25 Yandere Stories

Chapter 2: 2. Avoiding Yandere Royal Brother Who Is Crown Prince

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Title : Avoiding Yandere Royal Brother Who Is Crown Prince

( Boy × Boy ) ( Yaoi ) ( BL )

Main Male Lead : Reynaldo Albrich

Male Protagonist : Rudolph Albrich .


Incest / Half-Incest , Manipulation , Murders , Brother Complex , Smut , BDSM , Gore


Rudolph's Pov

I looked into the mirror , which was reflecting me well built body hidden under luxurious royal outfit along with my poker face .

My butler helped me to wear a blue coat who was designed by professional fashion designer . Then he claded me with jewelleries to match my outfit .

My blonde hair was combed backwards into a small bun , which made my features prominent .

My tan skin with blonde hair and grey eyes , with sharp jaw and prominent cheekbones companied with a muscular body and long legs , was found ideal among ladies of Ignis Empire ......... And which was a big problem .

You see I am the 2nd Prince of Ignis Empire and half prince of the crown prince . And who will die very soon .

You may ask how I know ? Actually this is a otome game name " Love In Ignis Rule " which my 2 sisters used to play . This story has 7 yanderes who will obsessed with the Heroine . But the heroine would have crush on 2nd Prince Rudolph Albrich , who is the ideal man of every ladies of not only Ignis Empire but also other empire . And this will lead the yandere capture to get jealous and they will kill the Prince Rudolph .

But the death of Prince Rudolph caused a huge commotion in the otome game fanbase , about half of the base , 1.2B fans , begun boycotting the game while cursing the game company . This forced the game company to develop a sidestory in which Prince Rudolph's gets saved by his reincarnated villainess fiancee and haves happy ending with her . This calmed down his 1.2B fans , yes he has more fans than the capture traget . He is 15th most popular fiction character .

I am that 2nd Prince and to my unlucky life , I am surrounded by 7 Yanderes . One is my butler Red , another is my half Brother 2nd Prince Reynaldo Albrich, 3rd is my roommate aka Villainess Brother Mavin Obliger , 4th is my brother's assistant Viscount Henrich , 5th is my homeroom teacher Count Denver , 6th is my uncle Duke Bastian and lastly the head mage of mage tower Pantaloon.

I don't want to be on their bad side , so for 5 years I have avoided them and continued to dodge Heroine's attempts to get close while maintaining close proximity to the Villainess , who has also reincarnated . Hence we are working together to not die .

Today is ball to celebrate , us on becoming 2nd year students at Imperial University . IT IS A EVENT where me and my fiancee need to dodge the yanderes .

" Your highness , what are you thinking ? " My butler said making snap back to reality .

" Oh...I was just thinking that how beautiful my mother and the empress will be , since Viscount Churchill was so busy with their outfits , so that she forgot her son's birthday , my friend was complaining about it hahahah " I said while chuckling a little .

But for some unknown reason he turned red .

" Are you okay Red ? Or do you have fever ? Why are you said " I asked while staring at him .

He shook his head and avoided eye contact with me by lowering his head . I was head taller than him , actually I am taller than all capture targets , so I couldn't see his expression . So I just shrugged it off .

Now I stood between my mother and the empress while my brother stood between empress and emperor , as we waited for the emperor to start the celebration .

I spotted my fiance , villainess Ecliar Obliger with her family and her cousin , the Heroine Brittany Euclid 's family . Brittany's eyes were stuck on me . I looked away .

I don't want to die soon .

Soon the ball begun , and I pulled the villainess to stage for a dance. 

" Rudolph , I can't dance " she said .

" Don't worry I will manage , have faith in your partner, Eclair " I said.

Yes we are on first name basis , because we are close and we are transmigrators , so we dropped the titles .

I guided her body's movements .

" Rudolph how did you know to dance ? " She asked in awa as I chuckled .

" This body is under too much training and hence this body moves on own " I said while looking at her blushing face . I again chuckled , my friend is too cute .

