???? Daisy’s fairly fabulous fairy tale adventure

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: There’s no place like home

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After saying our goodbyes, we find ourselves outside on the road, leaving the school behind us. The road is paved, nothing like the muddy mess I had expected. Sure, it's not as nice as the square from before, but still well maintained. I wonder if they have horse-drawn carriages here.

"Rose? What's the name of this city?"

"This is our capital, Duskhaven. The name of our Kingdom is Betrana. I can't believe you don't even remember such basic stuff."

"Sorry, I....I didn't......" But before I can finish my broken sentence, Rose hugs me.

"Sorry, Daisy, I didn't mean it like that. It's just.....you are my friend. But also a stranger. And now you are a Royal too?"

I return the hug for a moment and say "I can see why you said we are best friends. I just met you today, but it feels like we have known each other for a lot longer than that."

Rose jumps in the air. "That's a good sign! The Daisy I know is still in there somewhere! Let's find her together!" She poked with her finger in my shoulder area, making me smile for a moment.

"Yep, that's the idea." Let's just go along with this. I'm bound to wake up sometime eventually.

While walking next to Rose, I take in the scenery. We just walked down a lane with tall trees on both sides, then upwards to a grassy hill. Now we're walking downhill, where a small path leads towards the city center. 
The capital isn't anything remotely like a modern city such as New York. Think medieval, but a little more advanced. Perhaps the early 1800s, yeah, something like that. There indeed are horse-drawn carriages just like on Earth. 
No sightings of strange creatures yet. The roads are simply tightly arranged stones, no concrete or asphalt to be seen anywhere. I guess it's a few centuries too early for that.

The scenery is green, mostly. Lots of nature surrounds us on all sides, almost as if the city was built inside of a forest. People live in cozy looking compact cottages. And just like back home, some residents are currently taking care of their gardens or hanging the laundry to dry.

If this really is supposed to be a fantasy world, then the lack of fantasy creatures is disappointing at best. So far I managed to identify cows, sheep, horses and pigs. Oh, and familiar birds as well. Unless they have some hidden magical abilities, all are identical to the ones on Earth. It makes me wonder. Did the intruder simply recycle these memories of animals in my dream? Not creating anything different? It makes sense when you think about it. Mixing it in with memories of other victims perhaps, who knows.

The city center mostly resembles a marketplace with food stalls. Men and women are gathered here to take home whatever they need, be it food or clothing. Everything's clean, nobody seems in the mood to litter. But seeing some people hover or fly away still feels pretty weird to me, but I guess I'm the only one who thinks that.

And where the animals were all familiar....the fruits and vegetables are totally alien to me. Truly an isekai experience. Sure, some fruits resemble lemons and oranges, but not a single word is familiar. 
I hear "Mummons! Fresh mummons!" or "Iron nuts, freshly steamed iron nuts! You two young ladies, how about some iron nuts? They are great snacks for studying, you know!" Those nuts smell delicious, let me tell you that! But we don't have time for that, so Rose kindly declined the offer.

In the distance I can see a rather large, white building with towers. That's probably the Palace. It doesn't look like anything from a Disney movie, but still...the weird isekai feeling is very much present.

"Wow....just like in a fairy tale." I expressed my amazement audibly by mistake.

"What is that with those tails? You said that earlier too?" Rose glances at me and then has to decline another offer for clothing this time.

"Huh? Oh, it's got nothing to do with tails, it's just an expression for a world where things are...very beautiful I guess?"

"Okay then. In that case....yes, it's a fairy tale." Rose replied while pulling me along because I was distracted by another weird fruit. These ones are called Fliwatines. Don't ask me what they are, they smell very sweet and look like blood red coconuts. Weird...just weird.

I shrug, but luckily she didn't notice that. 

After walking for another 10 minutes or so, I decided that it was time for more questions. 



"How old are you?"

"Huh? We're 16. You and I both."

"Oh, just 16, huh? Are we...really best friends?"

