A Reincarnated Demon’s Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 86: [Arc 2] Chapter 32: The Growth Chimera, Lily

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"Hey, did you hear? About the Kogan family?" - Adventurer A

"Yeah, you talk about that? How the whole organization was crushed?" - Adventurer B

"All the members were found bounded in ropes outside the police stations close to the warehouse district. And I heard that all their hired bodyguards were found dead." - Adventurer C

"Wait, aren't those super-strong guys that went over the line and got Criminal titles slapped on them?" - Adventurer D

"That's them alright. The Neckbreaker Nerroid, maneater Chuck, woman's worst enemy Ferold, the worst of the worst." - Adventurer C

"Yikes, those are all guys that's better off dead. And who else was killed then? More importantly, who did it?" - Adventurer D

"Nobody knows who's responsible, but they only got rid off those with Criminal titles. Even the top of the family was sent to the police." - Adventurer A

"Huh? Shouldn't they be the first on the killing list?" - Adventurer E

"Idiot, people have to do the crime themselves, then get tried in court if they're gonna receive a Criminal title. There may be incidents where only the proof is enough, but someone that never dirtied their hands wouldn't get a title no matter what." - Adventurer B

"That's the reason why the police still investigate any suspicious people instead of simply asking to see people's ID-card. But since whoever crushed the family spared even those guys, were they only after those with Criminal titles then?" - Adventurer A

"No, from what I heard, those leaders of the family looked like they had been through hell and back, then they were sent back to hell again." - Adventurer C

"I saw it myself when they were taken into custody, and the leaders kept their hands on their noses, ears, all the time. And they freaked out when they saw a tiny little spider, like, as if they had seen fear itself." - Adventurer F

"Uwaaaaa..." - Adventurers

"The city ain't that different from the Deadlands. Both places are crazy scary." - Garami

"......It sure is." - Jack

I had delivered the materials I got from the Guild's personal dismantler and delivered them directly to Magnir. After that, I returned to the Guild to look for Quests to do.

"More importantly, why are you wearing that?" - Garami

After good old Jack behind it. Is it fine having a Skeleton behind the Adventurers Guild? Specially in this city.

"Well, guess my reputation was better than I thought when I was alive. When the old veterans of the Guild staff heard that I had returned, they offered me an advisor-job here at the Guild." - Jack

Hmm. He is a veteran if anything. Sharing that knowledge to the younger generation ain't such a bad idea. Nice move, Adventurers Guild.

"Then, what advice do you have for a newbie adventurer's first Quest?" - Garami

"What 'newbie' adventurer... Fine, I'll help. It's my job after all. However, can you explain that over there?" - Jack

" 'That'? As in... that, yes. That. It's not such a great story, but I'll need your help, so listen up..." - Garami


Earlier that day, outside Magnir's Metalworks

"How did you get all those weapons during a single night? And wasn't it you at the Guild all night and treated the adventurers there? When did you have the time to go scrap-hunting?" - Mira

"Leo gave me a list yesterday, asking me to clean the city a little, And who was it that sniffed out and joined the party those guys started after the first round of booze? Besides, why would I want those guys to have an impression of me being someone that earns all the money from the Guild? By doing this, I make sure to teach them that me getting the cash will get them some joy as well." - Garami

"Whoaaaa, devious." - Mira

Could you at least say that as a compliment? Even a demon has feelings you know? 