" Awa look which blushing , should I kiss " . I teased her . I know that she has crush on 2ns Prince . She herself said she is fan of Rudolph .

" Ahh Rudolph don't tease me " She said looking away . She suddenly stumbled and was about to fall but I timely managed to pull her near me , her head hit my chest .

" Are you okay " I asked her with concern .

" No , I think my slippers are broken " she said .

" Oh shit how can we forget , this is a event where villainess falls , the audience makes fun of her . The 2nd prince comes to her rescue and takes hee away . This increases the Heroine's admiration for the 2nd Prince . It also ignites the yanderes jealousy and we both as a result are killed " I said and she looked at me in disbelief .

" Am I going to fall ? " She asked in shock .

" Not gonna happen because we are still dancing " I said .

"  I am basically hanging onto you . I can't even stand properly because of this broken glass slipper " she said .

" You step on my foot , until the dance end , I will guide you " I said . She nodded as she raised both of her foots and stood on my foots , while grabbing me hand tightly .

" It's like dream come true " I chuckled at her admiration .

I slowly lowered my head , as she looked into my orbs . Then smashed my lips onto hers . Her eyes widened .

But I have to do it , in order to get rid of the heroine's and yandere's glares .

Soon I broke the french kiss , as we both were out of breath . Her eyes were little teary . Her face was full red like cherries .

" Why did you do it ? It was my first kiss ? " She stared at me with anger . 

" Mine too ,but we need get rid of the cold glares of yandere " I said as her again widened . She mumbled ' Fuck ' .

As the song came to end , I lifted her in bridal style and run-out of the palace living , everyone stupefied .

We reached the garden and out her on the bench .

" What a close call " she sighed .

I nodded and called a maid and instructed her to bring a pair of slippers in Eclair's size . Soon she brought beautiful crystal blue colour low heeled slippers .

I crouched down and took her left foot in one hand and a slipper in other hand .

" Eh.....what are you doing ? " She asked in nervous tone .

" As your fiance , I am helping you wear your slippers . Is it that wrong ? " I asked in teasing manner . She flustered ,shook her head and I continued to do my work .

Little did I know , I triggered the biggest and most powerful yandere .

End Of Rudolph's Pov.


Reynaldo's Pov 

For the ball , I got ready and asked my mother multiple times whether I looked good or not .

She chuckled and said " Dear you look so attractive that every women will want you as their man " 

I frowned a little but my mother couldn't see it .

Mother I don't want to ladies man but I want to be my brother's man . But I can't tell her this , that I am obsessed with my younger brother Rudolph Albrich .

I thought it is wrong to be sexually attracted to your younger brother but then I found out that in some countries siblings do get married to each other . Moreover he is my half brother so it should be okay right ? .

Whenever , I see him , I remember the day when we accidentally kissed each other . It was our first kiss . I blushed at the thought .

This incident leads back to the day when their was assassin attack on me , by father's cousin , at that time I was 10 .I was running away from attackers when I saw a door and barged into that room and fell above the person standing their . Their lips and mine touched . It was my first kiss , hence my eyes widened . when I took a good look at that person , I found out that he is non other than my shy , timid , cute 8 year old half brother . He was shocked too .

I quickly broke the kiss and stood up and apologized " I am sorry Rudolph , there are 5 assassin's chasing me . So I barged into your room . Sorry for what I did just know " . I looked away , for some reason I don't or I can't bear to look disgust in his eyes .

" Where are they ? " I heard a angry voice coming from my little brother .

I snapped to look at my little brother , his face has turned dark , he was gritting his teeth , he looked angry .

I shivered under his angry gaze . But I felt happy , he was angry because of me . I wanted to see what he will do if I said about those assassin's location . So I revealed it .

He asked me to wait for him , and grabbed a sword and went out .

I was scared for him , he might get hurt . I was worried but soon my stress faded when I remembered he is taking Swordsmanship training from the age of 5 . He was a prodigy.

Because of his training earlier than usual ,he begun growing quite fast than the normal children at his age . At 8 years he was 5 ft  . He was way too taller than me even though he was younger than . He also begun developing abs and muscles .

