A Cycle of Death and Rebirth

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Dead End

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As Emily and I walked towards the clubroom, my nerves started to get the best of me. I had never really been the type to join clubs or make new friends, so this was all really new to me.

"Don't worry," Emily said, sensing my anxiety. "Everyone in the club is really friendly. You'll fit right in."

"I hope so," I replied, still feeling a bit uncertain. "I just don't want to make a fool of myself or anything."

"You won't," Emily reassured me. "Just be yourself and you'll be fine."

We arrived at the clubroom and I took a deep breath before Emily swings the door open to the clubroom and announces, "Everyone, The New Member is here!"

I see three girls inside the room, all of whom are staring at me with varying expressions of curiosity. I don't recognize any of them, I let out a small sigh of relief as I realize that none of them are the girls that Emily is usually seen hanging out with. I had already made a poor first impression with those girls.

"H-hello! I'm John Fairfield! It's nice to meet everyone." I introduced myself, still nervous from all the stares I was getting.

"Emily brought a boy?" The girl on the left said with a hint of amusement in her voice. She is short in stature and has a childish face which is accompanied by wavy short hair with a biscuit color and puffy brown eyes.

The girl on the far right, sitting in a chair and reading a book stands up and approaches me, bowing her head and giving me a warm smile. "Welcome to the Volunteer Club. It's nice to meet you," she says politely. She has short, straight silver hair and light blue-gray eyes. She seems awfully polite considering her age.

Then the girl in the middle came up to me. my attention was immediately drawn to her. She was a tall, beautiful-looking girl with long, dark brown hair tied in a ponytail and sparkling olive-green eyes. 

She walked over to me with a huge smile on her face, her movements quick and energetic. She reached out her hand to me. "Hi, John! It's so great to meet you. Welcome to the club!"

"Hi, it's nice to meet you too." I replied, shaking her hand.

I couldn't help but stare at them. I was taken aback by how welcoming they were being.

"What are you looking at?" the girl with short, wavy hair asks, noticing my stare. "Do you have something to say?"

"S-Sorry," I apologize, embarrassed that I was caught staring.

"Oh, come on Cynthia. No need to be so uptight." the girl in the middle says, laughing and wrapping an arm around the girl's shoulders.

"I'm not uptight." the girl, Cynthia, replies, blushing and pushing the other girl's arm off of her.

I couldn't help but smile at their interaction.

"You can just ignore her when she gets like that." Emily whispers to me, before walking over to the girls. "Anyways, this girl is Cynthia, she's kind of like the pet of the group. Very cute and wholesome."

"Hey, I'm not cute!" Cynthia protests, blushing even harder.

"And the girl in the middle is Jessica, always full of energy," Emily continues, ignoring Cynthia's protest.

"That's me!" Jessica says, making a proud expression.

"And the girl on the right is our club's president, Anna," Emily finishes, gesturing to the girl with silver hair.

"It's a pleasure," Anna says with a polite nod.

"So, what exactly is this club all about?" I asked Anna. I heard from Emily that it was a Volunteer Club, but I wasn't quite sure what kind of 'volunteering' a high school club would do.

"Well, the Volunteer Club is a group of students who are dedicated to helping out with various events and projects in the community." Anna explained, her well-spoken nature making her sound confident and capable.

"That sounds like a nice thing to do," I said, trying to hide the fact that I wasn't entirely sure if I was interested. Volunteering sounded nice in theory, but it sounds like a lot of work. I can imagine people dumping a lot of stuff on them just because it's convenient.

"But, It can be a lot of work sometimes," Cynthia piped up, her biscuit-colored hair bouncing as she spoke. "People tend to dump a lot on us, and it's hard to keep up." 

I thought as much.

"But it can be really fun too!" Jessica added, her mischievous grin spreading across her face.

"I guess," Cynthia replied, not looking entirely convinced.

"So, are these all the members?" I asked, looking around at the small group. There were only four present, excluding myself. Normally you would expect more members to be in a volunteer club so that they could handle the work more efficiently. 

Anna nods and says, "Yes, just the four of us."

I raise an eyebrow and say, "Well, you're pretty small in numbers."

Emily jumps in, "We get by just fine, even with such a small group."

"I apologize for the small number of members at the present." Anna says, her tone polite and regal. "The club has only recently been established, and I have a secret marketing strategy that I am confident will attract more members in due time." She winks and says, "Just you wait."

'Just you wait'. She seems very passionate about all this. And so does all the members. This club might be different from what I thought.

