A New Member

Chapter 3: A World To Discover, The New Legacy

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I woke up in the place that I'm quite familiar with. A beautiful place filled with cosmic object on the sky that is reflected by the water surface. A very beautiful place that I always see everyday everytime I sleep. I then started walking. I walk in a random direction. I walked while admiring the beautiful sky.




I've walked for a while and I finally see a familiar place. A garden. A beautiful garden filled with green grass, colorful flowers, pools of water and other things. The only thing missing is any animals. I then continue the sequence by walking to the seating area.

Its a beautiful bird cage architecture build with polished and smooth white marble. The seat is connected to the structure itself and the table is made out of wood that looks so smooth you can slide on it without getting blisters. On the table there are a few object. A cup, a teacup and a book. I sit down on the seat facing the book and the cup.

In my dreams the farthest I got is when I opened the book. I took a deep breath and pour down some tea. The tea itself is a traditional green tea. The colour is light with a nice aroma. I sipped some of it and immediately feel the nice taste of the somehow warmth green tea. I then placed my cup back to the table and looked at the book.

I opened the book without hesitation. The book has a title called 'The Passed Down Legacies'. I then started to read the book until the end.




<Time Skip ???>

I closed the book I was reading. It's a very interesting story. But, there's something I realised when I read it. That is the main character in the story is me. That book is a story written about me. The story are practically the same with just different names. But the book isn't entirely finished. There are still a lot of missing pages. 

I took a sip of my green tea again. Surprisingly, the tea still stayed warm even after all this time. I then decided to drink the rest of my green tea in my cup. After that, I opened the book again to the first missing page. The pages after it were empty blank paper. I then looked up to the sky. The beautiful stars shining upon me and the garden. I take a deep breath remembering the story after I died that I read in the book.

"They achieved their goals, huh. I always know they could do it." I said while smiling.

"My time isn't up yet. The book still has a lot of missing pages. I still need to fill them." I sighed.

"The next part of my life will be titled. 'The Start Of The New Legacy'" After I said that the book started to opened itself violently. The pages flipping very fast until it stops on a certain page.

The book stops at the first blank page and the title I chose appeared there. Suddenly a swarm of butterflies started to appear out of no where filling the whole garden. Other animals also started to appear such as fireflies. Now the garden really became a sight to behold. I smiled brightly then a flash of bright light appeared forcing me to close ny eyes.

"The One Who Wrotes It's Own Destiny. The One Who Will Change It's Own Fate. You have the power to change Your fate and destiny." A mysterious voice that sounds like a wise old man suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Your name is Nozomi, the promised one who will change the world. You shall write your own story and you shall also write your own ending. Change the world, my final message, Goodbye" When the voice said his goodbye, I suddenly blacked out, leaving me clueless of who he is. The voice itself sounded gentle and full of love. But, I'll worry about that later.




<3rd PoV>

"The soul that should has disappeared. The soul who change the 'Void' itself. The soul of the prophecy, may your journey be safe" The sound of the old man was still heard even after Nozomi blacked out. The source of the voice looked like an old man. He has a gentle smile on his face. 

After he said his words, he bowed towards the unconscious Nozomi and then disappeared like he's never there. Nozomi then started to glow by itself. Generating a light that can shine even the darkest of place. After the light dims down, Nozomi was nowhere to be found and the only evidence he was there is the opened book, with it's first page written.

'The Start Of The New Legacy'.




I opened my eyes and saw a different view from that place. A clear bright blue sky without any clouds. I then closed my eyes again but something keeps poking me on the side. I flailed a bit but instead of the thing going away there's more of them.

I then forcefully open my eyes and sat up. I looked to my side to see the thing that keeps poking me. I see a little white fluffy animal. It's a rabbit, but on top of its head is a horn. The horn looked quite sharp but the animal itself looked quite docile. There are 3 of them around me. When they saw that I'm awake they jumped to my lap excitedly. I'm quite startled by their movement let out a yelp.

"EEEEP-" But then I noticed somethings wrong. My voice sounded really high, just like a girl. I then looked down on my own body and noticed features that a girl would usually have. Small bumps on their chest and the feeling of something missing between my legs confirmed my suspicion.

"Eh, Why did I got turned into a girl?!" I shouted in surprise startling the 3 rabbits on my lap. The rabbits ran of to the nearest bush to hide while I was looking for a reflective surface. I found a body of water not far away from my place and rushed to it.

