???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Reality bites

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Diane opens the door to the children's play area and opens her hand, expecting me to hop onto the table where many toys are gathered. Instead, I hover before her nose and look her directly into the eyes.

"Diane...are you sure about this?" But as soon as I realized that I was asking this question without even wearing any clothes, I made a beeline for the dollhouse. Fairies can be fast....really fast...if they have to. Assuming I really am one, of course.

Might have been another noise, but I could swear I heard Diane giggle at my antics. 

"Oh.....oh my god, what are you doing here, all by yourself?" Diane says, but I have no idea to whom she's speaking?

I peek outside the doll house's door and see a young girl sleeping on the sofa. Who left a child here unattended, at this hour? How cruel! She can't be more than 4 years old.

"Mmmmmm? Mommy?" The girl wakes up...more or less. It's pretty late, so I can't blame the little one for not knowing where she is.

Diane sits down next to her and says while smiling, "no honey, I'm not your mommy. What's your name?"

"I'm Rosie. Where's my mommy?"  Oh dear....this isn't going to be pretty.

"I don't know honey, but I promise to find out. You should be in bed by now. Can you do me a favor?"
Diane moves some stray hairs on Rosie's face, puts them behind her ear.

"Uh huh."

"You're a good girl, Rosie. Just try to get some more sleep, okay? I will find your mommy."

"Okaaaay."  Little Rosie answers. She seems ready to sleep until she spots someone...........me. 

Stupid me, my insatiable curiosity is going to get me killed some day. I should have stayed hidden inside of the dollhouse. But it's too late for that now. 

"Dolly?" Rosie is fully fixated on me, and trying to hide myself again only makes things worse.

Diane follows her gaze...to me.

But before Diane can reply, the child jumps up and takes me in her hand.  She's fast! I didn't anticipate that! "Ahhh!!!" I shout. She didn't hurt me, just startled the life out of me.

"Nooo!!!" Diane says loudly, but she isn't shouting. Rosie is just a child after all.

"A new fairy dolly!" little Rosie says while gently cuddling me in her arms. 

"No no no, honey, please give me that. It's not a dolly. You are hurting her!"

"Huh?" Rosie opens her little hands and I can finally breathe again. She's carefully studying me, but I don't wait for her next action. I simply fly away and land on Diane's shoulder, at a safe distance from Rosie.

"Wha??? A fairy!" Rosie shouts, her expression sparkling with glee while pointing at me.

"Shh......yes....but that's our little secret, alright?" Diane puts her index finger against her lips to emphasize that this is supposed to be a secret.

Rosie nods. But something tells me that she isn't going to get much sleep now.

Diane must have had the same thought as she uses the room's telephone to call someone. 
"Hi, yeah, this officer Stevenson. Do you guys know that a little girl is here? All alone? Unattended? 
Huh? Her mother..what? Ooooh.....I get it. Okay......sure I get it. Have her come over to the office area, we will keep an eye on her. Yep, will do. Bye."

She turns to Rosie who is brimming with energy now. "Honey, it seems that your mommy is working late. She'll be here soon and take you home. How about you come with us for now, huh?"


Diane hugged the little one and picked her up. 
"Wow, you're a bit heavier than I thought. Noah, get something quickly, okay?"

"Eh....gotcha!" I turn back and find a few dolls stashed in here. Don't ask me how they fit in here, the roof can probably open up. I see some sort of coat-like garment lying near one of the dolls and simply put it on, using a little piece of rope to keep it together around my waist. It's not a perfect find, but it beats wearing a handkerchief. 

I leave the relative safety of the dollhouse and admire my handywork. Not a pretty sight, I know, but it works.

"Is that the best you could find?" Diane asks, not sure whether this is an improvement or not.

"No, but it's the only thing that seems to fit. So it'll have to do for now."

I can't fly like this, so Diane lets me hop onto Rosie's hand. The little one giggles when I run upwards to finally reach Diane's safety zone...her shoulders.

A few moments later we join Dan, who seems to be more than surprised that Diane brought another guest. After some explaining I noticed that Rosie was again comfortably sleeping on another sofa. I guess they have a lot of those in here. I'm not complaining....just mentioning.

I don't know if this desk is actually Dan's or Diane's, but besides piles of paperwork, a framed picture is located near the table's edge. Its glassy surface is showing my reflection, not very clear, but for the first time today I can see my own reflection from up close. My ears appear to be pointy, and they have some fluffy hairs standing straight on their tips. They remind me of a cat-like animal, a lynx I believe they're called. If I'm supposed to be a fairy, as even little Rosie suggested, then I'm easily the weirdest one in history. Also the first one.

Dan just told me that my sister Violet will be arriving here soon. It's now about 11.35 pm, and I'm fighting against the urge to lie down and sleep. But I can't....not yet.

