A necromancer’s adventure.


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The sound of dried leaves crunching underfoot echoed through the dense forest as a boy, starved to the bone, ran for his life. Behind him, a monster tore through the bushes with each step, its ear-piercing roar filling the air.

The boy didn't dare turn around to see what was chasing him, but he knew it was something far more sinister than he could handle.

Five skeletons followed closely behind the boy, their rusting equipment clanking with each step. 

"Three of you, hold that creature back and distract it as much as possible," the boy gasped in desperation. "As for the rest, continue following me."

The three skeletons nodded and split off from the group, ready to face the monster head-on. 

By now, everyone knew that the kid was sending them to the grinder. Even if they fought together against that thing, they would still get slaughtered. In front of that, even plot armor and the power of friendship were useless.

A tear ran down the boy's cheek as a fleeting thought crossed his mind: 'I am sorry that I need to sacrifice all of you for my survival. If I could choose any other path, I would.'

The sound of bones getting crushed echoed loudly, and a rough voice inside the boy’s head transmitted weakly, "We don't mind it, Az. The deceased were never meant to roam the surface of the world again. But for now, we are happy to protect the living before going back to our eternal rest."

Tears streamed down Az's face. “Thanks for everything,” he whispered quietly before stumbling into a small cave, the only place he could think of hiding from such a creature. 

As he advanced further into the cave, he stumbled upon an ancient, silvery humanoid skeleton. Half of his body was embedded in stone while the neck area, sticking out of it, was covered in spider webs.

‘Hopefully, that man was a strong warrior in his past life. If not, I'll be dying here with him.' Az thought before placing his trembling hand on the skull and grabbing it tightly. By now, the entire cave began to tremble. 

“Milord, don’t waste any further time,” whispered one of the skeletons. “The monster… has reached the cave.” 

Az only took a deep breath before exclaiming in desperation, "「Awaken my minion.」"

The ground beneath the skeleton began to quiver, and an ominous feeling enveloped the surrounding area as a hand shot out of the ground, sending dust flying everywhere.

Even the monster outside the cave instantly stopped its rampage, and a deep voice roared, "Which ignorant fool dares to disturb my resting place?!" through the forest.

The silver skeleton's eyes glowed crimson red, and the sheer pressure it released was enough to force Az to his knees. Out of desperation, Az ordered his two remaining minions to position themselves in front of him, but even they were forced to the ground.

Slowly, the slumped skeleton rose to its feet, a dust cloud rising around it. The sound that followed sent shivers down Az's spine. The unknown skeleton crushed the skulls of his minions with ease while his glowing eyes were locked on the kid.

Az let out a terrified shriek and tried to crawl as far away from the entity as possible. But it was no use. A hand grabbed his ankle, lifting him up with ease. Terrified, Az stuttered, "P-Please, have mercy on me," as he looked up at the pale, silvery skeleton.

The crimson eyes slowly moved from head to toe multiple times. The skeleton seemed to be perplexed. "A brat, huh? We truly live in strange times," the skeleton muttered in a rough voice, wondering if it was supposed to babysit a child.

Horrified, Az stuttered with eyes ripped open, "H-How c-can you talk!?"


The latter immediately crashed against the ground before pleading, "I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I need all the help I can possibly get to survive here."

However, Ogron merely shook his head before making his way towards the exit while remarking coldly, "Young lad, I have plenty of questions, and you will answer them all. But first, I'll be taking care of the annoyance outside as I don't like the way it breathes."

Az’s eyes widened in shock as he watched Ogron leave the cave. ‘Is he really planning on facing that creature alone!?!? I sacrificed over five skeletons in total just to have a chance of escaping…’

Despite his fear, Az slowly rose up with trembling legs. ‘I might still be a mage apprentice, but maybe I could be of some help,’ he thought as he followed Ogron out of the cave. 

As they got closer to the exit, Az heard the monster's loud and unrhythmic breaths, and the sight that greeted him was something out of a nightmare. 

