A Journey To Remember

Chapter 10: The Wolf And The Fox… PT.2

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Rose woke up and walked around Examining everything in the room for possible escape things. 

She heard the door slightly open before hiding behind it. 

”Where the fuck is she?“ Rose quickly went out the door ”Bye bitch.“ She slammed the door and locked it. 

Was this a mansion?

”Update on the Fox girl!?“ The wolf screamed before Rose quickly slid away, hiding. Hearing him walk over. 

”Did he close the fucking door?“ Rose jumped on him covering his mouth trying to get him to pass out, however, the wolf almost easily overpowered her and made her drop to the floor, but she quickly hopped to her feet. 

”Damn, sly Fox locked him in there huh?“ The wolf laughed to himself. 

”Shut the fuck up.“ Rose snapped. 

”You feeling brave, Fox Girl?“

Rose looked at him her red eye had a slight glow to it. ”I've killed one of you wolves before and you'll be the second...“ 

The wolf looked at her, frustrated. ”Will I? What kind of wolves are you fighting?“ He quickly, well, as quickly as he could tried to punch Rose. 

She ducked under his arm and swept his leg. 

”Nice try.“ She kicked him in the back but he got back up, slowly, but fast enough. 

”You think you're gonna win? Let's see.“ 

Rose tried to punch him but he blocked it, catching her fist and punching her in the stomach putting her into a small coughing fit. 

”Still feeling confident?“ He went to punch Rose but she caught his and threw him to the side, kicking him in the back, knocking him to the floor. 

As he got back up he laughed. ”Think you're strong?“

Rose was completely silent, anytime a Fox doesn't respond to a wolf usually the wolf would become pissed and Rose always found it funny. 

He tried to punch Rose again but she dodged and punched him in the jaw, almost breaking it. 

”Alright...“ You could tell he was getting more and more pissed. 

Rose tried to punch him, but he caught her arm and started to practically crush her forearm. 

Rose slightly winced in pain as she grabbed his arm trying to get him off before finally kicking him in the stomach making him back off. 

[Fuck.... That actually hurt alot.] Rose may of been in pain for a little, but she was still far from scared of this guy. 

”What are you gonna do with that arm now huh?“ The wolf laughed at her as if he's won. 

”This arm is gonna be the one to shove a knife into your fucking throat...“ Rose kicked him in the leg, tripping him to the floor. 

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His knife fell to the floor... [Wait a fucking second... IS THAT MY KNIFE!?] Rose quickly picked up the knife, her exact knife, a double side blade karambit with Black Roses on it with a galaxy look under them. 

The wolf tried to punch her as she was distracted but she dodged below putting the karambit above her as it sliced right between his middle and ring finger. 

The wolf screamed in pain as the knife dug into his hand. 

Rose quickly covered his mouth to shut him up and kneed him in the stomach dropping him onto his knees. 

Rose quickly shoved her karambit into his heart, ripping it out, and then slicing his throat and blood sprayed almost all over Rose, he fell to the floor, completely silent, not even a breath escaped his mouth anymore. 

Rose looked around before jumping over some railing to the first floor of the mansion looking at the blood all over her. 

[He was so cocky for what? Fucking weak bitch...]

Rose looked at a door before bursting it open and stabbing the guard at the door in the chest. 

”Sweet dreams“ She quickly opened the gate and ran away back at the city. 

She slowly walked to the house and opened the door, Ashley, John, and Quartz were there and looked at her wide-eyed which was reasonable, her right arm was bruised from when he tried to crush it and she had blood all over her, expect this time, some of it was actually hers. 

”ROSE WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?“ Quartz yelled before going up to her, hugging her. 

Rose hugged Quartz back. ”Long story...“ 

Ashley walked over. ”Fuck, Rose are you okay?“

Rose looked at Ashley. ”Girl, do I look okay?“ Ashley and Rose slightly laughed. 

”NOT FUNNY, ROSE!“ Quartz yelled. 

John just looked at them, drinking some coffee before saying. 

”She's a fighter, Quartz, She's fine.“

”I DON'T CARE, SHE'S HURT THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS, JOHN!“ Quartz always hated seeing Rose get into fights but she never stopped. 

”I'm gonna go relax in my room, is that okay, Quartz?“ Rose said in a tired voice, after all she just used most of her energy fighting a guy. 

”of course you can sleep, Rose!“ Quartz let go, letting Rose walk into her room. 

She put her karambit away after cleaning the blood off it with her sweater, which was drenched in cold blood. 

She layed down and before she knew it, she was fast asleep. 

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