[18+] a little sister’s all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹

Chapter 50: How To Make A Friend X

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Standing by the school entrance, Onii checked his AI repeatedly. The portable gadget flickered to the screensaver of Amae, holding tightly onto his hand and glancing back with a warm, beaming smile. This precious picture could be best described as heart-melting, one that anyone would kill for to have with their girlfriends.

Fifteen minutes passed the designated meeting time. No notification. No messages. No updates from Tsuko's current whereabouts, leaving Onii standing by himself at the entrance gate.

Prior to today's fateful meeting, his heart would not stop beating rapidly. Besides Amae, it has been ages since he last talked with someone unfamiliar. That was because one on one interactions often resulted in awkwardness. The Hero-tier adventurer knew that much from the past social gatherings at Adventurer's Guild, often found himself sitting in the corner and sipping his fruit punch.

But the anxious feeling gradually shifted into a mild irritation. 

Honestly, he was surprised.

From a world-renowned royal family, Onii expected the Third Shui Princess to be on time. If not, earlier and already waiting too. After all, a proper meeting time was a form of respect and mannerism, especially prevalent in the aristocratic world.

He let out a puzzled sigh.

Am I expecting too much out of our first meeting?

I wonder what's keeping Princess Tsuko so long.

There's no way she forgot about today... right?


Down the neatly-paved road that was Temple Academy's main walkway, a young maiden wearing a refreshing white dress caught Onii's onlooking gaze. In contrast to the sea of school outfit gold, red and black, she shone like a natural pearl. Her movement was filled with elegant haste, breezing through the students in a zig-zag manner as she held tightly onto the edge of her hat, glancing downward.

The lady stopped in front of him and slightly raised her hat. That was when he realized who she was.

"Good afternoon, Onii."

"Afternoon, Princess Tsuko." 

"Tsuko," she instantly corrected him.

"My apologies, Tsuko."

"Good good."

As she surveyed her surroundings once more, Onii examined his classmate's outfit.

Tsuko's floral-white dress contrasted primly to her slender figure, showcasing how delicate her body was. Her usual long flowing platinum-blonde hair was tied into a relaxing ponytail. Wearing a large sunhat and a pair of sunglasses, a casual nature vibe radiated from her entire being.

In fact, she almost looked like a different person. If Onii had not been actively searching, then he would have missed her.

"Are you ready to go?"


"Alright, let's hurry. Follow me."

No apology or explanation on being late?

He mentally furrowed his brows but did not let his inner feeling show.

The two scanned their AI devices with the guards, performing the routine check-out. As soon as Tsuko stepped outside of the fenced gate, she continued moving hastefully and kept her hat down.

I wonder why she is in such a hurry.

There's no way she loves dessert this much... right?

Trailing behind his classmate, they turned left on the road and chose the scenic route. Although farther in distance, the alabaster-path was pedestrian-friendly and was rated as a favorite resting spot by many. It was less busy now since most of the students were already in the Downtown District.

This area was known as The Path to Serenity

Indeed, it lived up to its name. Several students could be seen lounging around on the open grass, with a few resting in their personal hammocks. Some sat on the wooden benches and ate ice cream from the local vendors. Countless cherry blossoms were tastefully planted in parallel to the wide path. Since it was Xue season, many of the leaves were starting to transform into an aesthetic shade of red, orange and yellow.

Onii felt like he had entered into a national park.

This area is absolutely beautiful.

I know Amae would love to have a picnic here.

Maybe someday... when things get better between us.

Being in nature always brought Onii's heart back to his partner, reminding him of their dear moments. The life of traveling from small towns to clandestine dungeons. The life of fighting monsters and earning rewards from accomplishing their quests. The life of always experiencing something novel every adventure.

But everything changed.

All good things eventually come to an end.

Those days had passed.

Remaining nothing more than precious memories.

Being the lowest-rank in Temple Academy while living with an S-rank student, Onii could not imagine what the next five years will be like. So much could change again. So much could happen, especially with Doctor Lirin's proposal to become an Instructor Advisor.

However life turned out to be, the big brother knew that he will always be there to protect his little sister.

Onii watched the huge dainty ribbon bounce on Tsuko's upper back, dribbling with her each and every step. That light floral dress continued to remind him of Amae since the little sister loved all things cute. He recalled the infamous shopping spree that occurred before the first day of school at Bellvue Mall.

