A Restart with Harem System?

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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(In chapter four, the Saintess affection is attracted not attached, it's an auto-correct fault. And something is not very clear in the chapter, so I added things. It's when the Saintess said.....

"Ohh... Alan, you overestimate me too much. The Goddess didn't tell me everything about you... Don't misunderstand us. We are only the messenger, conveying every word that comes from the Goddess, but we are not questioning them. If we want to know something we just pray and hope they will tell us. However, It's true that I have known you for a long time, from the moment you were born in this world until now. By the way, you can call me Eva now. Let's stop pretending."


It was roughly around 3 PM when Alan arrived home. At this time, Yuna was the only one who stayed at the mansion, just like every ordinary day. Vivian was outside, checking and handling the Bismarck Family business. They had a clothes shop and restaurant in Vern city.

They were not the richest noble family in the Vitalis kingdom, but they were up there, at the top. They also had their own district on the west side of Vern city.

The same case for the two sisters. They were outside, training at the training place, a mini arena that the Bismarck family had built many years ago. It was the training ground for all the maids. They had one in the mansion, but it was smaller and for private use.

Standing near the mansion door and in front of Yuna, he asked. "Aunt, do you know when my mother will come home?" 

"I'm sorry young master, I don't know. Is there something wrong? I can go to my lady to pass your message." She said while bowing a little. 

"Ahh, it's alright, don't need to bother. If I want, I can go to my mother immediately. Anyway, I will be staying in my room for a while." He said to Yuna, then he turned to Luna who stood beside him. He said. "Luna, you can go to my sisters alone. I won't go there today." While patting her head.

"Eh...Why?" Luna said.

"Young master, young lady Leona told me to tell you to go there as soon as you come back," Yuna said.

For a brief moment, he wondered about what she wanted to do with him. "Hmm, this training maniac, she probably just wants to train with me after she sees my body changed."

"Aunt, forget about it. There is something I need to do, and can you tell me if my mother comeback?" He said to Yuna.

With a smile, Yuna nodded.

"Alright," He said while closing in toward Yuna. "You can always disturb me if you are lonely." He said, whispering at a close distance and causing her to bloom her smile. Her ears twitched left and right while her tail swayed in the air. 

"Ohhh..... young master, if that is the case, I will come to your room." She replied. Not shying away since she is already used to him.

Looking at her, he chuckled for a while. "Haha... Well then, I will go now." He said before he started moving away from them. Inside the Bismarck Mansion, she was the one who had the lowest affection. 68 points [Attracted toward Alan] which is 2 more points before the [next stage].

When he entered his room, he went straight to a large wooden book rack. He picked up two long, thick rolled papers that were lying between the books. Then he walked over to a nearby table and cleaned everything on top of it before placing the rolled paper on it.

Unrolling and flattening one of the papers on top of the table, he looked at the world painted with black ink inside this paper. It's a world map. One big continent surrounded by a sea. The maps contain every single kingdom that ruled in this world. 

There are a total of ten kingdoms. Humans and elves have 2, 1 for the dwarves and 5 for the Demi-humans. Humans, Elves and Dwarves are ruled by a king, while the Demi-Human are ruled by 5 tribe leaders. These tribe leaders represent the majority of the kingdom's population. The name of these kingdoms is......

Human kingdom

  • Luceras
  • Vitalis

Elves kingdom

  • Rhutia
  • Rohan

Dwarves kingdom

  • Umbris

Demi-Human kingdom

  • Centuros
  • Fyn
  • Kashgar
  • Orsha
  • Ouris

Looking at the map, Vitalis is located in the middle of the continent, connecting three kingdoms on the west, Luceras, Rhutia, and Fyn, with the remaining kingdoms on the east. They had different cultures and had good relationships with each other.

Using his previous live knowledge, he marked every location where the "Chaos Gates" would appear. From the beginning in Orsha kingdom => Vitalis => Kashgar => Rohan => Umbris => Ouris => Rhutia => Centuros => Fyn => Luceras. 

"In the second life, I lived in Rhutia as an elf. In the third, I lived in Luceras as a king. In the fourth, I lived in Ouris as a Demi-Human. And here I am, born as a Human in Vitalis. Even though I come back to the past. It's 25 years before my fourth life. My knowledge about the world is not limitless. There are many things that I don't know about these kingdoms' history." He muttered.

He thought about it for a while before he unrolled the second paper. If the first one was a world map, the second was a Vitalis map. Looking at the map, he did the same thing as the world map. He marked a few spots on the map. A hunting spot for him.

He needed to level up, and to level up is to absorb the energy from the mana stone. There were 2 different mana stones, "Active" and "Inactive." 

The active mana stone was coming from the monster. If no one absorbed this mana stone within 5 hours after the monster's died, it would become Inactive. At that point, it could not be used to level anymore, but still usable for other stuff, such as ingredients for alchemy, magic device, craftsmanship, etc.

For more than half an hour, Alan thought about the plan. First of all, while getting stronger and taking care of the girls, he wanted to broaden his influence by expanding Vivian's business, hiring new people for his private army, and gaining military support from the Vitalis kingdoms. He also spoke with Saintess Eva, telling her about his plan and asking for assistance.

Coincidently, when he finished thinking about his plan, Yuna knocked on the door and told him that Vivian just returned. She was in her room and changing her outfit.

