25 Yandere Stories

Chapter 1: 1. The Yandere 2nd Prince refused to let me go but , I am the villainess

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Title : The Yandere 2nd Prince refused to let me go, but I am the Villainess .

Male Lead : Ralph Del Brussels

Female Protagonist : Philia De Bismuth



Philia Pov

I shuddered when I remembered my previous life . I was reincarnated into a cringy otome game " Stealing your heart " thanks to Truck-kun's hardwork .

And just like any cliche stories , the heroine had light magic and the villainess had dark magic but the heroine wasn't any commoner but my fucking stepsister . With her so called innocence , naviety , charms she captured yanderes left and right just like catching pokemons .

Did I mention that this otome game involved INCEST ? Fucking yes , it contains . The heroine made her own biological brother obsessed with her to the point of yandere and she did the same with her stepbrother aka my own biological brother . Not to mention that in every route this so called brothers of mine were the one to lead me to death .

Moving one she made her homeroom teacher , her butler , my butler , her knight go yandere for her . If you have guessed , I was annihilated in their routes .

She also captured powerful peoples heart like Crown Prince , Second Prince aka my fiancee , Duke Lutherford my uncle , Head Mage of Magic Tower , famous swordsman , Head priest of imperial church , crown prince's assistant , Baron Norman , Viscount Witherford and made them yandere .

In each of their route I was tortured to death . For them she was their Saint while I was a witch .

Fuck my life , their fucking 15 yanderes , is their any safety in my life ? Fuck you , the creator , the game script writer .

The heroine has fucking harem of Yandere Men . There is negative chance of survival if I offend any of those big master .

Who can I be safe or comfortable with ? 

Yeah I know my knight , whom the heroine failed to charm , because he is gay . He is attracted to men .

And another person who the heroine couldn't able to acquire was the Villain , the reason is unknown but I felt that he is a misogynist .

These two can be my lifeline . Let's stay away from the heroine and her 15 yandere men . And let's not be greedy for the heir position of Bismuth Duchy . Let's the yandere bros fight for it . I don't give a fuck .

This was what I thought and begun avoiding the heroine and her yandere men with all my might . They found my behavior odd but I don't fucking care because I need to stay alive .

And I even realised I am cussing too much but in such a situation you can't help yourself but scream fuck in your mind .

But why the fuck the 2nd prince here ?

I know I have avoided being alone with him , getting near him or paying visit to him but he shouldn't care about this .

Because he finds his fiancee clingy , bratty , selfish , snobbish and so so . So why the fuck he is in Bismuth Duchy ? Maybe to see the heroine . I am still unsure what to think .

" Zeke say why is the astounding , gorgeous , handsome , hot , busy , intelligent , smart , genius 2nd prince here ? Is he here to see my beautiful , cute , innocent , hot , sweet stepsister ? " I used so many adjectives to describe them that I want to vomit .

" For nth time my lady I don't know  . Why don't you go and check ? " My knight said while shrugging his shoulders .

My dear reborn night due you want me to die by the hands of those heavens blessed kids .

" No , I can't do that . They are too good for my eyes . Their aura is so bright that I feel like blinded . They are too beautiful and perfect to be true . Whenever I see them, I feel like anxiety heat me . I feel the same inferiority complex that my late biological mother developed in me . I can't handled being near them , I feel like I am getting judged , my health begains to deteriorate " I said sounding little sad .

It needs too much energy to butter people . I need to expand my english vocabulary , should have taken english class seriously in my previous life .

Suddenly we heard the footsteps fainting , me and Mr.Kinght looked at each other , signalling ' Seems like they are gone '

' Use your magic power to look around if they are nearby ' I signalled him and he used his magic power to look around .

He gave me a thumbs-up signalling that they are gone .

He then signalled me to use my power and make the room sound proof . I did and gave him thumbs-up .

" Bro that was close call " he sighed as he slumped to the floor .

" Yeah " I said while I slumped into the bed .

" Is butter still left for food or did you use all of it to butter those yanderes and the heroine ? Hahaha. You know too much adjectives , give me english lessons if I return back to real world , I will pass my english exam " Zeke said .

I just laughed at his comments.

" But who would have thought that they were leaning onto the door and trying to hear our talk . Thanks to your sensitivity and magic we survived or else we might have been dead now " I said while he nodded with a proud look .

