A Reincarnated Demon's Tales of Wonder (Prototype)

Chapter 55: [Arc 2] Chapter 3: Negotiations and Full Equipment

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[Then, you're allowed to use 'that' as a disguise then. How about it?] - Alvatria

"Fine, but I want to use the 'original' form for private reasons." - Garami

[Works for me. You got all my support on that part!] - Alvatria

"And stop the surveillance." - Garami

[NO. WAY. IN. HELL! Being all-seeing is a god's few privileges!] - Alvatria

What do you mean, 'few' privileges, you spoiled goddess?

For those who're wondering, I'm currently in the middle of negotiating what my payment for becoming Alvatria's Champion, or whatever it's called, shall be.

The only reason that Alvatria created all this mess, was because she wanted a 'cool beauty' Assassin Champion so that she could brag about it to the other Ultimate Gods. Is having a Champion some status symbol for those Gods?

So petty. And immature. The good part is that she isn't completely evil. She hasn't resorted to threatening me with that curse again. But I understand why Skvalv was so terrified of her. Give someone with that mischievous and childish personality the powers of a god, and anyone would stay away as far as possible. The only other way is to coax her, or coming to an agreement.

And there isn't just bad news in becoming her Champion. Most people wouldn't want to mess with someone related to the Ultimate Goddess of Darkness. Unless they're the cliche bandit group or some low-level thugs. Did I hear a flag rise there? It must be my imagination. 

I've been able to make her promise me not to interfere too much with my life from now on. The exception is when it's beneficial for both parts. This isn't any different from how I lived my life before she showed up, so I'm all for it. It's better now since she will inform me when she's up to no good.

I only complained in the beginning in case I could fish some benefits out of it, but that almost went south back there. I was gonna agree to her, right before she started to show off that divine curse stuff.

It was a lucky stroke for me that she did. If not, I would have forgotten to make her promise not to use that stuff, or anything like it, on me. Of course, as long as I don't turn into a threat against Terra Sol or something, but who would do something that stupid?

Just now, we were discussing in what form I should live out my daily life. Alvatria didn't budge on that part, so I agreed to her, mostly for improving her mood. Wasn't there a saying like that? 'Let sleeping goddesses lie'?

To begin with, I didn't have so much against living as a girl. The difference between the appearance of the male and female forms ain't that big when you look away from the whole gender-thing. Then, there's the question: What would be the most traumatic experience? Being hit on as a girl, or being hit on as a girlish boy? For me, it would be the second option. I'm planning not to stand out too much, but you never know what the future brings.

Then there's the fact that I like cool beauties. Guess the two of us, Alvatria and I, share the same taste. That's the reason for me ending up in this situation, but looking at it from another point of view, that's the reason for me being able to reincarnate at all. Score...? Hope I'll find some girl that won't have anything against a hermaphrodite...

I'll say this just once, I didn't go along with the goddess' wish because I liked the sensation when I touched my chest! Definitely! No way! ...Okay, I'll stop now. If I keep this up, I'll end up with getting a 'Liar' title.

We just finished agreeing that I'm able to change gender if the situation requires it. Just for making the conversation turning towards how much of my life that she'll be allowed to spectate at.

"Okay, fine! But don't go share whatever you're seeing. Or is all the Ultimate Gods stalking on their Champions like that?" - Garami

[Nope. Just me.] - Alvatria

"Why?!" - Garami

[Why not?] - Alvatria

Grr, this erosses...!

"Fine! But sharing the footage is forbidden! And I want additional skills included to the rest of the payment you already mentioned." - Garami

[Works for me. I didn't want to show the juicy parts anyway. Oh, but I need to show the battles to Chaos. I promised him that.] - Alvatria

So, I had no private time from the beginning?! Tch, better to agree anyway. I'll milk some bonus skills in addition to the Unique one.

"Deal. Just don't make a fuss out of it. On the next subject, what kinda equipment are you offering?" - Garami

[Listen to this: I've got a whole Item-Series of C-rank items! I've even added an extra cloak, a rank C+ item! Guess you don't have any underwear on you, so I'll add that to the pile for free. You have to get any other clothes for your everyday use yourself.] - Alvatria

"...Just curious, what's the color of the cloak?" - Garami

[Not the color of the underwear? The cloak is gray, why do you ask?] - Alvatria

"No, nothing." - Garami

Then it's not related to that dream then? It could have been a regular dream, but I can't be too sure. This is a world with magic and monsters after all. 