Race: [Kur Kigal]   | Level: 8

Karma Value: -200 "Chaotic"

Skills: 87

Titles: 23

Skill points: 9.5


Main Class: Assassin LV21

Sub Class: Black Mage LV7

Sub Class: Tamer LV8

Sub Class: none


HP: 252/252   | MP: 573/573   | SP: 307/307

STR: 240   | VIT: 133   | MAG: 306

RES: 262   | SPD: 388 + 65  | DEX: 387 + 40

INT: 120   | LUC: 150




Ability Skills: [HP Enhancement (Small) LV4] UP3 [HP Auto-Recovery LV2] UP1 [MP Enhancement LV22] UP2 [MP Reduced Consumption LV11] UP3 [MP Auto-Recovery LV3] UP1 [SP Enhancement (Small) LV48] UP8 [SP Reduced Consumption LV5] UP1 [STR Enhancement (Small) LV8] UP4 [VIT Enhancement (Small) LV5] UP4 [MAG Enhancement (Small) LV14] UP6 [RES Enhancement (Small) LV2] UP1 [SPD Enhancement (Small) LV10] UP1 [DEX Enhancement (Small) LV11] UP3

Attack Skills: [Sword Arts LV2] NEW [Dagger Arts LV4] UP3 [Katana Arts LV1] [Assassin Arts LV27] UP1 [Mana Burst (Darkness) LV2] [Steal LV2] 

Magic Skills: [Light Magic LV22] [Darkness Magic LV23] UP18 [Shadow Magic LV33] UP1 [Ash Magic LV2] UP1 [Gunpowder Magic LV1] NEW [Basic Magic] [Summoning LV5] UP3 [Sigil Creation LV5] 

Crafting Skills: [Thief Tool Creation LV8] [Assassin Tool Creation LV5] [Weaving LV4] UP1 [Poison Synthesis LV30]                                  [Medicine Synthesis LV30] [Thread Synthesis LV30]

Active Skills: [Stealth LV16] UP2 [Silence LV10] UP3 [Shooting LV22] [Aerial Movement LV2] [Taming LV5] [Poltergeist LV5] UP2 [Ghost Step LV12] UP1 [Bloodlust LV7] UP1 [Thread Control LV50] [Ultima Thread LV24] UP1 [Thought Acceleration LV39] UP1 

Passive Skills: [Swordmanship LV2] NEW [Daggermanship LV5] UP4 [Dual Weapon] NEW [Surprise Attack LV35] UP1 [Acrobatic LV21] UP2 [Riding LV8] UP5 [Climbing LV3] [Excavation LV1] NEW [Magic Talent LV21] UP3 [Battle Continuation LV4] [Dismantling LV20] [Parallel Minds LV3] UP1 [Auto-Mapping LV2] [Golden Rule LV5] NEW [Golden Ratio] [Language Adaption]

Resistance Skills: [Darkness Resistance LV10] [Paralyze Resistance LV25] [Charm Resistance LV1] [Pain Resistance LV14] [Faint Resistance LV4] [Heretic Immunity]

Perception Skills: [Magic Sense LV26] UP1 [Sense Foe LV25] UP1 [Appraisal LV8] [Detect Trap LV6] [Detect Treasure LV1] NEW [Judging Eye] 

Leadership Skills: [Tamer's Command] [Teaching LV1] 

Racial Skills: [Albino] [Kin Creation LV4] UP2 [Kin Promotion LV7] [Demonic Vault LV5] UP1 [Lewd Demon LV1] [Transformation LV15] UP1 [Body Replica LV3] UP2 

Unique Skills: [Hydra, Dragon of Poison LV4] 

Elements: [Light Element LV1] [Darkness Divinity] [Shadow Element LV22] [Ash Element LV1] [Poison Element LV10] [Gunpowder Element LV1] NEW


Now this is the best way to lift up someones spirit; show them their progress! And after seeing it all after such a long break makes it even better. Look at all those up-signs!

It's not only me who has upped their game, and skills, but Orimaru has also gotten better. Turns out killing humans gives double the points than anything else, like undeads are for Raoul. While I could add some sword skills through Orimaru, I'm still somewhat short of obtaining Raoul's magic- and holy-skills. And I can't get more new shareable skills with Orimaru now either, unless I upgrade him, which is a task too big for Magnir by the way. Will those daggers I ordered be alright?

[Dual Weapon] is what I got from Assassin breaching LV20, and it lets me use two different Arts with two different weapons at once. Even if the weapons are of different types. It also enhances one's ability to use items in both hands. Even to the point where one can write with both hands! I tried.

