A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 54: [Arc 2] Chapter 2: The Ultimate Goddess of Darkness’ Lecture

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[Like. I. Said, I'm the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness, who transmigrated you to this world.] - Alvatria

"And I keep on telling you, what the heck are you talking about?" - Garami

This exchange has been going on for some time now, with me in my male human form talking back to the self-proclaimed goddesses talking through the game console/phone's speakers. Why does this Chuunibyou expect that I'll buy her bullshit? 

"In the first place, the one who reincarnated me was someone that looked at my work on Skvalv's character sheets, and decided to reincarnate me to this world for some reason." - Garami

[And that 'someone' was me.] - Alvatria

GAAH! We're going in circles here! I need to steer the conversation out of this loop.

"In that case, why and how did the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness hear about my character sheets?" - Garami

[Because I was the one who requested them from that Shwal person] - Alvatria

It's Skvalv, not Shwal. And there's one strange point in that answer.

"Wasn't the only Ultimate Gods that works on the World System the Gods of Order and Chaos?" - Garami

[They are, but I and Chaos goes way back, so I decided to give him a hand with his new evolution project.] - Alvatria

"By dumping it all on Skvalv?" - Garami

[Bingo! Do you want a teddy bear?] - Alvatria

"No thanks." - Garami

She didn't deny it! She's not a goddess of darkness, she's a goddess of being black-hearted! If what she's saying is true, then it would explain why Skvalv was scared out of his mind when he read that mail.

"Okay, let's say that I believe in what you have told me. Then why did you decide to show up now? Couldn't you have done that when I was born? Oh wait, you couldn't." - Garami

[Yup. This Dungeon was made with a Shadow-Element Core. Thanks to that, and the fact that the stupid snake gave away its stealth-related skills when he made the Dungeon, we ended up with a Dungeon that's impossible to observe, if you already know about it. Even for us Gods.] - Alvatria

"Huh? Glavras gave his skills away?" - Garami

[That's right. When someone builds a new Dungeon, there are 4 requirements that you need to fulfill. One is having a Dungeon Core. The second one is that the Dungeon must be built on a piece of land with high aether-levels. Third, you need several materials that will determine what kind of Dungeon that's getting build. Finally, the Dungeon Master needs to have the quality to rule over the dungeon. A strong leadership skill should do it most of the times.] - Alvatria

That reminds me, Glavras had the [Ruler] skill, despite living alone in the lake for who knows how long. 

"Okay, then Glavras managed to fulfill all those requirements. What's so wrong about that?" - Garami

[This is something we just found out when the subordinates of Chaos and Order looked over the dungeon, but one of the materials used for the Dungeon is something called Soul-Sealing Amber.] - Alvatria

"Then, Glavras sealed a part of his soul, and used that to create the Dungeon?" - Garami

[Oh, you're quick on the update. I don't know how that snake found the amber, but thanks to it, he created a Dungeon that's capable of using some of his skills. Since skills are recorded into the soul of the user, the snake lost the abilities to use those skills himself though.] - Alvatria

"Just wondering, what were those skills? And what does that shadow-core thing have anything to do with it?" - Garami

[About the skills, they're pretty much related to all of the Dungeon's functions. According to the report, there was [Water Absorption], [Water Alchemy], [Observation Interference], [Mind Forget], and [Harvesting].] - Alvatria

"Wait, I get the first four, but why did Glavras have the [Harvesting] skill?" - Garami

[Who knows? Maybe it obtained the skill so that he could get the fruits that grew by the lake it lived in when it was a little snake? The skill turned into a disaster when it became an ability for the Dungeon] - Alvatria

"Since it, and [Water Absorption], turned into some monster ability that could drain the whole world dry, right?" - Garami

[Yup. Speaking of mad combinations, the Shadow-attribute Dungeon Core, together with the [Observation Interference] skill, made the Dungeon impossible for even us gods to detect. If it was a skill, it should be named Observation Immunity.] - Alvatria

That sounds mad, alright. Alvatria then started to explain about how the Dungeon Cores all had an attribute and enhanced the Dungeon based on said attribute's traits. The trait of the Shadow-attribute is hiding, as I've experienced myself with the shadow dragon skill, and my magic. 

[How did that snake even get its hands on the Amber? That's supposed to be an A-rank item, with a rarity equal to a national treasure. All the other materials were just some random stuff that helps with collecting DP.] - Alvatria

A national treasure!? That's rare alright. Is it used to seal up some evil demon king? 

