A Restart with Harem System?

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Is it the truth?

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"How is your body condition? Is there something wrong?" The Saintess Eva said as soon as Alan took a seat on the couch opposite of her while Lina just stood near the door acting like a servant.

"I'm good Saintess. I think you know it too." He said with a smile while sitting comfortably. The Saintess knew he would visit her, so he assumed she knew everything.

With a slight nod, she replied. "I am." Then she looked at Luna and said. "Luna... why are you standing there? Come sit down."  

"But Saintess Eva, I'm just young master........." Her words were interrupted by The Saintess.

"Maid? but you didn't act like one when you guys were alone? I know everything about it, so just come here." She said with a light chuckle, causing Luna to widen her eyes, surprised. She was very curious. It wasn't a big secret, but for an outsider to know about it. It was shocking.

She hesitantly moved toward them and took a sit beside Alan. She looked at the Saintess and said. "Saintess Eva, how did you know about it?" 

"Well, it's because of your young master. I wouldn't know if you serve someone else." She said while pointing her finger at Alan.

"Huh?" She said and immediately looked at Alan who just shrugged his shoulder. She was confused.

"It's alright. Nothing matters when it comes to love. Now, just sit there and let me talk to your young master." She said, chuckling a little when she saw Luna's dumbfounded expression.

Based on Luna's affection, she had 76 points and had [Unsure feelings toward him]. She was confused between Loving him as a master, as a brother, or opposite gender. Compared with Alan's mother and sisters, the affection status is different. They can reach more than 100 points because 100 points is for family love.

"Young master Alan. Can you give me both of your hands?" She said while stretching out both hands with open palms facing up.

Looking at the Saintess, Alan nodded before he did the same thing as her. He knew what she was going to do. It's just like when he met the Saintess 6 years ago. She wanted to cast a neutral affinity spell, A telepathy, Rank 4. She had to have skin contact with the targeted person, and the limit for the activation was 1 day. Since Luna was present with them, she knew that she couldn't openly talk about it. 

In this world, People can learn skills and spells from books, scrolls, or from someone else stronger than them. However, they can only learn them when they are in the same exact rank as them (skills and spells) and fulfill a specific requirement. Only weapon mastery is the exception. To use a spell is pretty simple but it's hard at the same time. People have to say the correct spelling and tones when they chant. They also have to concentrate on their mana. 

Holding both of his hands with hers, she closed her eyes as she began to chant the magic spell with melodious tones. 

"De dea venio et ad deam redeo." *Sssssh* Finished with the first word, a small blue magic circle appeared above their hands.

"Hic sum melodiam canens." The magic circle kept spinning on the spot.

Magica carmina neutra, telepathia." *Tsks* Finishing with the chant, the magic circle slowly turned into dust and disappeared into thin air.

Opening her eyes, he looked at Alan face, and with a smile, she said. "We are free to talk now, so Alan what do you want to know from me?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't have many questions, but Saintess do you really know everything about me? I believe you know more things than I do." He said. 

"Ohh... Alan, you overestimate me too much. The Goddess didn't tell me everything about you... However, It's true that I have known you for a long time, from the moment you were born in this world until now. By the way, you can call me Eva now. Let's stop pretending."

"Is that so? Well, Eva go on then. I'm listening." He said while trying to pull his hand back. He tried, but Saintess Eva didn't let him go.

"Do we need to stay like this? Last time we were...." Pondering about her action, He asked, but She cut him off.

"Why? You don't like to hold a pretty woman like me? I'm the Saintess, you know." She replied while steadily rubbing his hands with her thumb.

Chuckle for a while, he said. "Are you flirting with me? I think I should be the one to make a move on you, not the opposite." 

She laughed softly. "It must be nice to see someone else affection for you. Tell me, is everyone in your home in love with you?"

Widen his eyes, he was surprised. "You know the changes in my system too? C'mon, I'm curious. What else do you know about me?"

It's like an unwritten rule from the Goddesses themself. People shouldn't ask about other people's systems unless they are the ones who tell them about their own system. But it was different for Alan when he thought about telling someone else about his own system in the past. His thought was instantly shifted to other things, causing him to forget for that moment.

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"I do know about it. It's a good thing I can control one of the things that you can see from my status." She said while licking her bottom lips at the end and pulling back her hand.

Looking at how flirty she was, he immediately assumed that she was talking about her lust. "Is she saying that she could control her own lust status? Hmm, I guess. Who am I kidding? She is the Saintess for love and lust." He thought. 

She had 61 affection points and [Attacted toward the user], but there was one thing that seemed odds after he heard her, Her lust was 0. There wasn't any grown woman with 0 lust. Even Luna had 4.

Then he leaned on the couch, pulled Luna body, and made her close to him before he did the usual things, playing with her ears.

"Brother, what are you talking about with the Saintess?" Luna whispered. She was present when they met 6 years ago, so she knew her spell. She couldn't help but be curious about it, especially after seeing the Saintess act like that. 

"I will tell you, but later when the time comes." He said to Luna. Then he looked at the Saintess and said. "Eva..." in his mind.

The Saintess nodded before she began to tell him everything that she knew about him from the Goddess. Being the chosen one as a hero and saving the world from destruction. That was the only reason he could think of after he experienced three different life in this world and kept fighting the same enemies. 

And he was right, that was the reason why he came here. However, that was not the only reason why he came here, there were a few more, but unfortunately, the Saintess herself didn't know about it. It would be nice if he knew about it, but at this point, he thought about just focusing on what will come in the future. 

Her knowledge of his questions was pretty much the same as his system. Funny enough, she was the one who asked him about his past life experience. Inside the same world, yet it was a different world.

They kept talking back and forth without realizing four hours had passed. Even though Alan still had many unanswered questions, he didn't feel dissatisfied. He discovered many things, such as a hidden continent and a new race. At the end of her story, Saintess Eva also warned him about what would happen in the world from the Goddess's words. The invasion. The time for the invasion was still the same. However, it would be larger than in the past, and the invasion was not the only thing he had to worry about.

"So Alan, now you know what's your plan now?" The Saintess asked. She was already sitting next to him. She changed her seat after seeing Luna fall asleep on his lap, caused by his golden touch level 1 (relaxing). He thought that it might be boring as hell to see two people just staring and smiling at each other without saying any words, so he brought her to dreamland.

"Hmm, I need to think about it, but first of all, I need a lot of money and influence. The world is big, and I need to at least have some control in each kingdom...... " He said while leaning the back of his head on the couch, looking at the ceiling.

At this moment, he realized something. The Saintess!. "If you, the Saintess for the Goddess love and lust know about me, does that mean that every other Saintess in another kingdom also knows me?"

"Took you a while to realize that. Yeah, of course, every Saintess in this world knows about you, especially the one who has the same blessing as us, so you literally have some power in every kingdom now."

"What? Really? I thought it was only you since you were the only one who visited me." He said while looking at her. He was surprised.

But then his surprised expression changed to laughter. "I guess I won't have any problem getting a healer."

Her smile widened as she saw his reaction. While poking his chest with her finger, she said. "Are you sure they are only going to be a healer?" 

"Eyy, what does that mean? Forget about the other. I think you should be the first healer in my group. He said while winking at her.

After having a talk for a little bit more, he decided that he wanted to go home. He woke Luna up before he left the Goddess temple. 





I wrote this using a phone on holiday. I hope there isn't much error here.
I'm late, but Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Kinda big? Yeah, I know lol. The dude in the pic is Alan btw... just trying different hair


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