A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 85: [Arc 2] Chapter 31: Easy Come, Easy Gone? Then Get Some More!

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"From the T-Rex, I couldn't sell half of the claws, fangs, and scales, while I got all four horns of the bison, plus the pelt. Some researchers wanted to study the carcass, so it will take some time before I get the materials, but the payout is coming to around 400 gold when you add the small fry to the pot." - Garami

"You just starting as an adventurer, and you are already a millionaire. Talk about living one's dreams." - Leonardo

"Yeah, but I'm bad at seeing the value of stuff, unlike you, junior. Mind telling me of any good shops in town?" - Garami

"Why yes, anything for my partner in crime, and the local economy." - Leonardo

"Nice, then... what was that last part?" - Garami

After buying Mira's good mood back, we hurried up to the town entrance again. The reason? Levi couldn't enter the city without me covering for her! P.S., Carion was left behind to inform the Guild about the kidnapping in detail, but the real reason was 'cause he was out of shape.

"Sorry for the wait. Here is your Familiar ID." - Guard

Finally! These things are required for tamed monsters to be allowed into the city, and only the guards or the police are allowed to give them out. The ID was some plate made of metal, and in hindsight, didn't look that different from the ID-card I got at the Guild. 

"It is recommended to add the ID-plate to a collar, or something else that the contracted monster can wear. Any problems it causes will be your responsibility, so keep it under control." - Guard

You heard him. And don't look that offended! You're a freaking Undead Dragon! Of course, people would get freaked out with something like you roaming the streets, so be a good girl!

"Now that's outta the way, Leo, tell me about the goods you have for me." - Garami

"If that is what you want, then I will have it brought here. Excuse me for a moment." - Leonardo

Good. Now, my long-awaited 10%, while not 100%, will finally be-!

*pull, pull*

(Hey, why are you on the first-name basis with the future lord of the region?) - Mira

(When I was interrogated by him. Won't anyone become closer after being interrogated?) - Garami

(No, they won't! And what's up with those 'goods'? And 'partner in crime'? Did you do something I shouldn't be part of?) - Mira

(Nothing at all, just chill. I only helped with capturing the boss of that cult.) - Garami

(EEEHH?! You already got him?! And how did you know it was that guy?) - Mira

(His name was written as the receiver on the trade documents that was stored in the high priest's office. Keeping them hidden in a temple far away from town is better than in a mansion in the middle of it after all. And for how we captured him, he was too impatient for his own good.) - Garami

(Meaning?) - Mira

(He was trying to storm out of town with a golem-driven carriage. Don't know if he was gonna run away or just check-up with the temple, but that was a bad move on his part. I tricked him into revealing that Carion was involved in the crime.) - Garami

(Huh? Why Carion?) - Mira

(Because he was never reported missing, due to him having the habit of shutting himself inside his home to do whatever he's doing there. People never noticed he was gone missing.) - Garami

This was something that Leonardo told me, a fact only the local commoners know, including the guards, and Leonardo himself, who socializes with the commoners when he got the chance.

(Also, I said to the boss that Carion was seen outside his mansion the night of the kidnapping, but only Carion himself, and the culprits should have known that. Even so, the boss got his name right despite me telling him a fake name.) - Garami

(Oh! Good job there! So, the guy's in the slammer now?) - Mira

(Nope. The guards flopped in capturing him.) - Garami

"Those no-good guar-mmmphm?!" - Mira

"If you're gonna stop whispering to yell insults, do it when the guys in question are not around!" - Garami

This woman, anything related to swords or Wayvol makes her INT go into minus values. 

"Sorry it took so long... what are you doing?" - Leonardo

"Just some party-democracy. Don't mind it. So, what's the sum?" - Garami

"Well, many of my partners who were robbed were more than happy to reward you for returning their valuables. They also promised their support, well, to me, but that is for the world of politics." - Leonardo

So that was his real goal. I knew he wasn't fox-faced for nothing. 

