???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Bathing in style

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Two maids have joined Fleur, waiting for us near the bathing room. They introduce themselves to Rose, assuming that I still recognize them from back when I used to live here. Fleur excuses herself and I just play along. It's the theme for today anyway, isn't it?

"Princess, it's nice to have you back. Shall we?" 

"River, please, just call me Daisy already." 

River then hugged and squeezed the life out of me. 
She whispers while I'm about to suffocate, "I missed you too, Daisy. Welcome home."

"Huuuuuh." I took in one massive breath.....I really almost suffocated there!

"See ya, Rose." I gave her a thumbs up.

Rose returned the gesture while shaking her head. Does she really think I'm dense?

River basically pulls me inside and the first thing I notice is a gigantic bathtub. 
It's pure white, probably made from porcelain as I believe was common for the wealthy in the 1800s.
But then again, I have no idea where this world is. The royal bathtub is proudly standing on golden paws that actually resemble a lion's. There are a few golden symbols painted on the front side and another golden line adorns the top rim of the tub. Better not ask if it's really gold. Not all that glitters is gold after all.    

"Now hold still, Daisy." 

I wanted to reply, but River is already undressing me. I'm standing naked in this room before I even noticed. She's fast! 

River has long, flowing black hair. She's probably in her thirties, but I don't see a wedding ring on her finger. Maybe that's not a thing here, or they aren't allowed to wear that while on duty.
Anyway, she's dressed as a typical maid would be in those isekai stories. All details up to the frilly white apron. She's a maid alright, no doubt about it.

"Okay, hop in." 

The temperature here is rather nice, so I'm not cold even though I'm in my birthday suit.  
I'm still contemplating how I'm actually supposed to get in. Jump in....step in....use a ladder to climb in....fly in, because I have wings now......


River made the decision for me. She just picked me up and put me in the tub like a three-year-old. 

She noticed the surprised look on my face and said "C'mon, it's just a bath, nothing to worry about!"

"No, that's not it. You just surprised me."

"I know. That's why I always do that. You always start daydreaming and then I pick you up!"

"Eh...okay. River?"

"Yes, Daisy?"

"Do you think I'm dense?"  I mean, the old me. Not who I am now.

"<cough><cough><cough>  Sorry, got some soap in my throat." 

She simply ignored me, so safe to say that she agrees with Rose. Bummer. "Dense Daisy," I bet they called me when I still was....the old me. Whatever.

River washes my hair, scrubs my back, my wings, my arms and then my....eh....front side is up next. 

"What's the matter, Daisy? Mmm?"  River noticed me staring at my chest. I can't help it.

"Don't worry, you're still growing. There's still plenty of time."

That remark made me blush, but River just keeps cleaning every inch of my body.

Then she asked me to let her wash my legs. Mmm...they are nice and smooth. No disgusting hairs anymore. While I stretch my legs, and attempt not to lose my balance, she uses quite the exorbitant amount of soap to clean them. Am I really that dirty? Can't be. Can it? Should I....ask?


"Ha ha ha....yes, Daisy?"
Why is she laughing like that?

"Why....why so much soap? Did I...smell?"

"Huh? Oh that? Nope, I thought you might like the scent. This one has a new, rich almond fragrance. Do you like it?"

"Of course! It smells.....amazing, actually."

"Very good. I picked that one. Olive owes me one now."

"No....you had a wager with her, just for that?"

"Ha ha, of course, little one. I'll give you a hint...smell your friend later and tell me which fragrance you like better."

I couldn't suppress a smile and a giggle. "You're evil, River."

"I know, Daisy, I know. And you love it."

"That I do."  I guess we're like old time friends again. At least that's how this conversation felt, it just..felt natural, I guess.


A few minutes later I'm standing in front of the tub on a very fluffy, warm towel. River finished drying me in record time. And my skin is screaming in agony for that. I'm NOT a fan of that, but I'm safe now.

