A Ranger’s Tensei

Chapter 17: Chapter 004 : Past Reminiscence : 2

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. . . Prior to Reincarnation, less than 4 years ago. . .


There is a place that if I were to go, I would be at peace inside and met with serenity despite the sounds of the people doing things in cities, and that is just a shooting range of a park for archery.

Wearing just black casual sleeveless shirt and black shorts with gray croc sandals as my footwear, I fashion my clothes simple and outgoing.




Many arrows from people that stretches in a horizontal line from both sides over either hits the circle, barely in the middle or misses and strayed off point to the grasses, in which the attendant of this place must pluck by hands with care since there is also the other archers in place, taking shots and whatnot.


The park is too wide for me to trek by foot, and so I ride a trekking bicycle that is being locked with guards around them, paying about Rp.3000 (1-2 cents) for each time I go here and out.




The tail of an arrow is being pulled from a targeting range, in which I am still not able to hit the circle in the middle.

Me :"This body of mine sure is adamant on keeping itself steady… *Sighs* ". I've gone out to a green park on where our base of operation is, with me now taking an R&D a.k.a Break from work for a week after an escorting mission in which I act as an insurgent that wants a certain politician figure dead.


Our team stays at a nearby dormitory in a fairly kept housing in Indonesia, Jakarta, naturally, as there are many others who are lining up their shots for reasons of their own.

At around 6.30, I woke up with a 5 minute stretching session before making my bed alongside Sierra and Irsik who is applying their own waking schedule, seeing as the next few months will be their retirement from the team, and this line of work as a whole.




Drawing my own self for another shot, I put my focus on such relaxing activity that I've been keeping myself worked with for at least 3 years, just drawing and shooting.




A door that gates the metal wires here and out is being opened by a figure that I am not exactly fond off to begin with.

Sierra :"So here you are, little guy!". Since he is currently disrupting my Trance, I undo the work I've put on the bow as I don't feel like doing it with another person nearby me.


His face isn't really what I'd call handsome nor ugly; not too sharp in his jawline, nor does his brown eyes differ much from the rest of the team, and neither is his buzz cut hair that enticing to attract people's attention. He's somewhere in between as most Indonesian does with how taxing physical labor is getting from the 2010s to the current time, 2035.

Wearing a casual blue tank-top with his not too big muscles on all sides, it is very clear that he is a natural bodybuilder. His legs that wears a brown shorts and white football shoes isn't that far off too, being big but not so that he can't crouch like how the Russians and Indians does as we does, since we both often play soccer both football and Takraw, a thing from our own lineage by the Malayan ancestors that we keep since it is quite easy to do if you're fond of juggling soccer balls.

Sierra :"Why'd you stop there, mate?". He looks at me with a dissatisfied look since I've stopped my shot.


Seeing him get all disrespectful with me, my face twitches as I glare at him a fiery one squint.

Me :"Ngh, You really need to ask that, man?"


He jokingly raises his hands in surrender, as he still approaches me with a calm attitude.

Sierra :"Aight, aight, just saying that you shouldn't be killing time with just this. Want to go on with soccer?"


Since there maybe the others waiting for me, I pick another arrow for me to draw the string with.

Me :"Just after this, will you?"


He nods respectfully, as I gather all my inner strength to ready up a shot.




Taking on a posture of a certain influencer online mixed with my own inspiration by another figure of history.

You are reading story A Ranger’s Tensei at novel35.com

Back's straight, Legs making a V line not too far from the other, no Weight being put heavier over the others, and a Relaxes my own self as a whole, and the shot is up to me to be released after I arch it upward by a degree, while adjusting my body to keep it steady while waiting for the right moment to come.

There is two kinds of shooter in this thing : Those who let their body does the job for releasing the string, and Those who let the string does the job to slip out of their hands.


Those who knows the difference in these two will fundamentally change their view on how they will draw up a shot.

And for me, I am that of the former, an Amateur of Bows and Arrows.




It now swings left and right franticly, in dismay of the popular belief that arrows flies straight as how a bullet does, and which both doesn't really go and do just that.





With it hitting just a bit off mark from being a bullseye, I bring the bow I rent for a session to be put back to their places on the walls where the attendants keep watch of.

Sierra :"Good Stuff, Sports"


Me :"Thanks, but I'm hungry now". I walk with him to the exit as I open the door with him just behind.




Walking out of the place, I wander my eyes off to the distance, seeing the mountains seldom not being covered by the clouds.

Sierra :"You can say that again after a- Surprise Attack!"


My instinct tells me to duck from what he'll be doing : Martial Arts Play.

And it turns out true, as he just did a sweeping attack before going on the frontal kick with his right leg.


Fortunately, C.Q.B isn't a thing that I miss day by day, and so I put a hand on his now kicking leg and redirects it to the ground and lock it in place with my other leg standing on top of his, stunning him.




His attacks always does such unbearably easy to memorize pattern, in which I did myself a favor by applying : Anti-Thrusting Technique.

Sierra :"Not Too Shabby, bud!". He cleans his body from the few seconds we 'played' just near the archery spot.


I scrub the dirt and dust off mine, as I keep on marching to where the empty green field is.

Me :"Yeah, yeah, thanks for the reminder. So, we going or what?"


He goes to where he'll rent the balls at some of the shops nearby.

Sierra :"How about Takraw?"


I follow him to where he'll be going, since I am left with nothing to do with my phone being charges on tbe dormitory.

Me :"Just pick on either. My stomach aches, dude!"


Those are the days where I'll be spending my Archery day by day, and that one as the last in which I get to see Sierra giggles off my hard earned hobby.


. . .

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