"The same goes for the less honorable, or better said, the darn lazy nobles in town. But as expected of those pigs, all their valuables are those that can give them the worst if their existence gets leaked out, so they paid more than they were required too. Any future meetings with them are going to be enjoyable." - Leonardo

Uhm, is it alright for the next landlord to be laughing with an evil "Kuh-kuh-kuh" laughter? Mira is doing her best not to notice, heck, even Levi is trying to ignore him. Getting more cash is still better, even if it's considered hush money. That doesn't seem to stop Leo though.

"Finally, amongst the stolen goods, were items that were owned by the former baron himself. We think he was included in the robberies as camouflage, not that it helped when the hideout itself was taken down. His personal belongings need to be investigated in case they were obtained through illegal means, but the coins are all yours. That is 200 golds on its own." - Leonardo

200?! That's half of what I got for the Glavras monsters and the bison! Nobles are stacked alright.

"Added together with the rewards from before, and we have this bag of a total 450 golds." - Leonardo

"Fou-!?" - Garami & Mira

Then, this plus what I got from the materials, a total of 8.5 million Sols! Oh crap, do I even need to work as an adventurer at this point? I looked at the bag of gold that the guard came with, filled with gold coins. Oh boy, anyone who doesn't understand the beauty of gold needs to see this baby!

"Garami, we are sharing 50/50 right? I was the reason for us attacking the temple, right?" - Mira

Tch, a leech came between me and my gold. She's gonna be a pain. Unless...

"No can do. All of this is going to be party-funds, which the party leader is keeping a watch over, meaning me." - Garami

"What did you say!? Who died and made you the leader?!" - Mira

"Say that to the Undead Dragon." - Garami

"*Grrrr*." - Levi

"O-okay, okay, it will be for the party. Just don't chomp me again...*Shiver, shiver*" - Mira

Nailed it. Keeping all of the party's money in one purse will make it easier for this financial catastrophe to spill it on something stupid. And what does she mean with 'chomp'?

"Well, you three seem to have everything under control. The Automata-heart you mentioned before is yet to be found, but we will do as agreed and deliver it to your party when found. Here is the second item you wanted by the way. Tada." - Leonardo

After saying those words, and giving me two envelopments, one containing Leo's recommended shops, the other one being related to our deal from during the interrogation, the next explosion of the day came. How many have there been just today?

"Y-y-y-y-YOU TOLD HIM ABOUT THE HEART!?!?!?!" - Mira

"I-I know, I know, but relax. I've got this under control." - Garami

"HOW?! It looks more to me that the control took a vacation to the Alhiraci continent, got crushed underneath Tris Clades, and buried there!" - Mira

That much? No, not that! 

(Seriously, calm down! What if people catch on that the heart is more than the eye can see?) - Garami

(Haven't you already told them that?!) - Mira

(I only told them that the reason for me busting that cult was because I was looking for the heart of an Automata dragon your uncle tried to build. Nothing more, nothing less. And specially nothing about any Disaster-powers that heart has. I even made that marquise junior sign some magic contract, which he made through his Scribe class.) - Garami

(...Really? And there's nothing that's a demerit to us?) - Mira

(That's the biggest thing I was watching out for. The contract went like this: For me helping Leo in tricking baron Gregor into revealing his tail the one, I repeat, the ONE time at the gate, Leo would as a reward look after the stolen heart that Gregor should have, and return it to us as fast as possible. Nothing can go wrong here.) - Garami

"......" - Mira

Eh? Why did she suddenly shut her mouth?

"T-the bastard that attacked uncle Wayvol, was baron Gregor?" - Mira

"That's what I've been saying all the time." - Garami

What's with that reaction? Oh, wait. Now I get it. The baron did charity to boost his image. Mira must have taken advantage of that when she was broke, and...

"Great job! Now my debt I had to the guys that worked under him must have been nullified! Why should people need to pay back to criminals, right?" - Mira

...I was the idiot for believing this lady had a single honest bone in her body.


