A Hentai Bonding System in DxD !

Chapter 1: #00 — Prologue

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In one of your average appartements in Japan was a young teenage boy watching anime in his computer.

Shiro Katsuragi was his name. This was one of the rare times where he'd have free time to do anything he wanted.

He was now in his last high school year, one of the very best students one would see as a prodigy. Although that personality was just a facade Shiro was putting in to maintain his reputation and popularity. It's at home where he'd finally show us what kind of mind-free teen he really was.

Today was a very good example of it. Shiro was watching a new Ecchi anime recommanded to him by some otaku friends of his in school. But obviously he wouldn't reveal that he likes the show it's be embarrassing.

"Dude c'mon it's clear that you guys are more than just friends!" Shiro said with frustration as he forcibly eat he'd the Ecchi paradise that is High School DxD.

A great show so far, with great plot and lore. But if he had to complain, the main would be the main character, as well as the repetitive cliché elements— but mostly just the main character, he acted like the average pervert from Ohio.

"Sigh... A disney plot with boobs this anime turned out to be, seriously touching breasts to become stronger?" Shiro sighed. He had just finished the first season of this anime and let's say that the season finale had a great impact on him.

Not even bothering to watch the last two minutes of the episodes, Shiro clicked on pause then prepared on shutting down the PC.

But right before turning the monitor off, a notification popped on the screen, accompanied by an alarming yet low volume sound that attracted Shiro's attention.

"Tiens. What's this?" He mumbled. This looked like a random notification from a scammer, but the icon was so well done and colored he subconsciously clicked on it.

"Wh—What is wrong with me, jeez..."

Having opened the notification, his computer glitched a second before showing the contains of this message. It opened him an URL to another page, showing a letter, with no sender.

Shiro raised a brow at this. He read what was written there.

( Congratulations! You have been selected as potential candidate for Host of the Legendary Customizable System! )

[[ Shiro POV ]]

What the... What kind of shittery is this? I've never heard of this thing you call system, apart from two variables equations...

What's this all about... A scam? The aesthetic and orthograph looks very well, it's be a shame someone worked so hard just to prank someone.

Then suddenly, another notification popped out on the screen. Shiro found himself pressing it without giving much thought again.

( You will be sent to the trial room very shortly. Please stand by... )

Alright. Time to shut down the PC before this trial actually begins... I can already tell it's going to be a big ass virus ready to fuck up my homework files and stuff.

[[ Author/ Shiro POV ]]

Shiro forcibly shut down the computer before this message finished loading up. Successfully, he continued his daily activities without giving much thought to this phenomenon, hopping that it won't repeat itself again.

"Well, ignoring that scam from earlier, I should probably get started in my work.

"Hopefully, I'll have some free time leftover by tonight. Maybe I could start the second season of DxD?" He spoke to himself.

Shiro then walked towards his bookshelf and grabbed a book from the lower stages.

"The Quantum Mechanics ; First volume... This should give me a head start from the others, hopefully I'll learn something interesting concern—

But as Shiro was doing his monologue, the floor of his apartment started shaking, like an earthquake.

"Wow!" Shiro exclaimed with surprise, he did not expect an earthquake so soon, they just had one in less than three days.

The bookshelf started shaking as well as the numerous works aligned in stages. And abruptly, one book, that happened to be a light novel, fell from the top levels, directly falling on Shiro's head with the sharp edge of the book head on.

"FUCK!" Shiro groaned, feeling the novel almost penetrating his head.

He had the reflex of immediately grabbing the book and throwing it away, while touching his head and feeling the dripping blood.

Looking at this dangerous book, it was the first volume of the 'Devil Sister Testament' light novel.

"Huh... A book dangerously erotic" Shiro joked.

"Damn it dude pull yourself together! Your head is bleeding. I need to escape this place now!" He said, gaining a more serious and solemn tone after realizing that this was a death or life question.

The ground shook even more intensely. Shiro fell on the floor from how intense this earthquake was.

Suddenly, his computer lit up once again, showing the same message from earlier but different words.

( Loading Complete! )

"What the fuck is happening!" Shiro shouted in confusion.

But before he could regain his balance and stand up, the bookshelf in front of him collapsed and all the books, from dictionaries to light novels fell on him.

Shiro lifted his hand instinctively but he was already drowning in the pile of books, not even an opening for breathing was left.

And miraculously, the shaking stopped soon after that. The computer glitched out and exploded, leaving no proof of what just happened.


"Wh—... Where, am I...?" The young man mumbled as he woke up in the middle of a cave, a tight cave with lighten up torches on the wall and nothing much apart from that...

Apart from the annoying and exotic sound of water leaking from the ceiling and forming a puddle on the ground, which served as mirror for the boy to see what state he was in.

