A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 53: [Arc 2] Chapter 1: The humanoid Arch-Demon

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*Cough, cough, cough*

S-something came up, but I'm in no position to read it. Mhhg, blearg...


Hah, hah, okay, I'm fine... hmgh!

... I'm fine now. I don't have any more to throw up. Not that I had anything in my stomach anyway. The part about turning starved because of evolution helped me this time around. Unlike the two first evolutions, I don't have the sensation of starvation, so I should be fine for a little while. 

Damn, what was that dream, no, nightmare? I was watching it in both first- and third-person perspectives, being both the audience and the actor at once. And the worst part, I was that woman! Why?! Just why did I have to go through that dead-end experience?! People get traumatized for smaller stuff than that, you know?!

As a bonus, I felt how my body was handled even after... *shudder*. Please, don't let me retell that. The point is, I felt what happened to my body, all of my body, even after the point where one should have been dead.

Trust me, it was not an experience you want to live through. Being alive even when you're... hmg! Sorry about that. But being alive after getting done in like that, that's an experience nobody could live with afterward, even if they survived. You would need to be a vampire or something, to be 'alive' after that. Not that I'm sure they could be classified as alive...

There's one more important question here, but before I go there, let me start from the beginning. More precisely, about my current race. The reason why I was down for the cold, sleeping just beside the Dungeon Core of the Dungeon, the Water-Knot of Glavras, is because I reached the max level of my previous species, Reha Zera.

Since I could make the monsters inhabiting the Dungeon stay away from this place, I thought, why not evolve here? The place is safe as the bank, so I had no reason not to do it. It was uncertain if I could find a better place, and there's no way any potential Adventurers could come and breach the Dungeon before the evolution was finished.

I had a total of 4 evolution options (Dragon Devourer was just, no way). Before I talk about the evolution I took, let me explain why I didn't take any of the other 3.

The next stage of Reha Zera, the Hekera Zera, was a no-go. It had some interesting skills of the fire-attribute, and some life magic as well. The bad part was, that since it sounded like some sort of local god, according to its appraisal-description, I got the feeling that people would start to bug me if I chose that.

Being worshiped and all sounds great for many, but that would also lead to people, with less pleasant ideas, coming after me. Do you think someone like me can handle the stress of being a potential kidnapping target? Nuh-uh. 

Then there was that worshiping thing. I'm a straight-out loner, and I'm proud of it! Do you think someone estranged from human contact for who knows how long, could handle the pressure of being an idol? Nope. Never. I can't even sing. Not that I've tried, and I don't wanna try.

It was for the same reason that I left the dino-trio on their own, back with the spider-raid plan. I was at my limit with training the whole herd! Don't make a shut-in do all that social work! Wait. does it count being a shut-in if you have lived your whole life inside a dungeon? Anyway, that's the reason for me not wanting the Hekera Zera evolution.

It's for the same reason I didn't choose Karikapros. Sure, I'll be stuck with a goat head for the rest of my life, big deal. Try being some undeveloped goop and see how that's faring. The Karikapros-race may come with some cool magic, but magic is more of a hobby for me.

My playing style has, from birth, been that of a hunter. Nowadays, it's more like a magical-assassin, but the main point is still there, trapping enemies, then go for the kill. While Karikapros isn't so bad, it sounds more like a pure magician-race. What if I lost some skills? Not that big chance for that, but you can never be too safe.

Then there's the biggest demerit of the race: the [Blessing] skill. Its effects are to gift your talents to others. Not that it's a bad thing, but there'll be tons of applicants for that.

One of my previous evolution options included something called a Maneko. It had the same skill, but the effect would be different between the two races. The Maneko's [Blessing] would be a luck-granting blessing, while a Karikapros' would make you better with dark magic. Not the element only, but any kind of demonic, and/or evil magic.

Once I've given in for one magician wanting a shortcut to success, you bet tons of others would come and demand a blessing. Humans are greedy and demanding creatures after all. So yeah, Karikapros doesn't sound like the best option, not for me anyway. Good luck to all the goat heads out there.