At the Magic Item Shop

"Four Upgrade-type Skill Scrolls with the [Dimension Storage] upgrade for Storage-skills, one with the [Quick Change] upgrade for the same type of skills, one with the [Kin: Doll] upgrade for [Create Kin], two Skill Scroll, one with [Poison Resistance], and the second one with [Night Vision[, and Spell Scrolls that contains the basic magics of ice, metal, mud, snow, and life attributes, as well as the Spell Scroll, [Summon Elemental] for Summoning Magic. In all, they cost 260 gold Sols. Are you sure you want to purchase all of these? The upgrade scrolls for the Storage-skills are very expensive." - Magic Item Shop clerk

"Sure as the bank. And I want this Magic Wristwatch as well. The unbreakable-kind." - Garami

"Ah, one for me as well. And this Familiar Deluxe Armband as well." - Mira

"Gah! To think I oversaw that! We'll take that as well." - Garami

"Thank you for your patronage. Now I'm safe from ending up in the red again for a while..." - Magic Item Shop clerk


At the Tailor

"Why, you just have to try this dress! And this one. And this! Ladies, take out the finest in formal wear." - Tailor owner

"Yes, mi mademoiselle! Kyaa!" - Assistant A, B, & C

"What the heck do you mean formal wear?! That's just some cosplay-level goth loli-dress!" - Garami

"Phu-hu-hu-hu. Why resist? They fit you." - Mira

"No way I'm wearing something that frilly! I just need some everyday clothes and a bunch of plain cloaks!" - Garami

"Why not, why not? You will get a discount on both the clothes and the customization of your gear, my dear customer." - Tailor owner

"Listen, I'm not against cross-dressers or anything, but you're just too darn pushy!" - Garami

"Well then, what if I shared the dear miss' measurement we just measured in addition to the discount." - Tailor owner

"Wha-?! What are you-" -Mira

"Hmm, Height, 169 cm, bust 93 cm, waist 60 cm, hip 88 cm." - Garami

"Why are you accepting it so easily!? And stop saying them out loud! What if someone did that to you?" - Mira

"Bust 88, waist 58, hip 84. What about it?" - Garami

"O-oi, be a little more embarrassed than that..." - Mira


"Haaaahhh. Despite the discount, that was tiresome to the extreme. Almost as bad as that time..." - Garami

"What discount? You were only going with it after you-! Ah, whatever. I feel like complaining to you about that is a waste of time." - Mira

It sure is. I lived eight years (18 apparently, but I'm not sure I can count the first 10) of my life without a piece of cloth on me. Getting embarrassed over something like that is below me. Or am I missing any form of shame? Eh, who needs it anyway?

"Now then, this is the last stop for the day, then it is free time for the rest of the day." - Garami

"I know that you got an inn that accepts that crazy thing behind us, but why acting like some tourist when we need more money after this? Those enhancements you wanted on those gloves weren't cheap you know?" - Mira

"Yeah, that's why I-" - Garami

"You did NOT agree to be a dress-up doll just for the discount." - Mira

"I did! Well, partly, but that wasn't what I was gonna say! You saw that I gave him some super-durable threads sweeten the deal for us. That's how I was able to get that gender-dislocated beastkin ox to lower the price for it all to 300 golds." - Garami

"Gender-dislocated... that was mademoiselle Tyrus! She is the greatest tailor in the region, if not the whole continent! She even has the advanced class Couturier you know?" - Mira

No, I don't know, and to be honest, I didn't wanna know that. A gay tailor, so what? I'm fine with that. A cattle beastkin working with clothes? Whatever. But both at once? That's overkill!

"But did you have to order the finest battle wear they had? It costs more than that shirt, which you lied about the price by the way." - Garami

I took another look at Mira, who had started to cold sweat from being busted. She was now wearing a light-blue, sleeveless coat with silvery accessories such as shoulder guards. The coat came as a set with elbow gloves, thigh-highs, and a skirt, all three parts in dark-blue. All the parts have white- and golden lines as decorations.