As I sat in the circle of chairs, surrounded by the members of the Volunteer Club, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. On the one hand, I was still a little hesitant about joining the club. I had only just moved to this small, rural town with my family, and I was still trying to find my place and make friends. And even though these girls seemed nice and welcoming, I wasn't sure if I was ready to commit to a club like this.

But on the other hand, I knew that I couldn't pass up this opportunity. When Emily first asked me to join the club, I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I was going to fit in and make friends with the other members. My previous attempts at making friends had fumbled, and I had just given up after that. But I knew that I would regret it if I didn't even try. And joining the club was going to help me in my main goal of protecting Emily from the cult. If I could make friends with the people in the club at the same time, then that was just a bonus.

So I made my decision. I was going to join the Volunteer Club.

"Great, well I'm looking forward to being a part of the club," I said, sounding a bit more enthusiastic than when I had first arrived.

"Welcome aboard, John!" Jessica loudly exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.

I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm.

"So, when do we start volunteering?" I asked, eager to get started.

"Well, we have a few events coming up that we could use some help with," Anna said, pulling out a calendar from her bag. "There's a bake sale at the nursing home next week, and the town fair is coming up in a few weeks. Do you have a preference?"

"I don't really have any experience with baking, so maybe the town fair?" I suggested.

"Great, we'll put you down for that then," Anna said, making a note on the calendar.

As we continued to discuss our plans for the upcoming events, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. I may have been a little hesitant at first, but I was glad that I had decided to join the Volunteer Club. I was looking forward to helping out in my new community and making a difference, and I was also excited to get to know these new friends better. I had a feeling that being a part of the club was going to be a lot of work, but I was ready for the challenge. And also...

"John? Why are you looking at me like that?" Emily said, confused.

"Oh, I was just thinking that maybe we could walk home together after the club is over?" I suggested, hoping that she would say yes.

"Hmm? Sure! Sounds fun." Emily replied with a smile.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and happiness at her response.

Alright, I can do this.

As the school day came to a close, the members of the Volunteer Club were forced to part ways. Emily and I walked home together, chatting about our experiences in the club.

"I'm really excited to be a part of the club," I said, feeling a sense of purpose and belonging after the meeting earlier. "I'm looking forward to helping out in the community and getting to know everyone better."

"I'm glad you're excited," Emily replied with a warm smile. "I think you'll fit in well with everyone. They're all really great people."

"Yes, they truly are," I agreed. "I was pleasantly surprised by their welcoming and friendly nature, especially considering I'm new to town."

"Well, that's just the kind of people they are," Emily said with a gentle nod. "Anna is always so organized and responsible, and Cynthia is very determined and helpful. And Jessica, well, she's always so full of energy."

"And what about you, Emily?" I asked, turning to her with a friendly smile. "What's your role in the club?"

"Oh, I like to help out with cooking and preparing food for certain events," Emily replied, her eyes lighting up at the mention of cooking. "I've always loved cooking and trying out new recipes. I just love the creativity that comes with it. And there's something so satisfying about creating a dish that people love," she said, her face radiant as she spoke.

I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. It was clear that cooking was a true passion for her.

"What are some of your favorite foods?" I asked, curious to learn more about her.

"Oh, I love all kinds of food. But I really enjoy trying out new and unique flavors. Like, have you ever had Korean BBQ? It's so delicious," she said, her eyes widening with excitement.

"No, I haven't had the chance to try it. But it sounds really good," I replied, feeling a bit envious of her adventurous palate.

"You totally should!" Emily exclaimed, grinning. "In fact, I'm actually helping to plan a big cooking event at a restaurant downtown next week for the club. It's going to be a lot of work, but I'm really excited for it."

"That's great," I said, feeling a warm sense of happiness just from seeing her passion. "I'm sure the club members really appreciate all the hard work you put in."

"Yeah, they do. And I love helping out, it's really rewarding," Emily replied, a big smile on her face. "I'm just glad I can contribute to the club in my own way."

"I'm sure you do a great job," I said, meaning every word.

As we finally reached Emily's house, I bid her farewell. "Well, I'll see you in the morning. Thanks for walking me home."

"No problem. I'll see you tomorrow," Emily replied, before walking up the path to her front door.

Just as she was reaching for the doorknob, there was a loud shattering sound from inside the house.

"What was that?" I asked, startled by the sudden noise.

Emily's face paled and she glanced back at me, seeming to panic for a moment. "Oh, don't worry about it. It's just something that fell over. Just go home, I'll see you in the morning," she said quickly, before hurrying into her house and shutting the door behind her.

Wednesday, May 10th 2005



Not yet.


10 more minutes.


I said not yet dammit!


