A Ranger’s Tensei

Chapter 16: Chapter 004 : What It Takes To Be A Braver Part.3

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~Point of View : Laws~


*Tick, TACK!*


Two swords made from the spirits of Earth is currently 'Clashing' as the wielders are making rough movements, imitating bouts that Sword-wielders might do in their spare time.


Both are still charging head on even after minutes on end, with their body dangling to the sides as they sprint with their sweats scattering to the ground they step upon.

Eynor and Rudeus : "Hyah! /Uwooh!"




Rudeus and Eynor are fraternal twins from the Greyrat family that doesn't hold another name like the Notos, Boreas, Euros and/or Zephyrus; Paul just happened to cut his ties with his former formal name that he used to carry, that is Notos.




One of them got stunned as he puts down his training weapon on the ground.

Rudeus :"Khh, your slashes sure is we-". He was interrupted by Eynor who tries to slash him on his weakened state.




The frontal attack was blocked, no, Parried by Rudeus, as that was a fluke from him and Eynor goes all out with perilous attacks of his now that he knows of this.

Eynor :"AGH!!"


*Tack, Tick, THWACK!*


Seeing them gets so close like this, reminds me of how precious childhood is for a child born of the Greyrat family, and they are thankfully is just exactly that.

My family but mostfully me, wasn't welcome in the village once when someone came wind that I was a child born of a certain wandering night goers that I haven't seen in more than decades. Muds and Eggs was thrown at our home at that time, and there was a point where a mob was formed just to kick me out individually. But through all the mobs that tries to move us out, he talk sense to the people of Buena Village that they should try not to discriminate, even if they were to be of Demon Race of the Demon's Continent.


And when our daughter was born with Signs of Laplace's Vessel on her hair being green, it shook the two of us as we were afraid we'll have to move out of the village after years of living life inside it.

As a friend and fellow comrade who sticks with Paul through obstacles and dangers for years, He was the first both me and Bea consults to regarding Sylphy's abnormality in the middle of a night. I used to thought that he'll send us out to another continent, I used to thought that he'll bring her to the wolves' den, I used to thought that he'll slit our kid's throat right in front of us. But No, he does none of that, and still Welcomes us, Acknowledges us, and Congratulates the birth of our daughter.

And so after that night, I stand side-by-side with Paul whenever he needs my help, clumsy and weak as I may be, I'll watch over his kids with undiscriminating fury to any danger that'll approach these two, just lime the care he gave lots to me.


They are both currently learning Magic or Spiritual Arts as us Elves know it from way long ago as it is written in our race's tales, and a Close-combat Art of Swordsmanship, in which they are following after their caretakers' path. But for whatever reason, Paul asked my opinion regarding if his kids where to stray from their path, and goes to forge a new one that'll be filled with new kinds of life difficulties and hardships the other Greyrats wasn't used to. In which I answered, in short, 'Just let them go and see what fits them most'


Rudeus is very similar to his father, Paul, in that he targets my daughter the first time with impure intention but at that time, before he can step forward to my cradling girl, Eynor put a stop to him and talked over something. But even if he doesn't do that, I'll still welcome him over just to have Sylphy befriend kids of her age. Another reason is that I don't want Sylphy to always cower in front of people, as I as her father wants the best possible path for her to live in, so long as she is not miserable and smiles to those she cherishes upon.


Who intrigues me the most of them all, is Eynor Greyrat.

Despite being of a Greyrat, one thing that differentiates him from the other members of the family, is that he isn't doing the actions of approaching attractive women, and even Cringes upon seeing both his father and brother does said action.

And his aura that I felt with the guide of Nature's spirits that have some present with me always, while that is most often of a soothing warmth, at times switches to a cold frosting one when he doesn't take whatever's in front of him is up to his taste.

And one thing that is very apparent to me, while Paul gleams over Swords and Rudeus over Magic, Eynor gleams over Bows and Arrows. Along the way here, I actually came up with an idea of inviting him to our house and see me practice Bowmanship at the afternoons after guarding the village over the beasts, but not without Paul's consent as he is not present at the perimeter I'm watching over from this height of a tree's branch.




Both of them are out of breath with the swords nowhere to be seen, possibly the blacks on the ground near their surroundings as there is no victor, and their bout is in the state of a Tie.

Eynor and Rudeus :"Dra~w!/Draw...!"




Two Water Balls is conjured by the two, as they take a proper sitting posture and swallow them whole.

Eynor and Rudeus :"Aha~h!/Fwaah!". They then both slump down again in unison, and is opening their mouth to chat some topics on their own, as I don't focus at their voices but more to the sounds of the forest.




The Nature's spirits told of me that something big is nearby.

My ears twitches as I sensed something is coming near us, slowly but surely creeping around the two kids as it tries to pounce on their unsuspecting selves.