Then, there's the Diablo. From the sounds of it, it's the devil. Bet there was some Spanish speaking Migrant that named that race. It sounds pretty awesome, but its abilities are weak. I checked the skills it gave, but they're cheap as a new year sale. [Leadership] was 2 points, [Charisma] 1, and [Poker Face] 3. Am I that easy to read...

As people could guess, Diablo wasn't that attractive. It sounded nice that they're known for getting harems, but can an anti-social outcast like me manage that? My thoughts exactly. It's still kinda tempting, but nah. There's slaves and such in this world apparently, maybe I should put my money there, literally and metaphorically speaking.

Then, there's the final option. You guessed it, Kur Kigal. It was the only option that needed a specific karma value, a negative one, so I was a little in doubt in taking this as well. The other evolution options from before that needed negative karma were far from family-friendly. If someone needs a reminder, think Living Bog.

On the other hand, this race needed a ton of requirements to evolve into it, and, it was a C+ monster, while the rest is C and C-. Kur Kigal is stronger, more suited for my battle style, and to be honest, sounds like the coolest one in the bunch.

Some parts bugged me though; The first one was the negative karma. Second, the fact that most of the skills it has overlap with the ones I already have. Third, the strange appraisal description.

When I appraised the Kur Kigal option, there were some holes in between the description I got. Like the one who wrote it, either some angels or some Gods decided to be lazy, and half-assed it. No matter how you look at it, it's suspicious as hell.

However, as many may have noticed already, I'm a sucker for both mysteries and good deals. Give me an option to evolve, and I'll take it. Dangle a fancy class, and I'm taken, hook, line, and sinker. Yeah, I know it's immature, but I can't help it! I'll be more careful after this though.

Want to know why? Because I chose Kur Kigal. I noticed it while throwing up, the fact that Kur Kigal had the body of a human.

You heard me, a human body! After all this time! Some parts distance me from regular humans.

First up is the [Albino] skill. It makes my whole body turn white. Not the 'pale as a corpse' white, nor the 'snow princess' style white, but pure white. It's not a striking white either, and the strangest part is that the skin doesn't look unhealthy at all.

It's like a filter was used on my skin, turning it white, no, making it so that it was supposed to be white from the beginning. It's difficult to explain, think of it like a 'demonic white' color. That's the best description I can come up with.

Then, part two. I know for certain that I was a man before I died. It's one of the few parts of my previous life that I remember, therefore, I'm certain about this. Then, why am I a girl now?! Not to mention, one with a dynamite body?!

My height ain't that much, around 160cm, or maybe a little more. My body is overall slim, except the parts that should stick out.

My arms are of the slim, but strong type, meaning they don't have much fat on them, but the muscles aren't showing that much either. It's not like I'm a beansprout, but a muscle builder isn't my first choice of an assassin. The arms ain't of the short side either, but neither too long. Not much to say about my hands, except they're the dexterous kind, like that of an artisan. 

Then, there are the parts that stick out. My legs are like my arms, long and with no excessive fat or visible muscles. Unlike my arms, they aren't exactly thin. My hips are wide enough to gather the attention of those who have a hip-fetish. Not enough to be called thicc though.

Speaking of fetish, my breasts are huge. No, seriously. They're the size that they spill out of my hand when I'm grabbing them. Not ridiculously big, but big enough to be attractive, while not being in the way too much. ...I didn't grab them that... okay, I lied. I grabbed them for some while. N-not more than a minute! I swear! So don't look at me with those eyes!

M-moving on, my waist is slim enough to complete the hourglass-figure. My hair is, as you could guess, white as my skin, and it reaches my shoulders. The hair has purple highlights, with two large ones covering my ears from the front, as well as a smaller one on the hair that covers my forehead.

Another thing. I've got no body hair, only the regular one on my head, and my eyebrows. Must be some demon-thing. Reha Zera was the same.

From the reflection of the lake, I can see that my face is pretty, with big eyes, a small nose, and a mouth. The eyes have turned into normal human-eyes, and the color has changed from a purplish burgundy to dark purple. The pupil is different from a human's, being white at the rim, and the rest is black. 