She stops walking and seems disappointed. 
"Of course, Daisy! Are you doubting me now? I wouldn't have tried to enter that dream of yours otherwise. It was dangerous for me as well!"

"Oh....right. Thank you!" I hug her, out of the blue. 

"Awww....anything for you. See? You are already getting Daisier. Maybe you just need more time?"

"Daisier? Is that even a verb?"

"No! An adverb perhaps? Anyway, it's an official word now! Ha ha ha ha."

"Rose...please don't stop being my best friend." I don't know why I'm feeling so emotional suddenly, it really feels like I have known her for a long time, but simply forgot.

"It's a promise!" Her tail moved quickly up and down a few times...a rare sight indeed.

After walking a few more minutes...another set of questions popped up in my mind.

"Hey Rose.. I thought fairies were tiny and had white or transparent wings?"

"Wha? Where did that question come from? Duh, of course we are tiny, compared to other races!"


"Oh I keep forgetting...your memories. It's just like you start behaving like you usually do that I forget. 
Our ancestors had transparent wings. We however are demonic fairies. Simple, yes?"

"Ehh....no....and I don't like the sound of that."

"Daisy, if you don't mind.... we have arrived...let's talk about this another time, okay?"

"Sure. I trust you."

"Same here. Now don't tell anyone but your parents about your memories. People may take advantage of that."

"Okay, gotcha."

We are now standing in front of an enormous white metal fence. Vertical bars taller than myself are keeping unauthorized people from entering the Palace grounds. 
I can see flowers and neatly trimmed grass inside everywhere I look. This is a garden, no...a genuine park! It should be open to the public, it's that magnificent! 

The Palace however, isn't a castle at all. For some reason I always think of castles when someone mentions a Palace. This is more like a huge mansion, painted all white. Or perhaps built with white stones or marble? And the towers I noticed earlier apparently are food storage tanks. They are further away, not connected to the Palace at all. Well....that's different. But a nice mansion is still nice.

Rose presses a red circular button on a panel installed between bars. I guess doorbells are a thing in all worlds, this one is probably powered by some sort of magic. 

"<Click>. Good afternoon, Palace guards, how may we help you?" A disembodied voice sounds from...from...I have no idea from where it originated.

"This is Rose and Daisy. Our Headmaster has requested a meeting with....the...eeeeh...Lady's Maid on our behalf?"

"Yes, we have your names here. Would you please wait a moment? She's already on her way."

"Alright, thank you very much. <Click>."  

I guess that click sound means the same thing as on Earth, they simply ended the conversation. But did they just see Rose nod? That means they have cameras or their magical equivalent here as well.

"You were about to call her Queen's maid, weren't you?" I couldn't suppress a giggle.

Rose looked at me and faked a death glare. Then she giggled as well.

A little door to the side opens and the two idiots here expected the fence to open for them. 

"Eh...excuse me? Here please."  A friendly female voice loudly speaks in our direction. 

We quickly walk to the door and see a lady waiting for us. The moment she sees me, she bows to me and says "Princess Daisy, welcome home!"

"Eh...thank you? Please, let me introduce my best friend, Rose."

"Rose, it's nice to meet you, I'm the Lady's Maid, Fleur."

Great, now I know her name, that makes life easier for me.

"Nice to meet you too!" Rose felt the need to return the bow. 

Fleur then addressed me again. "Would you please follow me? Your parents are waiting for you."

Should I address her with her first name, or her title.....no time....her first name it is.
"Of course....Fleur...please lead the way."  She has to, because I have absolutely no idea where to go!

Fleur nods and gives me a welcoming smile. I guess because I mentioned her name, like she expected? "My pleasure. Princess Daisy, Rose. This way, please."

We follow Fleur through the gardens and see that this place is spotless. It's picture perfect, the ideal location for weddings. And apparently this place is supposed to be my...home.

Rose whispers to me "Really? A Princess?"

I shrug and whisper "Yeah, I guess so?" I mean, how should I know? Fleur might call me Princess as a nickname, but I guess she was sincere.

