[18+] a little sister’s all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹

Chapter 49: How To Make A Friend IX

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A familiar sight filled Onii's eyes as he slowly walked towards the balcony. Standing against the marble railing was a lone platinum-blonde maiden, wearing an elegant white-laced maxi dress. She mused calmly into the city lights. Her braided side ponytail swayed from a gentle breeze, causing the white ribbons that tied her hair neatly to dance along.

This view was like a picturesque painting.

"You're here."

Compared to the Tsuko during Group Simulation Battle, this Tsuko fully embodied the Majestic Princess role. Onii felt her radiating a noble aura of respect and kindness.

She looks exactly like a royalty.

How long has it been since I talked to one privately?

The Shui Princess turned around and beckoned Onii to come. Stepping forward onto the balcony, a burst of fresh air woke his tired self. Countless stars twinkled the clear night sky like melody, making for an unusual intimate atmosphere.

I wonder what she wants.

"Hello, Tsuko."

"Hey, Onii. Thanks for staying."

"Not a problem."

"I know I told you already, but good work... despite what Doctor Lirin said."

"To you as well."

Her eyes were a signature twinkling purple paired with carefully-drawn eyeliner. Wearing a glossy rose-pink lipstick, Tsuko was fully dolled up for tonight's post-banquet. Onii wondered if her entire outfit was arranged by professionals.

Needless to say, she shone like a gemstone out of the others.

The Shui Princess studied him too before tilting her head, letting her hair droop down to her side shoulder. She continued with a gentle smile.

"I have something to ask you."

Onii raised his chin, indicating she should continue.

Unexpectedly, Tsuko started giggling. It broke the tension and invited light-heartedness.

"There's no need to be so formal with each other you know. Don't adventurers have the saying strangers become comrades after a quest?"


Onii nodded slowly, feeling slightly concerned. Surface-level conversations were quite troubling as he never knew what to talk about or how to proceed organically.

"There's a famous cafe called Factory Tea Bar inside Bellevue Mall I have been wanting to go. Mana and Aqua told me they have the fluffiest pancake in this region. How about we have our talk over dessert another day?"

Bellevue Mall was a beautiful shopping street, filled with fine eateries and brand shops, mostly targeted at those who were affluent. Despite the pricing, it remained a popular hangout spot for Temple Academy students because of its close distance and afternoon tea time.

This was an unknown territory he wanted to explore with Amae.


I can try it first and let her know how it is.

Considering Tsuko's invitation, it was a good opportunity to scout and try the best eats. That way, Onii could show his dear little sister to the best restaurant without having to waste money. Simply imagining Amae devouring dessert with an innocent, happy look, he could not wait for that moment to come.

After all, it was a big brother's duty to make little sister happy.

Tsuko must be a food connoisseur. Being a noble, her palate for desserts must be on the level of an exceptional critic. She did seem to enjoy today's dessert, introducing various ingredients to Aqua and Mana earlier.

"What day?"

I want to be prepared.

Tsuko was smiling mysteriously.

"Let's exchange our contact information and you can decide."

"Very well, let's do that."

Bumping their AI device together, a ringtone played.

I can't believe I have another contact besides my little sister.

"I will text you."

With an immediate respectful bow, Tsuko turned on her heels and bid her goodnights        

With an immediate respectful bow, Tsuko turned on her heels and bid her goodnights.

Onii was slightly surprised by her sudden enthusiasm. But it lightened the mood and made him realized that there was a human side to her after all.

Turning towards the landscape of towering buildings, Onii placed his elbows on the railing and pondered his decisions. Doctor Lirin and Princess Tsuko.

Both proposed an important and life-changing decision.

I wonder what Princess Tsuko is planning.

Most likely something related to business or the Shui Kingdom. It must be important for her to take time out of the day and invite me to a fancy cafe. And in Bellevue of all places.

I will need to be on my best when I go.

Onii let out a deep sigh and watched two distancing stars twinkle brightly.

There's no way I can be friends with her... right?

♦ ♦ ♦

Princess Tsuko took a deep breath and exhaled. This was a technique she learned back home that helped manage anxiety. Although it was a beautiful starry night, she could not fully appreciate the view. That was because she was about to step outside her comfort zone.

Tsuko finally heard footsteps behind her.

"You're here."

Her body automatically straightened, returning to her prim self. It was the social front she cultivated and eventually mastered after years of being royalty.

Turning on her heels, the Shui Princess waved her hand at Onii. The swordsman's short black hair and piercing red eyes remain the same as ever. Although he looked less like a delinquent because of his black suit and tie, an air of intimidation still enveloped his presence. She was also surprised by how toned his body was.

"Hello, Tsuko."

"Hey, Onii. Thanks for staying."

"Not a problem."

"I know I told you already, but good work... despite what Doctor Lirin said."

