A New Hero in MHA

Chapter 15: Chapter Thirteen – Storms Aftermath

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          As I lay there writing my new healing cards, some to heal broken and fractured bones, some to speed up blood replenishment, some to reduce swelling just to name a few of the dozen cards I have been placing onto my body, I was starting to feel better, may or may not be due to the 3 pain reducing cards I have on but I digress.

As I was just finishing another card this one to increase defense from sneak attacks, I heard something that caused me to lookup, there I saw the guy who interviewed me for the entrance exam Mr. Cementoss and another who looked like a Werewolf.

"Oh hi there Mr. Cementoss, is the fight over?"

I know I should be more worried but I don't know if its due to the plethora of cards I've used on myself, the overuse of my quirk or the backlash of my quirk I was a little out of it and at least from my perspective thought I sounded a little loopy.

The teachers seem to snap out of their pause and walked over to me. Cementoss asking the werewolf guy to get Recovery Girl here now!

"Kobayashi I am not sure if you remember me but..."

"Yes Mr. Cementoss I remember you from the entrance exam." I attempted to get up but was stopped by Cementoss.

"Now, now let's have you stay there until recovery girl can take a look."

"You're the teacher but I've healed myself enough to know I should be fine, I am just a little out of it. How's the fight?" after that question a thought partially cleared my loopy head. "How's Tsu and Toru and Midoriya and rest of the students how's Aizawa? What happened!?!" I struggled to get up as I fired off question after question, but Cementoss forcefully held me down.

"Kobayashi stop moving or I wont answer any of your questions!"

That caused me to freeze instantly. "Sorry" I meekly said.

"Good, now the fight is over, all students have now been accounted for and are all fine aside from some minor injuries. Aizawa is also fine just a little head and arm trauma, nothing Recovery Girl can't fix. Now how about you how are you feeling?"

I felt a wave of relieve pass over me as I heard that everyone was alright, it made me so relaxed that I actually passed out before I could answer.

          I woke up later in a comfy bed, not sure how I got here or where here even was but I felt tired no exhausted like a crazy day of working out but not sore anymore which was good.

"Oh looks like she woke up, how are you feeling Kobayashi?"

A sweet voice drew my attention as I turned my head to the side, there I saw Recovery Girl.

"I'm fine, how did I get here, last thing I remember was Mr. Cementoss telling me that everyone is alright." I panicked slightly. "Please tell me that wasn't a dream or a lie, is everyone indeed alright!?"

"Recovery Girl held her cane over my body to prevent me from getting up as she answered.

"Yes, yes all of your classmates and teachers will be alright. You were the last one of the injured to wake up and everyone has gone home already. We had to call your parents and they are actually in the principal's office right now. Would you like me to get them?"

"Wait, how long was I out for?"

"Normal school hours have already ended so you've been in this been for better part of 5 hours. Unfortunately I couldn't heal you all in one go and wake you up due to you having no stamina left but thankfully your use of your own quirk healed you enough so I could make many small goes at healing you. How are you feeling?"

"5 hours... wow... I feel fine just tired, I feel like I can move everything, thanks for helping to heal me Recovery Girl. Ide like to see my parents now and if possible, go home."



Principal's Office"


          "How could this happen!? UA is the top hero school in Japan and one of the best in the world, how did villain's get in and harm our daughter!?!"

Inside the UA principal's office, two parents were trying to get answers out of the small white, mouse dog person that was himself principal Nezu.

"Now Mrs. Kobayashi I understand you are frustrated, and we are currently performing an investigation with the police to find out how this happened to prevent it from happening again, I do apologize for this. Thankfully your daughter was smart enough and strong enough to defend herself and is currently in perfect health."

"Yes principal Nezu we understand but as you also understand that my wife and I want what's best for our daughter. I have never heard of villains attacking a school before and if this school can't protect her while she attends then it may be necessary for her to attend a different school.'

Before Nezu could respond to that a notice appeared on his display.

"Mr. and Mrs. Kobayashi your daughter is awake and asking for you both, so if you would."

Adeline's parents rocketed out of the office and headed to the nurses office that they were in earlier.




          As my parents burst through the door I couldn't even say hi before my mom and dad pounced on me hugging and kissing me while asking how I felt and if I was alright.