The only thing that irritates me is that she keeps the coat open except for the middle buttons, showing off her midriff and chest. She's complaining to me for being shameless, have she never seen herself in a mirror? Ever heard of a boomerang?


Item Name: Sword Princess' Battle Outfit Alternative

Rank: C+

Type: Clothing Armor [Upper Body, Lower Body, Arms]

Durability: 300/300

Weight: 20


  • STR+100
  • VIT+50
  • SPD+50
  • Water Attribute Boost: 30%
  • Sword Princess
    • Sword Storage: Able to store swords in the armor's built-in Storage.
      • Storage: 1/10
    • Sword Blessing: Increased proficiency for Sword-related Skills.
  • War Lord
    • Can only be used once a day.
    • Uses an amount of MP or SP (up to 50% of total amount) to increase STR, VIT, and SPD equal to the used MP or SP times 3.
    • Reduces SP needed to activate Arts by the amount of MP or SP used as cost.
      • Arts that requires less SP than the cost for activating the effect will need 1 SP for use.
    • Duration of the effect is 1 second for each MP or SP used as cost.

Description: An outfit created for a true warrior of the sword. It will increase the wearer's affinity towards swordsmanship, and help them master any kind of swords. 

The pockets can contain up to 10 swords in a different dimension, similar to a Storage Skill. Nothing can damage the swords while stored, not even time.

The outfit has the blessings of the War God, allowing the user to break their limits for a limited amount of time.

Weaved with additional strings made from Atlantica Seastone, this outfit will also grant an increase to water-related Skills, Arts, and spells.


She got her hand on something nasty. If used right, she will have enough raw strength to match me, if only for a limited time. No wonder it was so damn expensive, even after the discount. Ironically, the water-attribute boost came from something Mira once had to sell when she was broke. The item that was a miss came back to her as something damn amazing.

Me, on the other hand, I only bought some simple cloaks and my current get-up. I had exchanged the Dark Blood set for a dark-purple hoodie with devil horns on the hood, black pants, and comfy leather shoes. And thanks to the upgrade-type Skill Scroll, I can swap into the Dark Blood set in less than a second! Transformations are a man's dream...

By the way, Levi had to stay back at the inn we found, the Happy Boar. It was owned by some Guardian class Forest Orc. I have the feeling of having seen someone like that before, but my memory gets foggy whenever I try to remember where I've seen one. Like, I'm certain I've seen such an Orc before, but something more important came up, which made me forget the other parts. Strange.

"Hey, Garami! There, there!" - Mira

"Stop acting like a kid and get in. Or do you want me to take back the promise about the T-Rex fang sword?" - Garami

"Anything but that!" - Mira

And with that, we entered the last stop for the day: Magnir's Metalworks.


As I entered the blacksmith workshop, I was met with the sight of countless weapons. Okay, maybe not countless, but enough to make me sick of counting them. There are lots of other types of items, like armors and shields, even everyday stuff like nails and frying pans.

You are reading story A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype) at novel35.com

Mira, on the other hand, is looking around with sparkles in her eyes, checking out the weapons like a kid in a candy store. Did she forget what I just told her?

"Wait a sec. Coming soon."

The voice came from the room behind the counter. Is that the blacksmith? Aren't they afraid someone will steal the goods? Or not. After getting a close look at them with [Magic Sense], I saw there was some magic fixed on them. An anti-thievery device?

Oh! That's a morning star! I made a weapon based on these before, back at the Water-Knot. Good times, good..., or maybe not. Huh? A flail? And this one on a stick is a morning star?

...... So embarrassing! I'm not gonna tell people about this! There are no witnesses anymore either, so everything's a-OK.