Holding five big bags on each hand, Amae protruded her chest and beamed. She wore a proud and innocent smile on her face, manging to dealt damage to their excessive income.

"Being cute sure is expensive."

"I agree. Three thousand Qian in two hours is a Hero-tier feat in itself. Congratulations, you've surpassed what I thought was humanly impossible."

Amae bumped shoulders and revealed a playful smirk, "It's all for the sake of cuteness, big brother."


"Cuteness is love. Cuteness is life. Have you not heard of such a famous phrase?"

"I have not. But that seems to fit your personality perfectly."

"Kekeke, you're absolutely right~ Cuteness is justice!" The little sister held onto his hand tightly. "Onto to the next store~"

I wonder how she is doing, Onii sighed internally as he walked down a fleeting set of stairs. Although their shopping spree was only a few months ago, those memories seemed so far away. Perhaps their conflict had caused significant damage to their siblingship.

I hope it's not too late to repair it.

As the cherry blossom path came to a natural end, it led itself to the compacted streets of Downtown District. Onii's heart dropped in uneasiness as he realized a pressing issue.

They had not talked for the past ten minutes.

No discussion.

No eye contact.

Just a silent stroll, with Tsuko in the front and Onii in the back.

This is awkward.

Now, it's too late for me to have a conversation.

♦ ♦ ♦

"Doesn't this fluffy souffle look mouth-watering?"

"Doesn't this fluffy souffle look mouth-watering?"

After taking multiple pictures on her AI, Tsuko's fuchsia eyes dazzled in awe while preparing her fork and knife. The Princess was like a dessert predator, about to move in for the kill. The double strawberry souffle jiggled once more as she gave it a final love tap.

"It does," Onii nodded and was glad the earlier awkwardness did not seep into their current conversation. "Are you sure you are okay with sharing?"

"Desserts are meant to be shared."

He widened his eyes for a second, realizing that Amae had said those exact words before. Was this some sort of fundamental rule in the culinary world? Was this common knowledge? Was he this out of touch with the world?

"Yummy!~ ♪"

The Shui Princess literally glowed in happiness. All the while, her entire motion of scooping and receiving was graceful. After appreciating the taste for a few seconds more, Tsuko motioned her hand at a nearby waitress and spoke like true royalty.

"Excuse me, I would like to order a glass of Rose Champagne imported the Shui Region. Light bodied with a touch of fruity sweetness please."

"You sure know your drinks, miss."

The waitress in the white apron smiled, not realizing she was actually speaking to the Princess of the Shui Kingdom. But then again, Onii knew that some royalties preferred to keep a low-profile in public. 

"It reminds me of home."

"Ah, so you are a local there. Many of the Shui citizens living in Libertea often drop by since we imported their wine directly from their brewery. The owner is from the Shui region and he is quite proud of it!"

"I'm happy to hear that. This sounds like a heartwarming cafe for the homesick."

"Yes it sure is," the waitress smiled and turned towards Onii. "A glass for you as well, sir?"

After scanning through the menu, he pointed at the "Soul-Black Coffee" and nodded. This was the one he was searching for. Out of all the colorful and expensive drinks with names beyond his understanding, Onii decided with something familiar.

"No, I'd like one cup of this. No sugar or creamer necessary."

A slight surprise came from their faces as they glanced at the item, which had a large page a dangerous red stamp stating WARNING. Thus, the server smiled politely and replied:

"Are you sure? Soul-Black is one of the strongest coffee beans in the world. I recommend something much lighter like the Vanilla Light Roast. That's the most popular for students. Seeing how you are are a First-Year, you might not be able to sleep tonight."

"I know. That's why I picked it."

The calm, unwavering tone in Onii's voice evoked the doubt in the waiter's eyes. It was as if he had signaled how much of a caffeine expert he was and understood the implication behind such beans. Thus, she left to place their drink orders.

"I didn't know you are a coffee enthusiast."

Onii chuckled at the Shui Princess's comment.

"I haven't had it in a while. Like you, I am also choosing a nostalgic drink."

"I see. So you like your coffee strong and simple," Tsuko tilted her head and mused. "They say a person's drink brings out a part of their personality. Indeed, it does remind me of you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means exactly what it means," she replied with a cryptic smile before feasting on the souffle with a beaming expression.

