A New Hero in MHA

Chapter 13: Chapter Eleven – The Storm pt. 2

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          As Midoriya, Tsu and I were watching Aizawa's fight I kept feeling in the pit of my stomach that we needed to do something, I want to be a hero, I need to help, be damned if I get hurt.

"Sorry Tsu and Midoriya."

That was all I said before I activated all runes on my costume. 'Boost and Acel' for my boots, 'Impact dampening' for the jacket, 'advanced muscle control' for my shirt and 'decreased weight' for my vest to name a few.

As I heard Tsu and Midoriya behind me I was already almost there. Yes, this was stupid but in my heart and head I knew that If I didn't do something they might use whatever they have in order to kill All Might on Aizawa and I couldn't let that happen.

2 seconds, that's how long it took for me to reach my goal and not a moment sooner as when I arrived to the fight a guy covered in hands was moving to attack Aizawa, he gave me a terrible feeling so I guessed he must be dangerous. I did what I could and threw a card.

Time is weird... once I threw the card time seemed to slow down. I watched as my card got closer and closer to my target, meanwhile the hands guy got closer and closer to Aizawa and the closer and closer Aizawa's eyes got to blinking which is how Aizawa's quirk turns off apparently. This felt like forever but was only a second.

As the two met Aizawa elbowed the hands guy in the stomach but the hands guy used his quirk so eat away at Aizawa's arm, I couldn't hear what he said but it didn't matter as my card impacted the hands guy immediately after their attack.

◊Runic Card - Kinetic - 'Once card hits target send target traveling at velocity and direction of card.'◊ 

My card hit the hand guy's side and sent him flighting away from Aizawa impacting a fountain. Joy emerged from my heart as I rushed over to Aizawa in order to see if he was ok until a figure appeared to my side. A massive figure, larger than All Might. A monster from best description, with an exposed brain, bird break and a dark black body a monster is the only word for it and its fist was heading right for me.

But the fist didn't come. The pain didn't come, what did come was Aizawa's voice as I saw his capture scarf wrapped around the monster's arm and neck.

"Get out of here Kobayashi I got this."

Aizawa sounded serious and in pain with a hint of exhausted in his voice. I knew I should listen, but I couldn't. I took a new card I had been working out and used it. I threw it at the monster and watched as the card turned into glue expanding and covering the creature in a sticky substance that once covered the entire body solidified to be as hard as cured concrete.

"Mr. Aizawa he should be captured, that should hold him for a while."

"Thank you Kobayashi, I'll take it from here now go back thirte..."

Aizawa was interrupted as my barrier was broken and the monster escaped and headed towards Aizawa and I.

I wasn't fast enough, I couldn't even tell when it got passed me but I heard what happened when it did.


The creature grabbed and slammed Aizawa's head into the ground with enough force to break the floor, I was scared that I may have watched my teacher die from that and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I didn't cry, nor run, nor faint. I yelled and charged, I didn't want to be a kid who couldn't save someone who was right next to them, I was supposed to be a great hero a cool hero and hero like my dad. So I yelled and screamed as I boosted towards the monster, I used many cards, I threw and green healing card at Aizawa, a weightless card at the monster as well as a muscle relaxer card. Once those card hit I attacked, I threw a punch at him and with it being weightless it should have flown off similar to when Uraraka turns things weightless but the monster just grabbed by punch and used me to stay grounded. His muscles were supposed to be relaxed so he couldn't use all his force, was that not working or was this creature just that strong?

Before the monster could do anything though a creepy voice spoke up it was the hands guy.

"Nomu, Kurogiri, seems like All Might isn't going to show up I guess we should leave. It's gave over now."

Is it really over like that?

"But before that" the hands guy continued before the hope could solidify "let's kill a few kids so we can wound the pride of the symbol of peace"

I looked over to where the hand guy's voice was coming from disbelief in in what he said, he was over by the water he was reaching to Tsu, was he doing to eat away Tsu's face like he did Aizawa's arm? I wanted to throw a card but the Nomu I guess it's called was still holding my arm. I thought I was about to watch Tsu die but the Nomu had another plan. I never saw it coming.



Tsu's POV


          I don't know what Adeline was thinking, running off like that, I thought we agreed to wait for an opportunity, but she just ran in there and now she is captured ribbit. Should we help? Wouldn't we just get in the way I didn't know what to do.

Adeline is someone who ide like to call the beginnings of a friend, she is fun and nice and treats me like a normal girl and doesn't even tiptoe around my quirk, she is blunt and calls me by my first name which I really like. She is now if the hands of a villain and Mr. Aizawa is down. All the while Midoriya and I are just watching.

"Nomu, Kurogiri, seems like All Might isn't going to show up I guess we should leave. It's gave over now."

Midoriya and I got hopeful at the sound of the guy we guessed was in change saying they were going to leave but were crushed after hearing the next part.

"But before that" the hands guy continued "let's kill a few kids so wound the pride of the symbol of peace"

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I froze. The leader was fast and got so close to me before I could do anything, I saw what he did the Mr. Aizawa's elbow and now that was going to happen to my face. However, ribbit, before that could happen he stopped.

"You really are so cool. Eraser Head."

Mr. Aizawa had raised his head and erased the leader's quirk before he could get to me. 

Two things happened next, one that was a nice surprise and one that scared me to death.

A loud sound was heard from where Adeline was, I barely saw it out of my frog eyes but I saw that massive punch impact her. She flew so far and so fast. I didn't see where she landed but I was scared to see the aftermath I was scared I lost a friend. As I saw that in my peripheral Midoriya was in the process of leaping and jumping to punch the leader shouldn't not to touch me, A loud sound came from the impact but instead of the leader being down, the creature that hit Adeline was standing there and she took the punch.

"Is this what's supposed to kill All Might? Ribbit."

Midoriya, I and the monster all moved in various ways but before anything could really happen.


An imposing figure walked threw the now destroyed main entrance. All Might walked in giving everyone including me hope.


All Might wasn't smiling this time, he looked mad.



3rd Party POV


          As All Might arrived to the USJ he was kicking himself for not being there. He saw scared students, and two injured collogues Thirteens suit was ripped open from the back and was face down and Aizawa was also face down his head raised but above a head sized crater. He was just leaving the principal's office when they picked up an SOS coming from the USJ on all channels, so he had Principle Nezu contact the rest of the staff as he ran to the USJ where he found Ida who told him about the villains.

All Might wasn't smiling this time, he was mad, angry at himself for not being here.


The small-time villains were scared none of them having fought All Might before but they didn't have to be scared for long as they were all instantly defeated with Aizawa, Midoriya and Asui being grabbed by All Might and taken near the stairs.

"Everyone to entrance. Take Aizawa, he is unconscious. So Hurry!!"

All Might needed the kids to get out of there so he could fight without worry, Asui and Midoriya spoke up however.

"All Might it's no use, that brain guy there took one for a... I mean he took by 100% punch and didn't flinch." -Midoriya

"Midoriya Kid FEAR NOT!"

All Might said giving a cute peace sign pose trying to lighten the mood.

"All Might the brain guy hit Kobayashi I don't know if she is ok or not." - Asui

This was also news to Midoriya and he didn't see the earlier punch to Kobayashi, his eyes were now wide and looking around.

"The teachers should be here soon, when they are escort them to where you saw her last." - All Might

All Might then Dashed to the Nomu.

"Carolina... SMASH!!!"

All Might's first attack did nothing and his subsequent blows got the same result. The fight in the USJ continues.


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