"Daisy, I can't believe they made you wear such plain panties. And why, Daisy, why don't you wear a bra? Do you want to end up like your auntie Lily?"

"Eh......I don't know what to say.....no?" My auntie Lily? Doesn't ring a bell, but the way she said that, didn't sound all that healthy to me.

"In that case, wear a bra, alright? It's good for your developing body."

"Yes, mom."

"Aw...." and again she squeezed the life out of me. "I like it when you say that. Just like when you were only this tall."  She put her hand against my stomach. So, basically back when I was a toddler? 

"Now hold still. C'mon work with me, okay? There, how's that?"

She just forced a bra on me......first time ever. Weird, let me tell you that. Now I instantly feel sorry for ALL women in every time period in any world. Parallel worlds included. These are torture devices!

"A bit....tight? Too....tight." Let's be honest.

"Ow...can't have that, can we? Okay, how's that?"

"Better, actually. It feels....good?"

"That's how it should be. See what a difference a bra makes? Will you wear it now? For me?"


"That's my Daisy." 

She turns me around and only now do I notice a tall standing mirror. It's a bit foggy from the humid air, but I can still clearly see my reflection. I'm wearing peach colored panties with tiny pink ribbons on both sides and have a matching bra as well. Noooo.....are those.....daisies embroidered into the bra? Looks like it to me. I'm sorry, but that is just too much.

But when in Rome.....just play along. Or something like that.

"Hey, Daisy?"

"Yes, River?"

"Do you mind if your friend wears one of your dresses for now? You both are pretty similarly built, so how about it?"

Similarly built? Okay....   "Sure River, I don't mind." They aren't mine to begin with.

"As kind as always. Anyways, I hope you don't mind. I picked this one for you."
She shows me a pink, no a peach colored dress. A dress! A real fairy tale dress! For me!


"Eh....it's perfect!"

"Ha ha ha...still your favorite, isn't it? And it really does suit you."

Only minutes later and I'm properly dressed as a Princess. 

"Hey! Daisy, where are you going?"


"Not yet, little one. We still have to tidy your hair. Can't go around looking like that, now can you?"

"Eh...okay?" What's wrong with that? Long, black hair.....it's nice, isn't it? 

River brushes my hair and uses a few clips to improve my look substantially. 



"Exactly. You're welcome, Princess."

"Thank you, River. I mean it."  Wow. I look like a completely different person now! Is that really me?
Everything I ever wanted....and now....I am...her...me!

 "Now, now, no need to get emotional. Sit down there for a moment, yes?"

I simply do what I'm told and let happen what needs to happen.
No socks this time, but white shoes with heels. Something women would only wear on their wedding days....that kind of expensive shoes....and I'm wearing them! 


"Yes, very."

"Excellent. Now hold still."

It seems that makeup is something that exists in this world as well. When I'm allowed to see my reflection I see...a real Princess. A bit of lipstick, also lightly peach colored, but nothing too much. My cheeks...my eyes......wow....just....wow! 

"And now, my Princess...you are ready."

"River, you perform miracles, did you know that?"

"I did, but it's always good to hear it again. Ha ha ha!"

River is cleaning the bathing room so Rose can enjoy her bath as well. She's in for a surprise!
I don't wait for River to finish cleaning and join Rose in the hallway.

She glances at me, then at my shoes, and back to my face. She's speechless! 
She stands up and walks over to me. "D...Daisy? Is that really you?"

"Yes, I am. The way I was meant to be." I don't think she understood what I really meant by that.

"Yeah, no joke there. You are...just....wow....a...real....Princess."

Olive, the maid assigned to Rose for today, agreed with us. "Indeed, this is how the Princess is meant to look."

That remark hurt, but in a good way. I think she meant something else, but I still felt it. A bit close to home. I can barely prevent a tear from forming.

"Yes, Olive. She's....amazing."

"Very good, then you're with me."

"Ahhhh!!!" Olive dragged Rose inside and River walked over to me.

"Princess, do you require my assistance?"