" But it was a masterstroke when you put all the blame on the late Duchess " he laughed .

" Well she did the real villainess dirty , even they investigate they will find proof . Moreover she is dead , they can't kill her . Can they ? " I asked and he shook his head in no .

And just like that we stayed in the room together in comfortable silence . I read romance novel while he read war books .

Little did I know that I had triggered the yanderes feelings along with my family members .

End Of Philia Pov 

The Duke , Duchess , the two brothers , the heroine , the 2 Butlers , the heroine's knight and the second prince walk away from Philia's room with complex feelings after trying to hear Philia's and her knight's confession .

If someone asked them what are they doing to trying to listen Philia's and her knight's conversation ? They would have said Since suddenly Philia begun to behave weirdly , they thought that some evil spirit took over her body so they were concerned .

If Philia would have heard this , she would have said " Concern my foot .... You don't give a damn if I live or die . Useless piece of shit " .

But when they realise that somehow they had triggered the memories of her late biological mother's abuse , they felt guilty and sad .

" I had no idea that Philia was being abused by my late wife " Duke broke the silence as he voiced out his guilt .

" It's not your fault darling , you didn't know " Duchess tried to comfort her .

If Philia heard them , she would have vomitted a mouthful of blood and yelled " How come you didn't knew you fucking bastard ? When she was hitting me infront of your eyes , scolding me infront of your eyes . He didn't do a thing to stop her . How come he is not at fault ? Hah hah after all bastards suit bitches . They are made for each other " she would have scowled .

" Sister never opened to us . If we knew we had helped her out from her misery " Philia's Stepbrother said .

" She confined herself and never gave us room to enter " Philia's biological brother said 

" She even begun avoiding me since 2 years " the 2nd prince said with sad look .

" Maybe we are at fault for not understanding her . Let's help her out together she needs us " the Heroine said with a smile while everyone nodded to her in agreement .

If Philia would have heard this she would have fainted due to irritation . She would have snorted " When I was trying to get close to you , you look at me with disgust . No that I am avoiding you all , you are feeling sad . Only you have feelings but not me . Fuck you all hypocrit bitches . I don't need your help , take your yandere ass and stay 10 metre away from me " .

End of Authors Pov


Ralph's Pov 

For the first time , I , the second prince failed to judge people .

I thought she was a snobbish brat he was trying to cling onto me for my position , but I didn't know she had same past as me.

My biological mother , was the concubine of the emperor . She had hatred towards the empress for snatching away her position as empress . But that position belong to the empress , she was the fiance of emperor while my mother was a maid who rose up by sleeping away with the emperor and having me .

But after my birth , my father , the emperor never look at my mother . He became loyal husband to empress . He and the empress were cold to my mother but not to me . They showered me with love even though having their own child .

My mother couldn't handle seeing the emperor only paying attention to me and not her , so she secretly begun abusing me while giving me wounds at places where no one can see . She blackmailed and manipulated me to hate the empress and emperor . 

But I couldn't bring myself to hate the empress , cause she was the only one of few who loved , who smiled at me and never showed me emotions of disgust what other people of the imperial palace showed me including my own mother .

I could tolerate every abuse of my mother , if I get to be close near the empress . I didnt when I formed stepmother complex , I was obsessed and fell in love with my Stepmother , the empress . And when my mother said to kill , the empress , my brain short-circuited , my blood boiled in anger . Blinded by rage I killed her mercilessly , ruthlessly and made it look like the chandelier has fallen on her.

Since I had already unlocked my magic powers but kept it hidden from others , I could easily kill my mother and making it look like an accident . No one could  doubt me . I also destroyed the evidence in order to not get tracked .

My stepmother hugged me , comforting me for the grief of my mother's death , well I didn't care about my biological mother whether she die or alive it has nothing to do with me . I was happy to have skinship with the empress .

I wanted to smell her saint , touch her soft hair , hug her soft body , wanted to be the only one in her eyes and wanted to marry her . But I can't do so since she is in love and married to the emperor and had a child aka my big brother the crown prince . Hence my love for her became unrequited for her .