"Sorry about that, I was in the middle of something. I'm Magnir, the boss of this place. What can I do for you today?" - Magnir

From the backroom came..., not a dwarf. Downer. It's a Fire Sprite. He's a real blacksmith, according to his stats and class, but at times like this, it should be a dwarf, right? First the morning star, now this... Anyway, focus, focus.

"I want to order some weapons. The materials will be ready by tomorrow, so I want an appointment for then." - Garami

"What materials are we talking about? And what type of weapon?" - Magnir

"Swords! The best one you ha-["You, be quiet." - Garami]-yes." - Mira

"It is the fangs and claws of a water-attributed Jungle Rexus and the horns from a Stampede Bloodbull. I want two daggers, one from each monster, and a sword for this one. Just one." - Garami

"......Excuse me, what did you just say?" - Magnir

"Fangs-and-claws-from-a-water-Jungle-Rexus-and-horns-of-a-Stampede-Bloodbull." - Garami

"Why are you imitating a primitive Automata?" - Mira

I gave the blacksmith a quick explanation of the situation.

"Hmm, the Stampede Bloodbull's horns shouldn't be too hard to make into a weapon. The mutated Jungle Rexus, on the other hand, should be a challenge. Not impossible, but I would need to do some trial-runs to get to know the materials better." - Magnir

"Ok, that works. But I want the prototypes as well. And the price for it all will be at...?" - Garami

"I would need to use the High-Blast Furnace and the Orche Steel Hammer, so... around 20 golds for the Stampede Bloodbull dagger, 20 for the water Rexus one, and 25 for the sword." - Magnir

That's... expensive? I've been throwing away gold as easy as breathing today, so I'm not sure here. The morning star and flail was on 20 and 25 silvers each, so I'm not sure.

"Ain't that too cheap? Items made with C rank materials could easily reach 50 golds on an auction. Even more, if they were made by an expert like mademoiselle." - Mira

"Don't worry. One gets more proficiency with Smithing skills when using rare materials, so it's a win-win situation. Is there something else you want? I have the storage full of high-quality swords. They used to be the possessions of Skeletons though." - Magnir


Two Black Iron Daggers, a ton of throwing daggers, and a kodachi-sized scabbard later, and we left the smithy with our purses even lighter than before. 

"He-he-he-he. Rexus sword. Stampede sword. *drool*" - Mira

That's right. After discussing things with the blacksmith, we figured out that we could make another sword for Mira, by utilizing one of the bison horns as a core for the sword. The magical properties of the horn would so spread out to the rest of the sword, resulting in a magic sword. According to the blacksmith guy. Don't ask me for details.

I also showed him some of the guns I had, in order to see if he could provide me with some bullets. I have enough to survive a small, I repeat, a SMALL war, but bullets are consumables, so they're bound to run out sometime. Better to not count on guns as a main weapon till I can resupply myself with bullets.

However, the guy had no clue on how a gun worked! He got it when I gave a poor explanation on it, but he didn't have the materials, nor equipment, to make bullets. Not to mention the tools needed to maintain the guns themselves.

One option I have is to learn and develop the means of creating and maintaining guns and bullets, but who has the time to do that from scratch? I'm more for trying to recruit someone with more technical expertise. A dedicated crafter is something any adventurer should have anyway. Not that there's any crafter in this city without a job. The only way of obtaining metals is through the Skeletons in the Deadlands.

"*sigh* What are you planning to do now?" - Garami

"I'm gonna celebrate at the Guild! They got the best booze in the district. And you?" - Mira

"I'm resting up to explore the night-life here in town. Wanna join?" - Garami


"MY EYES!" - Garami

"There's a limit to jokes you know. And hand over my share of the money." - Mira

"...Tch, fine." - Garami

"Good, good, now to- hey! What's this?! Pocket money?" - Mira

"Spot on. Any money I give you will be drunken away before dawn. And you need to be in some shape for the Quests tomorrow, so don't overdo it. Got that?" - Garami

"I get it, I get it! So let go of my head! It f-feels like my brain's coming out!" - Mira

I let go of my Iron Claw and let her scurry away. But 10 silvers should be more than enough to cover for the whole Guild tonight with drinks. Maybe I should take a trip to better my standing amongst the adventurers. Me, that is.