Knock knock....someone's knocking on the door's frame. The door is wide open, so all of us turn and see a woman standing there. She's in her early thirties, I think, and she's wearing a dark green raincoat. She must have endured some late night rain only moments ago, as her pants obviously weren't covered by it. 

"Excuse me? I was told to find my Rosie here?" The lady asks while scanning the room.

Within seconds, little Rosie recognized her mommy's voice and said "mommy?"

Her mother quickly walks over to her and gives her a big hug. "Rosie, mommy is sorry for having you wait."

"Mommy! Mommy!" Rosie shouts with happiness in her voice. She's her mom, there can be no mistake about it.

The lady properly thanks Dan and Diane for watching over little Rosie after apologizing for being so late. When she's about to leave I see Rosie looking at me, who is trying to remain perfectly still on the desk. Her mom takes her away but I still manage to wave goodbye, earning me a happy smile. 

Just before they are out of hearing range I hear her mother say "honey, I missed you soo much..."  

When I focus on Diane again, I see her smiling. Not about Rosie, but she's definitely smiling about something I must have done.

"What?" I shrug.

"Nothing....but the way you waved goodbye....sooo adorable!" 

That remark makes me blush for a moment, until I hear the phone ringing. Dan answers the phone, "ah, okay, sure let her in. We're in Ralph's office....okay sure." 

They seem to be quite informal here. That's nice actually.  

"Noah, your sister is here. She'll....."

But I didn't need to hear the rest, as Violet was already here, guided by another officer. 

"Dan, your guest has arrived." 

"Oh right, thanks, we'll handle it from here, Livia."

"Thanks, I'll be heading home. See you tomorrow."

Dan simply waves at Livia who seems eager to leave. She looks exactly how I feel....dead tired.

Dan and Diane both stand up and introduce themselves. After the obligatory handshake, Violet is offered a seat as well. All this time I'm standing here motionlessly, not knowing whether to speak or not. Better wait for Diane to break the ice.

"Eh...Diane, was it?"  Diane nods, after which Violet continues "I was told that Noah was here? Is he safe? What happened?"

"Yeah...about that. He's safe now, but something happened back at the gas station."

"My god...please, where is he?"

Diane points at the desk.....at me directly.

"Eh....I don't get it?" Violet looks at me, but then looks at Dan and Diane.

Now it's my turn, I guess. I simply wave at Violet to get her attention. 

"Huh? What the?" Violet moves her face closer to me and seems pretty confused. Something we have in common tonight.

"Hey, Violet!"  I fold my hands near my mouth to amplify my voice. "It's me! Noah!"

"Is...is this a joke?" Violet asks, with total bewilderment in her voice. 

"I'm afraid not, Violet. Something happened to him. We're keeping it a secret for now, but something strange has happened to your brother earlier today. That tiny thing over there...actually is your brother Noah."

Violet doesn't seem to be convinced yet. 

"Violet! That sailor moon magical girl thing....it happened tonight." I shout again.

"Oh my god. Noah. That's..that's really you?"

I simply nod and shrug. I took a few minutes to explain what had happened so far and had to explain some parts multiple times. I think I managed to convince her by admitting that I made my first journal entry in my new app. Violet was able to prove to the police officers that I really am Noah and really witnessed a robbery. Violet was not amused when Dan asked her whether changing into this form runs in the family.


"Okay, now that you know as much as we do....we need to decide how to proceed." Dan suggests that we do something.

"Proceed? Can't he come home with me?" Violet looks at Dan, then at Diane, hoping she will show pity for my cause. But alas, she won't give in.

Dan frowns and rubs at his forehead, probably another migraine sufferer. "I'm afraid not. We can't simply let both of you go...people will start asking questions sooner rather than later. I'm sure that the camera at the gas station recorded what happened to Noah. So they will be here soon...I guess."

"Who will be here?" Diane can't seem to follow Dan's remark.

"The FBI, of course." He states matter of factly.

She seems to understand now. "My god, I totally forgot about them! You're right! Now what do we do? We really have to call them. It is only a matter of time before they will get involved in this anyway. At least they'll know we weren't trying to hide her...eh him."

"My point exactly. We can't hide this from them, and even trying to.....would not end well for us."

Diane nods at his remark and then turns to me. She simply says "I'm sorry, Noah. But we don't have much choice here."

I nod, "it's okay...maybe they can find out what happened to me."

Violet then asks "but, please, will he....will we be safe? I have a life, I don't want to be taken into custody for who knows how long. We're the innocent ones here, don't you agree?"

Diane replies "I understand of course. And please believe when I say that we will do anything we can to protect you....that is a promise. And as proof.....Noah, I know you can fly. How about you practice that for a while? I guess the FBI will be here within the hour. I will leave that window over there open and you can leave that way if you feel that you must. At least Dan and I won't get into trouble for hiding evidence or even a witness.  

