones are visible on my lower back, and two longer ones rise above my shoulders. I have to move them even less frequently than a butterfly and am still able to keep hovering. A weird experience to say the least.

So far nobody has noticed me, but it's still prudent to stop these experiments now. I gently land on the rear seat but a few moments later stare outside again, my tiny hands touching the glass. Not much has changed. The crowd keeps expanding, but things are under control it seems. 

"Ouch! I bwit my twongue." It seems that this tiny body is equipped with sharp teeth as well, further confirming my hypothesis of a hybrid fantasy creature. Better be careful. 

If I were to see such a nasty creature at night, I would be terrified. I look like something that has escaped from a poor kid's nightmare. How on Earth could I end up looking like this?

After contemplating my life as a creepy fairy thingy, I noticed Dan and Diane approaching this police car. Finally...time to get some answers.

Both officers get into the car and fasten their seatbelts, completely ignoring my presence.

Diane calls dispatch while Dan starts the car. We slowly leave the gas station, while I make sure to remain hidden from cameras. 

"Dispatch, 83B, we are 10-42, requesting 10-19"   (requesting to return to the police station due to their shift ending).

"83B, dispatch, 10-4, time to come back home."

Dan looks surprised at Diane for a moment.  "Sounds like she's in a good mood tonight."

"Yeah, our ice queen is finally thawing."

I can only imagine that he meant the dispatch operator, but she sounded nice, though?

Then I see Diane looking back at me, probably checking if I'm still here. She spots me and winks while giving me a warm smile. I return the favor by waving and then giving her a thumbs up. What else can I do? I'm not going anywhere, that's for sure.

"Hey, Dan?" 

"Yeah? What?" Dan is trying to focus on driving on the highway. 

"Do you remember that dolly from earlier?"

"That creepy looking thing? My god, Diane, you are obsessed with that thing!"
Dan visibly shakes his head.

"No, hear me out. I don't think that's actually a dolly. The FBI might be interested in that one."

"Huh? In a doll? What the heck is that supposed to mean?"

"Well.....she's not a dolly.....she told me she's the gas station's cashier."

Dan is distracted for a moment and can barely avoid hitting the decelerating taxi in front of us while leaving the highway. Suffice to say that the police car's brakes are working perfectly.

At this point I'm being launched and end up sticking against the windshield, almost as flat as a squashed bug. "Ouch! Heeeeeey!" Is the only thing I can say at that moment, while slowly gliding down the windshield towards the dashboard. 

Dan quickly stops the car at a bus stop. Something I could clearly see from my current location. The light from a streetlight helps him inspect what just hit the windshield.

Diane unbuckles and gently picks me up. "Hey, Noah, are you still alive?"

I reply with lots of moaning and some cursing that I don't intend to repeat. "Yeah...I guess I am. But that really hurt."

Dan unbuckles as well and activates the car's regular emergency lights, so nobody crashes into us. 

"What.....what the heck are you?" Dan says while moving his face close to mine. Too close.

I simply shrug. "I'm Noah. And Diane promised me you two would help me....somehow."

"Oh...really?" He looks at Diane. "Diane, I see what you mean. You could have told me earlier, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

"Dan, you always get a heart attack, don't worry so much. Something happened to Noah, but he or she or....whatever....is a witness."

I look at Diane while standing on her open hand. "Hey, do you two know each other?"

"Eh, yeah. We go back. Way back. From before the Academy days." Dan said.

"Yep, we sure do. But how about we head for the station and talk there?" Diane replies.

I nod and fly back to the rear seat, hoping not to experience this maneuver again. 

After parking the car, the duo walks into the police station while Diane gently keeps me hidden in her right hand. I don't think anyone can see me like this.

I hear an office door closing behind me and Diane flips on the light switch, blinding me for a second or two. 

They both sit down at a table and Diane lets me hop onto it. 

"Noah, this is just an office, not an interrogation room or something like that. So let's discuss what happened to you."

According to the huge clock on the wall, it's already 10.50 pm. Neither Dan nor Diane show any signs of fatigue. I on the other hand continue to yawn almost continuously.

I summed up the events leading up to the point when Diane first noticed me back at the gas station. 
While I'm talking, I hear Dan entering data into a computer terminal, occasionally asking me to confirm things like my last name.

"Okay, so far everything checks out. Your name, address, date of birth. Knowing your social security number helped as well. Not many people can remember that." Dan seems impressed. What can I say? I'm good with numbers.

"So.....you are...eh....or should I say were a man until earlier today?" He asks.

I nod while yawning...again.

"Okaaay....... Dan, what should we do? If we call the FBI, they will take her away. I don't know what will happen to her.  But she's eh...he's still a witness. So we can't not call them."


"Noah, I know you are tired, but we still need you with us. Can you keep up for a while?" Diane's voice sounds very kind, so I can't refuse.

"Of course. I need answers too. But <yawn> I really am dead tired."

Diane smiles at my never ending yawns and asks "Noah, do you have any idea what you are? Or why only you were affected by that, um....transformation?"

"No, Diane. I have no idea. Really. Zip, zero, nada, zilch. Absolutely no idea whatsoever. There is no logical explanation for this, but it still happened." I look at my nails and try to keep strands of hair from entering my mouth again and again. "Pfff." Yep, that one got into my mouth.

"Noah? Are those wings actually working? Or is it more of a costume?" Dan asks.

I gently move my wings and am hovering before his nose now. 
"Proof enough?" I ask. Only then realizing that I had dropped my handkerchief and am basically naked, only my long black hairs shielding my body from his eyes. 

He didn't stare at me though, he quickly looked away. 

I quickly land and cover myself in the handkerchief again, my blushing face staring at Diane.

She simply smiles and says "you really do look like a fairy." 
Then her expression shows empathy for me....she feels sorry for me. "But nothing from the stories. Sorry, Noah, but you look scary."

I shrug and reply "I don't know what I am supposed to be. I just know that I'm still Noah on the inside. And I am as perplexed as you are. Maybe this is just a bad dream?"

Dan sees my sad face and apparently wants to cheer me up. "Noah, you told us you have a sister, right?"

I nod.

"How about we call her and ask her to come over here?"

My face must have lit up like a Christmas tree, if I read Diane's expression correctly.  
I nod and say "yes, that might actually be best. She can confirm it's really me and not some impostor or something like that."

"Okay, Dan, can you give her a call?"

Dan nods, "does she know how you look?"

I shake my head. "No, I never looked like this before. This is a complete mystery."

He nods and is already about to dial the phone number when Diane asks me to accompany her.

"Noah, this is probably...going to sound a bit weird, but how about we give you something more....proper....to wear?"  She asked me while she was motioning me to hop on to her hand once more, which I did without even thinking about it.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked while Diane carried me outside into the corridor. 

"We have a play area for kids here, we even have a doll house. If I'm right, one of those dolls will have clothes your size."

"Eh....excuse me? You want me to wear....doll clothes?"

"Sure, why not? Do you have any other suggestions?"

"Eh...not really?"

Diane simply smiles. I know. Diane 1 point, Noah 0.

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