The building appears to be constructed from stone or marble, not like the wooden buildings I saw everywhere. It's one perfect white building with many small windows and shutters. Flowers are even placed beneath each window. 

The path then leads towards two guards, who bow and greet me politely. I guess they know me as well. I return the greeting and try to keep smiling. Something tells me a Princess should be smiling all the time.

My god...Am I really one? A Princess? I know Rose commented on it earlier, but it only just actually hit me. I thought I was just a member of the Royal Family....but a genuine Princess? Oh dear....

We follow Fleur inside the build....eh...Palace....and both Rose and I are speechless.
This place is exactly as you would imagine when you hear the word "Palace."

If you don't know where money flows.....it's going right here. These people have it all.....there are no words to even begin describing the luxury that is in front of us. 

Marble floors, walls. Expensive looking carpets. Servants buzzing around everywhere. Beautiful chandeliers and of course flowers everywhere....in pots, in vases...even depicted on paintings. I guess these people really love flowers, or it's just a cultural thing. Sunlight enters the Palace from many windows, creating a friendly atmosphere. And I think I even discovered a nice reading spot over there, a little table and chair near a window, further away.

I'm not one for luxury. Violet and I were raised to be happy with the little we had. So this kind of luxury is bordering distaste for me. But I can't express those feelings here....just go with the flow.

Fleur knocks twice on a door and waits for a reply.

Another servant opens the door from the inside. Fleur then says "I have Princess Daisy and Rose here for their majesties."

"One moment please." The servant closes the door and probably has to ask permission to let us in.
I hate formalities like this. 

Half a minute later the servant appears again and looks at Rose, then at me. "Please enter, their majesties are expecting you both." I guess he doesn't recognize me, or isn't supposed to comment on me specifically.

Fleur bows to us with her hands on her legs. Wow, she's pretty graceful.

We follow the servant into the room and are again stunned with the interior, but luckily we manage not to comment on it. 

The servant motions for us to continue while he returns to his place.....next to the door. 

But before I can focus on their majesties...I'm being hugged....no..squeezed, startling me. 

"Daisy! Honey, how are you?" A strangely familiar female voice said.

"Eh, forgive me, I will explain in a minute." I don't return the hug and wait for her to release me. 
It doesn't take long for her to do just that, earning me a surprised look as well.

The King approaches me now and gives me a quick hug. Something tells me he is no fan of hugging. I just pat him on the back. I have never seen these people before, so I don't know how to feel about this. "Your majesties, this is my best friend, Rose. She helped me when I needed her help most."

Rose introduces herself....very politely....and both the King and Queen do the same.

The Queen seems to be on the verge of tears, I guess she already knows what has happened to her Daisy. But I'm not Daisy. At least not their Daisy. Then what am I? I don't know anymore. I'll just take one step at a time.

"Please....you two....be seated." The King says in a serious tone while gesturing at the sofa in front of their seats.

We both walk to the very expensive looking sofa. I see Rose straightening her skirt just before sitting down and I barely managed to do the same....just not as gracefully.

That's correct, I'm supposed to act..eh...lady-like from now on. Something I have wanted my entire life. And now my dream has come true, but things feel so alien....so odd. I guess I have to get used to this....slowly.

From the corner of my eyes I see Fleur stealthily entering the room. She's pushing a cart with tea, I assume. A cloth is covering most of the sides, so people can't see what's underneath. My money is on cookies! I hope they have coffee here...I'm not really a tea person.

Fleur pours a warm liquid in a few nicely decorated cups and places them carefully in front of us all.
It smells like tea alright... chamomile I think. It's supposed to calm your nerves...I hope that applies in this world too.

Rose appears to be very nervous. But for some reason, I feel really calm. I've never been here before....but somehow....deep down below this place doesn't feel threatening.

The Queen says "Rose, calm down, honey. I'm happy that Daisy has such a good friend."