Nobody will believe that fairies exist anyway, not even if you're on tape. Images can be faked pretty easily these days. You're safe, unless they have you as tangible evidence. So that window over there is your way out of this mess. Literally."

I look at Violet and she seems speechless for the moment, so I simply say "okay....seems....reasonable? I think? <yawn>"

Violet closes her eyes for a moment and presses her lips together, something she always does when she's lost in thought. "I guess we don't have a choice. Okay, I agree. But I won't let them take Noah away from me."

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Dan shakes his head. "Well, that is ultimately not up to you or us. But like Diane said...we will do everything to keep the both of you safe. I'm sure they will be interested in you as well, what happened to her, might happen to you as well. You will be together at least."

Diane bends over to me and says "let's not assume the worst. The FBI are still people, you know? It's not like you are criminals. Just....be honest...and you'll be fine. We will try to keep in touch with you guys."

After Dan called the FBI, I joined Violet on the sofa, lying on her left arm. If someone would enter now, they would definitely think that I'm just a dolly.

"Violet? What was that surprise you promised me earlier today?" I almost forgot, but who knows when else we'll have time for this.

"Huh what? Ah, that text message? Well...it was supposed to be a surprise. I rented a Christmas Elf costume for you for Halloween. But I guess you beat me to it."

"Eh...no. I don't think I'm an Elf. But why a costume? I don't even go to Halloween parties?

"This year would have been different." She whispers to me, "It's a costume for women....you know....nobody would know in the dark. Only you..and me."

I feel a few tears leaving my eyes. I'm not crying, just....tired, okay? "Thanks, sis. I think I would have liked that."

"Shh. Don't worry....it will be okay. Somehow."

"That's not really....reassuring..."

I must have fallen asleep at some point. Can you blame me? When you are fast asleep, oblivious to outside events, time seems to fast forward and it did just that.

A loud male voice startles me. "Ahem....excuse me? Are you the officers who called us?"
I see two men standing in the doorway, both wearing a black jacket with "FBI" printed on it.

After everyone, except for myself, had introduced themselves, the two agents showed their IDs. Violet however didn't stand up to shake their hands, trying to hide me and keep me safe.

"Okay....where is it?" agent Nathen Bates asked. 

"IT doesn't exist. Noah is right over there, on the sofa." Dan said, looking quite disappointed with the agent's attitude.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Noah, I meant no disrespect, but.....could you please show yourself? We saw you on tape already, so nobody's going to hurt you."

"You saw me on tape?" Oops, I said out loud.

Violet moves a bit to her right, exposing me to the agent. I'm sure Violet will protect me, so let's play nice for now.

"My god....you really are....tiny..." agent Bates remarks, while his colleague, Kyle Acosta, shows perfect restraint and continues discussing tonight's events with the police officers. These people are pros...no doubt about it.

"Eh....I'm Noah." I replied. It's the only thing that I could think of at the moment. 

After speaking with the agent for a few minutes, I carefully landed on the desk, close to Diane.

The agents show us security footage of the attempted robbery at the gas station. Their tablet looks like a wide screen TV to me. I see myself raising my hands when the robber instructs me to give more cash, but then....a flash....and some sort of laser beam hits the robber. Apparently I'm the one who killed him! After another flash I fall down next to the register and appear to be tiny. Like I am now.

Agent Acosta looks at me and Violet and says "I'm sorry ladies, but the both of you will have to come with us. We need to contain the situation, this cannot leak out into the public."

"No way!" Violet shouts back at him.

"I'm afraid he wasn't asking." Agent Bates explains to Violet. "We are a government agency. Contrary to popular TV series, we are more like these two police officers. So please cooperate. Nobody's going to harm you. The both of you will be safe."

But before Violet can express her worries, I hear someone else knocking. But the sound comes from an unexpected direction. Someone's really knocking on the window...on the outside.

Do you know that feeling when you just KNOW that you're dreaming? That this cannot possibly be real? I'm having that feeling right here, right now. Because what we are seeing defies logic.

I'm seeing another tiny person. Someone exactly like me is knocking on the window. He or she is able to speak to us because Diane had already opened the window earlier.....intended for my escape.
The other tiny person is waving politely and says "hello? Excuse me? Do you mind? May I enter?"

Both FBI agents and the police officers are as stunned as I am. Diane seems to be the only one capable of action at the moment and walks over to the window. "Of course, please, allow me to open the window."

"Thank you, that's very considerate of you," the other thing, for lack of a better word, says. She's wearing a skirt and...no...I guess it's more like a uniform. A...school...uniform? Whatever, don't ask me!

Diane follows her as she lands next to me on the desk.

The other little person hugs me tightly....she's real alright. "Oh goddess! Daisy, are you alright? Please forgive me for being so late!"

