Chapter 2: Appraisal

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After suffering a tragic fate the whole class woke up in a room surrounded by armored men. The room is faintly lit by torches. The minimal light reveals a large intricately engraved door. The artistry is stunning. It depicts a large beast towards the top looking down on armed men who seem to be rising up. What's more stunning than the door, however is the woman in front of it. Well that's what everyone else is probably thinking. I, on the contrary remain unmoved. The princess who summoned us can only be described as a conniving bitch.

"Ah! The summoning was a success! Great heroes, I beseech thee for your assistance. Our kingdom is in great peril and only you can save it!"

Hmm, the guards are armed. Probably for the best to play along for now and keep my head down, although if push comes to shove I could always use that. Everyone else starts chattering like crazy. Finally after some time one of Nexu's bullies speaks up just like in the manga,

"We're just normal high schoolers; how are supposed to save the world?"

"I know this is hard to believe, but when you were summoned, all of you were given special powers that will help you defeat the beast that stalks our kingdom. According to the royal records you should be able to see the powers you got by saying 'status' aloud."

The reveal of this information lead to a cacophony of voices all saying status. Then the chattering started up again as people shared what powers they got with their friends. I personally didn't check yet. There's no need to rush as-

"If you all would follow me, we will appraise your status and give you more information about the abilities you were given."

Then the princess opened the door and started moving. The bright light from the hall outside is almost blinding when conpared to the dark windowless room we were just in. Something is a bit strange though... Vijiri was supposed to interrupt there and ask about how to return home. I look over to where she should be and just see her spacing out. Even as the rest of the class moves she stands still. Nexu looks back and hesitates for a moment. It looks like he's contemplating something but eventually shakes his head and leaves Vijiri sitting there. One of her female friends finally realizes she was lagging behind and comes back for her. She finally snaps out of it after that and starts moving.

We all are lead to a room with an unscrupulous orb floating in the center of it. An old wizard stands by the orb ready to read its results.

"Alright heroes, please get in a line and take turns putting your hand to the orb!"

The class get into a line surprisingly quickly. I figured they'd struggle over the order, but I suppose they were made this way by the author. I ended up at the back of the line, right behind Nexu. He raised an eyebrow when he initially saw me, but then quickly looked forward again.

As students touched the orb, the wizard read out their job and rank, he also had a tome he would read excerpts from detailing the recorded information the kingdom collected regarding the job. Of course as the story goes on it revealed that this information can be somewhat unreliable. Nexu's main bully, Kato, is up next. He's the one who spoke up to the princess first. Just like in the manga he ends up being classified as a S rank magic swordsman with a unique skill. His lackeys all got A rank combat jobs like vanguard and sage with unique skills too. The princess's smile grows incredibly wide after hearing their jobs, ranks, and skills.

More filler clasmates take their turns and get stuff like D-B rank combat jobs or support stuff like alchemists and blacksmiths. It's Vijiri's turn and just like the manga, she's a S rank saint with the unique skill benevolence which increasesthe power of her healing spells. I don't think I need to give you an explanation on why that's considered good. The princess jumped with joy upon hearing that.

"Did I get something good?"


As a reader of the story, I find that debatable. Soon enough its Nexu's turn. With anticipation he steps forward and puts his hand to the orb. The orb very dimly glows causing the old wizard to frown.

"Poison user. E rank... no unique skill."

"Oh how unfortunate."

"It really is a shame. The weakest job and the lowest rank at the same time."

Kato and his gang walk up to Nexu.

"Hahaha you're useless in this world too. Really, trash like you should just take itself up."

The princess ignores Kato's remark and says,

"Well since that should be everyone lets-"

I raise my hand

"You forgot about me, ma'am!"

Vijiri perks up and looks towards our direction after hearing my voice. Kato and his lackeys give me a weird look.

"Was that guy in our class?"

"I don't really remember his face, but he's wearing our uniform so he must be from our school at least..."

"HUH? There should've only been 20 summoned heroes though... Well whatever just put your hand on the orb and get it over with."

And I do so. As my fingers touch the orb, it opens up like an eye and stares into me. The old man's face scrunches up in displeasure.

"N-no rank. Job foreigner. Unique skill is Apathy."

"N-no rank? Whats that supposed to mean?"