Soul-Black beans originated from the Di Federation, near the southern coastline to be exact, and flourished across the region after its recent popularity. Like Tsuko's decision, perhaps this was Onii's innate wish to relive the sentimentality of the past. After all, functioning without his dear sibling beside him was a challenging task, especially having lived together for so long.

All in all, today felt appropriate. To indulge in something meaningful to him as a means to celebrate a personal achievement. Amae would be proud of his new friend. Maybe he should be too.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

"I want to know more about you."

Onii was slightly taken back at the direct response. He did not how to properly answer. Noticing his reaction, Tsuko realized the meaning behind such a statement and cleared her throat. Her cheeks now blushed a faint rosy-red.

"I meant that I want to know more about your fighting style. Thanks to your decision-making, we were able to pass our exam. I saw the way you acted under pressure, especially against a monster of that level. My heart was inspired and it made me realize I still have much to learn."

"Are you looking for mentorship?"

"No no," Tsuko laughed and tilted her head, letting the side of her platinum-blonde hair fall naturally. "More of a nice and easy conversation."

"A conversation..."

"Yes, a conversation. A causal relaxation type of late afternoon. Since we'll be together for the next four years, I feel like knowing how you think would help with Battle of the Divisions. No, I know it will. But beyond academics, it would be nice to know more about you personally too."

"I see."

"Isn't this what Temple Academy students typically do?" Tsuko scanned around, in which Onii realized a couple of students were also enjoying their free time. "I do have to apologize since I'm not sure what a casual relaxation entails. You know, I never did something like this before with a friend."

Onii was surprised the Shui Princess had called him a friend. Hearing that touching word made his mind blank.

"That's all?"



"What were you expecting today?"


"Ah~ You were thinking about something else."

Onii glanced downward from the Princess slight tease and chuckle. A sense of embarrassment grew inside, obviously from having the wrong assumption that this was a serious talk of business. He stared at the half-eaten duo soufflé as she mused innocently with each bite.

You are reading story [18+] a little sister’s all i need | 我只需要我的妹妹 at novel35.com

All this time, Onii guarded himself and refused to let others come in. Yet, after realizing that the pure and innocent intention sitting in front of her, he felt like such a fool for assuming ulterior motives. Thus, he decided to try his best and have a "casual relaxation" with her.

Still, never in his past years would he imagine attending a prestigious magic-academic university and end up eating afternoon desserts with the Third Princess of the Shui Kingdom.

Life sure has its irony.

♦ ♦ ♦

Indeed, the evening walk back to Temple Academy was more of a "casual relaxation", with Tsuko opening up about her personal life. She would often smile in their conversation and sometimes, include some humor and surprises along the way. There was no doubt about it. The Shui Princess was an excellent storyteller, capable of captivating an entire audience at ease.

But beyond the regal and sophisticated appearance, Onii realized why the F4 class had taken a special liking towards her. To start, she was genuinely personable. Curious about others and made people feel welcomed, which happened today back at the cafe. One could feel their social status elevated by being in her seemingly immaculate presence.

All in all, the young maiden walking beside him truly lived up to her renowned title as the People's Princess. Onii could imagine her becoming more popular as the school year progressed. 

He wondered if their relationship would change when that day comes.

From the content, he knew there were high familial expectations placed on being the Third Princess of the Shui Kingdom. Since Tsuko was the youngest in the bloodline, she felt the underlying pressure to follow her older sister's footsteps.

Under King Tsu's reluctant decision, the young royalty enrolled at Temple Academy as a means to explore the world and understand various cultures. This was all to prepare for her future duty as a national representative.

For Tsuko, enrolling in Temple Academy was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the world before retiring in the homeland for the rest of her life.

Onii could not help but feel an internal struggle beneath the royalty facade. Something about her tone indicated that this was not the future she wanted. But he knew better than to involve himself with those in politics.

"I can't believe there are so many cafes in Bellevue Mall. To think we only explored one-fifth today, it's remarkable to think how progressive the Capital of Libertea is. Next time, I want to try the machine that plays songs. I heard it's really popular with students right now. Maybe I should invite Mana, Shino, and Aqua too! Or maybe a classroom bonding experience."

"You already sound like a class representative."

Tsuko let out a chuckle and smiled warmly at his words.

