A New Member

Chapter 2: The Lost of A Warrior, The Passed Down Legacy

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(Yo!! Sorry for not uploading for a while. I have been quite distracted with a lot of stuff. Mainly christmas and New Year but all that is done enjoy this chapter!!)




<Time Skip 2 years after the first diagnosis>

"It's been two years since then. Time passes quickly but painfully" I said to myself while drawing.

It has been exactly two years since the first incident. From back then, I tried quite a lot of medication but none of them seems to be working much. In those two years I haven't been slacking off. I still does my medication while practicing my drawings.

Now my drawings are good enough for me to be considered a very skilled artist. I because of that started to accept commission to pass time. My relationship with the doctors and nurses are also very good. They treated me very nicely and I usually draw them some stuff for free. I also like to talk to them once in a while. 

My big sister also hasn't been down since the first diagnosis. After her highschool graduation she entered the medical school. She said that she will one day find a cure for my disease. So she's been working hard yet she still visits me regularly.

She sometimes brought me some source of entertainment such as manga, novels, and even new sketchbooks. She even brought my drawing tablets here. Whenever she visits I would stop drawing to hear her stories until she goes home.

Even if I'm sick and need to stay in the hospital, my life was still very happy everyday. But not everything will go as what you want it to be. Right now my sister is right here next to me. Her expression turned into a worried one upon seeing the doctor expression.

"Today, as usual we have to take your daily test for medical reasons. Usually there are no really much changes. But, today's diagnosis is quite worrying. His liver is enlarged, even though it's not that much of enlargement we will still take this symptoms very seriously." He finished explaining. When my big sister heard this she had a very distressed expressions on her face. Her stress is clearly shown from her face. It hurts me seeing my big sister like this so I tried to cheer her up.

"Don't worry about it. I WILL recover from this. After all, we've made our promise when they left us, don't we?"





*Sob* *Sob*

The sound of a little boy crying was heard throughout the dark streets. Next to the little boy there's another child older than the little boy. She seemed to be trying to be comforting him but to no avail.

"It will be alright Nozomi. We will be alright so don't cry anymore alright?" The older child comforted the little boy named Nozomi.

"B-but Mom and Dad left us. What do we do now? Are you also gonna leave me?" Nozomi asked her a question. She hearing the question looked quite shocked but changed that shock to a smile.

"I will not leave you alone. After all I'm your sister and you're my little brother. I will not leave you alone even after the world ends. No matter how hard the trials that the world gave us we will be always together. Because that is a family" She said while patting Nozomi's head. Nozomi that has been crying for a while then looked up to her sister still with tears im his eyes.

"Are you serious?" He asked again.

"Of course" She reassured him again.

"Pinky promise" Nozomi extended his pinky finger.

"Pinky promise" His sister also extended her pinky finger.

<Flashback ends>



<Time Skip 2 Weeks After The Recent Diagnosis>

Its been two weeks, nothing have really changed. Apart from her now working harder to the point she pushed herself too far. So I started to lecture her for as long as her visit last. But to put it simply, I basically said stop straining herself. It's like our roles are reversed. After that lecture, she stop straining herself too much to avoid my lecture.

In those two weeks I also read a lot of manga, watch quite some anime and read some novels. I also started to draw some fanarts for them and post them on the social media. People said they liked them, so I started doing more. 

Other than that, about a week ago I started to do a big project and step for myself. That is, to draw a manga. I've been starting this project since a week ago. I also have talked to some profesional mangaka for advice. They've been quite a great person and some of them even met me in real life. In return for their kindness, I draw them some great cover for their manga for free. Needless to say, they're very happy about it as well. Without me even saying this is quite a productive week.




<Time Skip 2 months>

It's now been two months since the start of my project. It's been great, since I also enjoy in making it. Every single drawings in it, I drew with passion. So, one week ago the first chapter is uploaded to my social media and it gathered quite the attention.

From praise to critics to advice. I read a lot of them and tried to learn from my mistake and fixed it later on. There are also some new people that just found me out. My fanbase are generally nice people with much respect for art. So new people will be comfortable and happy.

In these two months, my big sister also got accepted to the university with flying marks. Her hard work is paid off and I congratulate her by giving her one of my drawings of her in a medical outfit. She is very happy about it and promised to cure me.

But with happy news also came bad news. In these two months my medication became heavier and heavier its quite worrying. But, I trust the doctors, after all it's their professions.




<Time Skip 4 years since the first diagnosis>

It's been four years since the first diagnosis of my Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The first diagnosis is stage II followed with stage III 2 years ago. Different treatment methods and medications were attempted but none of them are really effective. But since I hit stage III the growth of the cancer was slowing down. So that's a good news, but that good news break yesterday when they confirmed that my CLL is now at a very high risk stage of IV. They also said, I have high risk to develop cancer in other parts of my body.