The monster, a giant, hulking creature, stood in front of them, frozen. It was around the size of an elephant and had the body of a bodybuilder, filled with testosterone. Its muscles and veins were bulging with every breath it took, and as for its skin, it glowed orange and was filled with scars.

You are reading story A necromancer’s adventure. at novel35.com

'Yeah, I would have died if I faced that thing. But why isn't it doing anything?' Az wondered as he saw his minion comment in amusement, "Hoho, we got a big ogre here. Lad, watch and learn."

Even though the monster didn’t even dare to move, its facial features were telling an entirely different story. It was scared shitless of the slivery skeleton.

Ogron’s hand slowly bore right through the ogre’s chest before ripping out a piece of pulsing flesh the size of my head. 

“Is that…” Az whispered quietly, only for Ogron to squash the heart, sending pieces of flesh and blood everywhere.

Az suppressed his urge to vomit, and Ogron casually stated, “Mission complete.” The ogre immediately collapsed onto the ground.

"Now back to you, child,” Ogron continued with a serious voice. Blood was still dripping off his silvery skeleton hand. "If you were an adult, I wouldn’t even feel any remorse for killing you. What a shame.”

“But I’m not,” Az answered with a forced smile that made Ogron twitch in fury. “I could make an exception for you,” he quietly whispered while balling his fist, only to sigh in defeat. 

Depressed, Ogron used the Ogre’s back as a seat before looking into the distance. It didn't take a genius to realize that Az's chances of survival were rather slim if left to his own devices.

"It seems like I really have to babysit you," cursed Ogron quietly before sighing loudly, "be thankful that I have a heart for children. Anyway, in which year are we right now, and what is your name, kid?"

"My name is Az, Master Ogron," responded Az with a grin going from ear to ear.

"Don't call me master. I don't want to be called like that by a child who dares to disturb the peace of someone resting," Ogron lectured Az while shaking his head.

"Ok, master Ogron," Az replied with a smile.

"Be careful, brat. Didn't your parents teach you to respect elders?" Ogron grumbled while picking up a stick from the ground.

“It’s the year 23.505,” Az stated in a hurry.

"23.505, hmm? I must have been asleep for at least five hundred years. Let's see what has become of my descendants and the different kingdoms that existed during my lifetime," mumbled Ogron.

Shocked by such a revelation, Az stared at the two-meter-tall skeleton with sparkling eyes. "Ogron, what rank were you before you died?"

"First, it’s master Ogron for you,” Ogron stated while lifting his finger.

“But I thought….” Az stammered in confusion, only for the latter to comment, “I changed my mind. Second, talking to you about mage levels is kinda pointless since you're better off not knowing them. To keep it short, I used to be a strong and feared man," he stated with a puffed chest before quickly adding, "feared by all men but loved by women of all ages."

"Well, you might add that you are now the strongest babysitter, hehe," Az commented in amusement, and the breaking of a stick, followed by a sharp cry, echoed through the forest.

“Listen here, you little shit, from this day on I’m your guardian until we find your par-” Ogron stated, only for Az to interrupt him. “My parent’s are dead.”

“OH. My condolence,” Ogron commented quietly. “What about your siblings?”

“I don’t know where they ended up,” Az whispered quietly as tears began dwelling up. 

“So complicated,” Ogron sighed before continuing, “anyway, I don’t have time for your sob story. From now on, you will be following my words as if they were commands. If you fail so, I will leave you alone. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!” 

“YE-YESS SIRR,” Az stuttered, whipping away his tears.

“Anyway. My first command is that you awaken that ugly Oger as your minion. He will be carrying us,” Ogron stated, only for Az to whimper quietly, “but, he is way too strong for me to control…" 

"I don't care. I will beat that stupid Oger into submission until he accepts to serve you," commented Ogron casually while throwing the broken stick onto the ground.

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