Suddenly the door burst opened and I snapped back to reality . I stared at my little handsome Brother who was taller than me , he was drenched in blood and blood was also dripping out of his sword . I stared at him in disbelief .

Did he kill them or what ?

Soon my assumption came true .

He stood little away from me and said " Don't worry brother , they won't be able hurt you anymore , I killed them . You are safe . I will protect you " He said and walked into the bathroom .

I feel unknown emotions blossomed . It was happiness , pleasure , delight ,etc . This was the first time someone cared or want to protect me when my own parents refused to give me attention because their younger son needs love . The third prince , Ezra ,their second son but that doesn't mean you should ignore your first born .

I don't want to mention about the fake depiction of love of servants , maids , nobles and commoners whose eyes are full of greed and disgust . 

But my half brother Rudolph's emotions aren't fake , because he is a bad liar .

I don't want to let his love or admiration for me go , so I begun spending time with him. Even though he was two head taller than me , it wasn't a problem because I am still at my growing phase .

I also begun working on my skill as crown prince , if I want to possess my little half brother .

In no matter of time , I mastered scheming , manipulation , to fake emotions, war or battle knowledge , politics , administration, etc . I was a genius but I still continued to work on myself . I took my physical training and education seriously .

As time passed by height was growing as well my Obsession with my dear Rudolph . 

Even though I was taller than most , Rudolph was still two heads taller than me . But it didn't depress me instead it increased my determination .

Soon I mastered everything and became a perfect crown prince .

But for some reason he begun to avoid me , stopped greeting and spending time with me . I was raged , how can he avoid me ? He can't he is mine , Only mine .

So I asked my shadow knights to report each of his behaviour to me . And I found that he is engaged to Lady Eclair Obliger from Obliger Duchy . He is spending more time with her , they are holding hands , laughing together , whispering love words . It made me angry .

But I wasn't the only one who was angry , 7 more people were angry , 6 boys and 1 girl . They were also obsessed with my Rudolph .

So we made a challenge whoever gets Rudolph's kiss at the 2nd year celebration ball , Rudolph will be his/hers.

As a result I had to look great , attractive enough to attract my little brother's attention .

When I entered the ball I tried attract his attention but he didn't even look at me , he didn't look at anyone except his fiance . Then he pulled her to the dance floor and had his first dance with her . I was angry but still controlled myself from jumping in him and claiming him as my .

But then he had to do something ,which droved me insane ,he kissed hee at the end of dance and carried her princess carry and runaway .

I was worried and stressed that he might do something to her , which could hinder me to claim him . So I sneaked away and followed him .

I saw him putting glass slipper on her foot and then he kissed her again . It was a french kiss and when both the two broke the kiss they were breathing heavily .

I was angry . I don't care waht challenge or whatever . I will destroy everything and claim him mine by hook or crook .

I lead the plan on same night , I made the robbers of Greenwich Forest , assassin the Obliger Duchy . One by one I assassinated the 6 people who were involve in the challenge to steal my Rudolph with help of my shadow knight on the same day .

On the 4th day , I met my uncle from maternal side who was the Emperor of Bluebeak Empire . He wanted me to be the next emperor of Bluebeak Empire , I agreed with another condition of his that I will destroy Ignis Empire . I agreed with him and begun preparing my plan to destroy Ignis Empire

End of Reynaldo's Pov


Rudolph's Pov 

It has been a year and half since that biggest accident . My fiance's family , heroine's and the 6 capture targets's family's assassination .

And on the fourth day , crown prince Reynaldo gave up his position as crown prince of Ignis Empire to become the Emperor of Bluebeak Empire.

Since I wasn't purely a royal blood , so the third prince Ezra was crowned as the crown prince .

Sixth month ago my biological mother died and my life become monotone . Except sadness , fake smile and anger , I had no more expression .