I had no plans to get married so I became cold to my fiance with whom my engagement was announced at the age of 11 years . But she didn't gave up and cling onto me . She looked little very little similar to my mother , which made me feel disgust towards her , I thought she was just same like may mother an attention seeking golddigger. So I avoided her .

But suddenly she stopped coming to the palace and begun avoiding me , whenever I will be near her she would maintain 10 metre distance . In order to avoid me , she even refused to acknowledge our engagement saying that our engagement can be broken since it wasn't true love . She isolated herself and confined herself to her room and stopped coming out in society in order to avoid me .

I felt weird emotions due to her avoidance . She gave me the feeling I am unapproachable and even said that I can't be approached since I am too good and handsome for this world . This was the first time heard something like this as a reason for avoidance . I laughed at her comment but she refused to look at me and runaway.

I again felt the same weird emotions when she ranaway . So in order to get the bottom of the matter of her avoidance  , I begun stalking no observing her.

But to my surprise she didn't confine herself completely , like she will sometimes sneak with her knight in disguise and go to the towns to visit .

I saw her holding her knights hand and I felt my blood boil . She was laughing happily at her knight . The same genuine smile she never showed anyone not even me her fiance . I felt anger . 

I am her fiance , she should only show those emotions to me not to other mans . This thought of mine shocked me . I was being jealous and possessive towards her .

I gave my feelings a thought and after much thought I realised what I was feeling for my stepmother aka the empress was platonic love not like what I felt for Philia . I wanted to possess her , kiss her , tease her  confine to myself only , so that no one can see her and her expression .

As days went by me stalking her , I didn't failed to understand that I am obsessed with her . The dark emotions inside me were roaring to not to let her go , hug her , take away from other men , possess her , claim her , kiss her and never let her go .

This brawling emotions made me go to the Bismuth Duchy her home . I was warmly welcomed by her family but a little more warmly by her sister whose name I didn't bother to remember . For me chatting with Philia ,my fiance , was more important to me . But she never came out of her room and I was force to chat with her sister who was dramatically too sweet .

It made me disgust her but I didn't show it . I chanted ' I am here for Philia ' in order to calm myself from punching her.

Suddenly Philia's butler give an idea to hide behind her door and hear her conversation with her belived knight . Everyone agreed but I was uncomfortable with others hearing my Philia's talk, nevertheless I still agreed .

But her conversation made me speechless , she has inferiority complex , anxiety , panick attack . i was astounded . I can get her , I can't make her mine until I get rid of those disease of her .

When her sister sweetly said everyone should work together to help Philia out . I was disgusted by her manipulating tone .

You are all the freaking reasons for her anti social nature . And now you all want to help her . Fucking bastards .She didn't need you all . She only needs her fiance , the second prince , me .

I went back to my room and fell asleep , thinking how to get close to my Philia .

Nevertheless , no matter what I try she would still runaway , flustered . It became a headache since I was unable to approach her and I disheartened and gloomy .

And maybe Stepmother noticed it asked me what has happened . So I told her my problem of my fiance avoiding me because of her antisocial nature .

She then said " People with such trauma are hard to approach but not impossible . If you show her love , hope , kindness and softness she will cling onto you as if her life depends on you " .

I took my stepmother's advise seriously and was about to approach but her sister has to splash cold water on my efforts .

Gods knows from where she gathered 14 men approached my Philia .

Philia looked in disbelief , nervousness and freaked out. She looked like she was about to faint . The seatmate beside her had also same expression as her . He rose from his sit and opened the window and jumped out of it . 

I was in disbelief so as the others . Philia's face was full of confusing and complex expression . She too rose from her seat and jumped out of window while yelling " Brother from another mother don't live me alone " .

Before I could recover her knight too jump out yelling " My lady dont leave me alone " . 

Not only me but everyone else present were stupefied by the scene .

" It was all might fault " Philia's sister whose name I don't bother to remember said with a sad tone . And the 14 men who were dancing at her fingertip begun comforting her .

They were people from powerful families , powerful enough to overturn the empire.

I was in rage and wanted committee murder . Because of this bitch I couldn't even get near my fiancee . Is she the reason why my fiance is avoiding me to death . Is she isolating my fiancee ?

I have to investigate this matter and if she is doing so then it won't end good for her or her 14 men .

And I have to do something in order to get close to my fiancee .