"Yes, she sure is." I put my left hand on her shoulder to help her relax.

The King sips from his tea, then says "so...let's discuss what happened. Your Headmaster has informed us about an incident. Care to elaborate?" His tone is authoritative, making me feel guilty for something I'm still mostly unaware of.

My eyes open wide in surprise. "An...incident? That's all he said?"

"Yes...now please enlighten us." He replied, frowning.

"Your majesty, the term incident doesn't even remotely cover what happened."
I shake my head. "Please allow me to explain." 

I explained exactly what happened. Me being in a dream. Experiencing life in another world. Having next to none memories of this world. Being forced to experience life as a man. Not even sure if this reality is...well....real. I don't see any point in hiding this from them. They either accept me or reject me....that much life experience I already have.

"So....you....your memories are...gone? Just like that?" The Queen asks.

Rose nods. "Everything she told you is true. I was in her dream. It's the truth. I don't know about her life as a man, though. But everything else is absolutely true."

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I then take over from Rose. "You see...your majesties. From my perspective....I have never met any of you before today. Including Rose."

The Queen starts crying softly and the King simply shakes his head, mumbling something.
She then walks over to me and squeezes herself between Rose and me.

"Daisy...can't you at least call me mother? Or mommy like you used to?" She embraces me, still crying.

I reply in a warm tone, trying to sound caring. "Of course....mom.... I just want to be honest with you. But I don't want to see you cry." This time I return the embrace and gently pat her back.

"And no matter what you say.....I still sense Daisy in you. My Daisy. Welcome home, little one."
Mother smiles, while still shedding a few tears.

Her reply evoked some emotions from deep inside myself as well. I just barely prevented myself from crying. Don't ask me why, I just feel....sad? Or happy to have parents again? 
"Thank you." I stand up and say "father, mother. I cannot change what has happened to me. But I will do my best to make you proud. Considering the fact that I was apparently attacked...perhaps you should consider increasing security here as well."

The King...no...father then walks over to me....his face very close to mine. He whispers.
"Daisy, for what's worth. You have matured...considerably. We have already increased security but will further increase it. I want you and your friend to be examined. Fleur will guide you to our Healer in a moment. Let's pray she can help you somehow."

"Yes, father. As you wish."

We finished our teas, and I managed to get my hands on a cookie as well. Mother smiled when I stealthily took the cookie.

Fleur approaches us and I say to my parents "Please, excuse us." Well, I hope their image of me isn't too bad. I at least tried to sound polite.

My parents nod and as I follow Fleur, I see father whispering to Rose. I don't think I should ask what that's about, so I simply wait here for a moment.


Rose filled me in later about their conversation, but not until much, much later. This is what they said:

"Please wait. Rose, thank you for helping our daughter. I can see that you two are best friends," father says with a smile.

"Thank you, your majesty. I guess that's what friends do?"

"True friends should, yes. Would you be willing to stay with us for a while?"

"Eh....your majesty, I don't know? What about school?"

Mother intervened "don't worry about that, it's just for a week or two. We'll make sure that your studies aren't delayed. Whether Daisy will be able to continue hers is another question entirely. We both believe that she needs your help. You witnessed it yourself....she didn't even recognize us! <sniff>"

"Eh....alright? If you believe that I can be of help? Sure, I'll do my best!"

I saw mom hugging her and then a smiling Rose hurried to me and Fleur, on our way to the Healer.

Fleur walks quite quickly through the corridors, the clickety clack sound of her shoes echoing through the corridors between carpets. She greeted a few maids by name while passing them by.

The maids all seem to be kind people, me being a Princess might have something to do with it though. I return a kind greeting to everyone I meet, even though they are all strangers to me. 
But showing kindness is free and doesn't hurt, does it?

Rose didn't speak at all, nor did Fleur. Are they feeling uncomfortable around me now? Nothing I can do about that, just going with the flow....going with the flow.