And now I laid on the bed tired and exhausted , soon I fell asleep but wake up to the sound of screaming that 


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End of Rudolph's Pov


Reynold's Pov

I stood here fighting with Ignis Imperial guards of Imperial Palace . But they were no match for me , soon I killed them and made my way to Crown Prince's chamber and killed Ezra . Then I killed the emperor and the approached the empress .

" We loved you , we raised you but you betrayed us.....!!!!" I interupted the empress words .

" Yeah your fake depiction of live didn't affect me " with that being said I slashed her .

With her everyone was dead now .

I coming for you my baby , my Rudolph . You will be mine now . I muttered to myself and walked in Rudolph's room direction and opened it to find Rudolph standing in white shirt and black pants .

He looked sexy though . His petrified image was beautiful too .

Finally my 1 and half years of hardwork has paid of I can claim him now .

It seems that table has turned now , I am taller , bulkier and muscular than him . In comparison to me he looked small .

Now I will protect you .

" Rudolph I am here for you . I can finally claim you now " I said .

" What do you mean ? ..... I am your brother . What are you talking about ? " He yelled .

How will his pink lips look around my cock . I imagined and at that thought my eyes sparkled with excitement .

" Baby you are just my half Brother . And in Bluebeak Empire its is a tradition to marry your own brother . You know baby I was obsessed with you since childhood , in order to have you , I did everything but you begun avoiding me because of your fiancee , I was hurt . So I got rid of every . Finally after waiting for 1½ year I can claim . You are mine now baby . Say you love me " . I said happily but he blew in rage .

" No no no ...... I will never love you...I hate you " He yelled making me angry .

No you can't hate me you are mine . You will love me .

I was so in rage that I grabbed the vase nearby and smashed it on his head .

" You are mine . You will love me . You will never leave me . I own you . I will never let you leave me . You will never hate me " I yelled as I saw his fainted figure . I went near him and carried him in princess style and kissed his forehead and walked out of his room .

End of Reynaldo's Pov


Rudolph wake with heavy headache . His head was ringing , he wanted to massage his head but he couldn't do so . He opened his eyes to find himself naked in a unknown room . His hands and legs were tied to two corners of the room .

" I see you are awake baby " he heard a familiar voice and his head snapped towards the source of voice .

It was REYNOLD .

"What....are you.. doing...where ..am..i " Rudolph stuttered . He was scared of Reynaldo's figure .

" Don't be scared dear ,you are in torture room to get punishment for saying you hate me " Reynold said with a smile but it somewhat felt eerie .

Reynold grabbed slave stamp and heated it . 

" Do you know what is this baby it is a slave stamp . If I pressed in on your right chest ,above your nipple , it will make you a slave . You won't be a 2nd prince anymore . You could have lived like a 2nd prince if you didn't said you hated me. But now it is impossible . As your 1st punishment I will make you my slave  " Reynold said still having his smile 

Before Rudolph could utter a word he pressed the hot slave stamp oh Rudolph's right part of chest for moments . As heard Rudolph scream in pain , which made him happy . After getting satisfied .

" Now you can never escape me baby . Slave stamps of Bluebeak have special magic on eat , if someone stamps it on their victim , the victim will become a slave who will be forced to follow the person who put the stamp on them aka their master. And now I am your master . You will follow each word of mine even if you don't want ." Reynold laughed that Rudolph will be his now . He was happy .

" After knowing all of this , even if you try to escape your can't do anything . Because I am the most powerful mage and swordsman combining the fact that I am a genius tyrant emperor , no one can save you ." Reynold broke the last hope of Rudolph's .

" Let's move to your second punishment " Reynold said as he put on gloves and opened the Sulphuric Acid glass bottle . He then stuffed a cloth into Rudolph's mouth so that he wil be unable to scream .

He poured the Sulphuric Acid on Rudolph's Leg as he saw the muscles and bone melting . He was smiling but Rudolph's who was unable to scream or do anything was crying .

Reynold stopped when he saw the portion of leg until the knee level disappeared or should he said melted . He laughed because now he was making Rudolph handicap . Rudolph have to physically depend on him .