I sternly told them to not tell my big sister no matter what as I don't want her mood to drop. They of course understands this and kept their mouth shut. But in our heart we know that she will found out about my condition one day.

Because of the stage IV cancer her time to visit me also significantly decreased. My time to draw also of course significantly decreased. As most of my time I spent asleep or is talking with my big sister. I roughly have 4 hours of drawing each week. The daily pains that I felt are also increased significantly.

My skin now is very pale complexion. My anemia also got extremely worse because of my cancer. So I always felt a heavy headache like a fridge put on top of my head. I also lost quite a considerable amount of weight since I first came here. My fatigue also is now always way worse. But despite those conditions, I still continue to make my digital manga.

My big sister is also doing well with her still very busy in med school. She's been telling me stories about her experience every day. She also sometimes take a break for one or two days each month. All in all I always hoped for the best for her.




<Time Skip 5 Years Since The First Diagnosis>

It's now been five years since my first diagnosis. It has not been great since last time. The summary is it's getting worst and worst. Because recently, they have said that I have another cancer on another organ. Other than that, my bone marrow surgery will be delayed again because of this new cancer discovery. Based on what they said, this new cancer is a liver cancer. Because of this condition, my chance to live is very low.

Another weird thing is since 1 year ago a weird dream will always play everytime I sleep. It's a weird dream in a weird place. But the dream always end before anything started. Anything I do, no matter what will lead to the same sequence all over again. So because I can't do anything I just do nothing but enjoy the scenery itself.

My big sister is also doing very good in her study and health. She's been learning from the doctors here to increase her own medical knowledge. My manga also became quite famous now on the internet despite the long break in each chapter and now the story is almost finished. I'm quite proud at myself seeing this.

I also became friends with another cancer patient. She is a young girl at the age of 10. She is suffering from early stages of Lung cancer. She would play with me from time to time, telling her stories. Whenever, she felt down she would visit me and I would always encourage her to never give up. She is a young girl with a promising and long future still. I hope she will always be fine.

You are reading story A New Member at novel35.com




<Time Skip 6 Years Since The First Diagnosis>

Is the world fair? That's a question that has an obvious answer. No. The world will never be fair for everybody. Some people live a great live while the others suffers.

That is a fact all people need to accept. This is something I also need to accept. An unpleasant fact of my suffering and the fact that I'm destined to lost.

Both of my cancer became even worst then before and now my life expectancy is very low with a very high chance of death. This fact isn't something that even I could hide from my big sister.

When she heard this news, she broke down in tears and I just sighed seeing it. I never expect something that started so small will become this big. But, she didn't cry for long and quickly recovered with a promise to spent my last time together. I can't retort it so I just let her does what she wants. So now after her school ends, she will come here for the rest of her day.

I of course force her to go home sometimes to take some rest and after a lot of persuasion, she agreed to go home on 8 P.M. I understand her pain but she also needs to rest and not worry about me. 

Another thing I also had some things that I do in secret without her knowing that will help her one day. I will gave it to her once I die. I hope she will always in great condition.




<Time Skip 2 Months>

Time flows like a river. It's fast but steady. No matter what we did going back in time seems impossible. But sometimes people crave for it. To change what they can't change in the present. But there are also some things that can't be changed. One of the examples is mine. No matter what I did, I will end up on this place again.

And now is the end of my journey on this place, on this world. Death. It's an interesting concept that rivals the concept of life. If life is the beginning then death is the end. Everyone will experience both of them in their lives. Yet they are scared of it. This of course also includes me. After all no matter what, I'm also just a human.

Death isn't something I can't change. Also something that I know gonna come. Yet I still feel scared of it. Scared to lose what is precious to me. A lot of people wonder what's gonna happen after death and now I will experience it.

I looked to the side of my bed. A beautiful woman in the age of 24 holding my hand while crying. There's also a little child crying next to her. Both of them are my precious people in my life. I know I should cheer them up. Even my soul told me to do so. Yet I can't. My body is too weak to even move. It refused to talk. No matter what I did, I can't let my voice out. I know my time is running out. My visions are turning blurry. My breathing becoming even more slower. My pulse and heartbeat is slowing down.

But even then, I focused myself to cheer them on. So they can fight their battle from now on. To forge a happy future and learn from the sad past. I hold their hands even tighter. They realised this and looked to me. They're surprised to see my smiling face. Why am I smiling? Because even when death embrace me. I still focus on my precious one more. But those moment didn't last long as I could feel my consciousness is fading and the world is turning dark. And so finally my visions turned dark and on that day Kyoraku Nozomi age 20 has died of complications of cancer.

But despite the end of his life. His death will bring huge changes to the world that even he won't expect. His precious one that stayed with him until the end will one day remembered as a legend. They are the one who will turn their sadness for the happiness of others.




