A Devil’s Adventure in the Myriad Planes

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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In the Prime Plane of light, a land filled with light except for a single second, the land of the mighty angels, a sigh was heard as a 4 winged angel stood in a green forest filled with trees and animals. However, his silver eyes were not on the beauty in front of him but rather in a particular direction. In this direction about 5 km away, was the exact point Frank and Vivian had entered the void tunnel a few seconds before. Wiping away the silver blood at the corner of his mouth, he shook his head and faced another direction.

In the direction where he was looking, 3 km away, stood a massive and magnificent palace glowing with golden light.

Millions of people were walking about laughing, shopping or going about their normal activities. Most of them were angels with various number of wings behind them with mostly white hair. Some were humanoid with various changing characteristics such as height, size, hair color, eye color and even skin texture. Others had a variety of other characteristics, some with animalistic parts like bird wings, scales, gills, tails and many more. Paying no heed to the people he looked farther in the city and saw a gold shinning floating castle which had five tall buildings whose tips reached into the sky and could not be seen. The castle was linked to the ground by numerous stairs which many could be seen either moving or sitting on.

Upon seeing his destination, he flapped his wings as he cast a spell.

'Rank 4 spell - Light Movement'. A flash of light was seen and all of a sudden he was standing a kilometer closer to the city! Two more flashes and he was standing in front of the huge towering golden gates yet it was as if no one noticed his presence. All they felt were two flashes which were barely noticeable in the bright 'Plane of Light'.

The angel was now in front of the stairs and when the silver ring on his head rotated once, he completely disappeared as he found himself in a throne room. The time needed to cover the distance was only a few seconds!

The room was quite big with hanging orbs that painted the room a golden color. From the door to the throne was a long red carpet and at the end of it was a floating throne. The throne was emitting golden light as well and was floating in the air a few meters above the ground with two golden wings behind it. Seated on it was a man who had his eyes closed as if he was asleep. When Victor suddenly appeared, with his eyes still closed he said.

"You failed." His voice was soft and light, barely a whisper but Victor heard it clearly. Continuing he added,

"Well, my Little niece was injured plus we would be rid of that pesky sword after that last strike so a job well done. Let's wait and see what will happen next." The room then descended into complete silence as both men were lost in thought.

A few minutes later, an angel with two silver wings, occasionally flashing golden ran into the room shouting.

"Your Majesty, grave news! Something terrible has happened!" The man opened his eyes which were completely golden and in a light tone, he said.

"Calm down and speak Peter!" Upon hearing the voice, the angel quickly got on one knee, took a deep breath and said.

"Apologies Your Majesty for my behavior but but Princess Uriel's soul orb has shattered!"

 In the throne room, filled with golden lights, the man on the throne looked surprised upon hearing the message as he asked in a raised voice.

"Shattered?" This caused Peter to move backward about 2 steps. However, he paid no heed to this as he said in a panicked tone.

"Yes shattered! It happened a few moments ago. We used the 'Locator Spell' but we had no results. What do we do Your Majesty?" Peter said in a tone that showed just how anxious he was.

The man leaned on the throne and with his chin in his hands, he closed his eyes pondering. Opening them a few seconds later, he said.

"Spread this news to the entire city and issue a statement on the Dao tablet that we will investigate and we will not rest until we punish the culprit."

Peter was shocked, spreading the news would confirm the death of The Princess to the Myriad Planes. Their enemies would definitely use this event to their advantage. However, it also showed just how prepared the angels were to find the culprit. Speaking no further, Peter bowed once again and hurried to complete his tasks. He did not even sense the other angel in the room.

Silence reigned in the hall after Peter's departure as numerous thoughts swirled in the minds of both angels. The angel on the throne then snapped his fingers as the whole room was covered in golden light with numerous Runes floating around as the Golden Ring on his head began rotating.

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'Rank 6 spell -Rune tracker.'

After getting the results, the Runes and glow faded and he sighed and said.

"Her soul really is gone and her Runes are gradually fading, but I managed to get a general location. How did this happen?"

He sighed as he realized his plan had gone up in smoke. He could only improvise now.

Turning to Victor, he said as he flicked his fingers shooting a beam of light over.

"Pass these coordinates to Gabriel as I go and handle this mess." Immediately, an image of a man appeared in front of him.

He looked quite like the man on the throne but he had golden hair and silver eyes instead and he had 6 wings behind him which were constantly flashing with different lights which caused Victor to become extremely dizzy.

Looking directly at the man on the throne he shouted,

"Ralph, what is this nonsense going around of Vivian's soul orb being shattered."

Calmly the man responded,

"Princess Uriel's soul Orb indeed has shattered and as I have already reported, I Lord Raphael will not rest until the culprit is punished." After saying that he stood up from the floating throne and walked around the image of the man until the door was in his sights. He stared directly at Victor, which caused his ongoing dizziness to seize as he continued in the same low tone.

"In fact, I have already found the culprit's location and I was about to assign Gabriel the task. I hope that pleases Lord Michael."

The image then turned and looked at Ralphael's back as he said in a calm tone now.

"That's fine with me. In some ways, Gabriel is more reliable than you." Upon hearing this, Raphael showed no reaction while Victor narrowed his eyes.

However, in the blink of an eye, the image was standing in front of Raphael and looking him straight in the eyes and said in an extremely cold voice.

"But if I ever find out you have done anything to hurt my daughter, no one not even Grandfather can save you." A silver glow covered the entire room and the image was gone!

The throne room was once again silent as the image had disappeared. Sighing Raphael shook his head and said.

"What a show-off." Looking at the heavily sweating, Victor, he snapped his fingers as golden lights poured on him. After that, he appeared on the throne once again his calm voice was heard in Victor's ears as usual.

"Invite Gabriel here immediately." Nodding, Victor disappeared leaving only a silver flash.

Raphael snapped his fingers in the empty throne room and a floating blue book appeared in front of him. On its cover, the words "Dao Tablet" were inscribed on it. As its pages flipped on their own, numerous symbols were seen on the top of those pages, like Angel Wings glowing golden, Devil Wings in black, a red Dragon, A fox with eight tails, islands emitting different colors, one yellow, another red, one black and many others.

The pages stopped at one which had a huge sword on top and read what was written there. The book closed and disappeared, leaving Raphael deep in thought once again. He asked in a confused voice.

"The sword's soul is also gone. Does that mean the Orb houses the soul of the boy, or are the rumors false?" 

However, no one was around to answer his question as his voice echoed in the hall.

A few minutes later, Victor appeared with a silver flash again and a young angel walked through the gates as he bowed and stood in front of it. He had silver hair and golden eyes like Raphael but his wings were 8, 6 silver and 2 golden. On his head was a silver ring just like Victor's. However, he had a smile on his face and a warm, sunny attitude.

Looking at him, Victor nodded his head in approval as he said.

"Gabriel, your job is to track down your bride using the 'Locator Spell'. These are the coordinates for the two possible locations. Do not fail me". Raphael flicked his fingers as light entered Gabriel's head. Upon accepting it, Gabriel said,

" I will definitely find my cousin, do not worry Father."

Listening to his son's reply, Raphael was helpless as just like him, many did not believe the news about Uriel's demise considering who her father was. Raphael himself was only 70 percent convinced as he had information others did not. After he said that, Gabriel left the hall, as a loyal subject of a king on a mission!

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