"Oh no, please, River. I will wait here for Rose, so please don't let me hold you back."

"Kind as ever. See you later, Daisy."


"Sure, thought I would forget about that? You're not going to sleep with your makeup still on, little one."

"Oh...ooohhhh.. Of course not. Sorry, I was just daydreaming, I guess."

"Ha ha ha....glad to have you back. The Palace has been too empty without you."

"Glad to be back."  I smiled and my eyes followed River until she walked into another room.

Wow, it has been quite a day so far. I'm glad they put a sofa here. Just something to read would be nice. But I guess not, I still have a perfect view outside from up here.

Then it dawned on me....I'm sitting here like I'm used to....cross legged....like a man. 
I change my posture and somehow it even feels more natural to keep my knees together.  
My legs are slightly to the side, but they are still together. Another thing I need to pay attention to.
It's difficult being a woman....isn't it? Or maybe it's just because I have to be one now without any experience at all.


Mother then suddenly walks this way, and I quickly stand up, but still somehow manage to do that gracefully. Well, better than usual, let's keep it at that.

Rose told me I should be a bit warmer with my parents, so let's try.

"Hello, mother." I made sure to make it sound like I meant it. Nice and friendly.

"Oh, Daisy. That's MUCH better!"

"You like my dress?"

"Of course, but that's not what I meant."

"Oh...that? Yeah....I'm truly sorry about that. I didn't want to sound so...distant. But I will try hard to become your daughter once more."

"Awww....you ARE my daughter, don't you ever forget that." 
She hugged me, but carefully. She must have noticed the makeup by now.

"Mmm....almond? Isn't that River's new experimental soap?"

"Actually....yes it is. Do you like it? I think it smells fresh."

"Yes, it suits you. But it hardly qualifies as a perfume. Perhaps it's time for you to wear a bit of perfume."

"Eh, if you believe so, mom."

"Daisy, come, sit next to me." She sits down and pats the empty spot next to her.

I sit down and in the last nanosecond think of straightening my dress before sitting on it.
Seems like she noticed and approves of that gesture. Good. Now my knees...and...done!

"Well done, Daisy. But I'm afraid your lessons in etiquette are still needed. You do seem more at ease now. But you're still a Princess. Will you do that for me?"

"Etiquette? Eh, of course. If you believe it is necessary?"

"It is."


"I didn't mean it like that, and you know it."

"Of course, mother. Just teasing you."

"I know. Little parts of the Daisy I know are already returning. You have no idea how happy I am about that. I just want you....my girl...back."

"That makes perfect sense. How's father? Will he be alright?"

"We both were shocked, but when he sees you like you are now. Dressed like the Princess you are, and your gentle mannerisms....I'm sure he will feel much better. Just like me."

"<sigh>. Mother, let me be honest. It is still going to take some time. But...I promise....I will do my best."

"Just take your time, honey. You're only 16. Your father and I want to keep you in the Palace for a while, hopefully that will help you remember bits and pieces of your....real history."

"Of course, but I feel you are spoiling me already."

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"Ha ha ha, is it that bad?"

"No, not at all, but I'm not used to this kind of luxury. It's nice and all, but I was hoping to catch up with you two. Maybe talk about how I was....what my hobbies were."

She gave me another hug.

"Daisy, I'm glad to hear that. And your father is right. You have matured. But for today....just relax, okay? Don't push yourself. You're still recovering from that attack."

"Ah, right. I forgot. I actually can't remember anything from the attack itself. But okay, I'll...relax."

"Good, when you two are ready, dinner will be served. So I'll see you in about half an hour."

"Yes, mother, and thank you."

She stands up, smiles one more time and then walks away. Then she turns around and winks. Moments later and she is out of sight. 

Wow...my mother...a Queen. 

Then it's time for Rose to show off her dress...

"Wow...Princess Rose...is that really you?" 
I stand up and walk to her. She's wearing a light blue dress, and Olive seems to have been applying some makeup on her as well.