"And here I thought you would go straight to the red-light district." - Mira

"Hey, be careful what you say, there are kids nearby." - Garami

Mostly because Levi is with us this time. She needs a walk, or else she gets grumpy. When did she turn into the brats' favorite playmate? She's a freaking Undead Dragon!

"Wait a sec, what was that 'bout the red-light dis-*Chomp*-!" - Garami

Wha-! Levi! What was that for?! 'No dirty talk when children are within earshot'? ...True. Don't wanna have the police after me...

"Pu-ksu-ksu-ksu! Garami, that's too hilarious! Do it again!" - Mira

Damn. After this, I'm gonna have her do something worthy of being in a red-light district. 

"Hey, let's take the shortcut through the alleyways. If we're lucky, we may encounter the rare 'Bandit Thug' monster. They drop money when you subjugate them and take them to the police." - Mira

Hey, hey. Even if they're thugs, don't go and call them monsters. I know that regular, non-adventurer people who don't fight monsters will only have around a hundred status points in their best subject, but still, threatening bandits as a source of income? Is this some adventurer thing? I can go with that.

Anyway, their numbers are culled at the moment, so you won't find-

"Ah! There! A prime specimen of 'Banditus Thugus Mohawkikus'!" - Mira

"Wait, there's really someone left?!" - Garami

" 'Left'?" I ignored Mira's question and looked at the screen right in front of me. Three old guys, from late-30 to late-40, were scurrying around the alleyways. One of them was holding a rope, and at the end were;

"Noooo! I don't wanna be sold to a noble and get used as an outlet for their lust! My life shouldn't end like this! Waaaaahh!" - Little girl 

"Ah, sorry. My mistake. It was a 'Thugus Loliconus Mustkillus'." - Mira

That's right. A dark-browned, short-haired little girl that looked like 12 to 14 years old, was bound at the end of the rope, getting dragged away by the mohawk.

"Fine. Let's crush them." - Garami


Back at the Guild

"So, while Mira went out distracting the mohawks, I snuck around and knocked the first two of them unconscious, while Levi trampled on the last one." - Garami

"That was anti-climatic but understandable. No adventurer short of D-rank would have problems with city thugs. Then, what happened after that?" - Jack

"We released the little girl, and..." - Garami


Back at the Thugus Loliconus Mustkillus' natural habitat, the alleyway

Okay, case closed. And Levi, mind removing that paw of yours? I think the contents of that old thug you're squeezing on is gonna fall out. And why is your palm glowing a little?

But these guys, didn't they consider the risk of someone would see them in an alleyway this big? Even Levi can squeeze herself in with relative ease.

"Now, there you go. Tell us if those jerks did anything to you, then we'll give then another rough-up before throwing them to the police." - Mira

What are you telling to a kid?

"Um, no, it's fine..." - Little girl

Hmm? She's acting kinda weird. Like how she's avoiding meeting eyes with us.

"...Just confirming, how did you end up in that situation?" - Garami

"Well, I was broke, so I borrowed money from Truls over there..." - Little girl

"A corrupt loan shark! Those fiends, to stretch their claws on such a frail little girl!" - Mira

Have you some bad memories with sharks, miss Mira?

"No, no, the one who asked for a loan was me." - Little girl

"...Huh? Then, he tricked you into signing a loan contract with a ridiculously high interest-!" - Mira

Again, are you speaking of experience, miss Mira?

"No, no. The loan was all fair, no interests at all. I didn't even need to offer a collateral." - Little girl

"...You didn't? Then why did that guy borrow you money?" - Garami

"I shouted, begged, and spread bad rumors about him outside his store till he agreed to borrow me money." - Little girl


"S-s-she must have planned to start a business with the money, but that old mohawk must have sabotaged-!" - Mira

"No, nothing like that. I only borrowed money so I could buy some rare monster meat." - Little girl


"Then, you're a real deal debt slave then?" - Garami

"Yes, nothing else. Wait, did you think I was a child? I'm turning 20 this year you know!" - Legal loli

......Are you serious? Even Mira's shocked still. 