"Wh— What the? What is this place?" The boy mumbled in confusion.

He tried moving around but he was paralyzed, chains held his wrists while his knees were glued to the rock hard ground.

On top of that, he was naked, not having a single piece of clothe on. His skin was very white, literally going along with name, Shiro ; Which meant 'White' in Japanese.

Not only that, but his body was very well built, having manly abs, quite tall height, blonde long and messy hair, as well as red eyes that ressembled that of a demon.

Shiro tried moving but those chains were too powerful, as if they were made out of bedrock.

Shiro continued with this effort of pulling the chains, no success in the end.

He remained in this position for quite a while now, dozens of minutes, even hours, he had completely lost track of the concept of time. Shiro abandoned all hope in breaking those chains using his brute strength, if he wanted ti get away with it, he'd have to use his brain.

Nothing to use nearby, the only thing to do was waiting, which surprisingly didn't make him thirsty nor hungry, just a bit of growing boredom.

Having nothing else to do, Shiro remembered the reason he was here in the first place.

"Ain't no way books were enough to actually kill me... No, it must be something else...

"Maybe a disease... Or an external force..."

Shiro suddenly remembered the cover of the 'Devik Sister Testament' which crashed on his head.

"Damn... To think I'd be hurt by boobies..." Shiro mumbled. This caused him to remember Mio Naruse, the main girl of the series and those big curves of hers.

"..." Ecchi anime were really something else.

And in the middle of the silence, Shiro heard a notification sound, similar to that back in his apartment.

[ System Has Been Triggered! ]

You are reading story A Hentai Bonding System in DxD ! at novel35.com

"It— It's the same sound from earlier!" Shiro thought.

[ Welcome, Host! ]

[ System Panel will be displayed now... ]

> { Status }

{ Abilities }

{ Inventory } 

{ Shop } (Unlocked at LVL. 10)

{ Gacha } (Unlocked at LVL. 25)


A system? With a status, inventory and whole lot equipment. I wonder why the Gacha is locked though... I guess it must be too op to have so soon

Wait a damn second. Why do I even have a system to begin with?

Is it possible that this is all a dream? Did I hit my head to hard I'm in a coma now? This could possibly be a comatose state... No, it feels way too real to be a dream. I really do have a system for some reason.

If so, the show me the <Status> first.

[ Opening {Status} panel! ]

{ Status }

[Name: Shiro Katsuragi]

[Title: Chosen Host]

[Race: Human]

[Sacred Gear: (NONE) ]

[Class: (NONE) ]


[Sex: Male]

[Level: 1] (XP: 0/100)

[VIT: 250]


[SPEED: 100]



[MANA: 50]


[AGILITY: 150]


So this is my status now huh? I guess it copied by basic capabilities as a human. I'm sure it'll change very soon.

Level Ups should be a great source of power I'm sure of that. The only question is, how do I level up if my system is undetermined.

Anyway, now that I received access to the system, I feel much stronger.

*Paw* *Paw*

I was able to rip off the chains from the ground and remove them, regaining my ability to move and explore this cave.

One thing also, I think that there's something in a distance.

Yeah definitely, I can see something shining in a distance.

That's my next destination now. As I walk towards the 'thing', I come across a puddle of water that lets me see my new appearance.

Damn, I look the same as always but my beauty has exponentially increased, my skin is snow white and my eyes are bright red. Not to mention my build, it looks perfectly sculptured.

Moving on, I walk towards the 'thing'that grabbed my attention. Reaching it, I could see a huge pillar with stairs that lead to an item.

On the pillar was drown mysterious symbols, while on the wall there were sculptures and statues of a dragon, he does look familiar to be honest, but I simply cannot recall where I've seen it.

I took the stairs and reached the top in a matter of seconds. Now I had a good view of what this shining thing was.

It was sparkling, magic particles surrounding it and glowing in a million lights. I could hear whispers and very faint voices in my ear.

The light died down after a few minutes. This thing appeared to be a gauntlet. A red crimson gauntlet glowing with a bright red spike coming from the tip.

"A sacred Gear?" That's what I thought.

It does look like Issei's <Boosted Gear> but it's not the same.

This Sacred Gear wasn't a <Boosted Gear> I can feel it. The power it emits is out of this world.

My hand subconsciously moved, trying ti grab this legendary item.

Flashing images passed through my eyes, some unknown scenes I had never seen before.

"So this is how it all begins... This <Sacred Gear> will be the start of my new journey in this unknown world..." I said.

[ Ding! You Have a New Notification! ]






Right! This is the first chapter of this fic !

Thanks for reading! Drop some powerstones and I'll grant you next chapter very soon :D

also don't forget to comment if you have any question or just wanna compliment or something haha

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