Please just let me sleep.


"Okay, okay, I get it." I groggily said, admitting defeat to an unwinnable battle.

I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed. My mom was standing over me, looking worried.

"Honey, you're going to be late for school if you don't get up now," she said, a hint of panic in her voice. "Come on, get dressed and I'll make you breakfast."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, still trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. I had stayed up late last night, trying to make sense of everything that had happened with the Volunteer Club and Emily. I had so many questions, but no answers.

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As I got ready for school, I couldn't help but worry about what the day would bring. Would I be able to keep up with the workload of the club? Would Emily be okay? And what about Sarah? Something was definitely off with her, and I had no idea how to fix it.

I tried to push these thoughts to the back of my mind as I headed to school, but they still lingered in the back of my mind. It was going to be a long day, that much was certain.

"Oh, John! There you are!" Emily came running over to me. "Why are you so late today?" 

I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. "I'm sorry, I overslept. My mom had to come in and wake me up."

"Well, I'm just glad you're here now," Emily said, flashing me a bright smile. "Come on, we have a lot of work to do today."

I yawned and stretched, still feeling a bit tired. But I knew that I had to push through it and focus on the task at hand.

"Alright, let's go." 

We eventually reached the school building. I walked into my homeroom class, but just as I sat down, the homeroom teacher, Mrs. Thompson, walked in with a serious expression on her face.

"Good morning, everyone," she said, her voice low and measured. "I have an announcement to make."

All conversation stopped as everyone turned to look at the homeroom teacher.

"As some of you may already know, Sarah is not with us today. She will not be returning to school for the foreseeable future."

There was a collective gasp from the class.

"Is she okay?" someone called out.

"We don't have all the details at this time," She said, her expression grave. "But I just wanted to let everyone know that Sarah is going through a difficult time right now, and she needs our support and understanding. So please, let's be respectful and considerate of her situation."

There was a moment of silence as everyone absorbed this information.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Emily asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Right now, just being understanding and supportive is the best thing we can do," She said. "I'll let you all know if there's anything more specific we can do to help."

With that, The Teacher made her announcement, leaving us all to digest the shocking news.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The news of Sarah's absence had left us all in shock, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just a family emergency. 

Just then, Lily walked in. She looked a bit disoriented and made her way to her seat, seemingly unaware of the announcement that had just been made. There was something off about her. She looked like she hadn't slept for days.

I turned to Lily and looked at her straight on, I could see my reflection in her crimson-red eyes. I used to think they were full of determination and wonder. But today they're different. In those eyes, there was something else.


"What is it, John?" She asked me with a seemingly innocent face. 

"Lily." There is something else, something you're not telling me. "Are yo-"

—beep, beep, beep—

Before I could finish my sentence, the fire alarm went off.

An announcement came over the intercom. "Attention students, this is not a drill. There is a fire in the school. Please calmly exit the building and make your way to the designated meeting area."

Panic set in as students started rushing towards the exits and I lost sight of Lily. I looked around frantically, trying to find Lily in the chaos. But she was nowhere to be seen.

I pushed my way through the throngs of people, determined to find her. I had to make sure she was safe. As I ran through the halls, the smell of smoke grew stronger. I could feel the heat on my skin and see the orange glow of the flames.

"Lily?" I called out, my voice barely audible over the sound of people screaming and the fire raging.

I followed the crowds of students towards the exits, but as we reached the back of the school, I saw Lily. She had veered off and was now running towards the back of the school.

Confused, I followed her. I couldn't just let her run off on her own in the middle of a fire.

"Lily, what are you doing?" I called out as I ran after her. "We're supposed to be evacuating to the meeting area!"

She didn't answer me, she just kept running. I was starting to get worried now. Why wasn't she following the evacuation plan like everyone else?

I finally caught up to her as she stopped at the edge of the school property. She was panting and sweating, her long raven hair sticking to her face.

"Lily, what's going on?" I asked, trying to catch my own breath. "Why aren't you going to the designated meeting area?"

She turned to me, her crimson eyes filled with fear. "I can't go there," she said, her voice shaking. "I have to hide."

"Hide? From what?" I asked, my heart racing.

"From them." she said, her eyes darting around nervously. "They're coming for me."

I looked at her, not knowing what to do. I wanted to help her, but I also knew that we had to get to the meeting spot.

"Lily, we have to go," I said, trying to take her hand. "We have to get to the designated meeting area and wait for the fire department to arrive."

"No!" she said, pulling away from me. "You don't understand, they'll find me there. They'll find me and they'll hurt me."

I was starting to get scared now. Lily was acting so irrationally and I had no idea what was going on. 