"Ehem." - Thugus Loliconus Mustkillus (not) 

"........ We're so sorry!" - Garami and Mira


Back at the Guild, again

"So, in the end, we needed to buy Lily, the loli over there, from those guys, so that they wouldn't turn us in for the assault." - Garami

"...What the heck?" - Jack

My thoughts exactly.

"Then, what kind of species is that girl anyway. She looks no different from a normal human girl to me, except that eye." - Jack

Right. That girl, Lily, had one dark-brown eye like her hair color, but the other one was colored in striking amber. The color could easily be seen from a distance and gave off an evil eye-ish feeling.

We had gone to mademoiselle's tailor shop after that to pick up the gloves I had left there for an upgrade, so we took the opportunity to get her some real clothes. The rags she was wearing back in the alleyway was her own personal belongings, not something she was forced to wear by the not-criminal old man.

At the moment she was wearing a red vest on top of a brown shirt, and black hot-pants. She chose that after hearing about my Dark Blood set from the mademoiselle. Talk about unnecessary actions! Also, she's wearing a black chocker. Not the nasty chain-type one can see on slaves, but a simple type that people wouldn't notice was for a slave.

"According to herself, she's a Growth Chimera." - Garami

"A... 'Growth Chimera'?" - Jack

"Yeah. They start off looking no different from normal humans, then they add the abilities of whatever they kill and eat, growing new appendages and in size along with their levels." - Garami

"So, someone that's too poor for decent meals and adventurer equipment cannot slay monsters, therefore keeping the appearance of a human teenager." - Jack

"Yeah. Her parents were adventurers before, but they died a short while after the desertification hit the city. She had to live on part-time jobs until she heard about someone selling Blast Turtle flesh, and tried to buy it with the money she borrowed, in hope of getting its abilities. If it succeeded, then she could take high-ranking Quests and use the reward money to pay back the loan." - Garami

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"But it didn't work?" - Jack

"Not at all. The chances for a Growth Chimera is 1 against 1.000.000 if they only eat the monster. Even when they both kill and eat it, the chances are just 2 to 3 %, apparently." - Garami

"Ouch. That's bound to fail then. Keep a good hold on her reins, so that she doesn't do anything stupid." - Jack

"That's it. So anyway, spread the info about how she 'joined' my party around town, or else what happened to those guys may happen to me. I'm the opposite of a lolicon, so I can't have such rumors flying around." - Garami

"Th-that's true. I'll do that. And here are the Quests I recommend. They may be a little high-leveled, but you are seen as an exemption by the Guild, and the Grandmaster has already given the clear-signal to allow you to take higher Quests." - Jack

I received the parchments containing the info about the Quests. Two were subjugation Quests, and the rest, collection Quests. And they're all in the same area, so we can complete them in one go. The only problem would be that they're all D-rank quests, but that shouldn't be any problems for our group.

"Also, remember to register that 'chimera' as a Guild member before you go. Slave or not, if you want to have them count as a party member, you need to have them registered in the Guild." - Jack

Tch, formalities. Hate them. 

"Fine, fine. I'll remember that." - Garami

"Then, have a good hunt." - Jack


As I came back to the two who had ordered a mountain of food, I... a mountain of food?

"What are you doing?! Don't think that just the few Quests I've picked up can cover for this!" - Garami

"But the waitress said all this was paid by the Grandmaster, so we could keep on ordering." - Mira

"Then, I want some Fried Scorpion Claws, a salad of Sandables, a mug of Droughtfruit juice, and custard pudding, XL size. Also, ask Levi if she wants something." - Garami

"Already did. She's getting an even bigger feast outside." - Mira

While waiting for the new orders to come, I told Mira and our new recruit about the Quests I had gotten from Jack.