"Get back to the story. So, because of the whole Observation Immunity thing, you couldn't contact me before now?" - Garami

[That's partly right. While I couldn't reach out to you, I could still observe what happened to you in the Dungeon.] - Alvatria

"How did you do that? Wasn't this place supposed to be immune to observations?" - Garami

[That's because I gave you a blessing while you were transmigrating. It was thanks to that blessing that you got those skills you asked for. And since I observed directly, and not the Dungeon itself, I managed to bypass that Observation Immunity.] - Alvatria

So that's it. Kinda roundabout method, but it worked. The bad news was that the gods couldn't locate the Dungeon, despite being able to observe me. 

[I mean, that Dungeon even delayed that Lesser God's blessing that was meant for you in 12 whole years before it arrived.] - Alvatria

Yes, yes, something like that is complete- wait a sec!

"What do you mean by 12 years?!" - Garami

[Hmm? Ph, hahahahaha! Did you think that even a year hadn't passed outside or something?] - Alvatria

While laughing herself half-dead, Alvatria started to explain how much time had passed in the Dungeon since I was born. The Kodokumo Emperor died a little more than 18 years ago. The aether released from the corpse converged and birthed a Lesser Grey Demon, ie me.

However, all Grey Demons need 10 years of maturing after being born, before their minds start working. We're running on auto-mode during that time, so to say. The Lesser Grey Demons that went berserk, those that [Appraisal] spoke of, are those who have reached that age. The rest would just stay inactive, even when they're attacked by monsters, or adventurers, or whatever.

To make my point, I was already 10 when I first woke up and left the crevice here in the underground lake cave. The spider boss had a decay-resistance skill, which prevented its carcass from rotting away, till I came back to the lake, and extracted its venom.

According to this laughing goddess, I took half a year traveling the tunnels that led from the lake, and up to the pillar area. Then, I was hiding in the tunnels between the river-area, and the pillar-area, for almost two and a half years. In that time, I obtained the blessing from Skvalv and grew strong enough to evolve to a Grey Demon.

I avoided getting killed in the T-Rex free-for-all and stayed in rat tunnels for 2 years. When I evolved into a Reha Zera, I had turned a little more than 16 years old. After a year with messing around in the upper-layer, finding Skelly, and exploring the three boss-tunnels I met up with Virt, Sent, and Riri. 

I trained the Dino-trio for half a year and made them evolve to their current species. Then, we discovered the Bihamut and the sahuagins, and lived with them, along with the raptors that came after. Half a year after those three had evolved, Virt challenged the T-Rex. After the fight, the Emperor Poison was spilled out in the river water, and I had to rush towards Glavras to make sure he stayed dead.

I never thought I needed to fight him myself. I just wanted to make sure he didn't purify the poison. From where did he get the idea of wreaking his own Dungeon, just to stop the supply of poison? Not to mention the fact that his dragon breath still had that kinda power, despite the poison debuff on his stats? Attacks based on skills must care less about stats when they reach high levels. 

I managed to slay that Disaster and got enough EXP to evolve into my current race. In all, it took me 8 years to conquer this Dungeon, when not counting the years I was unconscious. That also means that I'm currently more than 18 years old. 

I thought all that hadn't taken me more than a year or two. Sorry for not having a watch on me, so stop laughing!


[Ha-ha-ha-haaahh. That was a riot.] - Alvatria

Just die from laughing already, you joke of a goddess!

[Well then, where was I?] - Alvatria

"You were talking about that blessing of yours." - Garami

[Ah yes, that one. The Seed of Darkness.] - Alvatria

Seed? I get the darkness part, but what's the seed all about?

[In fact, you had two blessings by the time you gained consciousness. One of them is the seed, while the second one is this.] - Alvatria


Blessing: Emperor Kodokumo's Vengeance (Curse)


  • Increased damage to enemies when using poison [Large]
  • Increased damage to enemies with thread-based attacks [Large]

Removed upon defeating the target of revenge.

Description: A curse made by the dying breath of an Emperor Kodokumo. The receiver of this curse will go after the killer of the Emperor Kodokumo, without any thoughts for their own safety.


