A Fox’s System

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – It is Gone?!

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A vast world of black and gray had become my new home. I had been drifting through this never-ending nothingness for many hours, maybe even days, unable to move even a little finger of mine. I couldn’t even say if I still had fingers, as my whole body felt weightless, almost as if I had become a cloud.

Maybe it was just that. Aside from the black sky, ground and everything, there was nothing to be found but dark-gray clouds that slowly passed by. They looked dark enough to bring forth storms of hail, thunder and chaos, but right now there wasn’t even a single noise coming from them. I didn’t even hear any wind blowing into my ears.

“This is it? This is what I will be doing until the end of times?”

「Don’t worry, missy! I’m almost ready!」

The goddess sounded exhausted and weak, but when I tried to ask her about it, there was no voice coming from me. Not only was I mute, but it also didn’t feel as if I had a mouth to begin with. There was no tongue to be moved around, nor were there teeth or lips. My body was gone.

“What does she mean with ‘almost ready’?”

「Making a body isn’t easy for me, you know? I’m working on this for days!」

“She reads my mind again...”

「Of course I do! Wouldn’t it be bad if I didn’t know what you want, missy?」

“Missy again...”

「It looks like it is good to go now. We can do the rest later!」

“Later? After I am reborn?”

「Yes!」 Her weak yet bright voice answered.

“So she will still stick to me after this...”

「Of course I will! I will always be there with you!」

“Why would you do that?!”

「Because it seems fun!」

“Are you just doing this rebirth-stuff because you are bored?!”


“This bitch...”

Suddenly, as if to punish me for calling her names, a green mist formed around me. It wasn’t as thick as it was the other time she had used it on me nor was it as bright and colorful, but it still did exactly what the goddess had ordered it to do. This time, the magic apparently had one job: killing me.

“So fast!! This is too fast! MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP!!”

The mist pushed my back, harder and harder, and I could only watch in terror as the clouds rushed by. It was as if the goddess was trying to lift a car out of deep mud, but this was already way faster than any human could go, faster even than cars or jets.

There was nothing to confirm how fast I was going exactly as there were neither stones nor trees, but the clouds surrounding me had become blurry lines, just like the stars did in movies when spaceships traveled at several times the speed of light. Naturally, I feared for my life or rather soul.


My involuntary journey ended within mere seconds as a blindingly bright, white hole suddenly appeared in front of me and swallowed me whole.


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⊱————- ❈ ————-⊰


It was impossible to say how long I had been out cold. When I finally regained consciousness, all the white and gray colors were gone and eyelids that hadn’t been there before now blocked my view. The goddess hadn’t lied. I really had been reborn.

My new body felt heavy and weakened, to such levels in fact that I at first had believed it was a obese body. It was only when I searched my memories for novels that featured rebirth scenarios that I came up with a much simpler conclusion.

“I’m a baby?!”

「No, you are not!」

“Why do I feel so weak?”

「I couldn’t give you a strong body, you know? And I couldn’t just push you onto a random woman you do not know, either! That would be weird!」
“You are weird...” A weak, unfamiliar voice answered.

“... what?!”

I forcefully opened my eyes, ignoring all the warnings of my new body that told me to not do so. It was a mistake, a bad one even, as a blindingly bright light found its way directly into my unexpecting eyes.

“It hurts!”

A cold shiver went over my skin as I heard the voice again. “This voice! This voice!! Noo!!”

It was a good voice, both bright and clear, that was if you cast aside how weak it currently sounded. But that wasn’t what made me reject it so fiercely. It was cute, more than enough for it to make me fall for it on the spot and it had a younger sister vibe to it to boot, but it wasn’t mine! It wasn’t mine at all!

Once again I forced my eyes open, this time, however, I protected them with one of the hands which looked far too delicate and pure for them to belong to my old body. Seeing this only further nourished the panic that had long gotten ahold of me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

「Hey! No swearing!」
“What did you do to me?!”
「I gave you a new body, Missy~ I always keep my promises!」
“Don’t tell me...”

  I didn’t wait for the goddess to give me an explanation. Instead, I raised up, using all of my little strength and, when I had sat down in a somewhat stable position, let my gaze wander down my new body. Two small but beautifully formed mounds greeted me; each of them came with an almost pink peak.

Shivers went all over my body as I looked between my legs, where my pride and manhood should be. A harsh emptiness awaited me. There was nothing, not even a trace of it remained!

“What the fuck?! What did you do to me!? What the fuck did you do?!”
「You wanted a new body~」
“I want a man’s body!”
「A man’s?!」
“Of course! Give me back my dick! Now!”
「I can’t!」
“Why wouldn’t you be able to do it?!”
「I never saw one! How am I supposed to know how it looks?!」
“You- what?!”
「I couldn’t just give you a fox’s thing! It would look gross!」
“A fox’s thing...”

A colorful image appeared in front of my inner eye, one that was easily more disturbing than any of the videos I had stumbled upon while browsing the internet. It was especially bad as it was my face on that body. It was me who had that fox... part.

「Don’t worry, missy!」 The goddess’ voice rang in my ears. 「You are beautiful! Your chest, your eyes, your tail and your ears, they are all beautiful! You will find a boyfriend in no time!」
I felt something inside of me die. “A boyfriend...”

“Wait- did she say tail?!”

I switched my gaze towards my back almost instantly. She had told the truth. A fluffy, red-brownish tail grew out of my back, right above my buttocks. Thanks to the cruel tricks the goddess had played me just now, its fur probably was far bushier than it originally should be. It reminded me of a frightened cat.

“A tail… a real tail...”
「Of course I gave you a tail! You are something like my daughter, after all!」

A rather vivid memory suddenly popped up somewhere inside of my head. I saw the goddess who was standing in front of her far too beautiful, repaired shrine. With her big fluffy ears and the white hair I had mistaken her for a cosplayer back then, one so breathtakingly cute and beautiful that she could easily have people running towards her, each begging for her picture.

I was the same now?!

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