A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 147: GOF (X) & First Task (III)

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A/N: In my fanfic the first Task would be slightly different. As, neither in the books or the movies, any of the participants were allowed to see other participants... but I am going to do that here.


[POV Reo(Edgar)]

What do I have here? I said to myself and when I found Molly Weasley was sneaking around the Champions tent along with her stupid son. Honestly, I don't want to deal with her, Luna have already made a prediction... something related to overbearing mothers. At first I didn't bother with this, as it was quite impossible for me to go and look around for overbearing mothers. Even with all my resources and poweress I couldn't go look around for overbearing mothers. Almost all the pureblood mothers are overbearing, after all.

But now, that I have seen her sneaking around like this I am quite sure that she is the one. Even if she wasn't I wouldn't regret cursing her. No matter how much I wreck my brain I don't find any reason for her to be here. I wandlessly cast a stunning spell on her and she dropped on her son like a sack of potatoes. With that done, I nodded to myself and walked away. Ronald the stupid saw me walking away... but I didn't care as he won't be able to prove shit as I did it wandlessly.

[POV Rumi(Roxanne)]

Andre Morgan was going to be first one so, he left the tent towards the arena. The rest of us were lead towards the viewing area. It's good that... I would at least be able to see the speed at which it reacts, it would give me a better idea about the fight.

"Aren't you nervous?" I heard Harry's voice from my side.

"No exactly... I am excited! I have never fought a magical beast before this" I said while looking intently at the beast. For now, the beast was laying calmly and looking around at the crowd.

I noticed that the rest of the participants also heard my statement and everyone had a different reaction to it. Katina scoffed, Harry didn't know what to say, Cedric was looking at me like I grew a second head. Fleur looked at me with slight worry... I don't know what she was even worried about. And Krum looked like he always did... full of arrogance and pride.

Andre finally arrived in the arena and Bagman announced the start of the match. Andre with his arrogant and smug grin started to walk towards the Manticore. The Manticore growled and started to stand up. Andre pulled out his wand and hit the beast with a stunning spell... just as the stunning spell hit, he puffed out his chest looking too proud for himself.

I almost choked after seeing his sheer stupidity. The others also did the same, I looked towards the Judge's table. Maxime looked like she was going to die of shame, I then turned my eye towards Fleur, she shuffled on her feet in embarrassment. Fleur almost wished that the ground itself would eat her up to protect her from shame she was feeling.

The whole arena was completely silent... no one knew if they should laugh or not. The moment of silence passed as roars of laughter burst out from the arena. Andre looked confused as why everyone was laughing... he was so proud of himself that he didn't even notice that the Manticore was still standing. The Manticore itself was confused... then roared in anger.

(A/N: Manticore are magically resistant, I don't think that they can be brought down by a stunning spell)

Only after the Manticore roared, the stupid fuck noticed that it was still up. Proudness and arrogance on his face immediately turned into fear and horror. He became so scared that he started fumble with his wand. The Manticore unimpressed with the human and lunged on it with the intention to maul the pathetic human. Only the chain around Manticore's neck stopped the Manticore from getting it's prey. The handlers immediately activated the portkey and Andre was portkeyed out of the arena. The crowd burst out in another round of laughter.

Maxime looked half murderous and the other half of her was embarrassed and ashamed. Bagman anmounced five minutes break. The Manticore was lead out of the arena by the handlers while another was being brought by the handlers. A ministry worker entered our viewing area and led Katina for her match.

The new Manticore was also shakeled and finally Katina also entered the arena. I don't what she practiced but she looked much more prepared than the stupid fool Andre. Bagman announced the start of the match. Katina didn't move forward instead she fired a stinging hex at the Manticore. The Manticore was immediately enraged and rushed towards Katina.

Katina didn't broke down in fear instead she moved backwards. She was completely out of the reach of the Manticore and as soon as the Manticore landed on its feet, Katina launched several kind of spells, but most of them didn't have any effect on the Manticore... only some minor cuts appeared on its face. The Manticore knew that he was in danger and started to move his head so that it would become quite difficult to hit it on the eyes.

The Manticore was smart... there is no denying it. From what I have seem it's quite fast too. I am pretty sure that it's physical strength would be also more than impressive. And that tail... I have only read about it's functions but never saw it in actions. Just as I was thinking the Manticore jumped around and it's tail shot out towards Katina's neck. Her eyes grew wide and she was able to dodge the attack by a hair's breadth. Katina decided it wasn't safe and she rolled back even more. The Manticore growled in annoyance and struck it's tail on a nearby boulder.

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The boulder cracked creating small rocks. It's tail is going to create the most problems for myself. It's tail is quite strong if it can crack down a boulder like that. Fuck!! The Manticore used it's tail and shot out a rock by swinging it's tail. Honestly, I am thinking that Manticore's are much more dangerous than dragons. Katina was able to duck just in time to dodge the rock or it would have blown a hole in her chest.

