A 3.6 billion earth observation

Chapter 7: Ch.7- I want to sleep

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Today I am going to visit the elves...well, this is only a secondary mission.

 The main reason is that I want Chubby to feel happier, he has been pretty down recently...

But there's a problem, the last time I talked with them was 296 years ago, so our reunion is going to be pretty awkward, for that reason why I'm going in disguise.

I could turn invisible or something like that, but I won't, after all, I want to be with Chubby at all times.

A simple disguise won't do, and I don't want to modify my body either, so I'm going to use illusion magecraft. I have reached a point where I can do almost anything, the only problem is that It takes me a long time to do it, or it requires a lot of my concentration.

After some minutes I finish the illusion, 

I look kinda similar to the me from before, but my face look somewhat different, I have long ears and a different outfit.

Since I don't want to attract attention going alone, I will go with AIs imitating elves. Though they will not be sentient, they are pretty much the same thing as an elf, they have the same reproductive abilities and hold any type of conversation.

 I also programmed them with the same knowledge as Mónada and Demiurge. I made sure that they won't bother me.

I proceed to go to my laboratory and make the bodies, I made eight dark elves men and ten women, and nine forest elves men and eight women.

Now, without further ado, let's go.

We begin traveling to the forest at a slow pace, I wasn't in any hurry, so I take it slow.

It seems that the vegetation of the forest and the animals have spread overseas, now some parts of the semi Pangaea look really alive.

The journey is pretty calm, no one does any noise, well, no one except Chubby... it's seem that he doesn't like when I carry him...that makes me kinda sad.

After some months we reached the forest, it grow a lot since last time, and there are many new animals I have never seen before, but the most remarkable is......a fairy?

Why are there fairies here?

After checking on them with magecraft, I can see that there seem to be a lot of energetic particles around them, I assume these particles are dark atoms, but I cannot check since exoskeleton is not here...a shame.

Well I assume that they are a type of dragonfly that has evolved into a humanoid for a strange reason that I do not know, it probably has something to do with the huge bionic tree that I left planted here.

I should pay more attention to my surroundings from time to time.

Well, no point in thinking about it, let's go to the center of the forest, that's where I left the tree and where the elves probably are.

Chubby seems to be incredibly excited, his eyes seem to ask for permission to explore, he probably already understood that he can't escape from me.

Well, the principal reason why we came here in the first place is for him to play, so I will let him, obviously I command a drone to follow him, I don't want him to (escape) get hurt.

After an hour or so we arrive at the big tree, it's full of fairies everywhere, and there are also spirits?

At this point, I'm not surprised.

I can see seven big buildings around it, their structure reminds me of that of the Romans, made in a way that does not disturb nature, it's made pretty well.

The door of one of the buildings seems to open, an elf with sharp eyes, light blue hair, and many flowers around her body, comes out of it.

That's Mónada, she seems to have changed clothes.

She also seems pretty surprised, and immediate goes to the next door building and brings a sleepy dark elf, Demiurge.

I wonder if they know their names...they probably do since the system is implanted in them, it should show it in their status.

They start to approach us slowly.

"Who are you?" She says

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The "leader" of our group, a forest elf, steps forward and speaks loud and clear.

"We salute our elders"

The two elves look between us with confused gazes.

"We are had been created by the Mother of all to assist you in the conquest of knowledge and wisdom"

"I see, then rest for today, tomorrow you will start working"

"At your command, elder"

The young adult elf then proceds to make a bow and the rest follows, I follow to.

That was pretty fast, I didn't expect it to be that easy. Anyway, if it works it works.

Mónada gives an atmosphere of power and pride, she's really worthy of praise.

Meanwhile, Demiurge looks like a street punk who got selected for president and cannot stop smiling stupidly.

Mónada said that she wanted us to rest, so I guess I will try sleeping, it's been a minute since I last did. 

The other "fake" elves took the chance to explore, there seems to be libraries and stuff, some of them are even constructing houses. Meanwhile, the dark elves are messing around, with Demiurge as their leader. They are playing with spears, swords and bows.

Some forest elves are watching at them with disgust.

Man these AIs are really well programmed, if I didn't know they aren't sentient, they would have tricked me. If I'm not wrong, they can actually become sentient with time, this caused I big debate in the past.

Anyway, I don't want to sleep on the floor, so I begin constructing my own house too. When the sun begins to settle, I finish it. 

Every elf seems to have gathered around a bonfire in the center, next to the giant mechanical tree.

Men, being next to this tree sure feels good.

Right now Mónada seems to be distributing the roles, she asked us about what we wanted to do.

Then my turn to respond came 

"And what do you prefer to do?"

I stay silent

Before she can question me any further, one of the elves interrupt.

"Elder, she's mute, she can't answer you"

"...I see"

I was already expecting something like this to happen, so I came prepared.

"She enjoys observing and understanding wildfire, I believe that the best post for her will be the study of spirits and fairies"

"Are you fine with that" 

I nod

"Then it's all settled, sleep well, tomorrow it's going to be a busy day"

Like that, the day finished and each one of us enter their houses. 

The dark elves seem to be partying in the deep forest...they sure do enjoy live.

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