Me : "Kids! Come Closer to Me!". I drop down from the branch I was positioned at, and approaches them while I take away two objects from inside my inner shirt pocket that Paul asked of me to make. "Take Them, and try to shoot some rocks at that direction, yeah?"




Rudeus tries to open his mouth as to speak up, but is halted by Eynor who is shaking his head as he conjures some pebbles made from the spirits of Earth, in which Rudeus nods and follow suit to make his.


These two objects I made are Slingshots, the ones that some of the kids in our village made but he asked me to make it 'Specially-made', like he wants it as Charms or Gifts for these two. They are just as he asked, 'Specially-made' by me as he gathered the materials of leathers, some exported and professionally-finished woods, and rubbers. I carved each their own name before meeting them, some runes that I savor within my race of Elves, as I do not want to disappoint both parties of my makings.

Paul told me to give it to them whenever they're in a hitch of what to do after getting out of things to do. 'Who would've thought that they'll be used right away, and to scare off beasts, no less?'


Both prepares to shoot their shots, as they pull the ends of their slings, and let their hands go towards the direction they're aiming at.




A rather big pig is the one thing that I wasn't expecting to be hiding within the tall grasses, as it back away to where it may came from and vanishes from the sensors of Nature's spirits.

Eynor :"Owh? So there's something looking at us there?". They look at me curiously, with Eynor putting on a still face like he somehow sensed it while take a break with his brother.


Since he is sharp on his senses, I can tell from that dull expression of his, I can't really look him at the eyes as I scratch my neck while looking to the distance where the 'Pig' went to.

Me ;"Ahaha, sorry for not telling you boys"


They look at each other, and shrugs it off as nothing big.

Rudeus :"Still though, didn't think we actually gets to be given our slings this early on, and it's so cool!". As Rudeus inspects his newly-made toy at around the handle in which I carved a rune in it that might represent him, the image of Swords and Magic.


Beaming his smile pretty wide up to my face, I figure that I guess this is all worth it after all.

Me :"Hmmph, it seems that all those days is all spent wisely"


The little of the two twitches as I said my word, as if he seemed to guess what I meant by that.

Eynor :"Wait… You're the one who made this for us?"


The more I get to interact with the child, the more I sense that he is someone I'd best behave in the near-future even as little as he is.

Me :"Y-yeah… It's for thanks for wanting to speak with Sylphy after years of isolation". Since I just added my gratitude to the slings, I figured that it might impress them furthermore.


The twins look at each other again, as they nods to each other, and lift their head facing me, smiling with their teeth shown.

Eynor and Rudeus :"Thanks! / Thank You!". With how precious their smile is, since I don't get to meet many children of the village as a parent of a 'Cursed' child, this moment makes me shed some tears inside my heart with happiness.


I crouch to their level as I put down my bow to the ground, as I am now patting them on their head for their gracious smiles that gives me more reason to get along with Paul's family in the village.

Me :"No, children, I Thank You". They accept it with a warm welcome, giggling as they look at their toys being fulfilled in some way.


*Ping, Ping!, PING!!*


My Nature's spirits is telling me something fast is approaching with the speed of a running tiger.

I instinctively grabbed my bow and released my quiver from its lock as I load three arrows on the string, covering the Greyrat twins besides me as I survey what is coming towards us.

Me :"Stay Behind Me, Kids! There Is Something Comi-"




I was pushed to the side of where I was supposed to be, wondering if I failed at detecting that the thing might be coming from behind us.

Opening my eyes, I am facing my sides to the ground as I feel my body bruised up with the impact of the knock.

Feeling my bones like they are splintered, I try to move a muscle but the shock is still present, and so I keep on forcing against the pain as to see the boys' condition.




As I gather my consciousness, I notice that my hands are empty with the metal-head arrows tattered and my elk-wood bow thrown pretty far near the table from our position.


*Thwack, THWACK!*


Trying to lift my body from the ground, when I lift my head after noticing blood that is dropping from my right arm, I see two midget figure flanking what seems like a gigantic Pig.

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Eynor :" *Grunts*. Hit It On The Sides, Rudy!!". They are now hiding behind a thick wall arcing against the Pig that he made from Earthen magic.


Both are now in full alert as I who was supposed to be their guardian at the meanwhile got knocked away, but I know I must protect them even if it can be considered fatal for me.




Rudeus :"Earth Bullet!!". Peaking out of the walls that they made, he conjured Mana as he is making many sharp spearhead, which then later flies off towards the big thing.




Seems as it is now being in pain, I sprint to where my bow is with the arrows I could made us of now, as I draw a three-shots towards it.





What I did not expect is that it bounces them off, as I try to reposition myself as to gain advantage over this thing until someone goes along and help us who's in a pinch.