"I Forfeit" Katina screamed and her portkey was immediately activated and she was transported out of the arena. The Manticore roared in anger unable to get his prey. Even though, Katina wasn't able to complete her task the crowd applauded loudly for her. I guess I am impressed too... she attacked it smartly and cautiously not like that fool.

This made me even more excited, I released my breadth I didn't even know I was holding back. "Good Luck" Cedric and Harry wished me just before the ministry lackey came in. While walking out Fleur also wished me luck. I left the viewing area returning to the Champions tent and walked out towards the arena. I saw the Manticore chained and I waited for Bagman to announce the start of the battle.

Bagman finally announced the start of the match. Finally! I didn't need to held back anymore and released my lust for battle. A huge grin marred on my face. I noticed that my Manticore was the biggest one... maybe Crouch Snr. was trying to take revenge for how Nemuri r*ped his mind. Well, it isn't Interfereing so he should be fine.

I started walking towards the Manticore is a slow pace and pulled out my wand and fired off blood boiling curse, the spell hit the Manticore and it howled in pain. I knew already from Reo that the boiling curse wouldn't be enough to defeat it after all the beast's skin and heart were much more stronger than humans and all of these spells were made for humans. I had to keep damaging it until it was too much for it.

The crowd recognized my curse and several people raged in protest of me openly using illegal Dark Magic. Next I shot of eye gouging and eye melting curse, the Manticore was hit by the eye gouging curse but dodged the eye melting one. Eye gouging curse was tricky as it needed to be hit in the eyes unlike the eye melting one... but eye melting curse gave off an ominous feeling, even humans knew that this wasn't anything good so beasts with incredible instincts would definitely know... that is the reason I attacked it first with eye gouging and made it move afterwards in my preferred direction.

I immediately shot a lung shredding curse and orifice bleeding curse, followed by blood acid curse.

The Manticore protected itself from the lung shredding curse by its tail and which made it easy for the orifice bleeding curse as it hit it on its tail and before the Manticore could even start to realise what that spell did the blood acid curse hit its front paw. The Manticore screamed in pain and the its left leg started to melt out from the inside. The melting started to move towards its body and its tail shot out on its own leg and severed it from its body to stop the curse from spreading.

The Manticore howled in pain as spat out blood from its mouth. Blood started to leak from its nose, eyes, I don't know if it was leaking blood from its behind too. By this time the crowd was completely silent... they were getting to see the blood sport they came to see but the use of all these illegal Dark Curses made them uncomfortable. Some were already sure that I would be disqualified or arrested.

One thing I have noticed previously is that Manticore's attacked Katina when the Manticore was annoyed and it was able to mostly shrug off all the cuses like nothing she fired at him. That gave the Manticore chance to attack in return but now this Manticore was already severely injured and was missing a leg so... I decided to put more pressure on it. I shot off another blood boiling curse followed by organ liquifying curse, then blood acid curse and entrail exploding curse.

Even after losing one of its leg the Manticore was still nimble was able to dodge the first two spell. Jumping away from the blood boiling curse and swatting away the organ liquifying curse. But it wasn't able to dodge the blood acid curse and it hit its tail. The howl of pain made everyone cringe in the arena. Next the entrail exploding curse hit the Manticore and its stomach bloated for a few seconds before the Manticore dropped on the ground.

I immediately shot the counter curse for the blood acid curse. I wanted the carcass as much as intact I could get. Huge amount of blood and gore came out of the now dead Manticore. I looked up towards the judge's table.

"As the slayer of the beast, I claim its remains through rite of conquest!" I announced and I walked towards the crystal that was being kept behind the Manticore.

"You will be disqualified for the use of Dark Magic!" Crouch Snr. was the one to break the silence of the arena. He screamed out in rage and his face looked almost purple. Several people vehemently agreed with him.

"No, I will be not! There is no rule in Triwizard Tournament, so there isn't anything you can do about it" I said. I don't who it was but someone from the crowd stood up.

"But you balantly used illegal Dark Magic. You must be arrested" he said and another round of agreement corused throughout the arena.

"No, I will be not, as all the Dark Magic I used is only banned if I used them against humans. Please read your laws before spouting of your mouth against the someone from Most Noble and Most Ancient House" I said and the man broke out in cold sweat. Several murmers broke out in the arena.

"Miss Ravenclaw is right. The law only states that it is illegal to use the against Humans" Amelia confirmed from the crowd. Everyone saw the head of DMLE agree with me and they didn't have any place of protest. I wanted to deal with Crouch Snr. but Reo had told me that he had plans for the bastard so I had to let it go. With that over, some of the crowd started to applaud and cheer. The rest soon followed. Some of them were asking for my arrest just a few moments ago. I shook my head seeing all these sheep.

Even though the Manticore wasn't able to attack me and it didn't last as long as I wanted it to. It was still an awesome fight... at least from my perspective... with the thought twirling the crystal I returned the Champions tent...

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