End of Ralph's Pov


Philia's Pov

It has been a week since the accident of me jumping out of the window accident not only I got scolded by my so called parents , brother , stepsister but also the school but instead of feeling sad  I don't give a fuck .

As well as me , my knight and the villain Eden are sitting together . But today's seating arrangement is different Eden and Zeke are sitting together while I am on my seat alone . 

After realising they have spark between them , I pushed them towards each other . After all I am getting to see Yaoi romance so why should I bother .

But today something different happened . A new student whose face was covered in mask and who wore black outfit was transferred into our class . My stepsister tried to charm him but he just shrugged it off and approached to seat at vacant seat near me . 

I looked at him in disbelief . He seemed to sense my gaze so he turned his head and asked " What are you staring for ? "

" ...umm you just ignored her " I said pointing at my stepsister .

" So what ? " He said in confused yet cold tone .

" You know who Sara Alson Bismuth is right ? " I said in disbelief .

" No why should I no some useless person " he said .

" Is your brain working correctly Mr. ? She is the most charming , intelligent , beautiful , gorgeous , genius student . She can charm anyone , any gender . Most of the powerful people in empire are charmed by her .And you just shrugged her off ? " I said to him despite my shock at what he said or did .

" Doesn't it make her a prostitute who charms man with her body " the mysterious transfer student said in a casual tone .

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Me , Philia , the villainess , Eden , the villain and Zeke , my knight turned to look at him in disbelief . As for as I know we 3 were the only one who didn't get affected by the Heroine's charm but him also , we couldn't bring myself to believe .

" What ? What are you all looking at or for ? " He said in a annoyed tone .

Eden and Zeke shook their head , showed a peace sign and turn around. 

" Mr.Mysterious boy , you are the few who didn't get charm by Sara other than the three of us so it was kind of unbelievable hahaha and don't use such tone infront of others or they might kill you for disrespecting their goddess hahha " I said in awakward one .

" First of all , I have a fiance whom I love so other women are nothing but bugs for me . Second I am a mage and powerful enough to destroy these pesky humans " he said in a dark tone which sent shivers deep down my spine .

This man can't be offended .Even though he didn't appear in the plot , his aura is frightening .

" Brother didn't be so scary . I am Philia De Bismuth of Bismuth Duchy " I said in soft tone not wanting to offend this Big Boss .

" Don't.... don't call me brother call me Ral " he answered softly.

" Oh okay Lord Ral , nice to meet you take care of me " I greeted him softly .

" Call me only Ral remove those titles like Lord I hate it ." He said , I didn't said anything and nodded .

As and just like that me and Ral got closer while Zeke and Eden were busy in their romance .

Sometimes he asked some weird questions about my fiance , the 2nd prince but no matter what even if tried to avoid answering he still managed to force out answer from me.

But I always sang in the praise of 2nd prince , showing that 2nd prince is a god whom I can't approach . And everytime he will make weird expression on my answers . I didn't gave much thought to it .

And Just like other days , me and him were walking through the town while holding hands . 

Due to his loyalty towards his fiance , I thought he will avoid contact to every women but he didn't avoid me . I was only one who was allowed to get close to him while other ladies have to maintain 10 metre distance from him .

I didn't gave such incident much thought , because we are just friends .

As we both were walking by , we were followed by the villain and knight couple who were also holding hands and whispering love messages to each other .

I spotted the cafe , we used to regularly go and guided them to follow .

After ordering , we begun to chat but suddenly a very unlikeable topic was brought into the conversation .

" Have you heard about the recent deaths of nobility " Eden asked with a serious look .

" Yes we heard " me and Zeke said in unison .

" It is weird how powerful nobles are only dieing for example Baron Norman , Viscount Withersford , our homeroom teacherand head priest of imperial church . Their death seemed like it was a accident but I am suspicious that it is a murder " Eden said without batting a eye while Ral maintained silence .

Me and Zeke looked at each other , it seems that we both have same thoughts ' In simple sentence he is saying that powerful yanderes are dieing but how could they ? There is someone more powerful than them ? ' .

Our eye contact broke when food was served and drinks were served .

I took my coffee when a certain question made me splash my drink from my mouth and cough vigorously .

" So how is your relationship with 2nd prince ? Are you gonna dance him in the graduation ball ? " Ral asked .

