A 3.6 billion earth observation

Chapter 1: Ch.1- A new species

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Humanity it's in the brink of extinction.

After more than 666 million years dominating the stars, the race know as humanity it's closer that it has ever being to disappearance.

Only one human remains in the entirety of the observable universe.


...But not for much longer, Today it's my last day, today I decided to end it all, just like my "brothers" and "sisters", I decided to put an end to my life.

After living for 899.836 years, I reached my limit.

Compared to my kind, I been alive a long amount of time, certainly, pretty much all of them died around their 97,000 birthday.

Not that I'm proud though, after all, they were intelligent enough to realise that there is nothing left to do in this Universe.

The reason of why we are nearly extinct, of why I'm the only one left, is nothing more and nothing less than ourselves. More specific, our eagerness for advancement.

After reaching the top, there was nothing left to do, we didn't need anything.

We could create any machine we wanted, anything we dreamed for. Nor art, nor any type of abstract idea could escape.

We merged our bodies with machines and became immortals.

There was no longer any type of biological limit. We were almost omnipotent.

But we failed to realize, without fear there is nothing left.

The first 170 years of life were decent.

As a human, I wanted to share my ideas with the world, but I failed to realize that nobody wanted them, just like I didn't want theirs either.

After all, anybody could do anything they wanted, there was nothing special in our individual creations.

Our life was only consumption. There was no need to create nothing after all everything was already there or could be made in the spot.

Little by little, we isolated from the rest, each one living in our own mini world.

And with time the inevitable happened, the counter of humans alive started decreasing.

By the 665 million year only a handful remained, but now I'm completely alone.

In no time I found myself searching for dead, maybe out of curiosity, after all the only thing left was to know what was next after life was over.

Was this the same though my "family" had?

For the time begin, I returned to Earth.

If I was going to die, I will do it here.

I can see the Sun in the distance. It's not the original one though, it was long replaced by an artificial one.

The Earth for some strange reason, is pretty much death, only a few single-celled creatures survived, or at least that's what I thought...

Right now, I'm in my ship, which is located at the South Pole. I'm currently observing the world through millions of drones of the size of a head.

I can see on one of the ship's panels, a little worm-like creature of the size of a neuron, similar to a "Taturana oblicua", an animal from primordial earth.

If it was just an animal, I wouldn't be the least bit interested, but this species is special, it's doing something strange, something similar to...magic?

Magic is something that prehistoric humans believed, after all, they didn't understand a fraction of their environment. Magic is born from their desire to perform impossible feats with little effort.

This little creature is doing something that can only be denominated as "magic", at least that what I could tell from my ship.

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I commanded one of my drones to bring me a specimen. I took a closer look at it just to find out how peculiar this little was.

Not only their constitution was something beyond strange but also their DNA couldn't even be called "DNA", it was something completely new. For the time being I call it "PNA" which stand for Phosphosnucleic Acid.

My heart started beating very fast, a feeling I haven't felt in a long time overcomes me, I'm really curious right now.

I wasn't that interested in the magic itself, after all I could always simulate a virtual world with it. What I was interested on, is the process by which it became something possible.

How can something like this exist?

I decide to start my investigation, forgetting completely the reason of why I come back to Earth in the first place.

This multicellular creature is something completely unique for what I know. Although its exterior appearance is nothing impressive, the interior is simply incredible.

Inside I could find a big amount of dark matter, this matter interacts in a unique way with its environment. Although normally dark matter interacts passively with our reality, this one does it so actively.

Not only that but dark energy is completely non-existent, this is truly incredible. Why does this even exist?

Where does it come from? How come no other human has ever discovered this?

Mmm...this species also appears to interact in a unique way with plant cells, in addition of molecules such as dioxygen and hydrogen.

It's seems like the reason of the lack of dark energy it's due to some atoms which I do not recognize, these atoms appear to be repelling dark energy...or are they absorbing it? It's probably both.

This repulsion or absorption is creating an incredibly strange phenomenon, almost as if spacetime was being shaped, but this is not all, it seems that there is something else interacting with these elements...this might be big.

Using a quantum microscope, I discover that the code of the universe is the element interacting in this equation.

The code of the universe is a concept discovered millions of years ago, this "code" governs the laws of reality, it stipulates what can or cannot be done.

The fact that this code is being manipulated is...impossible...no, the code itself is not being manipulated but it's instead manipulating these atoms to suit the natural laws.

By definition magic is something with which we can create impossible things in our reality, this is not magic since it's existence it's still possible, this is more similar to magecraft, after all, although the result is considered a miracle, the process is not.

Without realizing it, about 20 years, have passed since I started studying it, now i'm 899.856 years old.

Normally I don't care about the years that pass, after all, time has little importance for me, but coming back to earth made me feel sentimental...it's incredible that humans before could live so little.

Anyway, I think now I'm capable of replicating this "magecraft", after a lot of tests whit artificial humans, I implated some of the atoms in my body.

I made some cellules and then organs, right now I'm focusing of the implementation of this technology into the "bio", I will let the artificial for later.

The result is that now I can fly.

I'm yet to discover if this can be transformed into other types of results, for example creating water or fire, but for now this is enough, I want to focus on the planet, I want to explore.

I already know how the surface of the earth looks like thanks to my drones, it's a type of semi-Pangea. What I'm interested in are the types of species that I will find on the depths of the mega ocean and under the ground.


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