"To you as well."

Beside his waist wielded the「Katana」, sheathed in black bandages. She thought back to how exceptional he was during Group Simulation Battle, especially confronting that Troll by himself. The absolute confidence he manifested while fighting a monster of that level.

But what Tsuko did not understand was why he chose solitary. During tonight's post-banquet, Onii did not engage in conversations but ate mostly by himself. Tsuko had a deep hunch — they were similar deep down. Thus, she continued with a gentle smile.

"I have something to ask you."

He raised his chin, indicating Tsuko should continue. But noticing his stern features and a mental distance, she could not contain her merriment any longer. Aqua and Jan had already opened up, why shouldn't he?

"There's no need to be so formal with each other you know. Don't adventurers have the saying strangers become comrades after a quest?"


Onii nodded slowly, perhaps trying to understand the adage.

Maybe he's not familiar with the Adventurer's Guild?

"There's a famous cafe called Factory Tea Bar inside Bellevue Mall I have been wanting to go. Mana and Aqua told me they have the fluffiest pancake in this region. How about we have our talk over dessert another day?"

That sounds too formal!

Gah. Why can't I talk more casual?

"What day?"

Now's your opportunity.

If he rejects you, then there's no difference. You tried and took a chance.

Tsuko smiled. Her mirth came straight from the heart, deciding she will step one step closer to her dream. It was now or never.

"Let's exchange our contact information and you can decide."

"Very well, let's do that."

The Shui Princess was surprised! Mindfully opening her purse, Tsuko tried her best to not fumble her device. She was somewhat surprised by the immediacy of his response.

Bumping their AI device together, a ringtone played.

I can't believe Onii actually gave me his contact.

I didn't expect someone like him to agree so easily.

"I will message you."

Wow, he plans to take the initiative.

Does this mean he was waiting for me to ask him the whole time?

Does this mean he was waiting for me to ask him the whole time?        

Her inner excitement unexpectedly leaked out.

Tsuko instantly bowed, shielding her blushing cheeks with the aid of her flowing hair. This was quite embarrassing, being excited over something as simple as hanging out at a cafe.

I hope he doesn't think I am weird.

Bidding a quick farewell, she headed for the staircase, trying to walk away from this embarrassing situation. The nervousness gradually turned into a proud, victorious feeling. A personal V in the school chapter of Tsuko.

I can't believe I did it!

But I am so glad I did.

I would've regretted it if I didn't take the chance.

Tsuko exhaled a deep breath, along with the anxiety that had repressed for the past hour. Her heart was filled with only content, despite the rapid, uncontrollable pounding. Now inside a vacant women's restroom, the Shui Princess silently examined herself. An elegant maiden with a wide grin stared back inside the mirror.

Like after every successful speech, she pumped both of her arms up in the air. Taking in this blissful moment.

I wonder what our hangout is going to be like.

Inviting him to a cafe in Bellevue was the right decision since he did seem to enjoy the desserts here. Besides, I always wanted to try something casual and not talk about business for once.

Now, what should I do with Logyn?

I'll worry about it later, Tsuko beamed.

But I think I can definitely become friends with him!

♦ ♦ ♦

Onii stood up from his seat and casually walked out of class once the bell rang. Having finished the first Battle of the Simulation, there was plenty of free time, excluding the daily homework assignment and studying for Magic Theories. For now, everyone was excited about the upcoming Club Week.

He heard casual chatters in the classroom before leaving onto the hallway. Group of students from other F-rank classes passed by, proceeding with their daily life.

Opening his AI device, Onii wrote a message that was on his mind for the past ten minutes and re-read it several times more. After what happened, he wanted it to be perfect.

Big Sibling ♥: Hi little sister, are you free today?


You are reading story [18+] a little sister’s all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹 at novel35.com


Onii thought carefully about the wording and his intention. While he could freely teleport to Amae using the「Ring of Interconnection」, that would be an incredibly stupid move. Disrupting her privacy and interfering with her dream of a memorable school life for his selfishness was despicable. 

Absolutely despicable.

After all, a big brother's duty was to support his little sister.

Examining his crystal ring that was embedded in faint runic symbols, Onii let out an unexpected sigh. He somehow found himself by the Temple Academy Fountain again. The place where the two siblings first came to school and even sparked a crowd with their teasing. Thus, he sat down and stared blankly at the school gate while many students of different years left the academy.

I'm just checking up on her.

And see if she's free.

Maybe we can talk it out.

Counting to three, he took a deep breath and sent the text.

Onii felt his heart racing faster than usual. Because now came the dreadful wait. A response could be minutes, hours, perhaps even up to days. The worst of all was no reply.

This was why he was not a fan of AI. 

Although「Message」or talking face-to-face would solve that problem, he rather not stroll through Potential's territory unless it became absolutely necessary like the incident with Doragon. Something as trivial as checking-in could be done with the convenience of this device.