I feel like throwing my cup at him to shut his mouth .

Control Philia , control , I chanted to myself .

" Ral for the sake of mother nature don't say such heavy things . He is sky and I am ground we can never be together . Moreover our engagement will be annulled in the graduation ball " I said while as I took a seep of my coffee .

" Who said that the engagement is going to be annulled " Ral sounded as if he was angry .

" Ral come down , why are you heating up man ? ....Sara said that his highness 2nd prince loves her and will annule his engagement with me on the graduation ball . And I have no problem with it cause his highness is bright star which I can never touch but worship from far away " I said . Damn I sound like a fucking creepy simp.

I brought Ral's drink to his mouth while his other half of face was still covered with the mask . 

Luckily he didn't refuted and obediently drank his share and didn't again flew out in anger .

This Big Boss is still scary . Fuck

" My lady its getting late , we should get going or else...." Zeke said when I interrupted him.

" Yes yes we need to get going hehe . Bye Ral and Zeke's future husband " I said in a teasing tone .

" You !!! " Eden stood up from his chair in anger while Zeke blushed and turned red like tomato . I grabbed the blushing male's hand and ran out of the cafe .

End Philia's Pov .


Ral pov 

I sat there , laughing at the scene.

" Calm down Eden , Philia didn't said something wrong " I said .

He didn't say anything and sat down to continue drink his tea . 

" Say  Eden why do you hate Sara " I asked because Philia's group was disgusted by so called charming lady Sara Alson Bismuth.

" I have no reason to like her . She is fake b!tch . She traps man with her fake innocence and smile and so so while playing wicked games towards Philia " He said and I was speechless .

" What do you mean ? " I accidentally spoke out .

" Don't you know second prince Ralph Del Brussels " he smiled at me and my eyes widened in shock .

" How did you know ? " I asked him as my voice toned down to low .

" Don't be angry Prince Ralph , I meant no harm to you neither your fiance . I know you are obsessed with Philia and you are behind the murders of nobility . And I know this because we have same enemy Sara Alson Bismuth " he said 

" Who are you ? " I asked him . He got up from his seat and whispered something that made me shock and speechless . My eyes were about to pop out of socket .

" You..you... !! " My words interrupted by him .

" Now now mine prince we shouldn't reveal each others identity . Anyway let's work together to savour our beloved " he said and I had no reason to refuse such a interesting and powerful person .

" Shall we go on a purge Mr.Eden because graduation ball is in 2 weeks " I asked while  raising my hand for handshake while he did the same .

And just like that he became my partner in crime .

End of Ral's Pov

After 2 weeks 

Zeke and Philia are in the Bismuth duchy carriage on their way to the imperial palace to attend the graduation ball .

Philia was shaking while Zeke was trying to comfort her .

" Zeke did this world of otome game got destroyed or what ? Why are the yandere capture targets dieing left and right ? . Now only 4 yandere capture targets the crown prince , the second prince , and the two Bismuth brothers . Now I don't understand how to react or what to do ? " Philia was nervous and was panicking . 

" My lady dont worry , you don't have to concern with their death . We had no relation with them neither we offended them or anyone so we must be fine . Nothing will happen to us " Zeke said with zero change in his expression .

" Zeke how can you be so cold they are still humans . Don't you feel bad for them ? " Philia asked .

" Philia , I am not a Saint to think about everyone's wellbeing . Moreover when they were killing people left and right did they think anything such ? No . So they deserve this it is their Karma . Don't tangle yourself with those bastards " Zeke said still maintaining a poker face . Philia turned silent after hearing him and thought he was saying the correct thing.

Philia stood with the Heroine aka Bismuth family while Zeke was a little far away from her , standing with Eden .

Suddenly she saw the prince coming , in direction towards her . She thought he was approaching the Heroine but he pulled her to the stage while begun dancing with her .

" Its been a while Philia , my darling ....you have become more beautiful last time I saw you at the cafe . You even fed me cookies ." He said in low tone making her feel tingles .

" What do you..mean .. your highness...I don't... understand ? " She stuttered and blushed because of the close proximity .

" Even though you couldn't recognise me . Your body realised me and blushed at my contact " he again whispered in her ear .

