A Bookworm’s New Routine

Chapter 2: 2

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Chapter 2- Bully

The arrival of the transfer student was the topic of discussion for all the second year and third-year students these past few days. Fortunately, this was still the first semester of the second year or else it would be hard for the student to catch up and study for the college exams, much less adapt to the school’s environment. 

“Su Yanxi, where do you live? Let’s walk home together for lunch.” Hu Ying walked up and asked her naturally. 

“Chengnan Community.” Su Yanxi set down her pen and looked up to answer. 

“That’s pretty close. Mu Qi and I just happen to live in Yangguan Community, the one right next to Chengnan Community. So, want to walk home together?” Hu Ying sat down on the desk in front of them. 

“Okay.” Su Yanxi grinned and nodded. 

Mu Qi didn’t say anything. She listened to their conversation and felt a headache coming, so she left. 

It was noon, and the students were already so hungry that their stomachs were growling loudly. They hurried out the doors so they could go home and sit down at the table for a warm hearty meal. 

On the way home, Hu Ying was busy chatting with Su Yanxi while Mu Qi walked in front of them, alone and silent. 

“Bro Qi, what’s wrong? Hu Ying could tell that Mu Qi was not her regular self today and with her not talking, it was like she was a completely different person. 

“I’m fine.” Mu Qi waved her hand in the air, her back facing them. 

Su Yanxi’s watched the other person’s back, a complex expression flashing in her eyes. 

When they arrived at the Yangguang Community, Hu Ying and Su Yanxi said their goodbyes while Mu Qi just continued forward.

It wasn’t until the two figures disappeared from view did Su Yanxi break out into a smile and she hummed in a good mood as she walked back. 

Mu Qi opened the door, the house feeling cold and abandoned. She was already used to this and walked into the kitchen to start making her food. 

She had been living alone ever since her parents had divorced two years ago. Every month, either her mother or father would check up on her, and tonight they were both coming to see her. 

She didn’t like days like today. They would always wear awkward and embarrassed expressions when they came to see her, making them all feel uncomfortable. No, it was much better to live by herself instead. 

She quickly made a simple bowl of noodles, and then took a quick nap after eating. 

When it was time to go back to school, Hu Ying came to get her. 

“Are your parents coming home today?” Hu Ying hadn’t remembered this fact until she was eating lunch and it suddenly popped into her mind. 

“En.” Mu Qi answered lightly. 

“And you’re eating out with them tonight?” Hu Ying glanced at her sideways. 

“En.” Mu Qi lowered her head and absentmindedly kicked a pebble near her foot. The pebble rolled forward until it finally came to a stop in front of another person’s feet. 

Seeing the arrival of a new person, Hu Ying quickly dropped the subject and said with a smile on her face, “Su Yanxi, what a coincidence.”

“Are you two ready to go?” Su Yanxi’s gaze fell on Mu Qi’s gloomy face. Her brows wrinkled together and she wondered what was wrong with the other.  

“Alright, let’s go!” Hu Ying said. 

“Ok.” Su Yanxi nodded. 

In fact, she had waited at the gates of the community for more than ten minutes just so she might be able to get to walk to school together with Mu Qi. 

However, when she saw Mu Qi’s expression, she couldn’t help but look over at her and wonder what was going on. 

Hu Ying tried to liven up the atmosphere and would busily chat about different topics, bouncing around from one question to the next. She asked about Su Yanxi’s previous school, why she transferred, and whether she thought it was a little late in the year to transfer. 

Before long, the three of them had arrived at the school gates. 

“Bro Qi, this afternoon, during old man Li’s class, you really can’t sleep anymore or we will be punished to stand outside in front of the entire school.” Hu Ying advised. 

“I’ll try.” Mu Qi lifted her feet and walked up the stairs. 

Hu Ying said in a loud voice, “Don’t just try, you have to do your best to hold on and get past the first class. The second class will be physical education. 

“ I got it. You’re so annoying, like a henpecked mother.” Mu Qi couldn’t help but playfully flick her friend’s head. 

“Oh! You have broken my heart into a million pieces!” Hu Ying said exaggeratedly and clutched her chest for dramatic effect. 

Su Yanxi snickered with a hand covering her mouth and Mu Qi turned to see the girl laughing happily. When she realized that she had gotten caught, Su Yanxi hurriedly lowered her hand and stopped laughing. 

The first class in the afternoon was math class and to Mu Qi, it was like listening to a dry textbook speak. From the start of class till now, she had yawned at least four to five times but every time she wanted to lie down, Li Wei’s gaze would flicker towards her. With no other choice, she could only endure and hold on. 

“This is for you.” When the teacher wasn’t looking, Su Yanxi took out a small box of medicated oil. [1]

Looking at the tiny red box in her hands and then at the girl. The other party was giving her an expectant look, but she didn’t refuse nor accept as she retracted her gaze. 

“If you apply a little to your temples, you won’t feel sleepy at all.” Su Yanxi assumed that the other party didn’t understand and quickly opened the box. She applied some onto her hands and then rubbed it across her own temples in a demonstration. After she finished, she looked over at Mu Qi. It was as if she was saying, ‘just do it like this.’

Mu Qi’s mouth twitched, is this girl joking?

Su Yanxi saw that she still hadn’t moved and bit her lip as she whispered, “You don’t like it?”

Her face was full of grievance and if one didn’t know, they would think that Mu Qi was bullying her. 

And that certain someone who didn’t know was Li Wei who watched from the podium. 

Seeing the new student’s aggrieved expression and Mu Qi’s cold expression, he immediately thought that Mu Qi was bullying the other party. He stopped the lecture and screamed, “Mu Qi! Stand up!”

