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Chapter 4: Entirely To Much Information

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[Pax Kane]

[Tier 0]



Vitality:          10

Strength:         9

Agility:           11

Dexterity:      11

Perception:  15

Stamina:       10


Processing:   10

Wisdom: 13

Memory: 11

Acumen: 10

Charisma: 12

Intuition:       11



200% bonus to skill acquisition

50% bonus to skill leveling


15% increase to all nature related skills

10% increase to all bonded non-humans and their related skills.







My body feels like a used dish rag but at least it is over.

“Oh that's quite a nice panel you have there!”

The little bear's voice is cheerful and grates on my abused ears. Unfortunately I have to devote some of my limited mental capacity away from my body and listen to her in case she says something important. I groan and attempt to sit up, succeeding with much groaning and cursing of any and all gods I can think of. Come to think of it, I hope they are not real or I am due for a smiting.

“This is a tutorial right? So what does all this mean?”

“Good question young Kane. I am not at liberty to explain most of the intricacies of how the panel works and the rules governing your new world but I can explain a few things. First of all the stats. They cover the following.

Vitality is your bodily health and ability to resist physical ailments and recover your health. Strength is the amount of physical power you are able to exert. Agility is how quickly you can move your physical body. Dexterity is how accurately  you can control your body. Perception is the range and resolution of your senses. Stamina is how much energy your body has and how quickly it is recovered.”

A standard rpg as far as physical stats go, nothing too surprising. I wonder why I got a 14 in perception though? Is that high, are all my other stats low? I had twenty twenty vision my whole life but outside of that I don't remember having super sense.

“ As far as mental stats go processing is the ability to break down data and use it to make logical conclusions. Wisdom is the ability to think about things deeply and see the further ramifications, it also influences mental endurance.

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Memory is the ability to retain, organize  and retrieve knowledge in a usable manner. Acumen is the quickness of thought and ability to generate new and unusual ideas. Charisma is the overall attractiveness of an individual and ability to affect others emotions and actions as you intend. Intuition is the ability to make logical leaps and pull information from others indirectly.”

A nice info dump. Not seeing how charisma isn’t a bodily stat but whatever. You do you oh great and mystical system. 

“Further 10 is the average of all stats for a grown adult human in decent shape and of sound mind. At Least when the system is interfacing with a human. That is all I am willing to say on stats at this time Mr.Kane.”

  A formal and simple explanation. She pauses and looks at me now as if waiting for any objections or questions I have now. Which I happen to have a few of. I think she just implied the existence of other races. I gulp, my throat is dry and I am still not in the best head space to be contemplating what information I need to know before I get kicked back to, what I assume is, now a much deadlier earth.

“Ummmm, What are you exactly? I get you are my tutorial guide or whatever but did you just like pop into existence or something?”

Not the best question but it's what I had. Bibi seems a little caught off guard but answers me anyways.

“I am an essentia construct created by the system based on your memories and given temporary life and sentience.”

Well damn, that's got to be a rough life to live.

“So after I leave here?”

“I cease to exist, yes. Don't feel bad for me though I was created without a will to continue my existence. I am happy to complete my purpose and then return to non-existence.”

Wow, that's dark. The way she delivers the explanation in the same slightly bubbly yet lecturing tone as the rest of the tutorial is off putting but I have bigger problems at the moment.

“How do I improve my stats?”

Got to make those numbers go up. Papa needs his minor sense of accomplishment and dopamine hits if I'm gonna be saddled with this whole system.

“Well there are a myriad of ways to do that but there are three main ones. First you can simply use them and raise them naturally. Lift some heavy rocks long enough you get some more strength. Memorize a lengthy book, there goes your memory stat up one. That leads us into our next section of your panel. Skills. Skills are any action you undertake with purpose to achieve a certain result. Everything from swinging your sword into a giant Traclamorian or washing your dirty underwear. Skills go from level 1-300. You don't need to worry about the max for now, that takes many many many years to achieve. Every level of a skill will increase your efficiency with that task. Whether that is doing more with less, making the effect more potent or something else entirely. Even a simple cleaning skill can shake galaxies at level 300. The other effect skills have is to improve your stats. Some skills do this every level, some every 10, some even never. A few skills are more effective than others at raising stats than others.”

Alot to take in there. I have always loved skills in the rpgs I’ve read before. Nothing like being able to see the number go up to have you chopping down every tree insight to get that last level in the lumberjack skill. It also sounds like I will be stepping up my exercise. Never too late in life to become a gym bro. It also kind of hurt to see the 9 in strength, not that I’m salty about it or anything, I'm sure the all knowing and omnipotent system just made a round error somewhere. Its okay big guy I forgive you.

“The final mainstream way to increase your stats is by enlarging your core.”

She is clearly waiting for me to ask a question. I hate having information dangled in front of me like that. Buttttttt this sounded important, and who knows if I have some kind of unknown time limit hovering over me. So I give in.

“And what, my gracious and knowledgeable guide, is a core?”

Flattery never hurts. 

“I am so glad you asked. A core is where your tier come into play. Seeing as you currently don't have one you are tier 0. A core is where your body stores and interfaces with essentia. As you grow and enhance your core it in turns raises your body to a higher level to better interface with the universe. Every being has their own unique core and interacts with the world around them differently. By communing with the universe in your own way you grow this core. As a consequence of your core growing and raising your being to a higher level your stats also increase.”

….So cultivation…..this is a cultivation world too…..yay. Fuck, I hope there are no young masters or Dao guardians or other nonsense going on here. I will not be putting up with such shenanigans in my world. 

“So this core is very important?”

“Just as important as stats or skills, yes.”

Well then, way to make shit more complicated system. Just keep 'em coming buddy. Why not just give me some crippled meridians and have me join a sect already. There is entirely too much going on here. Focus Pax. What do I need to do now? Well obviously find out how to gain a core. I also have no clue what a bloodline is and why I am a primus of this particular one. 

“Well Mr.Kane it seems our time is almost up already. Giving a tutorial to 7 billion people may not tax the system greatly but it is still wasted energy to keep it going for too long. That being said I will give you some final advice and a gift from the system.”

WHAT? I knew there was a time limit. Damn me and my impeccable instincts.

“Hay I have more questi- “

“No more questions Mr.Kane sorry.”

She interrupts me with a bearing of her tiny panda teeth, maybe a smile?

“Your final advice is, Who are you really?”

Nooooooo, we almost got thought this whole tutorial with no vague, understand it after its already not important, sage wise man bull crap advice.

“What the hell do-”

Before my indignant question can finish she waves her paw at me and I am struck in the forehead by something invisible, it feels like I got hit in the head by a tiny pebble of some kind.

“Ouch! Wha-”

“The final gift from the system. A temporary state of enlightenment to help all the citizens of Clayton Prime form a core.”

Oh no. I feel it coming again. Everything fuzzes. The lighting is back inside my body. My vision fades. It seems its time to ride the pain train once again.

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