"Thanks for the compliment. I've been told that I am attentive to other people. I suppose it's a part of my personality to make sure others don't feel excluded. I mean, it must be sad to be alone while everyone is having a fun time. Ah, but I have also been told to stay out of other people's business too. It's a double-edged sword."

Indeed, Onii appreciated the social consideration from the Shui Princess, always keeping an extra eye on everyone. People like her were rare gems in the world. But at the same time, he wondered if there was some hidden pity under the act of kindness. 

"Oh, I heard from one of the D-ranking class that the Adventurer's Guild is holding an introductory meeting to dungeoning. That could be a fun event too."

"You seem excited to try new things."

"No one knows what the future may hold. So with the time limit of four and a half years, I want to make every moment count."

"A noteworthy mindset."

"How about you, mysterious swordsman?"

Onii paused and contemplated. Indeed, he could not disclose his status as a Hero-tier adventurer, specifically assigned to partake a classified mission from the Elite Five of the Adventurer's Guild. He still chuckled internally at what Tsuko's reaction might be.

"I'm not exactly sure what I want."

"Didn't you enrolled because of your sister's scholarship?"

"That's right. I'm surprised you remembered."

"I mean the first day of class, you made it crystal clear that you have a little sister complex. That's impossible to forget."

All the while, Tsuko giggled in a teasing manner. She seemed to be having fun with the conversation.

"It can't be helped when she is amazing in every way."

"You must really love your little sister."

"I do."

"And think highly of her."

"Of course."

"Maybe even dote on her a bit too much."


After having another laugh, Tsuko quirked up the corner of her mouth in a friendly smile.

"It seems like our conversation has gotten off-track. But it was worth it. It feels nice to finally meet this human side of you. You seemed happy when we talked about her."

Onii did not realize that he was exhibiting an obvious aura of happiness. That alone was too dangerous, especially for someone who could carry a conversation with anyone and connect the story pieces together. Thus, he should be maintaining a formal distance, especially with someone as insightful as Tsuko.

"Yes, I suppose I am."

"You still haven't answered my question earlier."

"What was it?"

"What are some personal goals you have during your stay at Temple Academy?"

"I am not sure."

"Okay, one goal."

"I don't really know."

"Well, I think that's fine," Tsuko nodded and glanced towards the cascading sunset with an earnest look. Her voice was gentle and calming like the subtle breeze. "Someday, you'll figure out what you want to do with the remaining time you have."

Onii nodded and felt slightly guilty for not sharing more about himself. But this decision was for the best. He could not afford any mistakes, especially in the presence of someone who could use the mysterious「Celestial Eyes」. 

But the main reason was that he respected Tsuko as a person. She had shown him a considerable amount of kindness today.

For him to deceive his first friend at Temple Academy any further would pain his heart even more. 

"I heard from my Big Sis Tsundere that the area around Temple Academy is free from crime for the past two years. But other districts, not so much."

"Having guards around every block certainly has its benefits."

"I'm glad for that. It feels refreshing when I can be outside with an escort."

"An escort?"

"Yes. It's quite limiting to have someone watch every move you make. And it's distracting when I want to talk about private matters with my friends. A bit embarrassing."

"That's... something."

"Overprotective," Tsuko smiled as she twirled around in her floral dress, holding onto the hem of her hat. Truly, she appeared like a young university girl. "That's why I am in disguise today. All I need is to change my hairstyle and wear a hat then now I am Casual Tsu."

The dots slowly connected for Onii.

"Is that why you were late today?"

"Yes, I apologize for making you wait an additional twenty minutes. I promise I will treat you to something next time. It'll be worth it."

Onii was quite surprised to hear those words. This meant today was not their last meeting. The logical part of him wanted to decline the invite. 

But he could not.

Arriving near the entrance gate, Onii noticed a handsome young student with short blonde hair frantically scanned his surroundings. The reason he stood out amongst the other students was due to his bulky muscular statures as well as the exaggerated actions, showing absolute determination in each move. His Regular outfit indicated he was a First-Year. 

But what caught Onii's attention was the sheathed sword he held in one hand. Judging by its cross-shaped features, it was a weapon from the Shui Kingdom.


I didn't know there was another swordsman in this school.

I wonder what class is he in and if he could use any magic.

As they met gaze for one brief second, the strange student widened his eyes and instantly rushed forward. His movement was fast, arriving at their position within moments. For a moment, Onii thought he was about to challenge him to a duel.