Mu Qi and Su Yanxi gave him puzzled looks, but the other students looked at them like they were watching a good show. 

To them, Mu Qi was a good show that never disappointed them. 

Each class she would be called out by the teacher and if the other party wasn’t scolded at least once, they would not be used to it. 

Mu Qi stood up with a baffled look on her face. 

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“You can go stand outside and come back when you have clearly thought things through.” Li Wei pointed towards the door. 

Mu Qi helplessly made her way to the door. She was already used to her teachers treating her unjustly like this. In fact, if it wasn’t because her father had some clout with the school, she probably would be expelled by now. 

“Teacher!” Su Yanxi stood up and looked at Li Wei hesitantly. 

“Su Yanxi, don’t be afraid. I saw Mu Qi bullying you but don’t worry, I saw it all. If she bullies you afterward, you can come to tell me.” Li Wei comforted her. 

He had a good impression of this new student. Not only were her grades good, but she was also obedient and cute as well. In this class full of delinquents, she was the model student that every teacher wanted. 

“Teacher, Mu Qi didn’t bully me, but it was me who was disturbing her instead.” Su Yanxi explained. 

Li Wei froze for a second and looked at Su Yanxi then at Mu Qi who was standing outside. He quickly called out, “Mu Qi, get back in here!”

Mu Qi only stood near the door and looked at him, ignoring his words. 

Such an attitude made Li Wei even angrier. The girl not only had poor grades, but she liked to fight and disturb the class. If the principal hadn’t specifically told him to let this student be, he would’ve kicked her out already. 

Even if Su Yanxi claimed she was innocent, he really couldn’t believe it. 

“Teacher, although Mu Qi can be a little muddleheaded like this, you really can’t treat her like this.” Hu Ying couldn’t hold back her anger and stood up to challenge Li Wei. 

“Shut up!” Li Wei hadn’t even said anything yet when Mu Qi stopped her first and then said, “Teacher, I want to go to the bathroom.”

“Alright, you can go.” Li Wei waved his hand, relieved that the awkward tension in the air had diffused. 

“Teacher I also need to go to the bathroom.” After saying so, Hu Yin did not wait to respond before following Mu Qi. 

“Why did you stop me?” Hu Ying elbowed her, still feeling angry at the teacher for what just happened. 

“If you talk to him like that, it will only make the teacher lose face.” Mu Qi said frankly. 

“If the teacher wants face, that doesn’t mean we have to lose ours.” Hu Ying rolled her eyes, grumbling in dissatisfaction. 

“He’s still our elder.” Mu Qi replied. 

Hu Ying hummed but didn’t say anything. Although she knew she was being impulsive, she can’t help but get angry when she sees her good friend being mistreated like that.

“Fortunately Su Yanxi explained everything and spoke up for you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to wash yourself of this crime even if you jumped into the Yellow River.” Hu Ying said. 

Remembering the previous actions by the girl, Mu Qi’s expression darkened a little. 

She almost considered the other party mentally ill for a second there. 

They decided to stay in the bathroom for a little longer, taking a smoke break. They waited until the smell of smoke disappeared before returning to the classroom. 

Li Wei only gave them a glance before continuing class. 

“I’m sorry.” Su Yanxi immediately apologized when Mu Qi sat down. She understood that the other party was scolded by the teacher because of her. These past few minutes, she felt so guilty she could die. Seeing Mu Qi in front of her, she felt even more guilty.

“You should listen to the teacher’s lesson.” Mu Qi glanced at her, the meaning of her words were quite clear. Stop talking to me. 

Su Yanxi understood this and lowered her head, fidgeting with her hands. For the rest of the lesson, she didn’t raise her head again. 

Only when the class finished and the atmosphere livened up did the tension between the two broke. 

“Bro Qi, let’s go play some basketball!” Hu Ying called out. 

Since the next class was physical education, Hu Ying couldn’t wait to get out of class. She turned around and asked, “Does Little Xixi want to come with us?”

“Let’s go.” Hu Ying put an arm around hu Ying’s shoulder and walked out. 

Su Yanxi quietly followed behind.

At this moment, the students were already running towards the courts. They much preferred P.E. then math. 

The boys liked to play basketball and the girls sat in the grass to chat or play some light volleyball and badminton. 

Of course, there were also a few girls like Mu Qi and Hu Ying who liked to play basketball instead. 

Furthermore, the two played very well and the boys would play with them too. 

Su Yanxi had never really played before, but she wanted to play with Mu Qi so she grabbed a basketball and ran over to one of the courts in the corner. She silently played by herself and tried to imitate Mu Qi’s posture as she threw the ball into the air. 

However, she didn’t have enough strength so the basketball would miss the hoop by a long mile. 

Mu Qi unintentionally glanced at the girl, only to see that she was covering her head as the basketball bounced back towards her. That silly action made her laugh without thinking, 

“What are you laughing at?” Hu Ying asked. 

“Nothing.” Mu Qi withdrew her gaze and grabbed the ball passed over to her. She dribbled twice and said, “Let’s continue.”

Author’s notes:

Hu Ying: Bro Qi, what are you looking at?

Mu Qi: My wife playing basketball! Haha!

Hu Ying: Bro Qi, I will observe a moment of silence and pray for you.

Mu Qi: Hah? 

T/N notes:

[1] medicated oil: specifically a type of Chinese medicated oil that is used for pain relief, alertness, and a lot of other things. I used it a lot the last time I visited China and got bitten 20 times by those pesky mosquitoes. Looks something like this:

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