A necromancer’s adventure.

Chapter 3: 3. N-No. Yo-You n-not ma-master.

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However, the skeleton dodged the incoming fist by bending its body in an unnatural way, and before I knew any better, a strong gush of wind hit me from behind as I heard the words, “I. got. you.” (ending sentence of the last chapter)

The skeleton ogre immediately swung its giant club at the madman, but there was one small problem. Az found himself standing between them, and shrieked, knowing damn well that he will end up as collateral damage. Thankfully, however, the newly awoken madman, immediately hugged Az from behind and jumped into the air with him.

Even though, Az was at least sparred from being crushed by a violent stupid ogre, he now found himself ten meters in the air, which wasn’t much better. Frightened and panicked, he screamed for the only person he could rely on, Ogron, while hugging the skeleton tightly.

On the other hand, the madman did not even care about the height. Instead, it shouted in excitement, “Are you my master!?!?!”

“Ye-Yes,” Az stuttered in fear, not knowing what to expect from a madman like him. “I-I do-don’t wa-want to die yet,” he pleaded in fear, tightening his grip around the skeleton, who laughed in happiness.

Thankfully they crashed back to the ground safely, where Ogron and ogre_1 were quietly watching the scene unfold, not daring to make any wrong moves.

But when the opportunity presented itself, Ogron seized it immediately. Before Az could even blink, Ogron instantly appeared behind the madman and grabbed the latter’s parietal bone (backside of the skull) tightly. Without hesitation, he smashed the skeleton head first into the ground while roaring, “SWEAR LOYALTY OR I WILL KILL YOU!!”

A cloud of dust flew up, and after it settled, Az saw the madman kneeling with Ogron’s grip still around the latter’s skull.

“I, Otaz, the third, am willing to serve you, my lord,” the skeleton blurted in ecstasy. 

Not knowing what else to do, Az quietly placed his hand on Otaz’s skull and whispered, “I accept your loyalty, Otaz.”

A yellow glow emitted out of Otaz’s eye sockets, and Ogron immediately raised the skeleton to eye level and shouted, “HOW STUPID ARE YOU!? TO JUMP STRAIGHT AT YOUR MASTER!? LIKE, DON’T YOU HAVE ANY CHILL!?”

But Otaz proudly replied, “The moment I was awoken, my body was filled with ecstasy, knowing that I could finally fulfill my destiny after all those years, kekekeke.”
“What destiny?” Az asked quietly, and Ogron nodded, equally confused.

“In my tribe, necromancy was of great importance,” Otaz remarked proudly, “It was said that every member served the tribe twice. Once as a living member and once a dead minion. Only after serving two lives were our souls allowed to rest.”

“What do you mean by ‘tribes’?” Az asked quietly, not understanding. Ogron added, “I do not remember the existence of any tribe in this area, at least not in my lifetime.”

“This…This cannot be,” the skeleton muttered quietly before grabbing Az’s shoulder with both hands. “What year is it!?!?” Otaz shouted with desperation in his voice. 

“It’s the year 23.505,” Az whispered quietly, and Otaz collapsed to the ground.

“10 thousand years have passed,” Otaz sighed before immediately jumping back to his feet. “Anyway, the tribe is dead, but my master is still alive. So I might as well serve you until eternity and see what the current world has to offer.”

Ogron and Az were both taken aback. How the fuck did we awoke such an ancient soul!? Also, how the fuck did it even survive for so long!?!? 

Ogron quietly whispered to Az, “You can still relieve him from his duty. It’s not too late yet.”
“But he is strong,” Az whispered back.

“But he is esoteric.”

“Who cares? I can live with hearing cool stories and getting spoiled by him, hehehehe.”

You are reading story A necromancer’s adventure. at novel35.com

“I car-.”

“OY I CAN HEAR THE TWO OF YOU!!” Otaz shouted, offended. “Besides, even if you relieved me from my duty, I would refuse to leave your side, master.”

“Fuck you man,” Ogron cursed, before walking to his horse. But just as he was about to jump onto it, Otaz shouted, “Wait!”

“Hmm?” The two of them, Az and Ogron looked confused at Otaz as he asked, “have you two forgotten about him already?” His finger pointed at ogre_1.

“What… with me?” it asked in confusion, scratching the back of its head. 

“You… endangered him.” Otaz coldly stated and Ogron nodded before stating with a serious tone, “A minion that posses danger to its master, is a minion better relieved from its duty.” 

“Ogron. It’s ok,” Az quickly said, trying to deescalate the situation. He had a bad feeling on what was about to happen.

“No, Az. It is not ok,” Otaz sighed. “For he has sinned, baring his fangs at his master, in order to attack its enemies.
Ogron calmly walked towards the ogre, who by now was trembling. “Ogre_1, lower your head onto the ground,” he coldly stated. 

But ogre_1 merely glanced at Az in search for help, and stuttered, “N-No. Yo-You n-not ma-master.” 

“Az, tell him to do as he was told,” Ogron coldly demanded, and Az flinched. 

“Can’t we give him another chance?” Az asked quietly, as the two skeleton glared at him. 

“Another chance to endanger you?” Ogron coldly asked, and Otaz gently placed his hands on Az’s shoulders. “It’s not worth it. That thing is a mere brute with an IQ of a bird, and the memory of a gold fish. Such a being is not worthy of another chance.”

Even though Az firmly believed in giving ogre_1 another chance, the indirect pressure the two of them put on him, with an emphasis on endangerment, swayed him from his opinion. “ogre_1… do as they tell you,” Az whispered quietly and Ogron, merely stated, “Otaz, close the lad’s eyes and ears.”

“No, I want to hear and see,” Az shouted, resisting Otaz. But no matter what he tried, his senses were blocked.

“I wasted my time creating a perfect brute, but you… disappointed me,” Otaz sighed as he gently placed his hand on ogre_1’s trembling skull. “Anyway offer me your soul and bones, so that you can be useful to your master even in death.”

“I- I don’t wa-want,” ogre_1 protested weakly, tears, unheard for skeletons, began streaming down its skull.

But before it could refuse, the glow coming from its eye socket intensified, and a loud scream echoed through the forest.

In the end, ogre_1 could not defy the words of his master.


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