"This isn't a blessing! It's a freaking curse!" - Garami

[Are they any different?] - Alvatria

"You can bet it is! Why do I have this thing!?" - Garami

[That's the norm for Grey Demons. They're born from the regret and anger of the monster that died. That's the reason why they attack anything in sight. They never get the chance to fulfill the vengeance, since they attacking before they get smart enough to know the difference between their target of revenge, and anything else. Good thing that you had [Heretic Immunity]. This curse is essentially an attack on the soul, so the regular [Curse Resistance] skill wouldn't do anything to stop the curse since it can't stop attacks on the soul.] - Alvatria

Th-that's too stupid. Any Grey Demon, except me, wouldn't survive the first years of their life!

[I would have forced the [Heretic Resistance] skill on you if you hadn't chosen the immunity skill. Not that it would have helped, as you would have charged at the snake the moment you laid your eyes on it.] - Alvatria

She's got a point. Resistance is just resistance, I would still take some parts of the curse. Wait a sec...

"If Lesser Grey Demons are that risky of a race, why did I reincarnate to one then?" - Garami

[Because it would be funnier to have you struggle with the curse.] - Alvatria

What did you say?!

[I didn't expect that you would be reborn right beside the target of revenge, nor that the target was one of those Disaster bugs] - Alvatria

Hey, hey, hey! Don't try to change the subject! ...Bug?

"Are you talking about Glavras?" - Garami

[What about him?] - Alvatria

"Why did you call him a bug?" - Garami

[Because all twelve Ultimate Disasters are bugs in the World System.] - Alvatria

According to this goddess, 20 years ago, a famous Oracle made a prophecy, that twelve terrible beasts would appear. Each beast had the same attributes as the Ultimate Gods. Those very same Gods didn't believe in the prophecy, but since the Oracle was famous for never being wrong, they decided to name the twelve beasts, the Ultimate Disasters, so that the mortals would prepare themselves in case the Disasters did exist.

[And that was proven true, 18 years ago. Right before you were born.

[During a war between the Holy Knight Kingdom Avalar and the Kingdom of Groxlia, a single Living Armor monster appeared on the battlefield. That's not such a strange thing since those monsters are attracted to warfare, but this thing was different from other Living Armors.

[It had a skill that's unique to the Chimera-type monsters, the [Self-Modification] skill. Its effect lets the user add parts of other being's bodies to its own. This isn't fool-proof, as the new body-part could be rejected by the original.

[The Living Armor monster obtained the skill when it was the summoning of a certain Summoner. The Summoner had used an original spell named 'Inheritance of Allies'. As its name suggests, it's a spell that lets one summoning obtain some of the abilities of a fallen ally. In this case, the Living Armor inherited the [Self-Modification] skill. The Living Armor went hay-wire because of the side-effects of the spell, killed its master, and went into hiding.

[2 years later, the Armor reappeared right in the war and demonstrated the threat of a Living Armor with a Chimera skill. [Self-Modification] couldn't add nonliving parts to Chimeras, since they were, you know, living beings. A Living Armor, on the other hand, is an armor that can move on its own. Therefore, while it couldn't add parts of living beings, it could-] - Alvatria

"Oh wait, I get it! The Living Armor swooped up all the lost weapons in the war, and grew gigantic, right?" - Garami

[...] - Alvatria

Eh, what? Did I do something- *CLAAANGG!*-!

"Ouch! That hurt!" - Garami

[Who told you to steal the best part!?] - Alvatria

Sorry, but do you have to drop a wash pan on people just for that?! Is this some old cartoon or something?! What's this thing made of anyway? It hurts worse than the rock that was dropped on me during the first T-Rex fight.


Item Name: Orichalcum Wash Pan

Rank: A+++

Durability: 9999/10000

Weight: Irregular


  • Physical Resistance MAX
  • Magical Resistance MAX
  • Weight Alteration
  • Damage Reduction


A washpan made by the Ultimate God of Metal, Helphahatur, by request of the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness, Alvatria.

This wash pan is mostly used for comedic reasons, or when the Ultimate Goddess wants to punish someone without harming them too much.

- Made by Helphahatur


"........." - Garami

[... what?] - Alvatria



Damn it, if I stay too long with this goddess, my SAN-points are gonna be zero, no, minus, before I know it. I need to wrap this up as quickly as possible.

You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype) at novel35.com

[By the way, why did we start to talk about the Disaster of Metal?] - Alvatria

"You started to go off track when you talked about Lesser Grey Demons." - Garami

[Oh yeah, I was gonna explain what I wanted you to do.] - Alvatria

What she wanted me to do? Is she going off track again?