All in all, my body is one that's able to move smoothly, while also being alluring. Probably because all creatures of the species will be Assassins. Honey traps are something that's part of a female assassin's work after all.

Female is a little wrong. Most of my body is female though, but I have additional male parts as well. I've turned into something that's called a hermaphrodite. And, as if to add injury to insult, my member is bigger than what I had in my previous life. At least, I got the feeling that it's bigger now. Now when most of my body is female... My pride as a man is...

WHAAAHH!! Time to change the subject! Forcefully subject change switch, activated!

My body ain't completely like a human either, not counting the gender mess up. I've kept the fangs I had from when I was a Reha Zera, which kinda resembles those of a vampire, just not that long. My ears look like that of an elf, albeit way shorter, around the size of the ears of a human.

Another difference is the black zigzag-mark on my face. It goes over my left eye and said eye's sclerae black. I've also developed straight horns, located right above my forehead. They resemble the horns of Japanese Onis. They're black, with purple marks on them.

That's not the only extra appendages the evolution has given me. I've got 8 additional spider legs now. Two pair is located on my shoulder-blades, where you would find the wings on angels and demons. The remaining two pair is on my back, just above my hips.

The legs are at the size of my upper arm, but they could extend themselves whenever I wanted. All the legs are black, with purple markings like on the horns, only with a different pattern.

I tested it a little, and I'm able to speak now. Not that I'm comfortable with having a female voice now. Ain't there something I can do to change that? Oh wait, [Transformation] could fix this, How did I take up that transformation menu again?



Available transformations:

  • Kur Kigal
    • Human Form
  • Reha Zera
  • Grey Demon

Temporary transformations:

  • None

Gender transformation.


It's been a long time since I've been using the skill with my instincts instead of using the System like this. And most of my transformations are gone if they were even registered at all. The only ones left are my previous evolution stages.

I can't become a raptor anymore, no big surprise there since it took a lot of concentration to get it somewhat right. I can't even become a Glavras spider anymore. Did I forget how to do it, or is it that they were just registered as temporary transformations? Well, I just need to use the morph ability if I need to trick those block-heads again.

To my pleasant surprise, I'm able to change my gender. Why wasn't I able to do that before? Was Reha Zera a genderless demon? Sounds reasonable. Before that, I'll try the human form first.

My horns and the spider legs disappeared in the usual black-smoke manner. What remained was a regular human woman. An albino one, with some gender problems, but still a human.

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When I looked at the lake again, I saw that the large highlights had disappeared, leaving only the small one left. The black mark went poof as well, turning my left eye's sclerae white. My eyes are still the same, with the strange pupils and all.

Now then, for about gender transformation? Hmm, I can choose between male, female, both of them (current), or no gender at all. Let's start with the female one.

Okay, the only change is that I lost my son. So my base state is more female than anything. Oh, the depression...

How's the male form then! Transform!

...Letdown. The male form is a serious letdown. It's just the female form turned androgynous. While I lost the hourglass-figure, the result is still a girly-looking male. Not only am I capable of using honey traps, but I'm an actual trap as well?! *Sigh*

I'm not gonna test out the gender-fluid option, I can already see how that's gonna turn out. Guess I'm stuck with this tomgirl body then. Anyway, I ignored the announcement from before because I started to vomit air due to the nightmare.

The good thing about these window announcements is that you can minimize the announcement windows, like how you do it with a  computer. Then you can open up the window again when you have the time to look at the contents. Never used that function before, but I'm glad it exists.




Garami has evolved to [Kur Kigal].

Through evolution, 1.0 skill points obtained.

Due to evolving to a higher-ranked race, the amount of skill points obtained is increased from 0.3 points to 0.5 points


Through evolution, skill [Assassination Arts LV5] is obtained.

Through evolution, skill [Darkness Magic LV1] is obtained.

Through evolution, skill [Lewd Demon LV1] is obtained.

Through evolution, skill [Golden Ratio] is obtained.

Through evolution, skill [Body Replica LV1] is obtained.


Skill [Assassination Arts LV5] is integrated into skill [Assassinatuib Arts LV23]

Skill [Darkness Magic LV1] is integrated into skill [Darkness Magic LV1]


Conditions satisfied.