"The items sounds good, but what about Virt and the others? How are they doing now?" - Garami

[Ah, they are en route to the Halavala archipelago, westward for the Dungeon. That's the sahuagin's homeland, only remembered by the stories that the elder sahuagins' told the younger generation. They left their land because of a Kraken took residence there. After a long travel, they arrived at this Dungeon and started living here. They're probably planning to make takoyaki or dried squid out of it.] - Alvatria

Is it an octopus or a squid?! On a more serious note, isn't the Kraken that famous sea monster from Scandinavia back at Earth? Don't underestimate your foe now Virt. If you do, you're the one that's gonna be on the dinner menu.

[By the way, they managed to remove the link that the Dungeon monsters had with the Dungeon by overwriting through naming every single individual.] - Alvatria

Naming had such an effect? That's good for now, but will they manage what comes from now on? They've never been outside the Dungeon before, so I'm honestly a little worried. They're dependable and such, but even so...

While I was praying for Virt and the gang's safety, the goddess continued to say something, 

[By the way, I can't give you that Unique Skill after all.] - Alvatria

"Mhm, yeah- hey wait a sec! That wasn't part of the deal! Why're you trying to sneak away from the deal?!" - Garami

[Can you blame me?! I just blurt that out in desperation because you were so stubborn back then! If Lux gets to know that I've given away one of 'those' out for nothing, he'll have my head for sure!! Those skills are supposed to be given to those who clear a great trial. Not to be given out at random!] - Alvatria

As if to demonstrate how serious she was, the game console-like device started to jump around, while she was shouting through it.

"I freaking killed an Ultimate Disaster! I should get more than one of those for that!" - Garami

And, while I can't say it out loud, I also managed to strike a deal with the worst goddess alive. From my point of view, that's just as difficult as killing Glavras.

[W-w-w-what if I gave you the info about a Unique Skill you can acquire? A-a-and, you Champions get special items from your Ultimate Gods. What if I gave you the info, said item, plus one more?] - Alvatria

"No way that's gonna cover for a real Unique Skill! Can't you just whip up some Darkness related Unique Skill to me then?" - Garami

[No way, no way, no way, in the name of Terra Sol, no way! Do you know how scary Lux can be when he's angry?! It's always the silent types that's the scariest when they snap! *shiver, shiver, shiver*] - Alvatria

The device started to shake like it was representing the fear that the goddess was feeling now. Either that, or it got a new message. While it could just be my imagination, but it looked like it could start crying any moment now, despite it being a machine.

"...Alright, I'll accept those conditions. As long as I get those extra skills I asked for." - Garami

Am I a sucker for tears? Nope. I just thought, what would happen if I became the target of that Lux guy's anger? Better with info about a skill, than getting targeted by a guy that can make this goddess shake in terror.

[*shiver, shiver, shi-* huh? What did you say?] - Alvatria

"I said I accept those terms, as long as I get those skills I asked for." - Garami

I shouted it out the second time since the goddess didn't seem to have problems hearing me.

[Y-yaahooo! Finally, finally, I'll be able to shut up Yrla's mouth for good!] - Alvatria

Is that another Ultimate God? Probably. 

"I'm not gonna fight that one's Champion or something like that, got it?" - Garami

[Huh, sure. Yrla always said that I would never be able to score a beauty as my Champion. Now I'll make her eat those words big time!] - Alvatria

EEEEHHH?! That's the reason for this whole situation?!

I'm gonna repeat myself from before, but this goddess is way too immature. And petty. Am I gonna be alright? My throat ain't so well at least. I've talked too much right after getting a working voice...


It would take some time before the System admins would be finished acknowledging the extra skills I asked about, so while we waited, I changed into my new equipment. Gotta love the feeling of wearing real clothes after so long. 