Fleur raises her hand once we reach an office at the far end of the Palace. It's still on the first floor. I guess the second floor is for staff, that's usually the case in isekai stories. But that won't stop me from exploring the place, let me tell you that!

"Please wait a moment." Fleur says while knocking on the door. 

A friendly sounding female, yet elderly voice then asks us to enter.

Fleur doesn't have to open the door because it's already opened from within. 

"Hiya....welcome...welcome to the healing center!" A lady, with silvery white hair and more wrinkles than I can count, almost sings while inviting us to enter. She exudes that mysterious witch-in-the-forest aura. Someone pretty smart.....and certainly not a person to underestimate.

Fleur keeps waiting outside when Rose and I are invited inside. 

"Young ladies, I'm Azalea, the Healer assigned to the Palace. Please, please, do sit down."

After recounting the story of my life, with some help from Rose, Azalea started examining us.
Surprisingly we didn't need to undress for this doctor, or Healer, as she's called. Azalea simply used her hands to "feel" if we were healthy. Only hovering a few inches from our bodies, she seemed able to "scan" us from the inside.

Judging by her smiles, things are still good. That is....until she started feeling my brain region.

"Oh ho.....that's interesting. Mmm....hold still, dear. HOLD STILL....yes....yes...mmmm....okay. That concludes the examination. Fleur is waiting outside and will take you two....to wherever you need to go. So thank you and stay healthy."

"Eh....excuse me....Healer? What about the results?" I just had to ask. Isn't that what a doctor's visit is all about?

"Princess, I understand your desire to learn about your condition....but I will speak with his majesty. It is up to him to see what happens next. Please respect this. But I can at least tell you, Rose, that you are perfectly healthy. Just a bit low on mana, but nothing a good night's rest can't fix."

Azalea seems quite reluctant to inform me about my condition. Just the fact that she calls it a "condition" in the first place makes me fear the worst. But what can I do? I don't know these people and upsetting them is the last thing I want to do. Okay....go with the flow....go with the flow we will.

"Thank you, Healer."  Rose says shyly.  

"Yes, thank you, Healer Azalea. Please excuse us." I give her a small bow out of courtesy. Something tells me I need to be careful around this one. Rose seems to have the same opinion about her and quickly copies my gesture.

Azalea stands up and opens the door for us. Yep, she wants to get rid of us....quickly.
"Goodbye, you two. And stay healthy." She smiles and quickly closes the door behind us.

Rose looks at me, with a confused expression. She doesn't speak, but her lips very clearly form the word "what?" 

I simply shrug and shake my head. That Azalea lady sure is an odd one. 

"Ahem." I hear Fleur behind me, trying to get our attention.

"Yes, Fleur?"

"Excuse me, Princess, but your mother has instructed us to help you two take a relaxing bath. Would now be a convenient time?"

Rose opens her eyes wide and can barely prevent a remark from leaving her lips.

"Of course, Fleur. However, the question should be...is it a convenient time for YOU? I know you are always busy, so we can wait if you like?"

"Thank you for your consideration, Princess, but now would be most convenient." Fleur gives a genuine warm smile. I think she appreciated that.

"Eh....okay then. Please lead the way, Fleur."

"Very well. Dinner will be served soon after you two have finished bathing."

The moment she mentioned the word dinner my stomach started making loud noises. This supposedly tiny body has a loud, growling monster where my stomach is supposed to be. Fleur and Rose just smiled when I apologized for that.

We followed Fleur to the second floor....yep...finally the second floor. She indeed confirmed that the Palace staff sleep in their rooms on this floor. The only accessible part for us are the bathing rooms. She kindly asked us to refrain from exploring, shattering my hopes for some much needed fun. I just might end up there by chance....you know.....because I can't resist exploring the place. Perhaps I will even dress up as a maid....nobody will notice. Nah...they probably will.

Fleur asked Rose to wait on the sofa in the hallway while my maid will be bathing me. 
Both Fleur and I turned red from embarrassment. Bathing us? We can do that ourselves!