[Seeing is believing after all. Here.] - Alvatria


Blessing: Seed of Darkness


  • Increased damage to enemies when using surprise attacks [MAX]
  • Increased damage to enemies of higher levels and/or rank [MAX]
  • Increased possibility of decreasing Karma Value [MAX]
  • Limits available skills, arts, and magics
  • Limits available classes to the Assassin class only
  • Reduced skill points needed for obtaining the Assassin class
  • Limits certain information obtained from the World System
  • Reduces ones MP and SP values to 1 when evolving

Removed upon evolving into a rank C creature.

Description: none


"Wait, wait, wait a sec!" - Garami

[You have it in you to interrupt people all the time.] - Alvatria

"Anyone would shout out when they see this! What's this all about?! I can only be an Assassin, and if I evolve into anything that's not Kur Kigal-!" - Garami

[Then you go, poof. Nice, right?] Alvatria

"'Nice, right?' my ass! Seriously, what's up with this thing?! It's broken on too many levels!" - Garami

[To explain that I have to ask you a question of my own. How did you think the Disaster of Metal was defeated?] - Alvatria

"The Metal one? Uh, they used magic, or something else not related to metal?" - Garami

[70 points.] - Alvatria

"Then umh, then... I don't know." - Garami

[As you may remember, we Ultimate Gods aren't allowed to directly take care of troubles that happen on Terra Sol, as long as it isn't something that could make the whole world go kablooey. Therefore, the Ultimate Gods of Life, Earth, Metal, and Wind decided to give a hand, by gifting four mortals with powers related to each Ultimate God. The four chosen ones, led by a certain individual, defeated the Disaster of Metal, and as a bonus, ended the war that started all the mess.] - Alvatria

Obviously. Who would want to continue a war when something like Glavras had raised hell right in the middle of it?

[After the battle, the four Gods decided to let the four mortals keep the powers given to them, essentially making the four mortals their respective representatives, the Champions of the Ultimate Gods.] - Alvatria

"Champions? Not heroes?" - Garami

[Some of those individuals weren't what you could call, 'hero material' amongst the four. They only fought together against a greater threat. The point is, we Gods decided to assign a mortal each as our Champion.] - Alvatria

"For what? World Peace?" - Garami

[Nah, that's your guys' problem. We just thought that it would be cool to have a Champion of our own.] - Alvatria

Hey, is that something that a goddess should say?

[And the Champion that I chose is you.] - Alvatria

"Wait a sec, me?! Why!?" - Garami

[Come on, you should have guessed it based on your current species.] - Alvatria

Geh, so it's really 'that'. I had the feeling that this was related to 'that' from 'that time'.

"... Kur Kigal is a species that I helped with, no, the first species I helped with the design?" - Garami

[BINGO! Correct! I thought that the network that Helphahatur had designed, malfunctioned there for a second when I got the sheet. No way that Lesser God whatshisname could have the time to make that one. Not one that made such a bull's eye!] - Alvatria

Yup, it's just as I feared! Kur Kigal is based on the very first character sheet I created! This goddess must have hidden the Heretic-parts of the appraisal description so that I wouldn't smell the rat. Why did I have to release all my desires in that one?! I got to reincarnate because of that, but was it worth it? How many horrible experiences have I been through in this place? The food, bedding, monsters... the list goes on.

[I fell in love with the idea after one look! A creature that sneaks in the middle of the night, a master of assassinations, and having demonic beauty, what can a goddess of darkness due to resists!?] - Alvatria

N-noisy. So this self-proclaimed goddess has a fangirl side, especially on female demons and assassins? There are even hearts showing up on the console's screen. I can't say anything against her for that though. I'm in the same boat.

That's the main reason for me designing the Kur Kigal species like that. The name must have been her's idea since I only could decide what kinda body the character could have, plus describing the idea behind it. 

"Why did you have to force me into it then?" - Garami

[Think about it. How many people do you think have Assassin class?] - Alvatria

"Eh? Well, since they need that serial killer title, then... not that many?" - Garami

[Good guess. Even if some talented individuals can take care of monsters of a higher rank, they can't, and don't want to, do it while staying away from any living beings. That's even more true for demons, as they tend to work in groups, or have servants do their work for them.] - Alvatria

That last part must be for Arch-Demons. I think that I see where this is going now.

