A 3.6 billion earth observation

Chapter 16: CH.16- Watch your words

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It's been 4 days since the tournament started, now we are at the finals, 12 elves are, actually, in a battle royale. Including the insolent girl from before.

The arena is packed with cheers and yells. I am there along with the sages and Mónada, watching the final match.

"This is amazing!" Some sage said.

I'm personally not that impressed by it, I prefer watching more psychological subtle pain.

But the fight still good, the elves are definitely putting their all, even the insolent girl from before is having a hard time.

All the elves are fighting hard, no one is giving up.

The winner will be decided by whoever survive till the end, the elf who can last longer will win, sadly is not a fight to death, but is good enough.

"Oh my god! This elf is crazy!" Someone yelled.

One of the elves have already broken his sword, but he's still holding on.

He is fighting against a tall dark elf girl.

He didn't want to let go the broken blade at first, but as soon as he saw his opponent coming against him, he released it immediately.

Now both of them are using hand-to-hand combat. Wasn't this a swordsmanship tournament? Whatever.

"He's really strong!" 

"He's insane!"

"There's no way this elf could lose."

People are really excited, huh.

After an hour or so, there are only two lefts. A muscular tall dark elf, and the cocky girl.

"The two elves look desperate to finish, they seem really fucking tired, are they gonna die or something?

Hope they don't give up yet, after all, I'm having a great time.

"The girl is losing, she can't hold anymore!" Someone yelled.

That insolent girl is losing. She's being dragged down by her opponent, little by little.

But the girl keep going, she's not giving up. 

She's been fighting for almost eight hours non-stop, her will power is really incredible, just like the guy.

Her opponent is also exhausted, he looks like a dead man walking. He's swinging his sword wildly, but it doesn't work because of fatigue.

The girl is picking up her sword again and again, she's trying to block her opponent's attacks.

"Even though they can barely stand, they're still fighting, are these guys really elves?"

They're exhausted, but they don't give up. 

Not gonna lie, the excitement is starting to reach me as well.

Finally, the girl fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Her opponent is about to attack the girl again, but suddenly the girl stood up, and attacked her own opponent, she was faking it.

"What?!" Someone yelled.


"That's cheating!"

No it's not, this is a real fight.

The girl gets a sword from the ground and stabs him in the eye.

"Wow!" People cheered.

The dark elf became unconscious right away.

"She won!"

Nope, she just collapsed too, at the same time that him.

Well to be fair 0.003 second after, but that doesn't matter, what matters is who won.

"Who's the winner?" Someone asked.

"The girl!"


"The girl, the cocky girl from before!"

"No, she collapsed before him!"

"Tf you saying??"

"Trust me"

I wonder what the sages will decide.

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The girl is lying down on the floor, she's taking a rest while holding her head, she just woke up. Her opponent was carried away by the healers.

So...what now?

Without realizing, everyone is looking at me.


Ah! I see, they want me to choose one.

Which one should I pick?

Should I go with the girl, nah, it would be funnier if I take both.

"Is the victor chosen?" Mónada ask.

I signal the two of them.

"As expected...are you sure?"

I nod.


She then stands up and announces the winner.

Cheers abrupt shouts from the stands, everyone seems happy with the decision...well, at least the majority.




The next day I woke up in the morning, the house is silent as usual, but there is a problem...

"Good, you're finally awake, you were sleeping for like twelve hours..."

The girl, Is in my room, and the guy sleeping in my coach, don't they have a house...

That rule that says that pupils should live with masters is annoying as fuck, literally who thought it was a good idea, it's so weird seeing them here.

"Fight me"

This girl... I just woke up...

"You know, you are a very strong person, at least that's what the stupid elves say, but you're weak from my perspective. So don't feel bad even if you lose"

How rude, whatever I don't care what she thinks of me.

I won't fall in her provocations.

"That Mónada said that I don't stand a chance against you, hahaha! I want to see her ugly face when I beat ya up"

What did she say about Mónada???

What do you mean, ugly!? I created her myself, you kid!

Ugh! I'm going to send you crying to your parents, little!

I take my sword I got out my house, she follows me, she seems to have understood my intention.

"You think you can defeat me with that broken sword?"

Hm? Oh, my sword is broken...whatever.

I make I signal with my hand to make her come.

She gets annoyed for some unknown reason.

"Let's get this over with"

She begins running towards me, I don't feel like playing, so I kick her in the stomach, she loses her balance, falling on her back, and I put my foot on her face.

"You bastarrrd!"

She's pissed off.

Serves you right.

I'm not satisfied, so I'm going to punish you a little, hehe.




"....I'm sorry, please....spare me...."

Maybe, I went too far...she is crying really hard.

Well, fuck around and find out.

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