A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 148: GOF (XI) & Dealing With Crouch Family

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A/N: I have been thinking about the missions for the next world.

For MCU all of us already know that it going to be about killing Thanos.​​

But I am confused about the mission I should get for the XCU part. I would appreciate if you guys recommend me some missions.


[POV Reo(Edgar)]

I am so proud of that girl... no only did she kill that Manticore is sure a dominating method. I also liked the way she dealt with Crouch Snr. and the fools from light families. Why don't they go and jump into the English Chanel, at least it's going to save us from getting annoyed.

I wanted to help Rumi but she decided otherwise. So, when she asked that she wanted to learn Dark Magic from me that could take down a Manticore, I was really caught off-guard. Later I found out that Nemuri had helped her getting to that decision.

Now, let's watch the Senior part of the tournament. I honestly don't understand why Sirius and Harry hate Dark Magic, well, I expected much better from Sirius. After all, intent matters not the magic itself. As blood boiling curse can be used to boil enemy's blood and also boil tea.

Cedric Diggory was the first Champion who was going to face a mighty dragon. Even though Cedric's dragon wasn't the most dangerous one... it was still dangerous. The match ended up being similar to what I have read in the original.

Fleur Delacour was the next Champion. Since the first time we have talked, I have found her staring at me from time to time. It is quite clear that I have attracted the beautiful Veela but I will wait and it's not like that she is going to agree to join the harem without a second thought.

Fleur was facing the least dangerous dragon from the four. Still, it didn't mean that it was harmless but the the tactic Fleur used, was really good. She used a combination of her full-force allure along with a sleeping spell to make the dragon fall asleep. Fleur slowly and cautiously approached the sleeping dragon... she finally picked up the golden egg and started to walk back towards the tent... she was slightly unlucky as the dragon snorted in sleep and a ball of fire came out of its nose and singed Fleur's left side. Fleur yelped in surprise and pain.

Even with the injury she was able to return to the tent without any problem. Being a Veela protected her... Veela are creatures attuned to fire and air. If it was a human... I am sure he would have been rolling on the floor because of the burn.

Next, was Victor Krum, he looked quite confident. He began to attack the dragon... aiming for the eyes. In the chaos the dragon crushed it's own eggs. Victor was able to get his golden egg, and quickly made his way to the tent. It was exactly the same what I have read in the books.

Ah... finally Harry Potter, I was quite curious if he was going to use his broom this time too? I don't know what they practiced, after all Sirius and Harry refused to learn any Dark Magic.

Harry was facing the Hungarian Horntail, as soon as the match began Harry summoned the dragon model he has got and enlarged it. The original Horntail was obviously enraged seeing that another dragon has approached her next. The original horntail immediately leaped on the enlarged model horntail. Harry knew that the model was going to hold for much longer in front of the original so he used a spell a huge lasso came out the tip of his wand. Harry threw the lasso towards the next and it automatically stuck around the golden egg.

The lasso must have some property like magnetism or something similar. As, I could feel the golden egg was made up of metal. With a yank the golden flew towards Harry. By now, the enlarged model was looking like it was going to fall apart. Harry grabbed the golden egg and didn't look back and dashed towards the tent. That was an excellent strategy...

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All the participants were called back into the arena after the dragon was removed. Fleur was also present... the judges started to give out the scores. Both Rumi and Harry were tied with 48 points. I don't know on what basis they gave those scores. Rumi should be unmatched with her score. Fleur was following with 45 points, then Cesric with 42 points, followed by Krum 38 points as his dragon crushed it's eggs.

Then it was Katina, with only 32 points, she was commened for trying but as she wasn't able to get her magic crystal and complete the task she was given low scores. And lastly it was Andre the fool... he was given only 20, all of the judges gave him only 4... because of the oath Maxime was unable to give anything more after his embarrassing performance.

Andre looked like someone killed his puppy and was glaring daggers at Fleur. I didn't need to use Leglimency to find out what the fool was thinking. He was jealous of the score Fleur received. After that all of them were called for a group photograph... while this was happening I subtlelyn placed a tracking charm on Crouch Snr. He is getting too high for what he is worth... well I will make sure that he is caught with his hands in some kind of cookie jar... even though I had to engineer the situation. I want the truth to come to light after all...

The whole school was buzzing with excitement after the first task. Ravenclaw celebrated Rumi's victory. Many congratulated Rumi from the other houses too... but almost all of them were from the Slytherins. After all, they respected power, blood status, political power, and knowledge about Dark Arts.

All of them saw Rumi had power, political power, and she was very much knowledgeable in the Dark Arts. There was no way that they weren't going to respect that. All of them have also heard how Lord Nott ended up when he decided to pick up a fight. So, most purebloods had only two options. Either they stay neutral or they decide to become our ally. With this show of power, everyone agreed that having us as ally is going to be much better.

After all, killing a human and a Manticore are very different things. I checked that the tracking spell was still working... and Crouch Snr. was now in the ministry. I decided to arrive at the ministry as I could apprate into Amelia office and follow Crouch Snr. from there. But before I could do that I received a text from Amelia.

'Pettigrew has escaped from Azkaban three months ago. Fudge found out and decied to bury it under the rug to save his face. Two aurors helped him, I am going to deal with them. So, how does the affects our plans?'

Trust the moron Fudge to botch something up. Shouldn't he have told everyone about Pettigrew's escapade? Though it doesn't matter much but stil!!

'Nothing much, we will follow the plan that we have already made. Pettigrew won't matter much... as he would stay by his master's side until his master is brought to his previous glory. If he had escaped then, he must have made his way towards the Riddle Manor. I will keep an eye out don't worry'

I texted back to Amelia, I can deal with Pettigrew later but first I need Crouch Snr. and Jnr. to get out of the way. Since Pettigrew is out now, I can wash away my hands with Crouch Jnr. as there will be someone who is going to help Babymort with his resurrection. With these thoughts I Flash Stepped outside Filch's office. I shut down the wards around us and quickly donned the invisibility cloak, I have already noticed that there is only one person inside. In the story Moody was imprisoned inside his own trunk so... I casted to revealing spell and found that only one person was inside and he had the Dark Mark, so it was obviously Crouch Jnr.

I texted the change of plans to Amelia, in the initial plan Crouch Snr. would be found inside Amelia's office setting up a trap but now that I decied to involve the Jnr. it wasn't needed anymore.

Crouch Jnr. was going to sneak into the Ministry and attack his beloved father. His beloved father would be killed and Crouch Jnr. has to be put down as he would be firing killing curses indiscriminately. I patiently waited outside of Filch's office for him leave. After almost 40 minutes the door finally opened and Filch walked out.

"Imperio" I wishpered and Crouch Jnr. immediately stilled.

"Sneak into the Ministry and kill your father! Then start firing the killing curse... but don't hit anyone. Make sure that no one other than your father shall die" I commaned.

"Yes, my Lord" he said and immediately turned around and started to walk towards the gate. I am sure that he won't be able to break away from my control... even if he broke away from his father's control. With that done, I texted Amelia who replied that she would take care of it. With that done, I decided to return to the dorms...

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