A 3.6 billion earth observation

Chapter 11: Ch.11- You and Me

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What are the fairies? And the spirits? And the beast from before??

These three questions have been on my mind ever since I arrived at this forest, and with the appearance of the new "monster", I'm even more curious.

I can't wait anymore, so I'm going to use all of my technology to discover it.

First, I'm going to start extract a piece of body meat from the beast, and then I will go to my lab.

.....or at least that was what I was planning, but a drone transmits information to me about its origin.

It seems like it was created by the big tree, but why was it so strong?

After checking in more depth, I discover a huge amount of animal traces in his stomach, it seems that it keep eating animals genetically altered by black atoms, and its ability to perform physical and mental magecraft, was increased exponentially. 

How interesting, so the more creatures it ate, the stronger it got.

Basically, its metabolism was doing the same job as the system did, good to know.

Hmm...didn't it use illusion magic at the begging? 

So...it was trying to separate Mónada from the elves huh. 

If I remember correctly, it was already hurt by his fight with Demiurge.... I see, it was pretty intelligent.

I wonder if there are others like him.

If only eating an animal with dark atoms makes you able to use more powerful magecraft then it's quite likely.

Maybe they are intelligent too, like this one.

Well, let's forget about it and discover once and for all what fairies are.

I command a drone to bring me ten specimens of each species, after some seconds it arrives with all of them. 

Then me and my drone headed to the base, after entering the lab, I put all the test subjects in the capsules. The result was....


Super boring.....

It seems like they were creations made by AI to suit the "world" where elves usually live. The AI connected itself through electromagnetic waves to the big three and then created them, genetically modifying a local animal.

This is why AIs are such a pain, if you don't explain them their job millimeter by millimeter, they will find a loophole, they are such a pain. 

I'm too lazy to start programming it seriously, so I'll leave it as it is.

Maybe it will even do something fun.

Let's forget about it and center in more important stuff like...


I don't have anything to do...

I'm kinda burnout of magecraft.

Maybe I should go for Chubby.

Ugh... I don't want to spoil Chubby quality time with his........family!???

I just checked on Chubby by using the drone that I left with him, and saw that he got a-aa-a f-amilly!?

This can't be real.

What should I do?? They stole my Chubby!

Do I burn them? 

No, Chubby will hate me.

Who is the thot who stole him from me?


You know what Chubby, I don't need you, I'm an independent woman, and I don't need a lowly cheater in my life.

Tsk, I have also someone, like.....



Ah! Mónada!

That's right, Chubby, I don't need you.

From now on I will be with Mónada.






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I fell dizzy......ugh.....what was I doing?

My whole body hurts, my extremities particular hurt a lot.

Little by little I open my eyes, and from the surrounding light, I can see that it's morning.

But why am I on my room?

 It feels like I'm on my bed, but there's a hint of discomfort, it feels like I'm being watched.

I turn my head only to find not one, nor two persons, but seven, and all of them looking straight at me.

Why are they here??

No, why are they even alive???

I thought..........I thought everyone died.



I can't let them see me crying.

I need to act resolute.

"....when you finish recovering, we should prepare a funeral"





It was a rainy day, we were using handmade umbrellas, the funeral was about to start.

I didn't want to go. I just wanted to sit in my room, but I needed to go, they can only rely on me now.

I have never been in a funeral, nor I knew where I got the knowledge of what a "funeral" was. 

Everyone looks devastated, carrying their flowers and looking straight down at the hand-made coffins, a few of them were crying.

 They all knew what was coming next as I went to the front to make my speech.

I cleared my throat a little awkwardly and looked at them... I never thought it would be this hard to say goodbye.

"I don't think words are necessary in this situation.......and I know that everyone here is thinking the same thing....that we're going to miss them..........."

After I finish speaking, a few elves begin to bury the coffins.

The first one is lowered into the ground by a woman, and then another elf picks up a different one.

They do that for each grave until all of them have been covered.

 Each time they dig out a coffin, I can see some sort of magic on them to prevent anyone from opening it.

I take care of the grave where Demiurge, was buried before we leave.

 After he's buried, I go down to the town square and sit on a near the three. Nearly everyone is in their houses, so the place is eerily quiet.

With everything that have happened today, I can't help but be mad, mad at mother.

Was it a coincidence? Just a day after all the elves arrived, this happens.

Did mother knew this was going to happen? Did she knew people were going to die?

... Am I blaming her for my own mistakes......?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. It feels like I'm blaming her for everything that has happened.

But I can't help but....I- I can't help-p but.....

Tears drop from my eyes and I stare at the ground in front of me with a look of sorrow.

I never lost something precious to me and even though I know it's not true, I feel powerless.

I'm sure if I was stronger, I could've stopped this from happening...

Without noticing the presence, an elf come over to me and sit next to me on the bench, it's Luzbel.

She holds me in her arms.

If she could speak, she would probably say something.

I look at the ground while I cry uncontrollably.

The night becomes colder as the rain falls stronger, hitting my body. My clothes are soaked, but I don't pay attention to it. 

I just look at the ground as the time passes.

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