He scrolled through his contact list, in which three people appeared on his list.

Little Sibling ♡
Doctor Lirin
Princess Tsuko

Shortly after, a sound rang as Onii quickly opened his AI device.

Little Sibling ♡: Sorry, big brother. I have club activities. ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

Certain emotions evoked inside his heart. Was this jealousy? Insecurity? Sadness? Frustration?

Whatever sentiment it was, Onii examined her message longer than usual. He wondered what Amae was doing.

Big Sibling ♥: What club?
Little Sibling ♡: Culinary Arts! (≧∇≦)/ It's the first week so attendance is important. Did you know some of the officers here are sons and daughters of locally-renowned chefs?! Ohhhhhh! The President even has his own restaurant, waaa!!

Onii was not too surprised after the banquet event. While Temple Academy was most notably known for magic, it was also a university for business connections. Connections that presented itself as opportunities.

Big Sibling ♥: Have fun with the club.
Little Sibling ♡: Hehe, I shall! ミ๏v๏彡 Once I learn more recipes, I'll make something mighty delicious and impress the heck out of you~

Onii felt internal warmth from Amae's future cooking plan. While that day may be far away, he seemed to be still on her mind. That was good.

Big Sibling ♥: I am in love with your cooking.
Little Sibling ♡: I can't wait to show you my new recipes. You'll be blown away and come back, begging your little chef for more! Wahahaha~ (☆▽☆)

Onii let out a chuckle as that was a very Amae-ish phrase to say. Her message was filled with personality and cute Kaomoji faces, indicating her expressive personality.

Little Sibling ♡: Anyways, I need to go meow. චᆽච Trinity and Arella finished with their make-up. Love ya, don't miss me too much~
Big Sibling ♥: Love you too. Now go, shoo shoo.

Overall, Onii was happy that Amae was doing so well. But considering the huge conflict last month, she never mentioned the specifics of the issue again. That much was understandable. 

A relationship problem needs to be discussed in person.

For now, it was all surface-level conversation until the right time comes.

I wonder when I'll see her again.

Onii closed his eyes and paid attention to the present moment. The sound of water trickling behind him. Occasional birdsong and gentle, relaxing breezes. The subtle conversations students were having nearby. Some sound of laughter and joy.

Opening his eyes, he saw more students walked out of both Potential and Regular buildings, talking about a range of topics. Some complained about their professor while others were planning to explore Rose Plaza and Libertea Downtown. A small flock of Third-Year maidens was excited to try a café in Bellevue Mall, reminding him of the promise with Tsuko.

Watching everyone pass him by as they continued their day, Onii could not help but somewhat lonely.

Everyone was making friends, forming relationships and above all, enjoying their school life.

Amae was progressing forward while he remained stagnant.

An uneasy feeling lingered.

Am I really fine with not having a school life?

Shouldn't I live out my youth?

Purely from a mission's perspective, Onii had no need to make friendships because he was not the best at socializing. Amae covered for his weakness. He was more of a listener than a talker. Plus, his delinquent facial features played a disadvantage in meeting new people.

What do I want in a friend?

He did not care for a group of people but a single individual, prefer to invest in the quality and making it lifelong. Everyday trivial conversations were mundane and sparked minimal interest.

Maybe it would be nice to have someone to talk to, especially in a time like this.

The more people that walked out of the academy, the more lonely he felt.

Two months already flew by. While Onii had a collection of observational data, nothing relevant had happened since the duel with Mich. Updates were on a weekly basis. He had already made a mental note to discuss with Mari about Lirin's proposal of being an Instructor Advisor this Earthenday.

Onii opened his AI and mindlessly checked the Student Forum. As he scrolled through multiple threads on #studentlife, the void in his heart grew.

Capturing the memorable moment through AI's ability to freeze a frame in time, it seemed like everyone was having fun.

Having the time of their lives.

All except him.

It would be a lie if he did not want something meaningful.

After all, life is about reaping what you sow. We're all living on a path we've chosen. Grand master's words randomly echoed in his mind.

A large group of First-Year Regulars from a different class walked by, giggling and talked about trying a new karaoke place to sing their hearts out. He noticed Shino in the midst, smiling widely like she never did in the F4 class. He turned away as the group continued marching forward.

When did I become this socially conscious?

In the past, he did not care what others think of him as long as he lived true to his values. Onii was comfortable being different. Being unique.

What changed?

Standing from the fountain, Onii wondered if he could invite Doragon to do something.

Doragon. He thought more about the half-dragon beast girl that was always hungry for battle. Bloodthirsty to hunt monsters. How desperate has Onii gotten that he willing to invite the insane roommate who almost ruined his life?

What am I actually doing right now...?

