A Deity’s Journey

Chapter 10: Chapter 1.8

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It’s been a full year since I first came to the tower, and Draven told me there was nothing more to teach me. During my rigorous training, I learned how to shoot a bow, elven trickster fighting style, how to properly use my blade, and I trained my agility, dexterity, speed, and strength as much as I could. The basics of God Force and how to think during a battle. All the tools I would need to survive in the world.

As I stood on the bank of the same river I meditated on, I looked down at the reflection in the water. My dark blue hair had grown to chin length, and the look in my onyx black eyes was no longer that of naiveness.

If I fully observe my face, I will say that I look just like my mother now. I crouched down to drink some water from the river while my short sword laid at my side and my makeshift bow rested on my right shoulder.

Suddenly, I rolled to the side while grabbing the blade and unsheathing the sword and blocking two arrows from piercing me.

Hmm, so this is Draven’s final test, I see.

I looked around me and saw that arrows were coming from all directions. Which means, he’s moving in the trees while firing.

I swung my blade vertically, cutting three arrows in half, therefore craving a safe path for me to slip by. The rest of the arrows lodged themselves into the ground just mere moments later.

As long as he has the distance, he will be at an advantage, but I have my bow as well, so that should even the playing field. Not by much, though; after all, he is the better marksman.

I ran towards the arrows that were lodged in the ground and pulled out 5 of them. It was the most I could get before Draven had the chance to easily snipe me.

Hiding myself behind a tree. I calmed my nerves and prepared a projectile on the arrow’s rest of the bow.

The constant sniping of arrows stopped. Maybe he’s just repositioning himself. I just moved as well. As I ran out of my hiding space, and I pulled my head back a little.


An arrow came flying by mere inches from my face. If it wasn’t for my quick reflexes, I would have been a dead man, and this also means that he was just waiting me out.

I instantly shot the arrow, which I preloaded earlier, in the direction of where the original arrow came from. I wasn’t expecting much because he had most likely already moved from his position.

Hiding behind another tree, I began to climb it, and as I almost reached the top, another arrow stuck itself near to my hand. I then used my legs to push off the trunk of the tree and flew through the air towards the branch of the next tree.

While in mid-air, another arrow came flying to the right of me, but I used my short sword to easily block it. In close proximity to the tree branch, I reached out my free hand and grabbed onto it, rotating myself in the air and landing feet first on the branch.

As I turned around, six more arrows came flying at me. I free fell from the branch and aimed another arrow, sending it into the location of the recently fired ones.

I then used the sharp end of my blade to dig deep into the side of the tree and stop my free fall.

Heh. His timing is almost perfect as ever. I couldn’t get a chance to fully observe the area at that height. I’ll admit that he’s putting pressure on me bit by bit. I need to turn this into a close-range fight. So, it’s time to take a gamble.

I dislodged my blade from the side of the tree and landed quietly on the ground. I quickly loaded my bow and took a deep breath, then ran into the open space. Just like I predicted, he shot arrows from all different directions.

I quickly observed all of them and noticed the one that was just a mere moment behind the others. I finally pinpointed him and released the arrow. I could tell that he was slightly caught off guard by them because he didn’t counter fire.

I rushed towards the location, and he was gone. Suddenly, I felt a presence to my left. Immediately jumping backwards, I managed to avoid a well-placed strike to my chin.

Draven wiped his nose with his index finger and said, "You’ve improved so much. So, show me what you learned. " then rushed towards me.

I used my right forearm to block the incoming strike and launched a counter of my own with a left jab. He weaved to the right and sent a roundhouse kick directly to my head, but I weaved under his attack and used my left shoulder to knock him back a bit.

While I was still downwards, Draven raised his right leg in order to perform an axe kick, but I used my right leg in an attempt to sweep his only support foot. Draven jumped in the air to avoid it, but I did the same thing and grappled onto him, then used the momentum from the both of us to perform a monkey toss, sending Draven flying into the ground.

He recovered quickly and smirked, "Your hand to hand is so polished right now and your bow skills are much improved. So, what about your weapons training?"

I returned his energy by smirking back and replying, "You will have to come and find out."

Draven said, "I’ll oblige your request." while pulling out his 7-inch dagger and swinging it at me.

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I stopped the attack by grabbing onto his wrist with my right hand, but he broke free by rotating to my left and sending the sharp blade towards my neck. I caught the blade with my bare hand and held it in place while I used my free hand to quickly draw my blade vertically at Draven, causing him to jump backwards, barely avoiding the attack and inflicting a small scratch on his cheek.

Bright red blood dripped on the forest floor as I opened and closed my bleeding hand.

"A year ago, something like this would have caused me so much pain, but now I barely feel it at all. Maybe you weren't on BS when you called part of my training "pain tolerance."

Draven twirled the dagger in-between his right index and middle finger and replied, "You’re very welcome. I must say that it was fun whipping the soft you into shape and you even managed to scratch me on my cheek, so let’s call it a day and say that your training was a massive success."

I exhaled and said, "Thank you very much for that." and walked towards the river to clean up.

A few hours had passed, and we were having dinner. I had managed to catch a rabbit, so Draven prepared it.

As I sat by the fire and stared into it, "I just want to say thanks for the training. It will be a big help in the future."

Draven chuckled and replied, "It’s not like I had a choice. I couldn’t leave you out to die here. I believe everyone should die an honourable death."

"An honorable death, you say?"

"Well, onto my final teaching."

I listened attentively to the wise words he was going to educate me with.

"If you want to successfully capture towers, you will need to form a team, and a proper team at that."

"A team?"

"Yes, the most effective term you can form is a long-range person, a short-range person, someone who can repair your gear or build you new things, and last but most importantly, a healer."

"Aren’t healers supposed to be ultra-rare because only those blessed by a deity of healing can use it?"

"Well, that’s the story that’s been told, but from what I heard, there’s a place which gathers those very same individuals and trains them. So, you can always try your luck there."

"Eh, sounds like a lot of work for no reason, but if I am in the area, I’ll swing by."

"This is the most important tip, so listen closely."

I leaned in, eager to hear what he had to say.

Then he uttered the words, "No harems. I repeat, no harems."

A disappointed look crept onto my face. "What the hell does that mean?"

"Harems are more trouble than they are worth, and most of the time, it’s always the crazy one who kills you in the end. Do you want your life to be cut short because you showed a bit of attention to another female?"

"Uh no."

"Exactly, but if you do choose to go down the harem route, please develop each member of your party completely. With that being said, I beg you to ensure they are actually useful and not just eye candy who stands there fluffing your ego. Also, remember that not every relationship you have with a female needs to develop into romance. Platonic relationships are still a thing; I am just saying."

I replied in an annoyed tone of voice, "Fine, I get it. I get it."

Draven then sighed and replied, "Good. Now get some sleep in. We will move out at dawn to complete the Tower."

Well, it took a year, but now I am back to my original goal. Let’s do this!

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