He then grabbed a hook and bandage . With the help of bandage he attached the hook to Rudolph's knee . He begun doing same with Rudolph's leg and and hands .

Rudolph who was crying couldn't bear the pain and fainted .

Reynold looked at his masterpiece . Rudolph's both the legs until knee joint are gone and were replaced with circle hookes . Rudolph's hands too were gone till elbow joint and were replaced with same circle hookes .

But Rudolph has fainted to see this masterpiece . Reynold sighed and took Rudolph to his room after covering Rudolph with his cloak .

Rudolph  wake up at night feeling weird and hot . His eyes opened weekly but he couldn't raise his body . To his horror , he remembered , Reynold has destroyed his body . Forgetting the uneasiness in his body , he begun crying .

" Oh baby , I see you are awake , but why are you going ? " Reynold asked with worried tone .

" You.....you... disabled...me.. you... destroyed...me " Rudolph cried and cursed his fate . What did I do to deserve such misery . Rudolph thought as he cried .

" No baby I didn't destroyed you , I just took away your arms and legs as a punishment for hating me , and made you depended on me . Now be a good boy and obey me . I won't hurt or punish you " he said and as he ruffled Rudolph's hair happily but Rudolph shuddered at Reynold's touch and tried to move away but he couldn't do so because of his incapability.

Reynold placed a tray of food in the floor and looked at Rudolph and said " Rudolph CRAWL here and EAT your food like a DOG " he commanded as his eyes turned from black to golden .

Rudolph's body shuddered , the slave symbol on his chest glowed red and his body begun to move on his own , he had no control on his body , he was crawling by himself but the hooks on his body that was gripping onto his bones , increased the pain .

He screamed and cried while also begging for Reynold to stop but Reynold refused to do so as he was enjoying the show , the misery of Rudolph .

Rudolph begun to eat like a dog while his tears felt down .

Reynold bend a little and ruffled his hair and said " Good Bye , master will come back after taking bath" and then left .

Rudolph felt disrespected , insulted and ashamed but what can he do now .....he is now a slave who is a dog to Reynold .

Sometime later Reynold came back with towel wrapped around his waist, he put on his nightwear and carried Rudolph who was laying on the floor to bed . Then he took out a black box from the drawer and put it on the bed .

" REVEAL yourself to me Rudolph " He commended as Rudolph's slave again glow up and he unwillingly and forcefully spread his leg . Reynold chuckled at the sight , finally Rudolph had to submit to him .

He then opened the box and he pulled out a  glass container of violet liquid and then said , " Do you know what is this ? This Aphrodisiac which I had applied on you earlier and now I apply again " he smiled .

He put the liquid in his hands then thursted his fingers into Rudolph's ass , making Rudolph flinch .

" Aah ...hah... don't....do..this.. it's weird.. it's hot " Rudolph whimpered .

" That is what I want . Now don't make noise let me punish you , OBEY me and SHUT your mouth " Reynaldo commanded as Rudolph shut hid mouth and become obedient .

Reynaldo continued to thurst for a while but when he realised Rudolph was about to come he pulled his fingers out making Rudolph feel irritated .

Reynaldo chuckled at his irritated slave .

" I don't permit you to cum and this is your third punishment and fourth punishment is vibrators , I put them in your asshole " Reynaldo said as he could hear his whimpering Rudolph , but he ignored it .

We put one vibrator and then another one and another . He then turn it to medium level and Rudolph begun moving his and his body own his own .

" STOP MOVING and be OBEDIENT " at Reynaldo's command Rudolph stopped moving ." The think inside in your ass is used as mean for pleasure and pain but mostly used to punish the slaves . It is one of invention Bluebeak Empire . Enjoy it till the morning . Oh wait let me put chastity belt on your cock and a plug in your ass so that you can't come " Reynaldo said and pulled out a big plug thursted it into Rudolph's ass .

He then put the chastity belt onto his slave's cock and locked .