"T-this is unprecedented! There's no report of anything like this in the records!"

The princess takes a deep breath. Their face quickly settles into a cold expression. Her eyes settle on me, sizing me up. Her eyes still on me, she commands the wizard."

"Very well then, focus on what you can know. What does their unique skill do?"

The eye orb narrows its gaze, reaching deeper into my soul. The wizard answers the princess's question 

"It reads, 'this is not your world, so why would you want to experience its sensations?'"

"Thats it? How vague."

She speaks again this time directed at me,

"You're quite the enigma, huh?"

I give her the brightest smile I can muster,

"That seems to be the case, ma'am!"

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"That's your highness to you."

Oh, and here I thought I could avoid her ire for just a little longer. Actually no, being able to rile up the princess so easily has its advantages. Advantages that I'll be able to make use of real soon. The princess fixes her expression and addresses the entire class,

"Well now that we've finished the appraisal ceremony, its about time we had you meet my father, the king! Please follow me."

We approach the king's audience chamber. It appears the princess signaled something to the guards because there are a few extra on me. I wonder if I could take them at level 1? Probably not. 

We arrive at the large gilded door that leads to where the king is. Magimechanical men in fancy plating stand in a silent vigil by the great entry way. Any who would dare trespass would surely meet a swift and painful death at their hands. Well anyone except for Nexu, but thats after he becomes op. For the time being we are let by without incident. It's show time.

"Greetings father, the summoning was a success. As you have asked I have brought the heros to you."

"Any E ranks, my daughter?"

"Only one."

"Then prepare the ritual to deal with them."


Nexu perks up upon being mentioned. In the manga his inner monologue had him think that perhaps it was a ritual to power him up so he could fight on par with his classmates. Obviously this is not the case.

"Wait ritual? What is your highness talking about?"

"Its the disposal ritual. From this point on we will be disposing of the incompetents within your group, by sending them to their deaths."

Everyone but me gasps.

"You're sending me to my death?! I haven't even gotten a chance-"

"Silence, filth. You have no say in the matter."

A white magic circle appears below Nexu's feet. Guards have already surrounded the rest of the class so they can't intervene. Kato is laughing madly and Vijiri uncontrollably shakes. I raise my hand,

"Excuuuuuuseeeee me, ma'am!"

The magic circle breaks as the princess has lost concentration on the spell. A vein bulges on her forehead as she turns and glares at me. The class's attention also turns to me.


"I'm sorry, ma'am, but it just seemed to me that the magic circle you were making was a teleportation circle."

"For the last time its 'your highness' and what does that have to do with anything."

"Well ma'am, since it was a teleportation circle, I just wanted to know where it goes."

The vein on her forehead grows larger. She even forgot that the heroes are supposed to be inexperienced with magic.

"It goes to a high level dungeon that nobody has returned from alive, There are you ready to shut up now?"

The guards are already making preemptive moves to take me out. Better make this quick.

"That sounds fun, I wanna go too! Can you send me too, ma'am?"

The room goes silent. I hear murmurs of 'is that guy an idiot', however the princess's is different. Her face quickly becomes a bright smile. A genuine smile that expresses the deepest emotions she carries in her dead, shriveled, black heart. I briefly look over to Kato and yep he's entranced. The princess responds,

"You want to go as well? Then by all means, please feel free too! Just step right next to the E rank."

I put on the stupidest smile I can and exclaim,

"Wow, I can't believe I believe I get to go to a high level dungeon on my first day here!"

Nexu is gawking at me as casual stroll right on next to him. The circle reappears at our feet.

"Holy shit I'm actually going to die..."

I put my arm his shoulder and say,

"Don't worry pal, you and me are the dream team. Nothing can kill us if we put our minds to it!"

"I'm doomed..."

The circle is slowly rising around the two of us. I see Vijiri making a fuss trying to stop this situation. Kato is still admiring the princess while his goons try to shake him out of it. The princess is putting all her attention on the ritual with a smile on her face. I suppose I should give some kind of parting remark.

"Later losers! we'll be back soon, just give it like a month or two."

I look over towards Nexu and he's giving the princess and her father the middle finger. Its nice to see his anger still burning.

After that the circle reaches its zenith and our vision becomes naught but white. Off we go.

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