"I'm sorry you two. Judging by your expressions you'd rather bathe alone. I'm afraid I must ask for your cooperation."

"Eh....okay? If we must." I looked at Rose and she just nodded, still blushing like I was.

"Very good. Your maid will be here in a minute to help you bathe. And Miss Rose will bathe next."

"Eh...I forgot I had a maid?" Oops, I said that out loud. 

"Mmm, that seems unlikely, Princess. Your favorite personal maid, as you once called River, will be here momentarily. And Olive shall take care of Miss Rose."

At that point my body warns me of an impending doom scenario. Red alert! I have to pee. NOW.

"Eh...excuse me, Fleur. I really need to....eh....visit the little eh...girls room?"

"The...ha ha ha! Princess, that's been awhile since you called the toilet a little girls room. Just go, please, we still have a few minutes for your maid to arrive."

Great...but where's the toilet? Luckily Rose seems to understand my issue. "Eh...Miss Fleur, where is the toilet?"

"Huh? Oh, it's there...at the end of the corridor, the light blue door."

"Oh, thank you!" Rose pulled me along, walking to the toilet.

I whispered "Rose, you are a lifesaver. Thanks!"

She whispers back to me "Daisy, how can you be so cold to your parents?"

"Huh? Where did that come from? I had never met them before today!"

We stop right in front of the light blue door.

"I know, but still...you could have been nicer to them."

I'm subconsciously pushing my legs closer, trying to keep me from peeing here in the hallway.

Rose must have noticed. "My goddess, you're so.....den....Daisy. C'mon, I'll show you."

"I'm not dense!" 

"Shhh!! I know. Now sit down on the toilet." 

I quickly scan the toilet and....it's surprisingly familiar. Just the same as on Earth. A regular seat and a water reservoir near the ceiling. A cord of some kind seems to be the mechanism they use to flush the toilet. Okay. I can do this.

"My goddess. Daisy. Remove your, my goddess.....really?"

Oops. Sitting down like this isn't going to work. "Sorry Rose, it's my first time sitting here....you know....as a girl."

"You could have fooled me. Now pull up your skirt."

"Eh....you mean down?"

"No you dummy! Pull that up and your p.ppp...panties down. Do it already! Just....just do your thing and I'll wait for you outside, okay?"

I simply nod and wait for her to leave, closing the door behind her.

I think we both are blushing from this awkward situation. And true enough, I pull up the skirt, way up.... and then drop the panties. Next to me is a pile of neatly folded papers. They seem quite soft. Toilet paper obviously. Seems expensive, like everything else around here.

"My god...this is real. Sooo real." 

Finishing nature's call, I flush the toilet and check that I'm properly dressed now. 
Wait, how am I supposed to wash my hands here? I take one of the folded papers and they're a bit moist. Okay, that works for now.

"Hey...is that...lipstick I'm wearing?" And why am I speaking to myself in the mirror?

"Are you ready?" Rose whispers quite loudly from outside. 

"Just a second, almost done!" 

Isekai world versus Noah eh.....Daisy:  0 -  1.   That made me giggle for a second.

I open the door and see Rose shaking her head. "Really? Were you just giggling?"

"Maaaybe?" I shrug.

"I swear, Daisy...you sure could have fooled me. Are your memories really gone? Or are you just taking advantage of people?"

"Huh? Who are you again?" I couldn't suppress another giggle. And it worked, Rose couldn't suppress one either.

"Come here, you goof. It's time for your bath."

"Yep. And you're next."

"Ugh...don't remind me."

I follow her back to the bathing room.

"Why? Oh, because you are scared of water?" I just had to tease her.

Rose then slapped me on the shoulder, but nothing painful. She was only teasing.
"No! And for your information.....rain and water are two different things! And I'm NOT afraid, I'll have you know." 

"Ouch! Hey! I didn't mean it like that!"

"Good, don't you forget it!"

"Yes, ma'am." 

That earned me a strange look from her. Well, it's her fault for teasing me in the first place.

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