"Aunt, I was waiting for you to come, yet you didn't come. How sad..... I thought it would be nice to spend time alone together with a gorgeous woman like you since it's very rare for just two of us to stay at home." Alan said to Yuna who was beside him while walking toward Vivian's room.

She laughed softly. "Young master... Stop it......"

"Why are you laughing? I'm not joking..." He said while faking his expression.

"Ohhh, young master, no wonder all the maids like you very much. I believe you can get any woman out there with that sweet talking."

Closing in the distance, he held her waist by one of his hands. "Is that so? Then does that mean I can get someone like you, aunt?"

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"Eh... Why do you want someone filthy and old like me? You can get a young and good girl. I believe even someone with love experience will fall for you easily..." 

"Are you kidding me? Who told you that? You are still beautiful as ever. For me, you are one of the best there, and c'mon young or old is not important. We can live for more than 100 years if we are strong enough." 

"There is a reason why mother brought you to this house, so you should be proud."

Her smile widened as she heard him. Her ears and tail moved as they always do, but they were already in front of Vivian's room, so she couldn't reply.

He knocked at the door and entered the room after Vivian told her to come in, but before he closed the door again, he looked at Yuna and said. "Aunt, what I said before was not a joke, and let me tell you a secret. I don't mind having you as my wife." While grinning, he closed the door and left her hanging.

"Ahhhh... Young master. You have to be careful with your joke......." She said with a slight flush on her cheeks. 

Inside the room, Alan saw Vivian sitting on the edge of the double-size bed in her usual dress, a white color sexy one-piece dress that emphasized her voluptuous titties. The fact that she was not wearing her stockings and wool accessories made her curves more clear. Alan was always captivated by it, no matter how many times he saw it. He couldn't help but steal a glance at it.

"Alan... Is there something wrong? Why are you looking for me?" She said. She was about to move toward him, but Alan stopped her.

"No, just stay there. I'm alright, and nothing happened." He said as he walked toward a nearby chair.

He sat on the chair, arms crossed, and said. "Mother, How wealthy is our family?"

"Why? Why are you asking about that? Is everything really alright?" She was confused. His question was out of nowhere. 

"I have a plan, and my plan will make us the wealthiest family in the world. So how wealthy are we?" He said while leaning on the chair.

"Plan to make us the wealthiest family in the world? We don't need that. We have more than enough money for the future. Even your ch.......... Children will have a good life."

He chuckled when she tongue-tied for a brief moment. "My children? Well, few of them are yours." He said deep in his mind. 

"C'mon, mother why do you keep asking back? This is just something I want to do for us. At least It's not something bad."

With a sigh, she replied. "The rough amount is around 3.500 to 5.000 gold. So what you gonna do?"

(AN: Currency 100 copper=> 1 silver. 100 silver => 1 gold)

"It's far from enough. The current wage for soldiers inside the army alone was around 50 silver to 10 gold per month, depending on their rank." He thought. 

Then he began to tell her about his first plan. To make his family well-known in every corner of the continent. 

When he was on earth, her lover was an outfit designer, so he knew a lot about it. Using his earthly knowledge, he chose the clothing business route because it was the most convenient for now. He knew nothing about the food. Moreover, some of the basic livestock here were different. Imagine a Demi-Human Cow-kind eating their own kind flesh.

"For now, it's only for our clothes business, but later it will be more than that." He said.

"But Alan... Where is this coming from? Why do you know this stuff?" She said. She was surprised and confused. Especially when Alan said that he had many outfit designs in his mind. She felt overwhelmed.

He got up from the chair and moved toward her. He climbed the bed and sat on his knees behind her. "It's been so long since I massaged you, so while I'm here. I might as well do it."

She was curious about what he wanted to do when he moved toward her, but after knowing his reason, she nodded.

He activated his skill [Golden touch level 1/ Relaxing] before he put his hand on her shoulder. He rubbed his palm gently against her skin, from her shoulder to her nape, and kept moving back and forth, feeling her silky smooth skin. She hadn't showered, yet her fragrance was stuck in his nostril.

"This.... This is different. Your massage is so different. It's much better than the last time." 

"Is that so? I guess I'm natural at it." He said with a smile. Looking down, he could see her curves pretty clearly. His eyes were feasting on her titties that jiggled elegantly. 

"Hmm, in just one day, you changed a lot. This morning your body changed. Then after breakfast, you suddenly went to the Goddess temple. I'm not asking you anything because I want to wait for you to tell me yourself, and here you are telling me that you will change our family." 

"Well, I can only say that something good happened. Right now, everything I do is for us in the future. What we have right now is not enough. I promise I will tell you soon." He said to her. 

In his mind, he said that he would tell her when she realized her feeling for him. Vivian was the best mother for him, but he couldn't see her as a mother. He met her in the fourth life and knew everything about her. She was still the same Vivian, and with the help of his system, it wouldn't take long to make her a woman and not a mother.

She sighed and said. "Haaaaaa...... I don't know what to say anymore....." 

As the time went by, she became calmer due to his massage. They continued their talk until the two sisters disturbed them. They came back from the training, with the sweat all over their body and still wearing their combat outfit, they entered the room. 



(AN: Just a beginning, a setup. Won't be focused on business stuff. At the same time, I can dress the girls in the modern outfit, and of course, it will be in the picture too)

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