"I don't know what to say? Thank you for lending your dress....it's...fabulous!"

I nod in agreement. Only then do I notice her own brown shoes. 
Olive followed my gaze and replied before Rose could. "Yes, unfortunately we don't have any suitable shoes for her at the moment. Yours were a bit too small for her."

"Well...you hardly notice, Rose." And it's true. The dress is almost covering them...almost.

"With your permission, Princess Daisy...may I order a few pairs for her? Your parents insisted that she'd stay with you for a few weeks."

"Oh, okay. Of course I don't mind. But Rose....be honest and tell her what you like. It would be a shame if you only wore them here."

"Thank you, Daisy. I don't know what to say. My family can't afford those...so...are you sure?" She points at my shoes.

"For my best friend? No doubt in my mind!"

"In that case...thank you very much, Princess." She curtsied like a true princess. But the following giggle wasn't appropriate, but it made me smile nonetheless.

"Just one more thing, Rose."


"I'm just Daisy. Don't forget that. Ever. I don't like that formal stuff."


Somehow I smell something different about her.....mint? Olive bathed her in mint scented soap?
Are you kidding me? That's just.....no...not nice at all. Don't get me wrong, she smells fresh alright, but mint? Nah, not acceptable for me.

"Rose, is that...mint....I'm smelling?"

"Oh, you noticed, huh? Like it?"

"Honestly....I'm not a big fan of mint. It reminds me of toothpaste."

"Eh...of what?"

"Nevermind. Next time you're using something else."

Rose whispered in my ear "Gladly. But is it that bad?"

I returned the whisper, "no, but Olive and River were having a competition. If anyone asks....tell them that River won, okay?"

"Ha ha ha, sure, I'll remember that."

"Eh, excuse me, Princess, Rose."

We both look at Olive.

"Would you two please follow me to the dining room? Dinner will be served any moment now."

"Oh, that's right. Please, lead the way." I motion Olive to lead us.


We follow her downstairs and right before we enter the dining room, Olive whispers "so I lost the bet?"

Crap...she overheard us, didn't she? 

"Eh...sorry.....yeah....Olive. Mint is great for candies. Or for making sure that your mouth smells fresh. For a perfume....not as nice."

"I see. Thank you for your honest answer."

"Don't mention it. Perhaps you should try something flowery? Or.....if you have any other suggestions...I don't mind helping you experiment."

Olive visibly recovered and is now smiling again. "Thank you, Princess. I won't forget that. Please enter and enjoy dinner."

"Thanks, Olive."

Rose follows me inside the dining room and the both of us need to gently lift our dresses a bit so we can see where we're going. Yep, almost fell over the threshold...nice save.

"Hello again ladies. Enjoyed a relaxing bath?" father asked us, thankfully in a good mood.

"Yes, eh...my King." Rose said carefully while I just gave a thumbs up.

"Okay...before we continue. While we are among ourselves...please...Rose.. would you please address us by our first names? We are a family first and foremost. When we have visitors, a certain formality is required, but otherwise....just call me...Herb."

Mother then took over and said "and me...Blossom."

Okay. So....Herb and Blossom....if I'm not mistaken these people seem to have some sort of nature naming theme going on. 

"Eh, okay. Mr. Herb. Mrs Blossom."  Rose curtsied.

"Rose, please....just relax. No need to be so formal." I don't know why I said that. I mean...it just happened.

"Same for you, Daisy. Just mom and dad, like you always did."

"Sure thing. Mom, dad."

"There, see? Much better already. Now children, please sit down. We wish to discuss your health first and dinner will follow soon after. Is that okay?" Father asks.

"Sure."  and "Okay." are the replies he gets from us.

Mom noticed a yawn I thought I had managed to hide.

"Daisy, dear. You two should rest after dinner. Will you promise me that you take it easy for a while?"

"Of course, mom. No argument from me."  I said and Rose nodded to show her agreement as well.

"Very good. Now let's speak about your health," mother said, after which she nodded at Fleur, who obviously understood what that meant.