"Eh....forgive me, but I think you are mistaken? I'm Noah. And who are you?"

"Oh no! Goddess have mercy! No, no, no, this is so wrong! Your memories...... I'm too late!"

"Excuse me...eh...miss? Who are you?" agent Bates asks.

"Huh? Oh. I'm Rose. And her name's Daisy." She then focuses on me again.  "Daisy, don't you remember me? I'm one of your friends...best friends...I think.."

"Rose?" I ask, studying her from top to toe.

"Yeah! That's me! You remember me now?" Rose seemed relieved that I had finally recognized her.

"No.....I have never met you before."

And gone was her relaxed appearance, only to be replaced with dread.
"This is bad. Soooo bad. You see.....this is not real. This is just a dream."

Eh.....yeah, I know that feeling, glad I'm not the only one. "A dream? Which part?"

"All of it! Someone tried to hurt you today, but we were lucky to notice the intruder in our room."
Rose can't possibly understand why the heck I'm acting like this. She looks confused.

"Our....room? I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!" I glance at Violet, then back at Rose.

"No no no. That's not the point. You were alone at that time and an intruder messed with your mind. YOUR mind must have created this dream in order to survive. None of this is real. I am trying to wake you up now, with assistance from our teachers." Rose puts her hands on my shoulders, shaking me a little, as if that would even work.

"Teachers? I don't get it?"

"No, there's no time to explain. This is no mistake. Any minute you wait, your life is more in danger."

"I'm sorry....Rose....but I don't believe you. This feels very real to me! From where I'm standing, you are unreal."

"No, no, please, we are friends. Students, but also best friends. I guess some part of you wants to remain here in this dream? But I have no clue why. Please, wake up!"

Agent Acosta replies "lady, are you nuts? How can this be a dream? I know everything, my childhood, ask me anything."

She glares at him for a moment and replies "and still, it very much is a dream. Her mana capacity is insanely high, so yes, a very vivid dream." She looks at me again. "Now please, Daisy, come with me. We have been trying to wake you for an hour. Quickly, while you still can!"

"Who is we?" 

"Goddess, don't you understand? Daisy! No time to be dense! Our teachers and I! They are waiting for us to wake up. Don't you remember?"

I shake my head. I know it...I just lost any sanity I thought I had left.

"Please....tell me you are at least ready to come home?" Rose seems about to give up on me.

"Eh....maybe you can tell me what I am first? Oh and this is my sister.....and these two are good people. But those two are planning to take us away against our will." 

"Oh....I see. Well, it doesn't matter. You are a fairy of course, just like I am."

Agent Bates then remarks "Hey! Now wait a minute. Nobody's going anywhere, miss. She's a witness and a murder suspect too. Not to mention that we have proof of a new life form! Two even!"

"I'm truly sorry, but this dream is about to end. Nobody will take her home but me." Rose's voice changed into a very serious, almost threatening tone.

Rose raises her hands and aims for the FBI agents. 

Agent Acosta quickly draws his gun and points it at Rose. He seems more than ready to pull the trigger. "Stand down, now!"

I shout "nooooo!"

But then I see those laser beams leaving her hands, killing or at least stunning the agents. Both fall down....not moving at all.

Dan and Diane jump up from their seats, one seat falling down to the floor. Both officers now stand with their backs against a wall. "Please...don't harm us!" Diane begs.

Violet is as confused as I am. She doesn't move at all....just sitting there, her mouth agape.

Rose then says "don't worry, Daisy, this is not real. It's time for you to come home. You will be fine, I promise. Please, take my hand."

Our hands connect, but I still have questions. "Can my sister Violet join us?"

"Your sister? ....A...human?"


"I'm sorry. I really am, but she isn't real either. I...."

But before she manages to finish her sentence, I see the two agents slowly vanishing. A bit of fog, then nothing at all.

"See? Your mind is in danger...the dream is about to end and you must wake up NOW. PLEASE. We don't want to lose you."

"I...I don't know what to do!" I shout. I want to speak to Diane and Dan, but they are slowly vanishing as well. Next things to vanish are the walls. A dense fog is slowly approaching us from all sides....I feel trapped. 

"Violet! Please don't leave me!" I shout while flying towards her.

Violet looks around and sees the world we know is about to vanish. She says "I guess she's right. I will always be there for you...."

But before she can finish her sentence, she too...vanishes.

"Nooooo!!!!!!! Violet!!!!" 

But I can't mourn her loss as Rose's hands forcefully turned my head to look at her.  "Now you believe me? It's time! Quickly!"


We are now standing in fog. Nothing else but fog. It's getting darker.....and darker....and darker. Cold too. I'm crying...I don't know what's going on. 

"Okay, okay....what do I do?" I surrendered.

"Just say that you are ready to leave."

"I'm ready to leave!!!"

Another blinding FLASH....and the dream ends.

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