"Well ide be better if you weren't crushing me."

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Either they didn't hear my plea for them to get off or just ignored it but they continued holding me regardless, I love my parents.

"Now Mr. and Mrs. Kobayashi, your daughter is fully healed as I said before and now that I have verified that she has awoken and is cognizant she is free to go home with you."

"Thank you Recovery Girl, I'll carry her to the car."

"Oh no you won't dad I can walk perfectly fine. Don't make me stun you."

My mom then chimed in with a serious tone and a smile that made me afraid.

"Oh really and how are you going to do that without anything to write on I wonder?"

"um good point, fine you can carry me to the car."

I knew my mom well enough to know that when she makes that face and has that tone that it wasn't a discussion it was a command and nothing anyone could do could overturn it.

"Um, can I ask for someone to get my stuff from the locker room so I can wear my clothes and not these scrubs I assume I am wearing? Recovery Girl, do you know where my costume is?"

"We changed you out of it due to its damage but it is packed away if you would like it. Also your friend Toru brought your stuff here for when you woke up, that poor girl was crying for a while before she calmed down enough for me to tell her you were fine."

I felt bad about that, I will have to call her later. Back to my costume though.

"Yes I would like to have it back please I need to see what runes it used save me."

"Um Adi, what do you mean?"

"Dad I always heard your stories of heroes falling and dying due to various means so in order to prevent that I inscribed runes throughout my costume, some did my normal things like defense and boost but others were set to activate if they detected if I was hurt in certain ways, some activates if I lost to much blood or broke a bone or something like that, I need to check my costume to see if I should add more of certain types for the future also to see if my costume needs to be upgraded or not."

"I see let us know what you find alright?"

"Yes dad I will."


"Yes I promise geez."

As I explained to my parents why I needed my costume Recovery Girl had a small robot come over and bring me both my locker bag with my phone, gym clothes and school clothes as well as the plastic bag with my costume in it.

I'll check it out when I get home but for now mind leaving so I can change.

"Adi I will stay but your father will wait outside and before you say anything, that wasn't a suggestion."

""Fine"" my dad and I said at the same time which cause us both to laugh.

          After changing into my gym uniform because I didn't want to be carried while wearing my school skirt, we all left to the car my dad carrying me and my mom holding my stuff. The principal told us that there were reporters but we got a discreet route and went unobserved to our car, we were also told the police would come to our house tomorrow to get my statement as all other students had already given theirs.

On the way home I called Toru. But as you can imagine Toru was very loud and boisterous when she answered.

"Adeline is that you? Are you OK!? I was so worried when I heard you were missing! And when I saw you in the nurses office I was so scared that you would die!!"

"Hey Toru yes I am perfectly fine, I am actually heading home right now, I will be perfectly fine for when school reopens. Any ideas when that will be?"

"Geez Adeline you drive me insane first you don't get sleep or eat, then after you do you go fighting some villain and almost getting yourself killed! What am I going to do with a stupid best friend like you!?" 

I could hear the exasperation in her voice but also the care. She was a good friend.

"I guess you will just have to always be my friend to watch after me wont you?"

Even though she couldn't see me I still gave a toothy smile at that.

"So any ways about school."

"'Sigh...'According to the teacher's, school would start again next week once the grounds are secured and protocols revised or something like that I don't know I was kinda stressed about you when they were talking about it."

"Oh right sorry but listen Toru, I... AM....FINE!!, you got it, nothing to worry about if you want to since we have a few days off why don't you come over the day after tomorrow you can even spend the night?"

"Ide love to, but why not now or even tomorrow!?"

"Easy there Toru tone it down a bit, I gotta get some rest and I also wanna hang with my family and check out my costume for a bit, also the police are supposed to show up to take my statement so tomorrow is going to be hella busy so the day after tomorrow and a sleep over. Deal?"


We spent the rest of the card ride talking, apparently she was with Todoroki who froze any and all villains he saw, according to her it was an incredible show of force. It seems I have another rival but seeing my poor performance against the Nomu monster villain I was currently having a hard time still believing my quirk was as badass as I thought it was. Maybe I am not using it right, I'll have to redesign and rethink some things to make my next villain encounter an entirely different story.

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