A Beautiful Dream

Chapter 5: 09/16/1885

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"Where... am I...?" I muttered, as I slowly regained consciousness.

"You beautiful soul..." came a melodic voice, as I opened my eyes fully to behold a slender figure standing above me, garbed in an impeccable all-white suit, with radiant white hair and dark red eyes that seemed to shimmer in the sunlight. Was this an angel? I should have been terrified, yet I felt a strange sense of serenity.

With great effort, I managed to sit upright, and the figure simply looked down at me in silence.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, my voice trembling.

The figure then turned his gaze to what lay beside me, and my heart sank as I followed his gaze to behold the motionless form of my dear friend, Thomas.

"Th-Thomas!!!" I exclaimed, as tears welled up in my eyes.

"Please wake up... Please..." I begged, as the figure knelt beside Thomas and examined his body with a somber expression.

"Thomas, Please wake up... Please..."

He then looked back at me and repeated his earlier statement. "You beautiful soul..."

I was confused. What did he mean by that?

"Tell me, young boy. What happened to you and your friend?" he inquired.

What happened to us... I vaguely remember...

Memories flooded back to me as I recounted the events that led to our current dire state. "We got caught stealing food, Thomas and I were being attacked, but... Gabriel..." I muttered, as I remembered how the supposed friends we thought we had in Gabriel and Okabe had left us for dead.

The figure nodded, understanding etched on his face.

"He is not dead yet, my beautiful soul." he said, as hope flickered within me.

"What do I do...?" I asked, as the figure looked back at me with a piercing gaze.

"What will you do, oh you abandoned child, left without a thought? Caught in the hands of the fallen." he replied, his words cutting through me like a knife.

"Who, are you..." I asked, as fear and confusion gripped me.

"I am afraid I am not an Angel, young boy." he said, as my heart sank.

"If you are not an angel, then what are you?" I pressed, as he came closer to me and held my chin in his pale hands.

"I am, the Devil." he said, and my body trembled as his presence became more palpable, a feeling not of this world. Was Madison right after all?

"Are you the one who roams through the edges?" I asked, as tears began to flow down my cheeks again.

"Young boy, what will you do with your decaying fellow?" he asked, his voice cold and unfeeling.

"Thomas..." I whispered, as fear gripped me. How could this beautiful angel-like figure be the devil, and yet exude such a heart-chilling presence that it seemed to pierce through my very soul? Would he kill me?

"I don't know..." I said, as the devil looked at me with a curious expression.

"Young boy, do you think there is no absolute solution to this saddened reality?" he asked, and I was unsure of what he was trying to convey.

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"Do you wish to change your reality?" The figure queried, as I pondered my dire circumstances.

"This is a reality I would not wish upon my worst enemies..." I replied, my voice heavy with despair.

"Yes... Yes, I do." I affirmed, as a sense of calm washed over me.

"Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for it?" the figure asked.

And no wonder...

"Sacrifice myself...," I murmured, as I considered the gravity of my decision.

And yet, in that moment, I knew that I would do anything to make a better world for those I loved.

"If you are able to aid me, if it means changing the reality for not only myself but for the ones I love, I am willing to lose it all." I declared, my resolve firm.

Is this real... I wondered, as I realized that I was undoubtedly speaking to the devil, in a world where there seemed to be no God.

"You have come to the right place, you beautiful soul. How unfortunate that you must devote yourself to inevitable despair..." The figure said, as he extended his hand to me.

"Hand me your soul, and all your problems will vanish. You shall prevail in life, and grow into the power to change the lives of anyone you wish. You shall become a different person, a grown person, someone, uncountable people will look up to for your deeds. Until the day shall come, where I feast upon your soul, where you will leave behind a world your loved ones will prevail in, your descendants, forever, in your name."

"Will I be able to achieve that..." I wondered, as my consciousness began to fade.

As I stumbled back onto the ground, I heard footsteps approach, and I saw my family, dressed in the finest clothing I had ever seen.

"Mother..." I muttered, as tears of joy and relief flowed down my face.

"Dante! I feel so much better now, I'm still surprised you were able to carry me all the way to the hospital mate! I love ya!" Thomas exclaimed, as I beheld his healthy form, full of vitality and joy.

"Thanks to you Dante, even my family is living the good life, heh! I guess we're one of the noble squirrels now! I would have died if it weren't for ya mate! You changed our lives!" He added, as I looked on in disbelief.

I saw my father approach, tears in his eyes and regret etched on his face, as he fell to his knees and placed his forehead on my arm.

"I'm sorry, my son. I do not deserve to be your father..." He apologized, for all the pain he had caused me, and I wept with joy and forgiveness.

It was too much to bear, this painful reality... As my eyes closed and darkness engulfed me, the last thing I was able to say before passing out was,

"I give you my soul, please, change my life..."

For the devil masquerades as an angel of light...


"Hey! Look over here! I see two kids lying, these two must be the survivors!"

"Officer. We have found them!"

"This must be them, bring them to the hospital!"

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