"Lily, please," I said, trying to calm her down. "We have to go. We have to trust that the authorities will protect us."

She looked at me, her eyes filled with desperation. "Okay," she said finally. "But you have to promise me one thing."

"What is it?" I asked, relieved that she was finally listening to me.

"Promise me that you'll keep me safe," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I looked at her, my heart heavy with fear and uncertainty. But I knew that I had to do everything in my power to protect her.

"I promise to keep you safe, no matter what," I said, taking her hand in mine.

Suddenly, Lily's eyes widened in alarm and she pointed behind me. I turned to see what she was pointing at, but before I could react, I felt a blunt object strike the side of my skull.


I stumbled and fell to the ground, covering my head with my hands.

"Arghhh," I groaned in pain.

I looked up to see the assailant approaching Lily, baseball bat raised high. He swung the bat, hitting her legs repeatedly until they were twisted at unnatural angles.

The pain in my head was intense, but I forced myself to turn and face the assailant, who was now standing over Lily with the bat raised above his head, ready to deliver a lethal blow.


I summoned the last of my strength and used my body to block the attack. I fell to the ground beside Lily, our eyes meeting.

I had promised to protect her, but in the end, I couldn't even do that. If I could at least see who did this...

The pain was intense, but I was determined to see who it was. So, I pushed through the pain and turned around. The assailant was tall and fit, his blonde hair covering his dark eyes.

"Jason?" I gasped, as he brought the bat down on me one more time.


I moaned and screeched, confused "Why would yo-"


The blow from the baseball bat was like a bolt of lightning, sending waves of pain through my skull. "It hurts… my head…" I gasped, my voice barely audible.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved, John," Jason sneered, his face contorted with rage, blonde hair covering his red-tinged eyes. "That bitch isn't worth saving."

But I had only been trying to help her. And now, as I lay on the ground, my life slipping away from me, I couldn't understand why this was happening. Through the blur of pain, I could hear Lily sobbing and pleading for mercy beneath me. If only her legs weren't broken, she might have been able to escape.


As I lay there, dying, I was overwhelmed with regret. I wished that I had tried harder to make friends instead of giving up after one try. I wished that I had been brave enough to try new things, even if I was afraid of failing. I wished that I had been a better person, instead of letting my insecurities and self-doubt consume me.

But most of all, I regretted not living my life to the fullest. I had always been too afraid to take risks, too afraid to step out of my comfort zone. And now, as I lay dying, I realized that I had wasted so much time and so many opportunities.

I couldn't bear the thought of leaving this world with so much regret, knowing that I had let my fears hold me back from experiencing everything that life had to offer. And as the darkness closed in around me, I couldn't help but feel that I had let myself down, that I had let everyone else down. Mom, Dad, Emily, Lily…

I don't know how long I’ve laid here, my mind consumed by grief and regret while being crushed by a baseball bat. But eventually, I knew that it was over. I had fought as hard as I could, but in the end, it wasn't enough. And as I prepared to take my final few breaths, I knew that I was going to die a failure, a shadow of the person I could have been.

But even as I accepted my fate, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had to keep fighting. For Lily, for the people I had wronged, and for myself.

I don't know how, but I found the strength to lift my head and look at Jason, straight in the eyes. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice laced with pain and anger.

"Because I have to," he spat, the venom in their voice palpable. "It's the only way. To save her!" With those words, he brought the bat down on me again.

I don't remember much after that. There were sirens and flashing lights, and people shouting. But through it all, I held on to the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, I could save Lily and make things right.

But it was too late. As I took my last breath, I saw Lily trying to cling to me, her cries for help growing faint as she was dragged away by Jason.

In my final moments, I was filled with grief and regret. I had failed to protect the people I had been trying to save, and I knew that I would never have the chance to make things right.

As I slipped into unconsciousness, I knew that I had fought to the very end, even if it was meaningless. In the end, it wasn't enough. I had died without achieving anything, without making any difference. And as my vision went dark, I knew—

—In that moment, John Fairfield had died.

—=Initializing Soul Transfer=—

"Two bodies were discovered following the school fire in the southern part of town. The first belonged to new town resident, John Fairfield, whose skull had been fractured by a baseball bat. The second was that of the eldest sibling of the Astor family, Jason Astor, who had sustained multiple stab wounds and cuts on his body."

"In addition to the two fatalities, two students, Sarah Astor and Lily Foster remain unaccounted for. We will continue to search for them and will provide updates as more information becomes available."

To Be Continued ⇒ Chapter 7: The New Kid, Again.




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