Only moments later she enters the room. 

"Good evening."  Azalea, the wicked witch from the East has arrived. Well, perhaps she means well, but I still don't have to like her.

"Thank you for joining us, Azalea. Please, do sit down." Father motions for her to sit down across the table...directly in front of me. Great, there goes my appetite.

"Your majesty. May I share the results with Princess Daisy and her friend?" Azalea asks father for permission, while mother folds her hands in anticipation. 

"By all means, please do." Father's voice sounds more serious suddenly. That can't be good.

I swallow and prepare for the worst. 

"You first, Miss Rose. Your mana level was a bit on the low side, but you seem to be recovering well. As I already mentioned before, it pleases me to inform you that you are in perfect health."

"Thank you, Healer." Rose nods and smiles shily, happy to let me become the next victim of Azalea's gaze.

"You are welcome, dear. And now Princess Daisy." Azalea looks at me and her eyes seem to gaze through my body, as if I weren't even here. I'm sorry, but I don't trust her and I don't think I ever will. 

"Do you trust me, Princess?" Azalea must have read my mind. "No, I haven't read your mind. Your expressions tell me all I need to know."

"Honestly, Healer. I respect you. And I trust my parents who seem to trust you. But no, I do not trust you." I gave her the answer she was most likely already expecting. My expression must have been one of disapproval.

I feel Rose nervously moving on her chair.

"I see. That's good. Trust is earned. But will you trust my results at least?"

I look at father, then at mother. Both nod.

"Yes, Healer. I trust your results."

"Splendid. That's all that matters. Your body is in perfect shape. Your mana was drained below the life sustaining threshold. Only minutes later and your life would have ended."

I keep staring at her, only blinking a few times. My parents must have already heard her report, only Rose seems worried. I hear her exhaling loudly.

Azalea notices that I'm not terrified by this news and continues her report. 
"While examining you, I could see bits and pieces of your memories. Memories of a faraway place. A non-existing faraway place to be exact. I'm sorry to report that your memories have been completely replaced...rewritten. There is no way for me to restore them to how they were. It seems that you must learn to live with this....condition."

"Please continue." I couldn't care less. I already am who I am. I think I even like this scenario better.
What if she deleted the current me? Delete Noah? No thank you.

"Mmm....you don't seem troubled by this news?"

I shake my head to show I'm serious. 

"Very good. Your strength will be your greatest asset. This is hard for me to say....but everything you experienced before waking up....never happened. There may be similarities between those memories and what we call reality. But your life....it essentially never happened. It will take time for you to get reacquainted with people. Try visiting places your parents know you have visited before. 
Pick up a hobby, anything that might bring back memories. You are very strong, but the road ahead will be difficult."

"I see. But I'm not alone here. I'm surrounded by friends. Just answer me one thing, Healer." I intentionally don't call her by her name, to create a distance between us.
"How on Earth is it possible that I have so many details in my memories? So many people I have met. And yet....none of those events have ever happened?"

"We can't be sure, but that creature might have taken memories from other victims. We cannot be sure about those origins. But one thing is very clear. It has succeeded in making you think that dream world was the real thing. Don't you agree?"

"Yes, I agree. It was quite real for me. Very real. As real as this....reality. There are moments when I question myself whether any of this is real at all."

"Understandable. Would you want to return? Knowing that world was fake?"

That's a tricky question. Would I want to go back? I think about it for a second. But the answer is an easy one.

"No. I would only return to see my sister. Otherwise, there's nothing of interest there for me."

"You have probably no idea how lucky you are, considering what you have endured. This makes recovery so much easier for you. But still....you will need time. And support. Lots of it. Don't be surprised when you are suddenly reminded of something from your dream....and emotions force their way out. Whether you trust me or not, let those come out. Cry if you must. Shout if you must. But keep your feet firmly planted in reality. This reality." 

"Yes, Healer. I will take those words to heart."

"Very good. Now, do you have more questions?"