I'm wearing a dark-red jacket, with short sleeves, and a hood. The jacket has black lining around the sleeves and the hood. Underneath the jacket, I'm wearing a black t-shirt with long sleeves that just passes my elbows. The t-shirt is cut low so that my stomach is showing if I don't keep the jacket closed. On my hands, I'm wearing black, leather-like gloves.

On my lower half, I'm wearing black shorts that have red lining at the ends, as well as thigh-high steel-toe boots. The boots are dark-grey, with dark-red soles. and they have four black straps and buckles apiece. I have a black belt with a dark-red buckle around my waist.

As the icing on the cake, there's the gray cloak that the goddess talked about. It can cover all of me, including my face thanks to its hood.

*Snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap,...*

Not that I'm that secretive at the moment. Those bonus skills I asked Alvatria for, was a little too much for her to go along with. Therefore, I'm in the middle of a photo session for her. No, I'm not joking. She wanted some 'extra payment' for going all the way of getting those skills for me. I can't disagree with her on that point. 10 whole skills aren't some cheap deal after all.

She activated some kinda photo-mode on that gizmo of hers, giving it a camera and wings, and started to take pictures like there was no tomorrow. That's the 'extra payment' that this useless goddess added for accepting those bonus skills I asked about. I've forbidden her from taking any nude shots. I've got some shame left in me. Just a little, but still. 

[Good stuff, Garami, keep it up! Now, turn this way! Show some emotions! Great! You're on fire, baby! How about stripping a lit-] - Alvatria

"No." - Garami

[Tch.] - Alvatria

You can never keep your guard down against this useless goddess. I should keep the conversation going. That'll keep my mind from the embarrassment of all the posing.

"These clothes though, aren't they a little too high-spec?" - Garami

[They're C-rank items after all.] - Alvatria

"No, that's not what I was trying to say..." - Garami

No matter how you look at them, these clothes are of way to high-quality. I would believe it if someone told me they were from Earth.

[Wait, did you thinking that since this is another world from your point of view, society will be like that of your world's middle age?] - Alvatria

"...Am I wrong?" - Garami

[Not completely wrong, since the existence of magic, and while it pains me to say, the World System didn't do anything for mankind's technological front. It was only till Migrants came, and introduced their worlds' technologies and techniques, that kick-started this worlds' technical revolutions. Those clothes are kinda like an example of that. They're based on the clothes made by Migrants Weavers.] - Alvatria

Well, what do you know? The Migrants are making life easier out there. I should become friends with them posthaste. 

*snap, snap, snap,...*

[Okay, give me the face of a maiden in love! ...Yeah, that's impossible. Show me some legwork then.] - Alvatria

And she's still going on for full. I'll need another topic.

"This may come out of the blue, but why 'Garami'?" - Garami

[Huh?] - Alvatria

"What's up with my name? Where did it come from?" - Garami

[Oh, that? I got it from the Japanese word for 'entanglement'.] - Alvatria

"That's..., karamu (絡む), right?" - Garami

[No, that being entangled with something! It's close, but not the answer I was looking for. Entanglement is straight out garami (絡み)!] - Alvatria

"Ehm, okay? What's that have to do with me?" - Garami

[First of all, I gave you that name in hope that you'll be entangled with lots of troubles. The second reason is that your personality is like the entanglement barrier. Reason three, it sounds cool.] - Alvatria

She chose it because she thought I would become a trouble-magnet due to it? 

"But why Japanese? There have to be some other reasons than those." - Garami

[...No, not really.] - Alvatria

So obviously suspicious! There's something funny in that Wakoku place, or with some Japanese Migrant. Either way, I won't touch it, whatever it is. Even with a kilometer long staff. 

[Speaking of Wakoku, didn't you have a katana from there? Pose with that already!] - Alvatria

Good point. Not the posing part, but the katana. When I confirmed my status before, I saw that STR had surpassed 150 already. I could use the katana I stole from the bandits now for real.

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[Ooh, looking good! Now, make a stance!] - Alvatria

"Have I equipped it? It doesn't feel anything different from before." - Garami

[Just check your Equipment Page then.] - Alvatria

Equipment Page? There was something like that? Why didn't I think of that?! Not that I needed one before now. I used just one item at a time, so appraising that one on its own was enough. Let's see, 'Equipment Page'?