On the water, I saw a beautiful girl probably at the age of 12-13. She has a long snow white hair. She have big blue and green round eyes. Her left eye is light blue in colour while her right eye is emerald green in colour. She has the perfect facial structure. A beauty to behold. Behind her a shilloutte of something is seen. When she turned around there's a tail on her back. Then she turned back to the body of water and noticed a pair of animal ears on her head. Upon closer inspection it looks similar like a fox ear and the tail also looks similar. This girl is of course Nozomi.

"Eh?! Why did I turn like this" Nozomi complained in his now her high pitched voice. She then started to remember what happened before this and screamed.

"Change the world my ass!! How the hell did I got turned to a girl?!" I stomped my foot hard on the ground. The ground cracked because of the collision of my foot with the ground.

My eyes widens at this and I started to calm myself down. A thin layer of green aura emerges from my body. I noticed the green aura around me but surprisingly I felt calm. The cracked ground then started to recover itself. The ground that has been cracked now has been restored with a patch of grass growing on top of it just like before the destruction.

I then sit back down in a seiza position and realised the three rabbits started to approach me again. They carefully jumped onto my lap and they started to snuggle together. I then noticed my clothes that I'm wearing. 

I'm right now wearing a white yukata with a red obi. On the yukata there's a pattern of orange line that looks like a tail. On the obi there's also a pattern of the blooming sakura flower. I also noticed that the clothes didn't get dirty even after I sat on the ground.

"Quite the convinient clothes" I muttered while petting the rabbits. The place I'm on is a clearing in the middle of the forest. There are no trees here only grass and a body of water connected to a river as far as I can hear. I then began to think about this situation.

'As far as I know, this probably isn't earth and I'm also reborn. I was given a second chance, huh.' I though internally. Even though being turned into a girl isn't the best thing this is my second chance. A chance like this won't come another time after all' I made up my mind to live my life to the fullest here without anything to bound me. I looked up and smiled while still petting the rabbits. 

After a while the rabbits jumped off me and bowed??? towards me then ran off to god knows where. I decided to just ignore their behaviour and get ready to explore around. 

I looked towards the sun and determines the direction. I decided to just head out to my east which is also the direction of the flowing water sound. I walked on my feet and realised that I actually became much shorter than I originally am and it's quite annoying. Another thing is my balance on walking is quite bad as I can't really walk when I'm sick because I'm just too weak to move. So I started to get used to walk while approaching the sound of flowing water.




I walked for a while admiring the beauty of natures around me. When I'm walking through a certain dense part the plants looked like they were opening a path for me which was weird but I only think of it as hallucination. I'm right now in front of a river which is the source of the flowing water noise I've been hearing. 

The water is crystal clear that it reflect the sunlight just like a mirror. The water is flowing slowly and calmly. I could see some fish swimming around in the river. I took a scoop of water with my hand then drink it. The water is fresh and tasted just like how cold water tasted, refreshing. 

I then started walking again but remembered something. 

'What is that green aura that I emit?' I asked myself. I then started to experiment with it by trying to activate it the same way I did it the last time. I calmed myself down. I relaxed and force myself into a state of clear mind. Then the green aura started to emit again from my body. I also could feel it flowing through my body. I then started to experiment with it for a while.




<Time Skip ???>

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It's been..... I don't know how long, but considering the sun has not moved much then it's not that long. I have experimented with the green aura I emit for quite a while. There are quite the things I discovered. The green aura can actually control nature itself. So the reason why the rabbits and the plants respected me is because of this.

I could do a handful things about this. Like I could control nature to a certain extent. I could accelerate the growth of plants to a certain speed. I also could control plants and animals with the limitations that I need their consent also. So if they refused to obey me it won't work as I can't force them. I could also heal animals and plants from injuries to a fatal level. When I use this ability my right eye seems to glow.

Another thing that I also discovered is 'magic'. I can directly control different elements. Such as I could control liquid by mental command. But all of this ability will be tested out more later. For now right now I'm sitting on a rock besides the river surrounded by different type animals. There's a deer, some rabbits, some different type birds, and some other animals.

I'm quite happy because I've not really seen a lot of the world since I've been isolated inside the hospital for a long time. So having a chance to be loved by nature itself is quite fun. I'm just enjoying my life until a bitter smell entered my nose.

That's another thing I've found out is that my senses are all increased drastically. I look towards the source of smell. The animals understanding what I want to do immediately disperse calmly. A few of them bowed towards me then dispersed to do their own busnises. I only smiled back at them then looked back to the source of smell.

The smell is quite unpleasant, it's probably because the smell is similar to the bitter smell of the medicine back in the hospital. I smiled wryly thinking about it then just dispersed that thought. I then walked towards the source of smell.




<3rd PoV>

"RUN! We can't beat that thing!! It's a rare tier AA monster, the 'Red Furred Bear'." A rough voice shouted while running. He ran past two other people. The two hearing what he said immediately follow suit.