"The subjugation Quests seem easier than their rank would have them to be, but are you sure about these collection Quests? Allosand and Aprhrodust are damn difficult to tell apart from regular sand." - Mira

"Ku-ku-ku. Just leave that to me." - Garami

"Okay. But remember that you alone shall take the blame when we fail." - Mira

No trust at all here. And the newbie Lily is... busy eating. Is she crying? I tried to listen to what she was saying between each mouthful;

"Good! Shoo goood! Reaal fooood" - Lily

...That's right. She was living in poverty. No wonder she looked malnourished. 

"Ehem! I have something to tell you guys, girls." - Garami

"What's up?" - Mira

"Yum, yum, yu-huh?" - Lily

"Lily, do you know about a demon's kin?" - Garami

"Bhere -*gulp*- they're the underlings of royal demons, right?" - Lily

"80 points. More specifically, they are granted power from those 'royal demons', better said, by those with the Arch-Demon title. Something that I have as well." - Garami

"Yes, and?" - Lily

"Meaning, I can copy some of my skills to whoever I want to turn into my kin. In this case, you." - Garami

"EEEHHH?! Me?!" - Lily

"That's nothing to be surprised over. This girl is making anything she sees as a kin. Even me and that dragon outside are like that." - Mira

HEY! I don't make kin out of anything. Just you two, and well, Orimaru and Raoul may also count?

"The point is, Lily hasn't obtained any abilities from monsters before, right? That's the reason why you ain't even an adventurer. So, we'll take some of my skills and give them to you, so that you have a starting board to go on." - Garami

"Really?!" - Lily

Whoa, this girl's eyes are shining more than the underground lake of the Water-Knot did. I reconfirmed if she wanted the skills, and she nodded her head so much that it looked like it could snap off at any time.

"O-okay, if you're fine with it. These are my skills, so take a look if there's something that catches your fancy." - Garami

"Wait! Is it really fine with revealing your skills to me?" - Lily

"Why not? I can already see your skills, so why not share the info? And even if you knew what I'm capable of, do you think you could match me in a fight?" - Garami

"She's right. There's too many stuff to keep track on here. And there's the Skeletons you can call on, not to forget the dragon outside-?! And there was a dragon here too!" - Mira

"Dragon? Dra-aaaaaat?!" - Lily

"Ah, that one's impossible to copy. Chose something else." - Garami

They had looked at the bottom of the list, where Hydra was written. My skills hadn't the opportunity to rise in level by the short time since I checked earlier today, but it looks like it was more than those two would have guessed I had.

"Ehm, Garami, I was just wondering, if you had so many skills, why did you have to hand me that embarrassing one?!" - Mira

"Because I just forced all the skills I could on you. I didn't specify what skill you would get. It was only you who had an aptitude for that one." - Garami

"Oh, come on!!" - Mira

And with that, Mira started to comfort eating by herself. That skill ain't that bad, not that I'll tell her what else it can be used to. And she's... wait a sec.

"And you think that skill doesn't fit you?" I said while showing her appraised status page:


Mira Aureola

Race: [Water Sprite]   | Level: 16

Karma Value: -97

Skills: 30

Titles: 3

Skill points: 3.0


Main Class: Swordsman LV32

Sub Class: Spy LV13

Sub Class: none


HP: 89/89   | MP: 216/216 +20   | SP: 71/71

STR: 170 +100   | VIT: 109 +50   | MAG: 55

RES: 56   | SPD: 94 +50 | DEX: 84

INT: 130   | LUC: 95




Ability Skills: [MP Reduced Consumption LV2] 1UP [MP Auto-Recovery LV1] [STR Enhancement LV5] [VIT Enhancement (Small) LV1] 

Attack Skills:  [Sword Arts LV37] 1UP [Magic Sword Arts LV4] [Mana Burst (Water) LV1] 

Magic Skills: [Water Magic LV9] 1UP

Active Skills: [Espionage LV2] [Silence LV7] [Aerial Movement LV1] 

