A New Hero in MHA

Chapter 14: Chapter Twelve – The Storm pt. 3

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          While All Might and the Nomu were fighting, off to the side was a hole going through several walls and mock buildings and the USJ outer wall finally landing into a now broken tree. Any casual person seeing it would assume something or someone shot a giant cannon ball through these 300 meters of now debris. If you asked Tsuyu Asui a student at UA class 1-A she would tell you that that hole was right where she saw her classmate and friend Adeline Kobayashi being sent through after having been punched by a monster that was currently going toe to toe with the #1 hero: All Might.

At the end of the hole just outside of the USJ, a hole Adeline Kobayashi created you would see a body slumped over, blood coming out of her eyes, ears, nose and from lacerations over her body. Her costume she once drew up in her dreams was torn and mangled, bones broken and if a doctor had been there, they would have declared her... dead!

The teachers that were about to enter the USJ came from opposite side and thus didn't see her nor hear the sound of her exiting the USJ and crashing into the tree. Silence took ahold of the scene around her lifeless body and only faint sounds of All Might and Nomu's fight could be heard just before the teachers made their way into the arena.

[Start of author's note] Due to the Adelien's signal that was picked when All Might was leaving the principal's office the teachers didn't have to wait for Ida in order to start making their way there and thus could get to the USJ earlier in All Might's fight. [End of /author's note]

Silence was taken away by beating of a heart, the pumping of blood, the snaping of bones back into place and breathing of a living person.

"Gasping for air" "UGHHHHH AHHHHHH!!"

The pain was so intense after waking up I almost passed out again, what the hell! The last thing I remember was Aizawa erasing the hand guy's quirk then... Then the monster punched me... I remember I got hit, I couldn't see right now as something wet was coving my eyes and my arms hurt so much I couldn't wipe them, they might be broken.


"AHHHHH" after another snap I could move my arms slightly but with intense pain. I had never felt anything like this before, it felt as if my entire body was both hot and cold, itchy, numb and brittle. So many feelings, so much pain, thankfully some of the runes in costume I activated at the beginning of the fight still kicked it, I'll have to see which ones exactly after all of this is over, I don't really wanna strip here just to find out. I was able to move my body well enough now to wipe my eyes clear of what I now knew was blood and started looking around to assess my situation and needless to say I was confused.

"Why am I outside?"

I ignored the copper taste in my mouth as I voiced my question aloud. I was against a broken tree outside and it wasn't until I looked dead ahead of myself that I found the reason why. An Adeline sized cannon ball hole was right in front of me coming from the USJ, I couldn't see all the way from where I started but it seemed like I flew across quit a ways. That explains all the pain, I don't know exactly how bad my injuries were before my runes healed me enough to wake me up but I'll get a good idea when I check what runes have been used up.

I moved to grab some of my green healing cards to speed up my healing so I could meet up with Tsu and the rest of my class. I had to help until All Might and the other teachers arrived, assuming they were on their way at least. However, I didn't feel my cards when I reached to my back pocket. I always carry my green colored healing cards in my back pockets so I don't get them confused in the heat of training or battle and to not miscount how many cards I have left. But now there were no cards, feeling around and looking around with my stiff muscles and neck wincing in pain I checked out my costume and body.

Aside from the blood coving my body which i chose to ignore for now I notice that my shirt and vest were mostly intact except for some small tearing in the vest where I impacted things, thank goodness for hero Kevlar fiber. but my jacket, back pockets and cards that were stored there where tatter now, my ass didn't feel bare so I wasn't showing it but my costume was a wreck and I now had no ready made healing cards, guess I gotta make some.

While I made some new healing cards from the blank card stock, the fight inside unbeknownst to me was still going on.



3rd POV


          As All Might was fighting Nomu a creature that could take his punches the teachers managed to arrive. They immediately started providing support for All Might, attacking any villains that were waking up, they were also attacking Kurogiri and Shigaraki prompting Shigaraki to order a retreat but it was a moment to late as All Might sent a massive Punch launching the Nomu out of the USJ separating it from the other villains.

Just as Kurogiri wrapped himself and Shigaraki into a warp portal a bullet curtesy of the Pro Hero and teacher Snipe got his shoulder. As the villains were now being rounded up and all students were now being collected a worried Tsuyu Asui and Izuku Midoriya hoped and ran over to the nearest teacher a woman dressed almost inappropriate for a high school. Midoriya however recognized here.

Just as they warped away, Kirishima, Bakugo and Todoroki arrived and assisted the teachers before being ordered to hear to the entrance with their classmates. They didn't want to but agreed.

"Miss Midnight please you need to help us find out friend."

"We are rounding up all the students now so please just wait don't worry."

Tsu then while sounding like she was holding back crying pleaded with Midnight.

"No that thing that All Might was fighting hit her through the wall over there!!"

Tsu pointed to a spot where a hole and rubble could be seen. Midnights eyes widened at this and asked another hero and teacher Cementoss to help her find the student. He agreed.

"What is the student's name?"

"It's Adeline Kobayashi ribbit."

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That named made Cementoss's eyes widen slightly as he remembered the name as the student he interviewed recently at the entrance exam.

"Wait here please we will find her."

The two hero/ teachers went towards the hole that Adeline was sent through and began their searching. Meanwhile all other students had gathered back together.

          Kirishima, Ida and Momo were checking on all the students to make sure everyone was alright, when they checked on everyone Momo and Ida realized they were missing someone... Kobayashi.

"Um has anyone seen Kobayashi?" Momo called out to the class. This got Toru's attention and caused her to freak out.

"Ya where is she!? Has anyone seen her!? Adeline!! Adeline!! Where are you!?"

Tsu spoke up in a weak voice silencing Toru and the others who were about to start calling out as well.

"Adeline was fighting Ribbit and got hit by that big monster villain All Might was fighting we don't know where she went, the teachers are looking for her."

Midoriya's head was down as tears filled his eyes, all students eyes were focused on Tsu until Toru ran up and started shaking her.

"What do you mean she was hit, I didn't see a giant guy so explain Tsu. Is she ok, where did you see her go!?"

Her shaking and yelling of Tsu caused Ida and Kirishima to pull her off.

"Calm down Hagakure I am sure she is fine, like Asui said, teachers are looking for her and if needed Recovery Girl is also here now so relax please."

Ida's voice slightly calmed everyone down but Toru just started sobbing repeating that he better be right and for her best friend to please be safe.



Teacher's POV


          After all the villain's and students were rounded up all remaining hero's/ teachers started their search for any left over villain's and for the missing student Adeline Kobayashi.

Cementoss was using the direction the initial hole where Kobayashi was supposed to have gone as his starting point as he used his quirk to move the cement out of the way ◊manipulate cement-based material simply by being in contact with the surface. ◊

With Midnight using here pheromones to keep the villains subdued Cementoss was instead working with another hero/ guidance counselor Hound Dog who was using his dog like quirk to smell out for Kobayashi.

Working slowly enough not to miss her or collapse anything by mistake but fast enough to not let her bleed out if she was seriously injured, they continued their search.

"Hound Dog are you sure we haven't missed her yet, she can't have gone this far?"

"Yes awhoo, her sent continues on..."

They continued on until they saw the hole return and saw through to it until daylight. Knowing that they could go faster they blitzed their way through the rest of the debris in time to find something that both shocked and worried them. There outside the USJ covered in blood and tattered cloths was Kobayashi writing on cards and placing them on herself. 

She looked like a normal girl who just dressed as an extra in a disaster film but sat least she was alive and alright.


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