Eynor :"Rudeus!! GO!!". With Eynor pleading for his brother to call for help, Rudeus sprints to the direction of the camp, leaving the two of us to fend off this thing with all our might.


Since I don't know if Eynor is capable of taking a brute force from this beast head on, I run to it's left as to stray its attention away from the child, since Paul has stayed through with me who should be despised, and I will protect his kin at all costs.




Having shot an arrow near its eyes, it is now turning to me as it noe goes on to prepare to charge me head on.


With it still on standby, I crouches down with a hand on my quiver, the last shot that is strapped inside in occasions like this, a metal arrow.

Me :"Oh Spirit Goddess Sylv! Guide My Aim As To Stray The Ones Facing Me With Your Winds, ". The arrow is now glistening with an invisible charm with a glint on its front now being enchanted with, the Enchantment of Advanced-level Wind Magic. "Ensuring Of Its Quick And Merciful Judgement Of Yours," I draw with it the strongest desire I have, To Stay Alive. "SPIRALING BURST!!"




With the last usable arrow now discarded for the shot, I throw my bow away to Eynor's direction who is now preparing something from his side after I threw it away.




Unsheathing my long dagger, I snatch something from my pants pocket a brown ball with ropes entangling it, a smoke bomb, and Red Vial Potion for me to keep standing if just a bit longer.




With it now trying to ram at me, I put down a smokescreen as I jump at the trees distanced away from it, as I try to see whether it either crazes at the surrounding or try and search for my presence.

Eynor :"It's Feets Is Frozen In Place!!"

Fortunately, it is the latter, and Eynor helps me with his Ice Magic with the pig now not being able to lift it's legs, and I jump down to its back near the middle for a killing blow.




As expected, it is trying to get me off its back by shaking franticly to the sides, as I stab it times and times through while utilizing other ways for me to damage it.

Me :"FLAME SLICE!!". A heat wave in the form of red is seen bulging inside the damages that I am focusing where my dagger is.




Unfortunately for us, the ice isn't strong enough to hold it in place.

Me :"EYN!! RUN AWA-"




It jumps up high as to shake me off its back, and my hands naturally tries to grip its meat as hard as it can, though they are unmatched by the superior brute force of the beast.

It shook me of its back by the momentum of the falling, and I am now knocked again to the ground, towards a tree.




Almost losing my life again, I lift my head again, and there I see the pig is readying itself for the final killing blow on me.




Its making the voice of mockery, despite being of an animal that is mutated by Mana, it knows how to agitate a person who isn't able to do a thing now that my weapons is gone and my Mana's dwindling.


*Boom, Boom!!, BOOM!!!*



I can hear it approaches me for another ram, and I close my heart as I feel that I may pass away as I experience my life flashes before me.


But through its running, I somehow hear the sound of a bowstring and something accompanying it, drawing a shot.

Eynor :"PERIL"




My face was muddled up with mud-like texture liquid, and I open my eyes to see whether I arrived at the Gate of Life or Death.

Me :"Eugh, What In The Name of…". But what I see isn't supposed to happened, except in the hands of a killer. " *Sighs* Healing". I cast a basic Healing magic, as my potions are now empty and now I can only waste however many Mana I have just to fix my legs to walk around.


There is fountains of blood gurgling out of the pig's now in half body as its insides is now scattered on the red-painted ground, and there is a trace of sceneries changed around me.




A tree or something heavily wooden falls just behind me, and I wonder whether I am having a dream or a nightmare before my eyes. A row of greenery is now switched with the sight of barren ground, a Mark of Destruction by an abnormally powered being.


Eynor :"(faint) F-fuck…". Eynor's voice woke me from my still wandering mind, and I see his clothes torn apart from the fight just now with some cuts on his hands and bruises on his body.

But to my dismay, he is now swaying while holding my bow in his hands, and falls down from exhaustion from the fight.




He is laying down with his face looking at the sky, and I muster up any strength to stand up and walk to him.

Eynor :"(faint) H- *Cough, Cough!!* Healing…"




The color green is manifesting around his body, as he cast Healing on himself but somehow more lushly on its color and more particles from his hands.

Eynor :"(faint) Mister Laws? Is that you?"


His low voice is making me rush to him to see whether he have any fatal injuries, which thankfully he isn't but his body is heating up from possibly exhausting either his Mana or Touki, or even worse, Both.

Me :"Heal- Agh…". I try to cast my own Healing on him, but my Mana is now empty from disposal.




Eynor :"H-healing…". Even through his pain, he instead of Healing himself, cast it on me for tens of seconds, before losing consciousness and his breath now heavy.


With my body miraculously now having the bones inside feeling a little better, I lift Eynor up as I let him rest on my back, with me going to the direction of the camp through the forest, wanting to seek help.

Me :" *Cough*. I Thank You Again, Kindred of Greyrat"




. . .

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