" I don't understand your highness words " she said trying to look away from his fine face . Philia he is yandere stop falling for his beauty you idiot . Philia reminded herself .

" How come you didn't recognise your Ral , darling Philia " he whispered . 

" Wha.......Eh!!!! " Her words interrupted as he whirled her .

" I am the blue masked , black hoodie , mysterious transferee Ral , my dear Philia . Everytime I approached you , you will runaway so I had to do something to get close to you , making you fall for me " . He said as he continued to control your body movements .

" Eh...you are ...Ral...no ...your highness ...we ... can't be together.   You love ....my sister Sara ...our engagement will be annulled " Philia said while looking away .

" Dear Phil , don't make me angry by bringing the topic of engagement annulled because we are surely going to married . No one can steal you away from me . You are mine " he whispered Philia shivered .

The Last line was same as what his yandere side said to the Heroine .Did his dark love shifted to me or what ? . Mom help . Philia thought but couldn't say anything to the 2nd Prince .

" Darling Philia don't panick . You have crush on Ral and you worship 2nd Prince as god wouldn't it be better to marry me " Ralph said in a sensual stone leading Philia to feel butterflies in stomach .

" How did his highness know that I have crush on you ? " Philia asked with a blushed face . Ralph chuckled .

" Call me Ral or Ralph . I am sensitive person and youe subtle glances didn't go unnoticed by me . So lady Philia may I have the honour to be the ruler of your heart " Ralph said as his gaze was fixed onto Philia .

" But...but .." she couldn't finish her sentence as Ralph smashed his lips into her soft lips , going for a french kiss .

After a while Ralph broke the kiss and said " Don't talk about your bitchy little sister . She doesn't make me feel the feelings I feel for you Philia " his tone was serious as well as low .

" What feelings I make you feel your highness " Philia asked .

" I want possess you , tease you , love you , kiss you , confine you and never let you go " at his words , Philia's breath hitched . He chuckled seeing her slightly teary eyes . She looked cute .

" Don't confine me your highness " Philia blurted out .

" I won't if you marry me , love me everyday , kiss me everyday and have kids with me " he said . Seeing her nod with flushed face , he face kiss on her forehead .

As the dance ended both partied eyes , Ralph with victorious face and Philia with flustered face .

Little did Philia know she had waved up a huge red flag .

Meanwhile with Zeke and Eden ,

Eden was trapped in between Zeke's arms and his face was flushed red .

" So darling Eden you knew about Ral being , second prince Ralph ? " Zeke asked in a angry tone . Eden shuddered in fear as well pleasure .

Eden nodded without breaking away eye contact with Zeke .

Thank goodness I never badmouthed anyone infront of anyone . I might have dead meat . Zek thought .

" Baby I am sorry please forgive me "  Eden said softly trying to calm his partner .

" Fuck........ Let's this drama get over , I will punish you and make see the difference between hell and heaven " Zeke said as he crashed his lips onto Eden's .

Little did Zeke knew that , he had hosted a huge red flag .

And on the same night many things occur thay turned the imperial capital turned upside down .

Crown Prince was found dead his body was dissected and was hidden at various places of the imperial palace . It freaked everyone out .

But on investigation , it was found that Sara Alson Bismuth was the last one to be seen with the prince .

On further investigation it was found out that , Sara Alson Bismuth and her two brothers are responsible for all the deaths of 13 powerful nobles . And Duke and Duchess Bismuth had turned silent to their children crimes .

Imperial soldiers were sent to annihilate the Bismuth Duchy . But when it came to Philia who was staying in imperial dorm ,2nd Prince Ralph , Eden and Zeke spoke about her innocence and gave the proof of it . Hence Philia's life was saved . 

Due to death of crown prince and his assistant , the only remaining royal hair the second prince was promoted to the position of crown prince while Eden was promoted to the position of Crown Prince's Ralph's assistant .

Everyone sighed in relief as the murder nobility was solved and criminal were punished .

But little did they knew the real criminals were wondering freely enjoying luxury while spoiling their fiancee .

At the end Crown Prince Ralph and Mysterious Assistant Eden stood victorious while their partners remained innocent .

Unknown to Philia and Zeke , that they are trapped by two yanderes from whom they CAN NEVER RUN AWAY .

The End .

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