Midnight, at the tavern owned by the Revera family

"Boss! The Kogan family did it! They've spread out magic drugs on the black market!" - Underling


"Hah. What's the status report, this time?" - Boss

After I was promoted to become the leader of this district, nothing good has happened to me. The western commoner district is famous in the underworld of Velantas for being infested by small-time punks that tried to make a name in the underworld. The city uses too many resources for coping with the drought, while still being a great target for honorless families due to the values the adventurers always brings in.


And this time it was the damn drug-possed Kogan family? Are they high on their own wares? Are they idiots? Don't they know that those are forbidden due to the overuse easily leads to death? A whole kingdom collapsed once due to the sales of that drug.

"Sir! Some civilians have turned crippled due to the drug and some of our family got injured when they tried to stop a deal with it, but no casualties on our side!" - Underling


"Good. Have the men wounded rest, and try to figure out where the Kogan family is hiding." - Boss

"Sir!" - Underling

Those assholes got crushed in our last bout, meaning they must have rebuilt their stores now recently. If we can give the final blow now, before they grow too strong again, then-.


"And stop those idiots down in the bar! What if the police showed up?" - Boss

"Y-yes, sir!" - Underling

Damn it. Our Sunlaw family is a criminal organization, but the brass is firmly keeping the rule of not harming civilians. That's the only reason why we have not been crushed by the authorities since the family took root in the city. If we get the cops on our neck, along with our current Kogan problems, then we're toast.

"S-S-SIR!" - Underling

"What now?" - Boss

"Th--th-there'r some-something that wanna talk to you." - Underling

Talk to me? And 'something'? I followed my subordinate to the bar of the tavern and saw... what the heck am I seeing?

The bar has a mess as if it had been the scene for the brawl of the century. And scattered throughout the room, alongside the broken furniture, were my subordinates. Some had fallen to their knees while holding their stomach, others were knocked out foam coming out of their mouths, some again were buried into the floor, walls, or roof, from their head down. 

And in the middle of the bar, stood a strange creature. It looked like an adult human that was hunched over, and its body was covered with a dark-brown cloak with a hood that covered its face and to be honest, from the visible parts of its body, I have no desire of seeing the rest of it.

The two arms that stuck out of the robe looke<d like the limbs of a black scorpion that was formed into human hands, one of them holding a dark-colored knife, and the other held an old-fashioned lantern. On its back were two arm-like appendages, but they were three times as long as its other two arms. And in each of them, the creature held one of my subordinates by the throat.

"Why you little-!" - Underlings

<Calm, down.>

With a shudder, all my subordinates turned quiet. Who can blame them? Even I'm frozen solid after hearing that voice. What's wrong with this thing? It feels like its vocal cord's made of rusty metal threads. It hurts one's ears just listening to it.

<The, mobs, not, dead. Still, alive. For now. Want, to, change, that?>

No one wanted that, so they kept a safe distance to the creature. Seeing that, the creature let go of the two guys it was holding, a little brutally, to the ground. Ignoring the two on the ground, the creature looked over the second floor, for stopping on me.

<You, am, the, boss?> 

"Y-yes. I am the leader of this place." - Boss

<Then, bad, with, scum, of, the, city?>

"W-well, we are fighting against those who harm the city... in some way." - Boss

Crap, this thing's glare is too scary. It made me confess the last part as a whisper.