But Tsuko let out a deep sigh and stepped forward.

"Princess Tsuko, I spent the last two hours looking all over the school for you!" A tone of overwhelming distress radiated from his presence. "Why didn't you tell me you left the campus?!"

Tsuko waved her hand and smiled warmly, as if placating a child fuming with anger. Her movement appeared habitual, indicating this was not the first time they had this type of conversation.

"At ease, Logyn. I was having eating dessert with my classmate."

"You know King Tsu's order. I can't allow you to leave Temple Academy without a proper escort. The world is a dangerous place, especially with the recent kidnapping events. I cannot stress enough about the importance of our communication. Please be considerate and don't do something like this again."

Behind the menacing tone was an overwhelming worry for her safety. Onii could somewhat empathize because he had been at that phase before with Amae.

"All I wanted was a bit of freedom," Tsuko sighed and nodded at her protector. "Alright, I'll try and let you know if I decide to leave next time."

"Don't try. You must."

"I suppose."

"I need a guarantee from you, Princess Tsuko."

"Yes yes, I will message you through AI."

Logyn nodded in satisfaction but it was obvious that she was simply appeasing to his requests. Onii was somewhat surprised at how he failed to notice her noncompliant body expressions.

Tsuko turned towards Onii as her lips curled into a blossoming smile. An aura of nobility enveloped her figure, completely replacing the friendly maiden that had an open talk with him five minutes ago.

"I want to thank you for a good time today. I enjoyed our delicious dessert session and learning more about you and your little sister. Have a good night and I'll see you in class next week."

"Yes, have a good week."

With a courteous bow, his new friend turned on her heels and walked towards the entrance gate. But the bulky student called Logyn stayed behind. He wielded a pair of unrelenting wide eyes, which seemed to be sizing him up.

Instead of some disrespectful response, he bowed.

A complete ninety-degree bend from the waist.

Logyn was showing absolute respect towards him as Onii furrowed his brows at this unexpected sight. Some of the passersby were glancing in their direction but obviously, the simple-minded student did not care for such a trivial matter.

"You have my eternal gratitude for protecting Princess Tsuko during my absence."

"I wasn't on protecting duty so there's no need to thank me."

"No," he shooked his head and remained firm in his bowing position. "I am sure you would have protected her if there was a life-threatening situation. I am truly grateful that she was with you and not the other classmates."

Logyn's statement implied that he understood that skills Onii possessed as a Dojo Alumni. Still, the fact he did not mention Mana, a Platinum-tier Adventurer, was somewhat worrying.

"We're students here so it's strange you are bowing to me. Please raise your head."

"No, I want you to know that I truly meant what I said. Words are not enough to express my eternal gratitude."

Onii sighed internally. He had met these types of people often during the adventuring days. They were headstrong and resolute in their own ways, requiring the right words to be convinced. 

Luckily, the Hero-tier Adventurer was no stranger to this type of conversation.

"I understand the intent from your action," He spoke in a powerful, reassuring voice. It was one he often used as Yang of Duality. "That alone is enough. For you to bow your head any further would cause misunderstanding between the two of us. Your loyalty lies in her and not with me."

He paused and nodded slowly.

"I see... you have such a magnanimous spirit for considering the possibility of a misunderstanding. I am touched to know that Princess Tsuko has such good friends."

You might be exaggerating a bit too much.

He finally complied with Onii's request and extended his right hand forward. His stern brown eyes seemed to sparkle with reverence.

"My name is Logyn. C1 Rank. First Year. Also Princess Tsuko's personal knight during her stay in Libertea. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Onii."

After exchanging a firm handshake, Onii noticed Logyn glanced at the sheathed blade resting beside his waist. But he did not say anything.

"I'll be off now. Please have a good rest of the night."

"You as well."

Onii watched him dash like a little child, chasing after the Shui Princess who was already entering Temple Academy. He smiled at this fascinating sight. Indeed, their relationship was interesting and he chuckled at Tsuko's rebellion.

The Shui Princess and her personal knight.

The swordsman glanced down at the sheathed blade and patted it gently. 

The「Katana」felt right within his grasp. He had a feeling that today's interaction would not be their last time. As Grandmaster would say, those who wielded the same weapon are fated to meet again someday in the future.

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