A New Eden

A New Eden

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A New Eden

Review: 8/10 from 14 ratings

A sci-fi space adventure involving mysteries, aliens, and explorers terraforming planets.

Trillion wasn’t expecting to have her mind uploaded into a spaceship today. But it happened and now there’s no turning back for her and three others.
The four of them now travel through space, looking for new worlds to terraform - looking to build A New Eden.
Their hasty departure meant they weren’t prepared for what they encountered out in space. They discovered mysteries they needed to solve. They entered battles they didn’t have a hope of winning. And, they needed to find creative solutions to problems they didn’t know were possible.

Should I read this book?:
YES. If you like a good sci-fi space adventure that’s a mix of action/mystery/thriller/science. No ‘lit-RPG’ here.

Books this is similar to.
Children of Time by Adrien Tchaikovsky
We are Legion (Bobiverse) by Dennis E. Taylor
Give me some suggestions of RR books it’s similar to.

Is the book finished?
Book 1 is fully written, so I’m dripping it out on Royal Road. I’m currently working on Book 2.

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