Title [Demon] has been upgraded to the title [Arch-Demon]

Through acquiring the title [Arch-Demon], the skill [Demonic Vault LV1] is obtained.

Through acquiring the title [Arch-Demon], the skill [Kin Creation LV1] is obtained.

Through acquiring the title [Arch-Demon], the skill [Kin Promotion LV1] is obtained.


Skill [Demonic Storage LV21] is integrated into skill [Demonic Vault LV1]


There are too many points to point out. Let's take it from the top, and ask, who, or what is 'Garami'? Shouldn't it be 'individual [Reha Zera]' there? Did evolving give me a name? No, that can't be it. I don't get the idea behind it, but it's better than anything too generic,

Ignoring that question for later, what do you mean with [Lewd Demon]? I'm not that lewd! ... I mean it! Okay, I confess. It fits me.

But why do I get it as an evolution bonus? Were the blank parts referring to this skill? Then it wasn't just the writers being lazy. That [Golden Ratio] skill must have been the same. I kinda guess what it does, seeing that the female transformation was right in my strike zone. Not that it does any good being that girl *mumble, mumble*.

Then, there's the Arch-Demon title. Did I climb the stairs of demon society with this evolution? My storage was turned into a vault, so, do I have more security for the price of less storing space, or is it just the regular power up?

Finally. there are these 'kin' skills. I know that demons are supposed to be nobles of hell or something like that. Then, are kin the servants of those nobles? Or is it their families? I'll need to check up on that afterward. Not that I wanna test out the creation skill. It sounds like it creates life from scratch. I need way more info on that. And about the promotion skill, don't I need a trustable target for that one? Yeah, I won't be getting any kin in the nearest future.

Then, all that remains is to check what other info about my race that's been blanked out. 

[Okay, here.] - ???




  • Rank E or higher Demonic Creature at LV20
  • Assassin class of LV10 or higher
  • Darkness attribute skills with a total level of 10 or more
  • Heretic attribute skills with a total level of 20 or more
  • [Transformation] skill at level 10 or more
  • Negative Karma Value of 100 or more

Rank: C+

Attribute: Darkness, Heretic

Acquired skills:

  • [Assassination Arts LV5]
  • [Darkness Magic LV1]
  • [Lewd Demon LV1]
  • [Golden Ratio]
  • [Body Replica LV1]


A humanoid arch-demon who's named after the underworld of a world far away from Terra Sol.

True to its name, this demon is an expert in sending people to their graves. A demon that is also an expert assassin, one of the few examples of an evolution that requires a specific class.

This demon is a distant relative of the Dream Demons. This is evident in the skill [Lewd Demon], a racial skill that's shared with said species, especially the Succubus and Incubus. 

Kur Kigal is a battle-orientated monster, that uses multiple tactics and skills to overcome their opponents. This is evident in that a Kur Kigal's stats are lower than any other C-rank monsters. However, the great variety of skills, and intellect, makes the Kur Kigal's species rank rise to C+.

Like its relatives, the Kur Kigal is a human-shaped demon. Unlike the Succubus and Incubus, Kur Kigal has retained their pre-evolutions' traits. This could be anything from extra limbs, wings, scale skin, or even tentacles.

A Kigal Kur is also a master in magic, being able to use most of what can be classified as Black Magic, with certain exemptions, depending on the individual. 


Oh, it's the complete evolution description. How helpful, hey! Who did that?

The description window is more like a hologram than the mental HUDHeads-Up Display. that the normal System windows use. Where did this come from?

Below the hologram, there's something that looks like a handheld game console. It's this guy that's projecting the hologram. Strangely, it has the same color scheme as my horns and spider legs, black and purple. How did this thing come here?

[Yo!] - ???

"Wha-! Who're you?" - Garami

Someone spoke from the game console! Is it like a game console/phone thingy?

[Hello to you too, you manner-less demon. I'm the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness, the Mistress of Mischief, and you sponsor Goddess, and name-giver, Alvatria! Call me Ria-chan, please.] - Alvatria

... huh? A Chuunibyou?

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