" Now you can't without my permission , well you can't do anything without my permission . I am your master , you are my slave , my sex slave . This might not let you sleep but this your punishment . Goodnight baby " Reynaldo said and kissed Rudolph's forehead fell asleep .

Rudolph on the other hanď suffered whole night from oain and pleasure .

Reynaldo wake up in morning to see a flushed Rudolph , he was full of sweat and was whimpering , his eyes contained eyes bags . Reynaldo laughed at the scene .

" Should I take it out and replace it with my cock " Reynaldo asked in a sly tone and Rudolph nodded his head vigorously.

Reynaldo harshly pulled out the but plug and vibrator harshly from Rudolph's asshole and replaced it with his own cock and begun pounding Rudolph roughly without mercy .

Rudolph whimpered , jerked , flinched , moaned at every thurst of his .

" Please... please..let...me..cum " Rudolph stuttered out .

" Only if you let me cum " Reynaldo whispered into his ears and again Rudolph nodded anxiously .

Reynaldo thursted few more time and said " I am about to cum " he said and cummed into Rudolph's . He then undone Rudolph's to let him cum .

" Good Boy " Reynaldo said then he pulled out Aphrodisiac and took some in his fingers and begun thursting his fingers into Rudolph's Ass . And when he found Rudolph was going to cum he stopped .

He then put back the three vibrators into Rudolph's ass and sealed it with but plug . But this time rather than setting it at medium , he set it at high . 

He then tied Rudolph's cock and again put back the chastity belt .

" Why...why ? " Rudolph managed to stutter out .

" Why you ask ...well because I want to and I can do anything to you ...you are sex slave and dog , you can't do anything about it . I am your master and I won't allow you to cum without my permission . Okay baby . Now get onto your fours and STAY like that untill I come back and be OBEDIENT " Reynold commanded .

The slave symbol on Rudolph chest glowed red before his body moved on his own to get into his fours . He cried and begged Rudolph to stop but Rudolph did nothing except looking at him with satisfied sadistic smile . 

Reynaldo left Rudolph with unbearable pain .

This continued for days .....

The same torture , eat like dog , getting insulted ....

As days passed by Rudolph's mental and emotional condition became unstable . He became depressed . His health deteriorated as well as his will power to live .

After 183 days Rudolph finally decided to die rather than leaving in such pain and misery .

So when one day Reynaldo wasn't there , Rudolph slowly crawled into the the bathroom and with much difficulty he climbed onto the bathtub which was filled with Rudolph's used bathwater but he didn't care . He drowned himself , aiming for finally die....

Reynaldo came back from his work in good mood , to make love to his Rudolph but he couldn't found Rudolph . He begun calling for Rudolph while searching for Rudolph but he couldn't find him . He panicked at the thought of Rudolph leaving him .

But then he remembered that Rudolph was incapable to do so . Then his drifted in direction of bathroom , then he remembered that Rudolph might be in the bathroom so he went inside . But what he saw gave him a huge blow .

He saw Rudolph's body floating on water , he wasn't breathing .

Reynaldo panicked and ran towards Rudolph and pulled out his body out of bathtub . He shook Rudolph's in hope of Rudolph getting up . 

But no matter what , how much he shaked , how much he begged , how much he cried and how much he apologized , Rudolph never opened his eyes .

Reynaldo's world crashed at Rudolph's death .

On the top off clock tower stood two hazy figure , one of them was the soul of Real Rudolph and other was Transmigrator Rudolph .

" That son of bitch , he deserved it no no he deserved to tortured after what he did to you . I want Revenge " Real Rudolph's soul said with angry look .

" No I don't want revenge , I don't want entangle myself with that bastard . Let him leave in his misery . I don't fucking whether he lives or dies " Transmigrator Rudolph's soul with poker face .

" Yeah that bastard can fuck off . Let's get into our reincarnation cycle . I hope we don't meet that son of whore " Real Rudolph's soul said .

" Yeah , I hope for a happy next life this time " Transmigrator Rudolph's soul said .

Both of their soul soon fainted in the night sky .

Unknown to them what awaited them in the future .


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