A 3.6 billion earth observation

Chapter 10: Ch.10- Hell

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I run through the forest, It's dark, but somehow, I can still see.

 The trees are tall and spiky, their branches interlaced, making it impossible for me to tell where is my destination, if it wasn't for my "tracking" skill I would have already lost.

Suddenly, the forest seemed to open in one direction, and the path twisted. 

The trees became old and gnarled, their bark lined with moss-covered dead wood. Some had fallen over, while others lay on their sides as if they'd been cut down.

Dead flowers, rotting in the wind. The air of death hangs thick.

I can taste it in my mouth when I breathe.

What is happening?? An illusion??

I don't have time for this, I have to find him.

Contrary to me, his fighting style is totally focused on direct combat, if I don't find him quickly he is going to be in real problems.

I'll use a spell.

Since I got the class of sorcerer, spells have been my specialty.

 In about a minute, the spell is done.

I put a lot of mana into this one, so it should get rid of the illusion, or at least part of it.

But after releasing it, nothing happens.

So I tried again, and again, but everything was still the same.

Then it hit me. 

This wasn't an illusion, I cannot feel the presence of illusory magic here. 

Only the scent of death.

Nerves started to get to me, where was he?

 The scent of blood filled the air.

I hadn't noticed it before, but there were fresh cut marks on my arms and legs.

I want to get away from here, the smell of blood is making me sick, but first I need to find him.

I keep running through the dark forest, following the only hope I have, [tracking].

 The glimmer of moonlight soon becomes blocked by trees and darkness as I go deeper and deeper.

 It's not long before my legs are burning from effort as I move along. My breath comes in short gasps and sweat drips down my face.

Just how long has it been?

As I keep running in the dark, I see a little light in the distance. 

Then hell appears before me.

Corpses....a lot of corpses, from elves, lying around like animals, all around.

One could hardly see the ground at times, because it was covered by piles of bodies. But the worst was that I recognized them, I knew them all.

I was back where I started, in the tree, where Mother left us.

 The stench hung in the air. Even after all I have been though, I have never seen anything like this.

Is this an illusion? It must be, there is no way it isn't an illusion.

I cast more and more spells, but nothing changes, gravity takes my whole body, And I fall on my knees.

What is even happening?

A monster then around 16 meter tall approaches me, it's probably the author of this hell.

I can see bits of intestines and arms in its jaws, but what caught my eye wasn't that, between its teeth was the upper part of a body, someone that I knew very well, someone which I spent all of my life.

Demiurge was there, my brother was there.

I rage I haven't felt before overcomes me, and my mind becomes blank.

I can only think about one thing.

Kill it.

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It seems like the situation got pretty bad, isn't it.

Right now, I'm the branch of the big ass tree, looking down at the fight. I have to say, this whole thing is being really entertaining.

But I can't fully concentrate.

I just cannot help but wonder where does that monster come from? Why attack now of all times? And the fairies? Spirits??

I'm really curious, but it's something that I will check later, for now I'm going to watch this as it unfolds.

It seems that Mónada got...berserk mode?

This is probably caused by the system, it seems to be a type of special skill. 

That AI is doing a really great job managing it. 

Maybe I should use them more. 

The problem with them is that they turn against you real quick.

For example, the "fakes" elves, aren't anymore "fake" elves. Now, they are completely sentient, and that means that I cannot order them to do stuff around.

The AI that manages the system is replaced each 2 weeks by me to avoid this result, truly a pain in the ass.

Ugh! Don't get distracted! I need to focus on the battle.

Sincerely, the only thing interesting about it, it's Mónada going nuts, the fight in itself can't even be called a "fight". 

She is kicking his ass...

I wonder how long until she finishes.

Ah, by the way, I saved some elves.

As I said, it would be pretty boring if all of them died, so I took 9 dark elves and 9 forest elves, and put them to sleep in the forest. I also put them in time zero, and they are currently being protected by drones, so it's all fine, they won't die.

Oh? She finished.

The monster is now completely annihilated. 

You can't even recognize it

She released spell after spell without letting him rest, in plus, it was already debilitated from his fight with Demiurge, so it was really a one-sided fight.

I wonder what is she going to do now......

Oh? It seems like she passed out.

Well, she did a pretty good job, I guess she deserves a rest.

After coming down from the tree, I approached the unconscious body and took her in my arms with the cliché "princess carry".

I can't help but form a light smile on my lips.

Since I came to Earth, only interesting thing have been happening, I have never been so happy. It was such a good choice to come here, I'm glad I didn't kill myself.

"What do you think Mónada, isn't live beutiful"


"Please continue to entertain me as much as today in the future"

I give her a little smile as morning comes and the night disappears.

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