<... Want, to, hire, me?> 

".........Sorry, I think I misheard. Can you repeat that?" - Boss

<? Want, to, hire, me? Kill, scum. Make, city, safe. You, won't, be, targeted, by, scum, nor, non-scum.>

"?! Tha-that would be honestly more than we could wish for, but... why?" - Boss

<Can, take, gold, from, scum. Take, payment, from you. Doubled, up. You, somewhat, good, for, city. Somewhat. Therefore, spare.>

"I-I see..." - Boss

It wants money, but still wants the city to stay safe? Then was the brawl from before a way to demonstrate its strength? If that is true, then maybe we can come out of this alive...


"!? Ain't that Nerroid?!" - Underling

No way! It really is Nerroid! Or what's left of him. The decapitated head of the strongest hired hand of the Kogan family trilled around the floor. He has the capabilities equal to a D-rank adventurer. And this thing managed to kill him, just like that?

<Hire, or, take, the, blame. War, between, families, then.>


All of us couldn't refrain from shouting that. This freak of nature committed a murder, on someone that makes a living trough murders yes, but still, to throw all that blame on us if we don't comply with its request? Who's the evil one here again?

"Okay, okay! We'll hire you! But only for tonight. Then, we'll go our own ways, never interacting with each, how about that?" - Boss

Please accept that! I'm too stressed to deal with this kind of creature of horror! My stomach is getting worse by the day, so please accept it!

<... Fine. But, want, advance, payment.>

"! Deal! Take whatever you want from the basement. We cannot provide real money at the moment but we store most of our equipment and medical tools and materials there, so take whatever you want from there." - Boss

<Going, to, trace, back, to, me?>

"! N-n-no, nothing like that! It's just we have used up our financial resources, which will take time before we can refill them." - Boss

So please, just take that and go! Aww, my stomach is dying on me. Someone, get me some stomach medicine, now!

<...Fine. But, if, trying, to, trick, then, you, will, end, up, like, him.>

No one would want to be decapitated, believe me on that, so just go away! Is not what I can say to this thing, but my heart isn't working alongside my head. I simply nodded to the creature and ordered one of my subordinates to show it the basement where we stored all our 'safe' equipment. Ah, the brass is going to be furious. What have I done to deserve this...


"Boss, is this fine?" - Underling

"Like we had any other choice in the matter. That thing was a monster, in both strength and personality." - Boss

"That's true, but..." - Underling

They get the situation, but my subordinates still cannot accept this ridiculous situation. I would be the same, hadn't I been in the position as the leader here.

"And hey, if we're lucky, then that monster and the Kogan family will kill each other without us having to lift a finger." - Boss

It was a poor joke, but it managed to disperse the tension and fear in the room. But it is also true that this fight would be beneficial for us no matter who won. Nothing from the basement has any direct connection to us, so even if the Kogan family won, they would have no clue that pointed towards us. The head of Nerroid is already cremated, just to be sure.

"But seriously, what the heck was that thing supposed to be?" - Underling

"Yeah. Those nasty limbs were more like tentacles the way they moved. And it was like it had eyes all over it." - Underling

"Not to forget that lamp it held. It spewed out poison, ashes, and shadows even!" - Underling

"Ahh, that was a nightmare. It's more strange that we survived all that." - Underling

"Hey, maybe we are the monster here?" - Underling

"Don't joke like that. But I get the feeling." - Underling 

Just as people started to joke around themselves, the underling I had guided that thing came back. 

"Boss..." - Underling

"How did it go?" - Boss

"It was... humming a song when it left. I think it was in a good mood." - Underling

That's... disturbing. Now then, tomorrow we will know whenever we will survive or not. Ugh, my stomach...

"And? What did it take? You did confirm it, right? We need to report the loss to the top as necessary expenses." - Boss

"Well... that's..." - Underling

Uh-oh. My stomach is aching again.

"...t all." - Underling

"What? What was that?" - Boss

"It took it all. All the stuff we had in the basement, without a single exception. Even the candles and boxes." - Underling

.........Good night.

"Ah! Boss collapsed!" - Underling

"Medicine! Get the boss' stomach medicine!" - Underling

"No, you idiot! This requires a doctor! A whole hospital's worth of them!" - Underling

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