Passive Skills: [Swordsmanship LV50] [One-Handed Swordsmanship LV4] 1UP [Swordsman's Knowledge LV3] [Magic Talent LV8] [Battle Continuation LV1] [Dodging LV27] 1UP [Hiding LV19] [Swimming LV16] [Fishing LV11] [Golden Ratio] 

Resistance Skills: [Water Resistance LV22] [Poison Resistance LV1] NEW [Heretic Immunity] 

Perception Skills: [Appraisal Blocking LV8] [Night Vision LV2] NEW

Racial Skills: [Mana Conversion LV18] [Demonic Vault LV1] [Lewd Demon LV4] 3UP

Elements: [Water Element LV27]


"Three skill levels up. What have you to say against that?" - Garami

"-------!" - Mira

And the accused used their right to stay silent with their head in their hands. Or maybe she was too embarresed to think of a something to say back. When we're on the subject, what can Lily already... do... eh?

"You, this ain't the time to act like a turtle!" - Garami

"Release me! Don't speak to me unless you know of a hole for me to crawl in!" - Mira

"Never mind that! Lily is-!" - Garami

Both Mira and Lily, and even the other adventurers in the tavern, turned to me as I showed Mira the result [Appraisal] gave me, with the other guys looking over my shoulder:


Lily Terity

Race: [Growth Chimera]   | Level: 2

Karma Value: 64

Skills: 4

Titles: 0

Skill points: 0


Main Class: none


HP: 14/14   | MP: 8/8   | SP: 34/34

STR: 7   | VIT: 9   | MAG: 5

RES: 5   | SPD: 4  | DEX: 4

INT: 88   | LUC: 88




Ability Skills: [SP Enhancement (Small) LV22]

Passive Skills: [Hiding LV9] 

Resistance Skills: [Hunger Resistance LV50] 

Racial Skills: [Growth Chimera]


A collected gasp rung out across the whole Guild. After that, people started to flock to our table in order to give Lily some food. Meanwhile, Mira had started a heated, whispering debate with me.

(Garami! Should we really take such a poor child out to the wild? She may be killed just from having a fly land on her!) - Mira

(Don't underestimate the value of a single Health Point! Even some goopy Grey Demon can survive with just 1 HP, and she's got 14! Also, just how are we supposed to let her grow up if we doesn't let her fight against monsters? Only feeding her won't be enough!) - Garami

(I know that, I know that! But, she's so poor and frail..., we have to help her somewhat!) - Mira

(In that case, we'll do some power-leveling! But we need some guard for Lily then. Some of you guys who can protect here while we're hunting the big guys?" - Garami

I said the last part out loud to the guys who had gathered up by our table, in hope of recruting a worthable sentinel for our little chimera's protection.

"I have the Shield Warrior class!" - Adventurer A

"Idiot! Only one shield can't protect this poor girl in case a swarm of monster sets their sight at her." - Adventurer B

"It would need someone who could set up tons of walls to block the monster's charge, as well as being able to take out monsters from a distance while keeping guard of the little lady." - Adventurer C

"Yeah, as if there's someone that talented left in the Guild. They would have been chosen as part of the investigation team." - Adventurer D

No luck, I see. Damn. But with all this little-girl treatment, I half-expected our 19-year old legal loli to explode or something. What's she doing?

(...Good karma. Me, a proud chimera, siding with the side of Order? Why?) - Lily

...It looks like she got a shock from having positive karma. That's strange. I figured Mira, who wanted to be a Paladin or something, would freak out because of that.

The people in the Guild continued to weighted their options. Someone suggested that they all went, but a too big crowd would scare away the potential prey, err, monsters. But, being able to create shields, while still being able to defeat the monsters, all the while holding their position as a rear-guard... who can do all that?


"Is Garami here? I think her dragon friend has robbed a pantry somewhere... what are you guys doing?" - Carion



"? What?" - Carion

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