"HOW IS THAT THING EVEN HERE?!" A girl that sounded in her teenage years shouted at the man with a rough voice.

"How should I know?! That thing was supposed to be inside the forest much deeper" He answered while running.

"I think we should not talk too much and focus on running" A man with a calm voice suggested. They all come to an agreement to just focus on running away.

But the 'Red Furred Bear' is indeed faster than all of them so it's starting to catch up. The man with the rough voice seeing this widen his eyes a little. He stopped and turned around. He rubbed his palm together, then hit the ground with his palm while saying.

"Protect us from the enemy, Earth Wall!" as he said that the part of the ground he hits with his palm rise up forming a wall. He then started running again catching up to his other team. 

The 'Red Furred Bear' seeing the earth wall, didn't even stop for a second and smashed right through it. The earth wall that he conjured don't even last a second. He saw this and his pupil shrank.

"Shit, he's gonna catch up to us any moment now" He said and all three of them looked back at the same time.

"Based on my memory, the forest end is still far. So we can only fight it" The calm one spoke up with a little hesitation.

"Eh?! We can't fight that thing!! We're gonna get killed!" The girl complained. The girl complains isn't actually stupid. The monster 'Red Furred Bear' can destroy an entire town. The fur of this bear is very tough and have a 'burning' property. It's strength is also abnormal, but it's downside is it's speed. Even though it's downside is speed, it's speed still is faster than normal human. So no matter what they did, their attack won't work. So because they all understands, they can only keep running as fast as they could.




They managed to make the bear lost them and are now hiding in a cave. Even though they managed to hide from the bear, it won't be long before they were found again. They used a special herb that will generate a putrid bitter smell that will catch the bear's attention. They started to form new plans to escape.

"What can we do now?" The rough voiced male asked the others.

"Should we try and run?" The girl now a bit calmer suggested.

"I don't think thats a viable option." The calm voiced male denied the suggestion. To back up his claim, he took something out of his pocket.

"Look at this, this is where I think we are right now" He points at the brought out map of the forest. They all put their attention on where he points.

"This is the nearest viable option to run" He points at a certain location that is quite far from their position.

"I don't think we can outrun it" He concludes his explanation. They all started to racking up their brain to find a good solution. The rough voiced male spoke up with his idea.

"I think we should stay here and set up traps. That's the only viable option I can see" 

The idea was easily accepted as it is the most rational option for now. They looked at each other and nod. And so they all got to working on their little time they have.




"This is all we can do" The rough voiced male said.

"Yeah, the only thing we can do is now play smart" The calm one said. The girl is now resting near the back of the cave.

There are a lot of things to look out when making the traps. One of them is to ensure they don't get trapped inside the caves and no fire traps. So they improvised to use only things that can stall time for them to run.

The two males then go towards the entrance of the caves to scout for the bear. Once their outside the smell of the herb is already dissipating that means the bear will be able to smell them. They skillfully scouted the area for the bear but didn't found it. They are positive that the bear won't let them run as it's one of the 'Red Furred Bear' charateristics. Once it found it's prey, it will chase you until either you die or you defeat it. So they keep scouting around while having their guards up.




They have arrived at the area of where they put the herbs originally. They started to activcate their stealth skill to ensure them to be not found.

"Blend In With The Environment,Camouflage!" The calm one chanted. The spell took effect not long after making them blending in with the environment around them. They then started to move slowly.

"Do you see anything?" The rough voiced one asked.

"I don't. But there are the bear's footprints, so he must be still here, careful." The calm one answered and the rough voiced one nodded. They continued moving forwards until they reached a clearing besides the river. The rough voiced one made a hand gesture telling the calm one to stop.

Besides the river they saw an unbelievable sight. They saw the 'Red Furred Bear' sitting next to a rock while eating some fish. But the most unbeliavable thing are, there is a little girl next to the bear. She's sitting on a rock while eating some berries herself. If things could not get any weirder, she's petting the bear itself.

The two saw this and widen their eyes. Not because of the weird sight in front of them, but because the little girl is looking at them while smiling. They started to turn around trying to run away but the plan failed as she called out to them

"Hello? The two of you can come out you know? What are you doing?" When they turned around again, the little girl and the bear is behind them shocking both of them even the calm one making them pass out.

"Ehhhh, why did they pass out? I just wanna ask what are they doing here." The little girl sighed.

"Mr. Bear, can you bring both of them to the rock" The little girl asked the bear and the bear growled and nodded in response.

"Good Grief, What's with them?" The little girl sighed once again, before getting back to eat the berries she collected.

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