Series Effect: [Dark Blood]


It came up. The katana is there, along with some bloody hell-sounding stuff. But, a jacket as an armor? How does that work? In that case, it's good old [Appraisal] time.


Appraisal Result: Equipment Page

A function of the World System, that lets the user observe what items that they have currently equipped. One can also see what special effects are activated by wearing certain combinations of items.

The Equipment Page is divided into eight slots, depending on how the items can be equipped:


Yikes, that's lots of text. Good thing most of it is self-explanatory.


Appraisal Result: Equip

The action of increasing an item's strength by connecting the item with ones own aether circuit. This will also give the user of the items, the special abilities of the items.


Not that you can't use items without equipping them. Equipping allows the items to use the special powers in them, but that's that. That means you can have several layers of clothes on you, but you can't expect to have the effects of all of them. 

Speaking of item effects, what's my stuff able to do?


Item Name: Dark Blood Jacket

Rank: C

Type: Clothing Armor [Upper Body]

Durability: 250/250

Weight: 25


Description: A jacket made for those who kill for a living. Grants defense against what lies in the night.



Item Name: Dark Blood Shorts

Rank: C

Type: Clothing Armor [Lower Body]

Durability: 250/250

Weight: 15


Description: Shorts made for those who kill for a living. Increases the wielder's movement capabilities.



Item Name: Dark Blood Metal Boots

Rank: C

Type: Clothing/Metal Armor [Legs]

Durability: 300/300

Weight: 35


Description: Thigh-high boots made for those who kill for a living. Increases the damage done with kicking attacks due to the added metal-parts.



Item Name: Dark Blood Gloves

Rank: C

Type: Clothing Armor [Arms]

Durability: 250/250

Weight: 5


Description: Gloves made for those who kill for a living. Increases the user's proficiency in the arts of killing in the dark.



Item Name: Dark Blood Belt

Rank: C+

Type: Belt [Accessory]

Durability: 200/200

Weight: 15


Description: A belt made for those who kill for a living. A belt that devours the spilled blood of others to strengthen its wielder.


Three words about the Dark Blood series: it's wicked.

Recovery of Durability based on how gory you kill the opponent? It's not for certain that I need to 'spill' it at all. Just draining the blood could be all it needed. It makes me wonder, do they have blood transfusion packs in this world? That would make things easier in maintaining this type of gear.

And there's the HP-Drain, Poison- and Darkness-attribute boosts and more. Not game-breaking stuff, but they work for someone who lived their lives without any of this, like me. Not to forget about the Insta-Death Immunity from using all the Dark Blood items. 

Was that all? No, there are still two more items left.


Item Name: Mirage Mantle

Rank: C+

Type: Cloak [Accessory]

Durability: 250/250

Weight: 10


Description: A mantle created from the materials of Illusion-attribute monsters. It allows the wielder to create mirages of themselves to trick the enemy.


Oh-boy. This is my favorite one. That Mirage effect sounds way to cool! It's a shame with the cooldown effect, but it's nice as a last resort move. 

Then there's the Shape Change Shirt, just a top with the same Shape Adaption effect like the Dark Blood Jacket, and nothing else interesting.

*snap, snap, snap, snap, snap,...*

[That's good! Keep that pose! Oh, here.] - Alvatria

A scabbard teleported out of nowhere, just like the clothes did before.

[I'll give you that, so make a stance for a quick-draw!] - Alvatria

"Like in iaido?" - Garami

[That's it. Just like that! Now, draw the blade! ...You suck with swords, don't you?] - Alvatria

"No one asked you! I've only used daggers before this, of course, I won't be a master swordsman just because I have a katana!" - Garami

She's way too rude! And ain't she happy yet? I've lost count of how many pictures she's taken.

"When are you satisfied by the way?" - Garami

[When I don't have any memory left.] - Alvatria

"...How big is the memory?" - Garami

[Enough for around one more hour with this pace.] - Alvatria

One hour! My body aches all over the place already, and I have to last one more hour?! I'll get a Model title by this rate!

...Did I make a mistake in asking for those extra skills? I hope they'll be worth holding out this torture.

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