"Yes, I do, actually. I don't know if you are aware that I experienced that life as a man. But anyway.....what could possibly motivate anyone from forcing me to experience such a painful experience?"

"You answered your own question. Pain. Conflict. Misery. Those are key elements to break the spirit and force a person to become a puppet. A mana resource. You were virtually there, but you managed to hold on to reality."

I look at Rose for a moment and we both smile. She knows that I'm grateful, no need to say it over and over again. But she saw this as an opportunity to ask her own question.

"Daisy...if you really were a man.....how were you able to walk on those heels without practicing?"

"Eh......good point." I don't have the answer to that.

"It is simple...." Azalea takes over again. "It is because your body has experienced this many times. It required no conscious effort to walk on those heels. Thank you, Rose, for a perfect observation."

Rose simply nods and looks down at the table. I guess she feels sorry for me. 
I put my hand on her shoulder for a moment, until I saw her smile again.

"Healer. You mentioned the word mana. Am I correct in assuming that it sucked the mana out of me?"

"Yes, you are. Your mana reservoir is higher than average in the Royal Family. They probably just wanted your mana to perform some kind of ritual. Most likely to harm the Royal Family. But I have to admit it is only speculation at this point."

"Thank you, Healer. I don't have any more questions at the moment. Man..<yawn>..that really sucks." Oops...a bit of Noah got through.

"Suck? What sucks?" Mother asks with a confused expression.

"I'm sorry, mom. It's just an expression."

"I see. Sweetie, you really need to learn proper etiquette again."

"Eh..yes, mom. I understand. And I will. Learn, I mean."

"Very good. Now, if you don't mind....we didn't know if you were ready for this." Mother looked back at Fleur for a second, then at me again.

"Ready? Ready for what, mom?"

"You have an elder sister. Are you ready to meet her? Or is it too much for you today?"

"Mother....please! I didn't even know. Please, do let her join us!" How can she even ask me that? 

Mother signals Fleur again and the conversation goes silent for a while. I can't stand silence, and mother must have noticed.

"It's okay, sweetie. Take your time. Things will be fine again soon."

And suddenly another fancy dress enters the dining room, in a soft yellow color, almost white. But I never would have thought that I'd recognize the person wearing it....


I jumped up from my chair and probably broke every rule of etiquette while doing so, but I couldn't care less. I run towards her and almost scream while instantaneously beginning to cry.
"Violet!! You're here!" I hug her tightly and she returns the hug.

"Welcome home, Daisy. I heard what happened. Are you alright?"

"I am now! Now that you are here, sis!"

She's the exact same sister from Earth. My sister Violet. Of course she has wings now, but everything else about her. The way she walks, even the way she smells. It's her! She's real!

After a few moments we release the hug and I see her wonderful smile. It really is her!

We sit down at the dinner table and she sits opposite of Rose.

I see mom crying, and dad seems to be touched as well. But neither speaks. They can't because Azalea beat them to it. "Princess Daisy, do you recognize her?"

"Of course I do! She's Violet! My sister from Ear.......in my dream I mean."

"Excellent. See? Your mind was trying to hold on to reality. Do you and Princess Violet have a strong bond?"

This time Violet replies. She sounds a bit different, more Royal if that makes any sense, but she's the same where it counts. In her heart. "Our bond is strong, indeed. That is until she had to leave us due to a failed assassination attempt a few years ago."

So this wasn't the first attempt on my life? Great place they have here...

Mom can't resist laughing loudly "ha ha ha, a strong bond? That's the understatement of the century. More like she actually spoiled her. So yes, they are best friends, true sisters."

Azalea nods. "Very good. Very good indeed. I suggest you two spend time together, speaking about your childhood. It might bring back some nice memories."

After this very welcome reunion, we enjoyed dinner together. As a family. Violet promised to catch up with me in the morning, taking us into the gardens. But not today, as mother pointed out that Rose and I were heavy-eyed....so time to get some rest. Be that as it may.....finally...things were looking better.

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