[There's no way you can expect that someone would fulfill the evolution requirements for Kur Kigal the normal way. Therefore, I decided to make a blessing that leads the owner towards evolving to Kur Kigal. In case they don't manage that, the blessing would be removed, and I would try it on another being.] - Alvatria

"Then, if I had evolved into something that wasn't Kur Kigal-" - Garami

[Then you would go boom.] - Alvatria

"WHAT?! Why?!" - Garami

[Because I only transmigrated you since I wanted you to become a Kur Kigal. No way the designer of the species would not choose it when they've been led to it like that.] - Alvatria

Oh, crap! That was too close!

[Well, at the beginning I wanted to blow you up if that was the case, but you're way too funny to watch to blow you up. And there's the fact that you did get rid of the Disaster of Water as well.] - Alvatria

Phew, that's good news. Not that it matters now since I'm on the Kur Kigal route already.

[But I would cut your luck stats in half, along with some other stuff.] - Alvatria

... let's not ask what 'some other stuff' is. And this goddess is scary! Think I'm starting to get why Skvalv was so scared back then.

"And what do you want me to do as a Kur Kigal then?" - Garami

[First things first, stay as a girl. Second, let me see your nightly activities.] - Alvatria


Goddess of Darkness or Goddess of Evil, there are some things that a man can't take from anyone! Who cares about if she's an Ultimate Erosess!?

[Huuuhh? What are you talking about? Are you thinking about some R-18 stuff?] - Alvatria

"Huh, ehm, eh, what, uh, yes?" - Garami

[Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Is your head that full of pink thoughts? I'm talking about your nightly activities as an assassin, stuuupid.] - Alvatria

Gnnngnnggnnn. I hate this erosess! Anyone would think the same as me there!

"Then what's all this about staying as a girl if it isn't about something that can't be shown to children?" - Garami

[Because a cool girl is better than some buff men! But, if you don't want me to care about your privacy-] - Alvatria

"I want my private time for myself, and I won't stay as a girl, nor being that Champion thingy!" - Garami

Tch, she's a real erosses. I was joking back there, but I hit the mark.

[Eeeehh!?] - Alvatria

Oh, that reaction..., is she not able to force me then? Some kinda Ultimate God rule? Chance!

"That doesn't help." - Garami

[Then you don't want the equipment I've got for the one who wants to be my Champion.] - Alvatria

"Why should I care? I've lived my life just fine with only some daggers, and even without anything before that." - Garami

[Then you're planning to enter a city in the buff?] - Alvatria

Ah, oops. I forgot that I'm missing some clothes. And I suck in weaving. Or, maybe...

"Then I'll just invest in a Weaving class then. I've got points to spare now anyway." - Garami

[!] - Alvatria

It looks like she didn't think of that. Some goddess alright. 

[T-then what about those three dinosaur monsters? Don't you wanna know how they are doing?] - Alvatria

"I don't need to know that. They can take care of themselves without me." - Garami

[!!] - Alvatria

If anything, meeting up with them while I'm on this erosses' radar will be the worst.

[Th-th-th-then, what about some awesome Darkness Unique ski-] - Alvatria

"I already have my hands full with the Hydra-skill. Having too much power will just attract more trouble." - Garami

[!!!] - Alvatria

That's just my otaku-knowledge that's speaking, but from her reaction, I think that's the case in this world. In that case, I'll be happy with only my Hydra-skill. 

[T-t-t-t-t-then, please be my Champion! I will respect your privacy and all that, it was just a joke! Just let me have a female Champion! That's the only part I won't give up on!] - Alvatria

"No." - Garami

[PLEASE! Lux is so strict on all the rules he makes, all hells will break loose if I complain to him about choosing another Champion!] - Alvatria

Lux, is that the Ultimate God of Light? Guess his the type who's damn scary when he's angered.

"Nope. Your fault for choosing me as a Champion without my consent." - Garami

[P-please be my female Champion!] - Alvatria

"I already said no." - Garami

[Please be my female Champion!] - Alvatria

"Didn't I just tell-" - Garami

[Please be my female Champion!] - Alvatria

[Please be my female Champion!] - Alvatria

"You're too annoying! Why should I-" - Garami


What's that sound? The super rare wash pan is covered in something black.


Oi, the strongest metal in the world is getting crushed here!


Hey! The Orichalcum is starting to sound like someone cursed to eternal torment!


Now it looks like someone cursed! Some parts that have melted to goop is reaching for the heavens!


T-t-the O-O-Orichalcum was turned to ashes...

[Please be my female Champion! I'll let you even choose your sexual preference, I didn't even care that much about that point, so say yes, or else-!] - Alvatria

"Okay, one female Champion, right here! Just don't fire that black stuff at me!!" - Garami

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