A magical Pond with a Dream

Chapter 9: Ch8 What Origin drops do to humans

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"You seem to be the oldest one, can you call the shots for the others?" Pond had an idea. Why not make some human connection.

"Not for all and I can't intervene in their life but most would listen to me, why?" Mel was experienced enough to know that his chance to repay has come. The problem was what exactly did the pond want?

"Say, what would people do for a place to live where they don't have to fear attacks from outside, no worry for illness and a chance to get stronger?"

Pond focused his telepathy on Mel so no others would know what he said.

The receiver, Mel, was shocked first before his eyes began to glow. How could he not understan? Even if there was a hidden agenda, as long as the promised things were uphold, it was alright!

"Can you promise me that no ill would befall them? If yes.. there will be no problem!"

Mel couldn't use telepathy so did the group who were beside him became puzzled. Were they making a deal?

"As long as they follow the rules, yes. I don't want much. Be my eyes and try to get a ski..ability which I want."

Mel knew that even if he was lied to, the bait was too strong and it didn't think that he would just kill them. It could just send a Monarch or two and eridicate Fyrm.

"I just have to ask, where would all of them live? The mountain is big enough but to build houses here would be..."

Pond knew what the old human wanted to say. That's where his "new" skill would come in handy though. 

"How many humans would we talk about?"

Mel thought for a moment. " Maybe 2000-3000? There will be people who will not follow, I can't say the exact one."

Pond knew that should be doable. He concentrated on his new skill before all of the beings in the clearing were enveloped by light. No, the whole place began to shine.

When they finally could open their eyes again. All of them were dumbstruck.

"Th-this?!" Almost synchronized they were shocked. From a little clearing before was nothing to be seen. From some hundred meters to a wide open area. 

"Is that enough?" This time the others could also hear the voice.

Mel was happy! If this whole area still had the same effect, wouldn't that mean that all of the citiziens would become A-Rank adventurers in no time?

"Yes yes! More than enough! I will immediately leave and tell them!" Mel tried to calm down but his heart was beating fast. As for having them follow him here? He was the Guildmaster and his daughter the Mayor of Fyrm. It won't be to hard!

"Take the others with you, the unconscious ones can stay. The human called John and Tania too for the time being."

He needed to clarify some things first. Especially with that girl called Tania, she was knowledgable. As for John? If somebody woke up it was better to have him here.

Silvan had sadness in his eyes, why couldn't he? Maybe he should? No, it wasn't worth to get on the wrong foot with the pond.

After the group left the two puzzled behind questionly waited for what was to come. Especially Tania. What would this god before her do next?

"Do you like this place?" The question which came dumbfounded them. Who wouldn't?

"Yes, it's really a paradise. May I ask what deal you made with Grandpa Mel?" Tania took the lead to talk again. 

After staying here and talking with Pond, she understood that even if this being was not something mortal.It still was easy to talk to. They both didn't run around the bushes.

"Sure, I want to build a place here, for every living being to live in harmony. Sounds good, right?" Pond knew that Tania would also understand that there was a hidden agenda. Who cared though?

"Is this true?!" Both of them were overjoyed. If they were living here there would be no more problems about having to worry for attacks or anything! Who didn't want to have a place of security?

"Yes, that's why I need some help with several things. First of, I don't want to be known to everybody. On the other hand I don't want you people to treat this as your own. You are still on my territory. Ideas?"

This time it wasn't Tania who answered but John.

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"We could just say that there is a spirit in the pond which would eliminate everything which goes against some simple rules? Like an urban legend but real?"

Tania was stunned, did he get a brain? How was th...the area? If this place could make people think clearer that would be...

Pond didn't see any demerit in doing that so he agreed to it.

"The next one, as you know that I have the ability to make some..water which can enhance abilites. You may also want to know if you drink enough from that, that your bodies would automaticly become a part of me. What is your view on that?"

Cold swear was running down Tania, John was shocked but he didn't drink from it yet. The former did.

"H-How do you mean a part of yo-you?" John looked at Tania with worry, did she already?

"Ohh no, you overthink things. I can just talk with you without you being near me. I can alse sense your surroundings through you. I don't know if I can do other stuff. Never tried and I wouldn't care either. I'm only interested in seeing the world."

Pond really didn't know, maybe he should do some experiments? The moose got some rewards already..

Tania wanted to be sure." Why would you want to do that?" Didn't gods have the ability to do so?

"Why? Would you like to be stuck here? Why would I let all of them live here? Even those big ones are my eyes."

John and Tania were graceful. So that's how it is. You could call it a symbiosis. You get something and give something, all in harmony.

"Well..if its only that..it would be a little price compared to the gains." Tania knew many people who would readily agree to that.

"Good, the last thing.. do you want to be a test subject?  Choose wisely, if not you. There will be other humans."

Pond thought about the skillls. Would it do the same for humans?

John and Tania were quiet. The first question was alright. What was wrong with the next two though!

"Is it something bad?" John didn't want to do something which would kill him now that his family was saved.

"Hmm no, well, you are the first human who would be doing it. I can't promise things here. If it works the same as on the others, you would gain a power which would make you.. stand above others."

Pond didn't lie. After giving out the drops to the big fellas, he saw the difference in strenght become clear. The sooner you got the drops the more of a headstart you had. Well, he gave 6 droos to Moose now.. hopefully nothing happens to her.

"I will do it!" Tania immediatwly agreed after hearing those words. The water drops weren't for powering someone up. What would drops do which were specificly for that?

Pond stretched out a tentacle and made a drop appear on the tip.

"Swallow" Tania blushed a little, John beside her didn't know what he should think.. tenacle, swallow.. did the Pond know..probably not.

Tania opend her mouth and the drop hit her mouth. Several seconds passed but nothing happend. John was happy that she didn't fall down and died.

Several seconds later did the reaction kick in. Only Ah Ah and Oh Ohs came out of Tania's mouth.

"And? Do you have skills now?" Pond was excited, if it worked the same on humans. He would surerly one day find someone who had a skill who could help him!

He already ahove the dream of morphing or transforming aside. That would be a jackpot. There were mental and energy based abilities which would allow him to go out though!

Tania didn't know what to say. Yes she got those things called skills. At least it said Skillmenu. It was the things on the skillmenu which made her grasp.

She read a book in the capital once which told about old stories. Where all humans had abilities and even some bloodlines. After many years those bloodlines were thined out and abilities were lost. Until only few mages, humans with abilities, were left.

This drop of water, it made those hidden abilities, no skills, and bloodline awaken. Tania gazed with her mental eye at her bloodline and focused on it. Would it work?

A searing oain came from her back as a cry came out her mouth. John was shocked as well as Pond. What was going on? Before John could sprint to her did he saw something which made his lower jaw hit the floor.


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