♦ ♦ ♦

"Big brother..."

"Big brother..."

"Big brother~"

Onii woke up to a familiar sound. Her voice sounded like a soft, enchanting lullaby in this chilly weather. Realizing he had fallen asleep, the sleepy older sibling let out a groggy yawn.

"Wake up~" Amae's lip curled into a gentle smile and glanced down with love and care, "You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping any longer. How about we head inside the cabin?"

Onii nuzzled against the softness of her thigh, savoring all of the sweet body warmth. That much was enough to confront the incoming winter.

"Just a little longer," Onii turned his face towards her body and closed his eyes again. He could smell the faint scent of her sweater. "Sleeping on your lap feels so warm and nice."

Amae lightly ruffled his hair, "what a hopeless big brother. Just a little longer then~"

Onii felt an ineffable feeling inside his heart. As Amae continued to enjoy the beauty of nature while caressing him tightly, his entire soul was being soothed. Recharging both mentally and physically. 

There was only one word to describe this moment — heaven.

"Even if you were to catch a cold, I'll be there to nurse you back to health."

"Little sister as my caretaker. I like the sound of that."

Amae giggled like an innocent child and mused off into the scenery.

"I don't mind if it's all for you, big brother."

♦ ♦ ♦

Onii mindlessly unlocked his dorm by placing the dog tag on the sensor. The door clicked and slid automatically to the left, revealing an enormous tatami-based suite that was divided in the middle. The room arrangement was purely based on an invisible line, with simplistic pieces of furniture such as an artisan coffee table, mini-fridge constantly loaded with drinks, fluffy throw pillows, decorative wall scrolls that were constantly adjusted by Maid Noa.

He took off his shoes and stepped inside, feeling the natural bamboo beneath his soles.

On the right side laid only a basic white futon and a signature jar of lollipops by its flat pillow. Like always, many of her outfits were thrown randomly on the floor instead of being inside the sliding wardrobe. He could see inner garments like bra and panties resting in the open.

Looks like Maid Noa hasn't come in yet.

I wonder if she ever gets tired of cleaning our room every day.

Her living habits reminded him of an animal, only needing the basic necessity to survive. Doragon was nowhere to be seen.

Onii laid back, sinking into his own king-sized futon at the corner. Although the bedding appeared simple, the feeling was the complete opposite. With the finest silk and Giza-based cotton, his body was on top of a fluffy cloud.

How do you make friends?

This was the million Qian question. 

Up until recently, he never thought about it. 

Temple Academy was a community. A tightly-knitted community of First to Fifth Year university students. But as Lirin had mentioned, magic discrimination was engrained down to the very core. In fact, Onii living in Celestial Dragon was due to the power hierarchy and absolute authority of the S-ranks.

If a friendship is only based on something as superficial as power, then I will pass.

Maybe Doctor Lirin's proposal to be an Instructor Advisor isn't so bad after all.

Changing Temple Academy...

Thinking deeper into the issue, Onii realized it was about finding the right friend. At least, in terms of interest and share some commonality. Maybe also have a companion to eat lunch with or explore Libertea once in awhile.

Maybe someone like Amae?

Onii chuckled to himself, thinking fondly about the cute little sister.

No one is comparable to her.

Thus, became the issue of being open-minded to the F4 classmates.

Jan, Shen, and Ness.

The boy group of Class F4. Onii instantly shook his head, unable to imagine an ideal future. Dead ends all around. He absolutely hated the one-upping mindset.


The mysterious sharpshooter girl. Although interested in Modern Weapons, Onii could see both of them immersed in complete awkward silence. Not an ideal situation.


Onii wondered if they would have become good rivals. Beyond the arrogant outlook, Mich did possess great potential and a drive for self-growth. But there was no point to think about him now.

Mana and Aqua.

The duo was always together whenever possible. Mana was a Platinum-tier, which raises multiple concerns regarding Adventurer's Guild. As for Aqua, she was the definition of a klutz but it did not seem the village girl was drawn to him.

Princess Tsuko.

Onii had mixed thoughts about the Shui Princess, with「Celestial Eyes」being the biggest concern. But out of all the classmates, she was the most knowledgable and perhaps rival with Mana in strategy.

If she knew about my Hero-tier identity, would she tell others?

Tsuko seemed like a trusting lady who kept her promises, but up to a certain extent. While she may not betray him, a life of authority was all she knew. If her Father were to request such information, then Onii would assume she would break confidentiality. 

Still, it would not be bad to try and talk to her.

After all, she was the first person in Temple Academy to reach out to him. Whether it may be from a place of compassion, pity or business, Princess Tsuko chose to talk to Onii. She took the time and even asked him to eat dessert at Bellevue.

Thus, he had a reason to contact her.

Holding his AI in his hand, it was time to fulfill his side of the promise.

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