<3rd PoV>

After the death and burial of Kyoraku Nozomi. Her sister Kyoraku Ai don't feel depressed the slightest. As she has a promise to fullfill. The promise to cure her brother's disease. So after 3 days of Nozomi's burial, she went back to school. 

Nozomi's hospital friend which is named Hikari, returned back to the hospital to treat her cancer. Despite what happens to her friend, she doesn't feel fear at all. She doesn't fear her disease even after the death of her friend of the same cause. The nurses and doctors in the hospital are surprised by her will. When they asked her why she doesn't feel scared. She answered.

"Because he always encouraged me to one day be free of this disease. I won't let him down". And by that simple words the doctors that works on this hospital all feel motivated to save other people's live so their family won't be sad, like how they felt after the death of Nozomi.




<Time Skip 1 Year>

Time has passed one year since the death of Kyoraku Nozomi. A lot of things had happened. With the most important of the graduation of Kyoraku Ai from her Med School. Another thing would be, Kyoraku Ai finally found the gift that her brother left for him.

The gift consist of a letter, a bank card, and a tablet. She opened the letter and immediately realised the familiar handwriting of Nozomi. She then started reading the letter slowly. This is what written in the letter.

'Dear, Kyoraku Ai (Big Sister). Hello, Big Sister. If you're reading this I'm probably dead. It's weird to write things like this to be read in the future. But here it is. As you probably know, I love you very much. I'm sorry that I can't keep my promise of recovering. But I hope you're not very depressed about it. Also how's Hikari? Is she doing great? If she's doing great then send my regards to her. Also how's your study? I hope it's always gonna be great. Now the main purpose of this letter is to tell about the things I left for you guys. The first is the bank card. Inside the bank card there's money. The amount of it is around 15 million ¥. I get all of those money from all sort of things I do. Another thing I left is that tablet which has a lot of my valuable drawings inside of it. I hope you guys can use it wisely. As I need to sleep I can't type much more. So I hope you guys will always have a happy life, Goodbye. Love, Nozomi'.

After Kyoraku Ai finished reading this, she picked up the tablet turned it on and when she saw whats inside it she cried. The content of the tablet consist of Nozomi's drawing for her. All of them are very very memorial and bringing back memories of her and her little brother. She then decided to thank him by visiting his grave.

At the same moment, Hikari is getting better and better everyday. Her condition isn't getting worse and is getting better. She was very happy but still very cautious about it. She also decided to help other cancer patients in need.




<Time Skip 2 Years>

Another two years have passed since Kyoraku Ai's discovery of Nozomi's gift. She decided to use the money he left her to good use by using it to donate to the Cancer Research Institution. She also started to volunteer there alot as they also need more scientists. She was also regarded as a genius at the institution and quickly became a part of it.

Hikari's recovery is also astonishing. As of right now her cancer is now very docile and is not very life threathening. She now can left the hospital to do other stuffs she wanted to do. Kyoraku Ai also congratulate her recovery by buying her an appartement room and all the tools she needed. Hikari after a long thinkimg decided to became a novel writer. 

The start of her career is not smooth, but she never waver and kept going. Even after her novel got turned down quite many times she still tried. She entered writing competitions in order to improve. She wrote stories on the internet for experience. But, one day her story actually blew up on the internet and got noticed by a few company. And that is the start of Hikari's career on becoming the best writer alive.




<Time Skip 5 Years>

"Finally, it works, everybody" A person's voice that is named Kyoraku Ai sounded throughout the institution. Everyody went silent for a few second before all of them begin to cheering loudly.


"It works! It finally will work!!"

"My dream will be achieved" All sorts of happy voices can be heard from this one announcement. That's right, all of this happiness comes from the Cancer Research Institution. After a long hard work of countless scientist they finally found it. The cure of cancer. The head scientist is of course Kyoraku Ai.

After countless research, experiments, and hardwork they finally found the invention that will change the medical history. The cure that everybody wants but cannot achieved. But this dream is made true by Kyoraku Ai the brother of the deceased Kyoraku Nozomi.

The news of the Cancer Cure spreads like a wildfire on a tropical forest. The news reach every corner of the world. They got invited to countless interview for this inventions. They started to mass producing it. Distribution and Production is the main focus after inventing them. But those things are something that someone else will do not them.

On the other side of the world, Hikari also become a world famous author of different books series. Her books have motivated countless people. She had helped countless people lives. She not only provide entertaintment, but advice, life advice. She helped the homeless, orphans, people suffering from accute cases of depression and much more. When she heard the news about the 'Cancer Cure', she was so happy. Happy that she finally found the cure that will release people from their sufferings. Happy that she finally fullfill her promise.

On that day and many days, months, years, decades forwards both Kyoraku Ai, Hikari, and countless other people that changes the world will be remembered as a hero. The generation that changes the world. The generations called the 'Revolutionary'. They will be remembered even after decades and century have passed. They are the 'heros' that direct the future to a better direction.

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